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PC Case Growers Club


with external ballast positioning and a cool tube you can DEF work a 150w in a PC

Aero- beautifully done what is your record yield?


Anyone have a guesstimate what a person could get on average with soil v. hydro in these pc cases? Assuming all over variables are the same?
Hey guys. I'm using a 70W HPS in my PC grow. Temperature is nice. I wonder if is possible to use a 150W HPS to improve yields. What you think? It's possible?
i'm planning on sticking a remote ballasted 150w hps with a cooltube in my PC, if i do it right i should be able to control the temps nicely


Just curious what size containers should be used for LR2? Do you recommend starting them in smaller peat pucks, then after 2 weeks transplanting to something bigger?

Or skip the transplant?

I'm working with:

Four 26W=104W 6500K
Four 26W=104W 2700K

8.1"W x 20.6"H x 18.6"D

FF Light Warrior or Ocean Forest. Could use either. What would you recommend?

And it's setup for SCROG.

Based upon that how many seeds would you pop (non feminized) low ryder / low life varieties. Or to put it another way, what's the most I can expect this little fella to be able to support? If I pop 5 I would hope to get at least 2 females, but what are the odds of them doing very good if all 5 turned out to be female? I would imagine it would get a little cramped.

Appreciate any help,


New member
small HP grow

small HP grow

The filters in the intake and the light trap are uber kirby vaccum filters. I know a salesman. Theyre anti microbial, anti fungal, remove odor and more. He handed me an entire stack. If you want one find a kirby office near you, invite them over (its in home demonstration of a badass vaccum) let them clean a room of your home and offer to buy the filters off of them cash. They're salesmen and will do it very cheaply. I gave em 2$ cash, and it was alot of change and he was happy.

beyond that, i used a single piece of mylar space blanket held by outdoor badass double sided putty stuff to the case to create an air tight seal and then procedded to then layer with aluminum tape as, even though its shiny, the mylar lets through more light than it reflects.

this is my first grow, ever, so if you see anything im doing wrong or should do different, PLEASE let me know. Three seeds germinated and had sprouted before i planted them about 1 inch deep. i watered them last night, and today when i got home from work the drip tray was empty but the soil was dry and hard (afer 16hours of light) i added 4 ounces more.
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New member
What do you guys think about this? How often would i have to measure the ph values in that? How long could i basically leave it unattended? And would me growing hydro in that for the first time be a bad idea?


well you sort of ask 2 questions there and one answers the other

are you ready for hydro? i think that deep water culture is a pretty easy approach to hydro. You are however going to want to keep an eye on your resevoirs ph (for my PC i simply found a cheap 10 dollar kit from petco that recorded values up to 7.)

I have since passed on my PC to a freind and he doesnt ph his water at all, just uses tap and leaves it out for at least 24 hours, gets amazing clones this way as well and i dont know how he does it... but he gets airy buds!!

To explain: imagine the roots to to be like a tube... in the ambient ph conditions these tubes open up allowing more water and other things caught up in the water (nutes) into the tube... if ph is less than ambient these tubes constrict and once out of a certain range plants will begin to constrict these tubes allowing little water and a few (smaller) elements in your nutes through... restricting both water and food.

In an area as small as a pc you are looking to maximize yeilds and i say consistent ambient ph is the way to go.

350 dollars is a better price that i have seen and it looks like it will do the trick minus the
hassle of doing it all yourself. However keep in mind, after about 2 harvests witht hat case you will need a new resevoir, and airstone and possible an air pump! Keep temps below 75F to avoid root rot as well so where you put the PC tower is a huge factor as well but odor wont be an issue with the ONA (but your end product will have almost no smell if you use the ONA throughout the entire grow...)

i suggest a DIY case to save money and learn a thing or 2! If you really dont want to mess with minor electrical and deal with literally wallpapering the inside of your case with tape.. its understandable but if you are gonna spend 350 be sure to spend the extra 10 on ph tester, ph+, and ph- to do things right

hope this answers/generates some questions for ya



About to start mine as soon as my server case arrives. I'm actually looking into a 70w CMH w/ electronic ballast from this place. I've noticed most people have been able to keep the front cover nice & neat, but the back often shows signs of a grow or something that isn't a computer. I'm looking into taking an old, broken motherboard and salvaging the onboard video, audio, usb, and other stuff to glue into their respective spots. I really want to keep the back clean, but I also don't want a lot of noise from the front (which is where I'd love to put the exhaust. Hopefully within a week or two I'll have my case to start breaking down and i can figure out my plan of attack.

My first/last pc grow was in '04. it involved 2 cfls(can't remember the wattage..likely 20-something), the bottom of a water bottle, a lot of duct tape, 2 empty toilet paper rolls, 2 computer fans, a cell phone charger, and bagseed. I'm not in a hurry, so I'd like to do this project as clean as possible.


Ok. scratch that server idea. I just scored a CHERRY case at work. It's only 16" high, but it's over 8" wide, which is a very good plus. There's some holes on the bottom for the speaker which will be perfect for intake/exhaust. I'll take out the MB base and JB weld the detachable side that nobody ever takes off anyway. HD bays are detachable by screw, as is the top. Once I get her torn down and looking good, I'll be sure to start the thread. I'm telling you..she's beautiful. Heavy, discolored, and STRAIGHT as an arrow.


I just started my PC grow. I'll post some pics up in a little while. If you follow my link you can see the whole thread. Keep up the great PC grows.


New member
any new updates?? its been a few days lol.

i will be posting mine soon..its already about 4 weeks in.

just gunna take some pictures tomorow afternoon then post on here.
love to see that we got a PC Growers Club.


Yeah I wanna see too!

I just started a new grow in the case I used a long time ago. Week 5 (at least) and I'm already in flowering mode as of two days ago. My babies are smaaaall.


New member
wutcha think?

wutcha think?

these are my little cases =)


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Hi guys! I want to do a pc grow also, but do I need a drill to take off the part where the HDD's and CD drives are?


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi guys! I want to do a pc grow also, but do I need a drill to take off the part where the HDD's and CD drives are?

Yeah man it's usually rivets holding that stuff. I use a drill with a fairly large bit in it. Put it on the hole at the head of the rivet and drill just enough to cut the top off. Then the rest should fall out.


Can I use a screw to put in the hole and tap it out with a hammer? I don't have a drill at my disposal now....


Grow like nobody is watching
If it didn't damage the case itself, maybe? I think you could use a sharp screwdriver, an old kitchen knife, whatever, and sort of carve the hole larger, same effect as drilling it. They're usually pretty soft metal I think. If you have a drill bit but no drill, you could just twist it by hand.

Edit: or you could grind or sand the head off the rivet perhaps.


Well I hope something works, I don't want to waste 1/4 of my already small growing space because of that. Anyway thanks for helping!

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