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What's the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to you?

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Guest 26753

Way back when I was visiting China, I went to a restaurant that served various animal penises. I lost a bet and had to eat a plate of some weird critter's dick. Damn, but the harder I chewed trying to swallow that sucker, the harder it got...to chew lol
There is nothing as gross as having a strange critter's dick in yer gob. Ya never know where it's been!

If you think I am kidding, check this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc0KV3NvmNw


I had a friend barf crawfish etouffee on my lap.

There is another one that involves blood, random chick and the front of my boxers but I wont get in to detail..

Other than that I think being forced to watch 2 girls one cup is prolly the most disgusting thing that has ever happened to me.

check out the BME pain olympics.... see if you can watch that all the way through


Five of my friends and I where heading home after a night of drinking and gambling in a local casino. It was about 2:am on highway 70 and we're blowing our ride home spliff and talking trash about the night. We where in a mini van and I was sitting in the very back on the couch with the joint in my hand. I was telling a story about a poker hand and everyone was kinda looking at me. I even remember seeing the drivers eyes looking at me in the reveiw mirror. Now keep in mind on this highway everyone drives at least 70mph, plus there's 5 lanes off traffic. We are in the third lane from the shoulder when I see a guy sittin in the middle of our lane. My eyes bug out cause he's coming up fast and the driver sees my eyes and somehow at the last second turns hard towards the shoulder. Now our speed takes us a few hundred feet past him before we can stop. We get stopped jump out and start running towards the guy cause we can hear him screaming my leg is broken help. We get within maybe 20 yards of the guy and low and behold there's a cluster of traffic coming everyone doing 70+ mph. Three of us were in the lane waving trying to flag motorist but we weren't close enough to be see as or speed took us to far to make up the distance. The guy was screaming save me but the cluster of traffic was on him so quick. I had to be within 10 yards of him when the first car hit him, (a chevy cavalier.) Smack!! The car hit him so hard all four wheels came off the ground and sparks flew when she landed. We all flenched and ducked when she hit him but we should have waited for that because right behind her was a 18wheeler going 70+... Splat!! The guy burst like a water balloon effectivly spraying us with well you get the idea.. Then a mazda rx7 rounded the cluster of traffic off and just kinda speed bumped him. The lady in the cavalier was the only one to stop, I guess because she was a nurse. A trucker must have heard our 911 call out because he approached in the lane really slow with his hazards on. We all stood over the guy, 8 of us, the nurse,trucker and my friends we all saw the last bit of life leave his lungs. The rest of the ride home nobody complained about how bad their luck was anymore.. We also had to leave before the cops came because it would'nt have looked right with four stoned and drunk black guys one stoned and drunk white guy and everyone has this other white guys blood on him who just got exploded like a pumpkin sitting in the highway at 2: in the mourning..

We really tried to save that man...


Active member
crazy stories!! best (or worst) i have is when i was sitting at a red light a few blocks away from my work on a monday morning, 5 minutes from my work. it was a big intersection and the light always takes awhile to change because theres so much traffic coming the other way.

anyways, there was this man standing at the curb of the crosswalk waiting to cross the intersection. for some reason he didnt look right.. maybe he was homeless, but he kept pacing waiting for the light to change and had the oddest expression on his face. but i the first car at the light so i was closest to him..

all of a sudden, this dude decides that he was either sick of waiting to cross the street or sick of living all together. with cars still flying by at 50mph in front of me, this dude starts walking across the street without looking for any incoming cars. im screaming at this dude thinking hes drunk or something trying to tell him he can get hit by a car!!

than i hear that loud, deap-pitched beep that comes from a bus's horn.. and SMACK!! this dude gets plowed dead on by a city metro bus coming down the intersection 50mph. it was disgusting. had to hose off the blood from my windshield. definatly put a damper on my week


geez... no wonder some of you smoke pot. some horrifying sh*ts happened to some of you. the most disgusting thing thats ever happened to me was about a year and a half ago i was at work cutting carpet tile. the blade on my razor got dull so i was changing it out. putting the new razor in the knife, i was talking with my co-worker paying halfassed attention to what i was doing. some how i managed to twist the razor around and bury it almost clear through the tip of my finger, severing the tip off. mind you, that wasn't the bad part. the blood didnt bother me nor the pain. i just didnt feel right, so i had my co-worker take me to urgent care. that's when i had the issue. the nurse was irrigating my finger tip and seeing the sliver of skin clinging on right below the nail was the MOST disgusting thing i've ever seen, and had to be the weirdest damn feeling in the world. put me straight into shock. started puking and all that. not fun.
then about six months ago, my mother had surgery on her nose for a deviated septum. they put these like three inch tubes up in the sinuses when they do that surgery and have to pull them out before the patient goes home. well, the doc was pulling the first out and the sound and site of this seemingly endless tube of plastic something coming out of my mothers nose was enough to make me sick. eugh.


