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Homemade Vertical POTRACKS 6kw


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
6 lights 13 lbs im lucky if i get half that grown horizontal with ak47 sog... really pondering going vertical. good work.


Sorry i have not updated this thread in awhile. I have had problems with my new cam...only 40 pictures taken!@ The battery is messed up i think but i have pictures of weed on the internal memory which makes it difficult for me to go get it fixed. I will borrow my friends camera to do the update. Iam chopping it down in a few days so i will get the pics up before then.


Kootenay I have just one question: Where did you find that HPS/MH light holder? There ones available in my area do not have the side hooks sticking out so its ready to be attached to a jack chain. Do they have a specific name?


Active member
Thanks alot HR. Thanks for stopping by.

Seedbreeder - They are 1000 watts each. HPS on the top MH in the middle and then a HPS on the bottom.

Hi, sorry if you've already answered this...

Hi, sorry if you've already answered this...

Awesome project. Sorry, but I can't find where it says what the vertical height of growing surface is. Can you say please?
I'm a Canuck living in Europe. I'm building a colosseum of similar scale but, well, different.
As I can't even hang a picture my shelf units are going to be closet shelves from IKEA. It's too hot here to grow in the summer if I don't air condition, so it will have to be Cooltubes.
Are you happy with your diameter? Would you make it tighter if you could?
Sorry for the quiz, but I gather there is a significant loss of light through the tubes, so I'm trying to arrange it right.
Again, that's an amazing grow.


Active member
Spanishwilly - Each module is 8' tall. You can modify them to any size to fit in your room. With the 1000s i think they are perfect distance to the light. If i ran 600s i would want ti a bit closer. this is just a prototype so if your building your own dont be afraid to experiment a bit. I am in the process of trying to build these with light weight thin wall steel. I dont have much time to work on it but i think i should have them finished in a few months. Cool tubes work very well just try to keep them clean. When using them you can grow the plant so much closer to the bulb. If i was growing in Spain i would definately use them along with a small AC if need be. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

ILoveit - I made the light hangers from an electrical octogon box. I drilled a hole through each side and the bolted an eye hook bolt into them.



So in order to make the Rack a bit closer to the lights how would you accomplish that ??

Make those 8' lengths out of a board with a lesser width ??

Do you feel like the buds closest to the MH bulb in the middle came out any better than the others ??

That rack is FUCKING SIIIICK !!!

MASSIVE THANKS for this thread man.

all the best
~ dream


Active member
Dreamscape - yes make them more narrow, try 20" wide instead of 24". I dont really know the difference because every week i rotate the plant down a row.

Hi Kootenay,

Hi Kootenay,

Just wondering, as you have such CRAZY light saturation, how do you feel about your chances of approaching a yield of 1g per watt? Or, you know, maybe even more?


New member
@ willy: page 6 / last post

@Kootenay: you rock! great inspiration for my next setup-chance!


Active member
Spanish willy - Iam not sure what my grams per watt are in this system, All i know is if you get 1 oz. per plant in this system you get 12 lbs and if you get 2 oz. per plant you get 24 lbs. So this is where i start my quest to find the plant that can give me 2 oz per plant. If you guys have any recommendations from experience please let me know. It needs to be 2 oz off one plant in a 2 gallon pot finished at 24"-32" max. I dont really care if its a 10 week strain either.



The sockets for your lights? Did you handwire those yourself? Do you have any links to getting/making sockets like that?

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