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Newbie Bay Area outdoor grow - tons of strains

EDIT!! Here is a recent history of my garden that will be frequently updated:

9/4: -Place one flowering Grape Ape outside (I was told there is ~ 3 weeks left).

9/8: -Add 1 vegetating Blue Dream. Add 1 flowering OG Kush plant to garden.

9/10 -Chop 1 short Grape Punch (this was devoured quickly i didn't bother curing). Add 1 flowering Super Skunk (I'm told ~2 weeks left).

9/11: -Add 1 veg G-13

9/17: -Add 2 veggin Purple Northern Lights.

9/19: -Preliminary harvest of OG Kush, DJ Flo, Grape Ape.

9/21: - Chop OG Kush and reveg, start flower on the Blue Dream plant.

9/22: - Chop 2 Grape Punch plants at ~ day 50 of flower (the estimated finishing time) even though it had tons of white hairs left... which is because it self-pollinated.
- Start Flower on 1 Grape Punch (I will harvest this one early, the last time I grow this strain). Start flower on the G-13 plant.
-Clones made: two G-13 plants and one Blue Dream.

9/23: - Preliminary harvest on Super Skunk.

9/24: - "2nd preliminary" harvest on DJ Flo.

9/25: - "2nd preliminary" harvest on Grape Ape.

9/27: - The OG Kush was trimmed and put in a jar. Shake weight is 3.6 grams. Dry weight of nug TBD.

My browser crashed, causing me to lose my entire post right before I was gonna finish, so I'm gonna keep this short. I'll post more specifics tomorrow, but for now I'll say that it gets really foggy in the mornings, covering my plants in dew, though during the day temps range from 70-100 degrees. I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with their three main nutrient mixes. I recently graduated from 2 gallon grow bags to 5 gallon pots.


Purple Northern Lights:

BOG Grape Punch:

DJ Flo:

Blue Dream:



DJ Flo:


Super Skunk:


BOG Grape Punch, 1 of 2:

BOG Grape Punch, 2 of 2:

Grape Ape:

OG Kush:



One question for you all is... is it possible to turn any of the currently blooming plants into mothers following harvest? Also is my current selection of fungicide ok(it has the OMRI label)? Finally, how late do you other Bay Area growers harvest?

IC Mag owns, I owe a lot of my success to you all.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yup you can revege your flowering plants. Leave some of the smaller buds on the plants you want to revege. Dosen't have to be much just a bud or two. I would put them under a 24/0 light scheduale till the are properly reveged. It takes a few weeks till you can start getting decent cuts of them. When they first start to revege there will be some weired looking leaves coming out of the buds don't worry about that it's a goo thing it's the first sign that your plants are reveging.

Safer products are some of the saffest Fungacides you can use. Unfotunatley they don't always work as good as other products.
Thanks for the info! I've read somewhere on here that you're supposed to cut off the top two thirds of the plant when revegging... but the main stems on my Grape Ape and Super Skunk plants are so thick I don't think I can cut through it. At the moment my plan is to lop off all the side shoots and try to take off as much as the main cola as possible. Unfortunately I don't think there will be many fan leaves left by the time I'm done.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
They don't need any big fans to revege the small leaves that are in the buds will be fine for a revege you can take more than 2/3's of your plants all that needs to be left is a bud or two. Some folks will trim the root ball. But personally I have never trimed the root ball, and have had great results with reveging.


Active member
you kept your plants in those little cups for far too long and ended up with rootbound weak lanky plants. have a think about your transplanting times. eg cup for upto 3weeks then 1L for another 3 weeks and keep going upwards.
hth for next time.

h^2 O

very nie dude. the og kush looks the best. these were all from clones? dude next get them started really early and see how big you can get em
you kept your plants in those little cups for far too long and ended up with rootbound weak lanky plants. have a think about your transplanting times. eg cup for upto 3weeks then 1L for another 3 weeks and keep going upwards.
hth for next time.
Which plants, the purple northern lights? Unfortunately that's what they came in when I bought them at the club. They were transplanted immediately.

I've had a super busy week, but I'm finally adding new pics tonight.
very nie dude. the og kush looks the best. these were all from clones? dude next get them started really early and see how big you can get em
These were all from clone, the OG Kush, Super Skunk, Grape Ape were all purchased between 9/4 and 9/10. The DJ Flo was purchased ages ago from American Eagle collective in Eagle Rock. It grows super slow and has yielded less than 1/8 probably, so I got rid of that clone. The grape punch cuts are clones of clones of clones of clones that i purchased months ago from Harborside and while they are tasty and fast growing, they have been seeded for the last few harvests, which leads me to conclude that they are hermaphordites. Maybe i stressed them out too much with my inexperience, or Harborside got bad cuts, but I'm only flowering one more clone and i'm harvesting it early.


nice grow spliff toka. Im a bay resident too i am growing a grape ape and blue dream aswell. I'm planning on cutting the grape ape down very soon as it seems almost ready. the blue dream seems to still be filling out but looks amazing. i had some erkles growing but harvested them on sept. 10. i too use FFOF but not their line of nutes. i've been growing nuteless this grow good luck reveging
Yeah I use very little nutrients mix, and only occaisionally. The Grape Ape is so pretty, and it's slow finishing so I can pull off like an 1/8th every week! It looks like Super Skunk will provide multiple harvests too! I wish the last white-haired nug on my DJ Flo would just finish up so I can get another flowering plant in there.