Five of my friends and I where heading home after a night of drinking and gambling in a local casino. It was about 2:am on highway 70 and we're blowing our ride home spliff and talking trash about the night. We where in a mini van and I was sitting in the very back on the couch with the joint in my hand. I was telling a story about a poker hand and everyone was kinda looking at me. I even remember seeing the drivers eyes looking at me in the reveiw mirror. Now keep in mind on this highway everyone drives at least 70mph, plus there's 5 lanes off traffic. We are in the third lane from the shoulder when I see a guy sittin in the middle of our lane. My eyes bug out cause he's coming up fast and the driver sees my eyes and somehow at the last second turns hard towards the shoulder. Now our speed takes us a few hundred feet past him before we can stop. We get stopped jump out and start running towards the guy cause we can hear him screaming my leg is broken help. We get within maybe 20 yards of the guy and low and behold there's a cluster of traffic coming everyone doing 70+ mph. Three of us were in the lane waving trying to flag motorist but we weren't close enough to be see as or speed took us to far to make up the distance. The guy was screaming save me but the cluster of traffic was on him so quick. I had to be within 10 yards of him when the first car hit him, (a chevy cavalier.) Smack!! The car hit him so hard all four wheels came off the ground and sparks flew when she landed. We all flenched and ducked when she hit him but we should have waited for that because right behind her was a 18wheeler going 70+... Splat!! The guy burst like a water balloon effectivly spraying us with well you get the idea.. Then a mazda rx7 rounded the cluster of traffic off and just kinda speed bumped him. The lady in the cavalier was the only one to stop, I guess because she was a nurse. A trucker must have heard our 911 call out because he approached in the lane really slow with his hazards on. We all stood over the guy, 8 of us, the nurse,trucker and my friends we all saw the last bit of life leave his lungs. The rest of the ride home nobody complained about how bad their luck was anymore.. We also had to leave before the cops came because it would'nt have looked right with four stoned and drunk black guys one stoned and drunk white guy and everyone has this other white guys blood on him who just got exploded like a pumpkin sitting in the highway at 2: in the mourning..

We really tried to save that man...

Wow, that has to be the worst, total feeling of helplessness, man o man, I hope I'm never in that situation.

Once when I was 5 or 6, my dad and I were coming back from a remote jungle preserve in a South American country and we saw a bunch of kids layed out and injured in front of a small school, apparently a taxi cab lost control and ran a few over, none were dead, but we stopped and took about 3 or 4 kids bleeding and semi-conscious to the hospital. I crouched in between my dad's legs and saw a few bloody faces in our back seat, I was scared shitless and could not comprehend what was happening, kids go through some traumatizing experiences when they don't understand things..


Never experienced people around me dying before, but some of this still makes it hard for me to eat some stuff...
I know I've got more, but I can't think of much right now.

When I was either three or four I was walking through my kitchen when I thought I found a scalloped potato on the floor. As soon as I chew it up and swallow it my mom came in screaming about me eating something out of the sick dog's ear. Now whenever I eat anything the size/texture of a scalloped potatoe, or really just think about it while eating, I have a hard time swallowing.

Another time I thought I found a fat black mike-and-ike on the floor. Stuck it in my mouth, bit down, and it just exploded with some sort of vitamin/nutrient/medicine juice that was just horrible.

I was also walking home from school one day with a cousin, and found a shiny metal tube on the ground, a little smaller than a pen. I thought it was one of the things Cruella DeVille holds her cigarettes with in 101 dalmations, so I stuck it in my mouth and took a puff, trying to be funny.
My mouth was instantly full of ink, which is almost like alcohol, but more... inky. Ran two block to my cousins house and turned his sink blue.

