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Is anyone else tired of this Medical Marijuana bullshit


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Way I see it they should put a sin tax on MJ like they do tobacco and alcohol and watch how fast it pays our national debt.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ok, ive neglected some paperwork here at the office, i will wait for your response and be back a lil later....:joint:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ok, so they deleted my posts, and deservedly so....i was being quite the potty mouth, but i will now try to keep it respectful....mainly because all the other b.s. no longer matters to me since you decided to publicly question my dedication and commitment to a movement that i believe in with every ounce of my being....and my question to you Mr. JellyFish, still stands....do you need proof that i walk it like i talk it, and the respect i have EARNED, I earned for a reason? lemme know...it can, and will, be provided in a manner which the mods will not have a problem with....


Invertebrata Inebriata
you decided to publicly question my dedication and commitment to a movement that i believe in with every ounce of my being

No I didn't.

....and my question to you Mr. JellyFish, still stands....do you need proof that i walk it like i talk it, and the respect i have EARNED, I earned for a reason? lemme know...it can, and will, be provided in a manner which the mods will not have a problem with....

No, I don't need any proof of what you are.


I think you guys are fighting over the same thing,

there is no medicinal cannabis, because it already is medicinal at face value - cannabis, just like ginseng, vegetables, fruit, oxygen and so on. they're all good if they fill a void, sometimes that void is mental, sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's solely recreational need. There's no disputing it - really really sick people use it..I use it for medical reasons too, 2 different reasons, but i don't HAVE to use cannabis, I just far prefer it to the 'hard' drugs that i would be prescribed.

Labeling cannabis as medicinal is redundant. And one side of the argument wants it to be seen as a legal SUBSTANCE to use however they like. The other side of the debate has been fighting a different avenue to see it as medicinal value....only? (i know that isnt true because a few of you medicinal users have said you believe in full legalization as well)

I almost get the impression the jellyfish/norcal half of the debate feel that fighting for medicinal cannabis is a double edged sword, leaving the distribution and regulation up to the government will further shoot your USA branded selves in the feet, giving up your rights for good...if you ever had any.

perhaps some are frustrated with people defending an ill-equipped, government sanctioned "legal" industry, when they really should be citing legalization. If any condition were dire enough, anyone would seek it at any cost, and this medical movement is a great pacifier for those folk, but how can both sides, recreational believers and sole medical believers merge their movement so that the greater good, legalization, can be achieved?

There are a lot of people riding the medical cannabis bus for a free ride is what a few people here would probably like to say...id look at the doctors doing the prescribing ,what about all the doctors that said "HELL NO, use THIS drug instead," it's INEQUAL to call a doctor compassionate, when there are more of them that say no than yes. There is obviously something wrong with the system at large when you must use UTTER SUBTERFUGE to get the "medication," when there is greater square mileage of your country that disallows these rules than allows...et al.

It's a touchy subject because it's broken. Segregating people between those the law says deserve it, and those the law says DO NOT DESERVE, is very unfair. I digress, the "medicinal movement" in your country is a gargantuan achievement and i think was a much needed foot in the door for a more heavy handed approach to legalization. A foot in the door means a lot when you still fight against asinine/draconian laws and ridiculous prohibitionists, and a downright summit of ignorant people in power - i have high hopes for obama.

it just seems like another one of these if youre not with us, youre against us mentalities. And the he who fights longest, hardest deserveth MORETH than THOU is utter BS. he who votes, gets as much respect, equality as the next BLOKE that votes beside him...

ps. i read this whole thread but i didnt comment on norcal's ID frenzy; i dont really have an opinion, but i dont like updating my passport every 5 years, but it has to be done! PRICEY too, crikey.

h^2 O

im on page 9 - what the FUCK?! FF vs. jellflink, round WHEAK (that's for you my long lost gerbil chat brother)
Jellyfish I don't know where/what you're from, but somewhere along the line someone sold you on the idea that cannabis is NOT a medicine. Which is complete bullshit. Jesus Christ dude - look back 5,000 years to that Chinese mummy with the nice stash of nugz. It's medicine, dude.
I smoked brick for 6 months straight, bought a zip of ECSD the other day, and every time I smoke I feel just as I would had I taken a vicodin. It's legitimate medicine. Smoking quality buds makes my ADD and anxiety go away.I spy you are under 18 or mormon.


im on page 9 - what the FUCK?! FF vs. jellflink, round WHEAK (that's for you my long lost gerbil chat brother)
Jellyfish I don't know where/what you're from, but somewhere along the line someone sold you on the idea that cannabis is NOT a medicine. Which is complete bullshit. Jesus Christ dude - look back 5,000 years to that Chinese mummy with the nice stash of nugz. It's medicine, dude.
I smoked brick for 6 months straight, bought a zip of ECSD the other day, and every time I smoke I feel just as I would had I taken a vicodin. It's legitimate medicine. Smoking quality buds makes my ADD and anxiety go away.I spy you are under 18 or mormon.