I've noticed that the Blue Dream leaves are very sensitive... I think I have to be careful not putting too much fungicide on that plant.
Here is a recent history of my garden, so that I can keep things straight. I might be a few days off with regard to when I added the OG Kush:

9/4: -Place one flowering Grape Ape outside (I was told there is ~ 3 weeks left).

9/8: -Add 1 vegetating Blue Dream. Add 1 flowering OG Kush plant to garden.

9/10 -Chop 1 short Grape Punch (this was devoured quickly i didn't bother curing). Add 1 flowering Super Skunk (I'm told ~2 weeks left).

9/11: -Add 1 veg G-13

9/19: -Preliminary harvest of OG Kush, DJ Flo, Grape Ape.
9/21: - Chop OG Kush and reveg, start flower on the Blue Dream plant.
9/22: - Chop 2 Grape Punch plants at ~ day 50 of flower (the estimated finishing time) even though it had tons of white hairs left... which is because it self-pollinated.
- Start Flower on 1 Grape Punch (I will harvest this one early, the last time I grow this strain). Start flower on the G-13 plant.
-Clones made: two G-13 plants and one Blue Dream.
9/23: - Preliminary harvest on Super Skunk.
9/24: - "2nd preliminary" harvest on DJ Flo.
9/25: - "2nd preliminary" harvest on Grape Ape.
9/27: - The OG Kush was trimmed and put in a jar. Shake weight is 3.6 grams. Dry weight of nug TBD.

I'm gonna keep the OP updated with this shit.

Super Skunk still has a bunch of white hairs at this point in time.

Grape Punch flowering.

DJ Flo closeup.

2 G-13 and 1 Blue Dream.

Grape Ape "2nd preliminary" harvest

DJ Flo "2nd preliminary" harvest.

Left to right: Super Skunk, Blue Dream, G-13. All flowering.

Grape Ape




A vegging Purple Northern Lights


Closeup of the remaining DJ Flo buds

another vegging Purple Northern Lights

Grape Punch flowering, the last time I'm growing this strain.

OH MY LITTLE CLONES! Two G-13 clones and a Blue Dream clone.

OG Kush reveggin!

Quick update until later:

9/28: OG Kush plant died, thrown away. Super Skunk preliminary harvest #2 put on the line and in bags. DJ Flo prelim harvest #3 bagged.
9/29: Super Skunk preliminary harvest #1 bottled.
10/1: DJ Flo dead, thrown away. Vegging Blue Dragon added to garden.
So last night I trimmed all the buds one one of the dry Grape Punch bushes, but so much kief fell off that's now been wasted (because it's stuck to the inside of a plastic bag) I will leave the other bush untrimmed and we'll see if there's a discernible difference in taste after a month of bottling. I used to use industrial grade disposable gloves but all the shake and hash would end up tasting like silicon. A few days ago I tried to make ungloved finger hash and I gave myself a huge blister on my thumb, the super skunk was too sticky! I need a new method for saving kief.
10/02: Bottled both Grape Punch harvests (separate jars, one bush trimmed and one bush untrimmed), bottled Grape Ape prelims #1 and #2 (same jar), bottled Super Skunk prelim #2.
10/03: Added a new Orange Trainwreck to the garden and started flowering. Took Super Skunk prelim harvest #3. Took Grape Ape preliminary harvest #3.
10/04: All DJ Flo harvests placed in the same brown bag - results unimpressive. The remaining few shoots of the flowering Super Skunk now starting to turn purple!
I took more pictures today so expect those soon. or dont :)

I'm giving up on revegging the flowering plants into mothers... at least until I have more freedom to experiment with my garden. One thing I haven't been keeping track of is transplant dates but I don't think that matters.
10/06: Grape Ape prelim harvest #4! Grape Ape prelim #3 trimmed and bottled.
10/07: Super Skunk prelim harvest #4. The DJ Flo total harvest was so pathetic that I just ground it all up - it's less than an eighth so there's no point bottling.

I'm gonna do some transplanting today, I'll update when I make progress on that. I probably won't post pics from the last week until I get some free time on Saturday. The Super Skunk started turning a deep purple and the rockwool cuttings are showing roots finally! Unfortunately I can't remember which little clones are which strains!

I still have to trim some of the nugs that have already been bottled. My plan is to trim when I run out of what I'm currently smoking (so that I can smoke the trim asap). Anybody got any advice on my kief-loss problem? I'm gonna do an alcohol wash of the super sticky bag...
10/08: Final harvest of Super Skunk. Begin flowering on the Blue Dragon. Two rooted clones each placed in a 2 gallon grow bag. The flowering Orange Trainwreck was transplanted from a 2 gal grow bag to a 5 gallon plastic pot. All plants in the garden were sprayed with Fungicide. The flowering Grape Ape was watered stupidly late in the evening.

So one of the nugs on my Super Skunk was lost to powdery mildew, so I went ahead and harvested the one remaining nug.

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