Yep..saying cannabis is NOT a medicine,and just for fun, pretty much assures you're just another young kid smoking weed either to be "cool" or get "stoned"..I ONLY use cannabis for my insomnia and paranoia/anxiety..theres lots of that to be had where I live..ESPECIALLY if you're growing..a drug that doesnt have any positive medicinal properties would be lets say ..cocaine..meth..crack..


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
im on page 9 - what the FUCK?! FF vs. jellflink, round WHEAK (that's for you my long lost gerbil chat brother)
Jellyfish I don't know where/what you're from, but somewhere along the line someone sold you on the idea that cannabis is NOT a medicine. Which is complete bullshit. Jesus Christ dude - look back 5,000 years to that Chinese mummy with the nice stash of nugz. It's medicine, dude.
I smoked brick for 6 months straight, bought a zip of ECSD the other day, and every time I smoke I feel just as I would had I taken a vicodin. It's legitimate medicine. Smoking quality buds makes my ADD and anxiety go away.I spy you are under 18 or mormon.

Hehe, you guys must've missed it earlier, subrob handed him his ass, BIGTIME. He's bound to be sore for a few days from that whupping... :biglaugh:

Back to topic:

Yes, cannabis is medicine. VERY effective medicine.

Do I think others should be able to smoke it recreationally? Hell yes.

Do I think the rules surrounding cannabis in general are unfair? Damn straight.

Would I ever disrespect MMJ and those who suffered and bled for it with a thread like this? NOPE.

Just my :2cents:

Blue Dot

..a drug that doesnt have any positive medicinal properties would be lets say ..cocaine..meth..crack..

actually cocaine is a sched II drug which means it has medical properties and can be used as such as cocaine liquid as a topical anestetic like lidocaine.

But yeah, meth, no fucking medical value there.


Hehe, you guys must've missed it earlier, subrob handed him his ass, BIGTIME. He's bound to be sore for a few days from that whupping... :biglaugh:

Back to topic:

Yes, cannabis is medicine. VERY effective medicine.

Do I think others should be able to smoke it recreationally? Hell yes.

Do I think the rules surrounding cannabis in general are unfair? Damn straight.

Would I ever disrespect MMJ and those who suffered and bled for it with a thread like this? NOPE.

Just my :2cents:

LOL..yeah man alot of guys did him in..I got a good feeling the ol' Jelly wont be around this thread anymore..

I think what people find offensive is the thread title..a little TOO bold,in a cannabis forum..um..


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
LOL..yeah man alot of guys did him in..I got a good feeling the ol' Jelly wont be around this thread anymore..

I think what people find offensive is the thread title..a little TOO bold,in a cannabis forum..um..


I can understand the OP is frustrated with his problems getting an ID to gain access to dispensaries, but it's a minor hurdle. If you'd look, he has another thread, and he recently lost a pet, so cut the guy some slack. I know I'd be a mess and would be lashing out at everyone and everything if I lost my dog, love him like my son. Especially with no herb, which is what the OP is going through. :badday:

Gotta remember guys and gals, no matter what our disagreements, at the end of the day, med user or rec user, we're ALL ON THE SAME SIDE! United we stand, divided we fall... :2cents:

Blue Dot

but it shouldn't be just for "medical" reasons you guys should try actully reading my posts instead of reading the title of the thread and getting all offended because I said your not special and that your not the only ones who deserve marijuana....

If you lined up the entire population then yes, the guy with cancer should get to smoke before the 18 year old skateboarder.

Why? Because the guy with cancer Had no CHOICE on getting stricken with an illness when the guy on a skateboard HAS a choice on whether he WANTS (NOT NEEDS) to smoke or not.

It's that simple, just like handicap parking. They get front row because they have no choice whereas you do.

Stop disrepecting people who are unlucky.

You act like your luck may never run out.

good luck with THAT.

h^2 O

actually, meth was like a "wonder drug" at one point - I think Bayer or another Deutsch pharm company created it....and they gave it to troops on the front lines to battle fatigue and hunger
Foprtunatley, cannabis has been used by man for at least 10,000 years, so we know it's safe and useful medicine

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