Around about 2004 or so, my girlfriend was on her way over, so I lit some candles and got in the shower. As soon as she got to my house she got in with me, and we were in there for a little while.
We get out and open my door, where a cloud of smoke billows out, and I remember the candles.
A vcr and a bunch of movies burnt up around the base of my turtle tank, causing it to crack and start leaking. So I get a hose and try to start siphoning water out before it breaks all the way and goes everywhere, only to suck in a lung-full of turtle scum.
Anyone that's ever had a water turtle knows their scum is not something to put in your mouth.


I get baby shit under my fingernails constantly.. thats about the grossest thing I can think of..


cannabis enthusiast
me and the ex went to a bar, she had been drinking too much after eating some taco bell!

i was talking to my friend and next thing i knew she was turned towards me and puked all over me it was the most disgusting shit ever!!!!


oh man some of these are pretty bad....here is mine....

So a bunch of us were at a bon fire on the beach. My friend hooked up with the "Local Tricycle" (everyone has had a ride....even a bum ) so they are hooking up and at some point disapear behind some sand dunes..... well long story short we all pass out on the beach and the next morning my friend meets up with us and we all go get some dohnuts at the local shopping center... my friend got a jelly dohnut well we were still so hung over and didn't notice this but he says " ahhhh man I got jelly all up in my beard"..... then he looks at his hand and says "wait a minute"....lol......it wasn't jelly! dude went down on the girl durring her monthly visit.....needless to say there was plenty of laughter and throwing up involved......

Another time when I was at my wifes house before we were married a friend of mine was snooping through my bro in laws room and found what he thought was a whopper(you know those candies that look like chocolate balls...lol) any way this guy eats one and then runs to the bathroom.....wasn't sure why...then later gives me a "whopper"....I put it in my mouth and crunch down....nope not a whopper but a paint ball!


Devil's Advocate
This thread is making my legs feel weak. God damn I can't come up with anything good, honestly.

Saw a chick sitting on the toilet once who was sick (alcohol!) just start throwing up downwards onto her cooch and everything. That was pretty gross. If you ask why I was in there, fuck u I like looking at girls poop, ok? Leave me alone.
(that is a joke. I came in because she was sick and needed someone to help)


from worst to least:

snapping my shoulder/arm bone's head clean off the bone
dislocating my shoulder joint
toilet splashback
stepping in dogshit barefoot


I think the most disgusting thing that has happened to me is when I first went out with my girlfriend (who, at the time, was just a friend). I walked into a bush in a park to relieve myself, and without realising I trod in a pile of human poo which was buried under some leaves. The smell was unmistakable and unbearable, and it wouldn't come off. I put the shoe in the river and was scraping away with a stick to try and clean it off, but the stuff wouldn't come off. I had to go home and get a new pair of shoes on. Luckily she saw the funny side of it.

It was that day, 4 years and 4 days ago, that we became a couple. Such a romantic story...


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
i was on shrooms and gave oral to a prostitute..it had a masculine smell to it..



Ok.....do you all see a pattern here...alcohol makes you do things you never thought you would do or eat...speaking of eating, I was drinking pretty heavy one night, when last call was announced hooked up with the 2am girl...one thing lead to another, next thing I do is start eating that muff like it was the last one on earth, then I notice something kinda chunky..have you ever seen a yeast infection...not a pretty picture...needless to say got up and left


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep some gross stuff here.

Saw a car accident when I was 6, dead guy hanging out the side of an overturned car, all bloody and limp. Yikes.

Watched my buddy get hit by a car in front of me, rode his bike across a very busy intersection without looking! He flew a good 30-40 feet, broken arm and thoroughly banged up.

My wife tried to deep throat me in bed and hit her gag reflex, puked pot roast all over me. God help me.

I dropped a big speaker on my toe when I was 16, cut the end of my toe off, broke the toe bone, and popped the toenail out from the backside. Good lord that fuckin hurt for months, and I about freaked when I took off my shoe and my sock was soaked in blood.


Overkill is under-rated.
i was on shrooms and gave oral to a prostitute..it had a masculine smell to it..


Nice, I read that right as I took my first spoonful of a lime flavored yogurt.

Aaaand I'm done with the yogurt, lol


I've seen a guy drink a can full of chew spit by accident.. that was horrible
some other notable things...
I come home to the grossest smell i have ever smelt in my life, walk into the living room, and my dog has gotten diarrhea all over three rooms.. took me like 2 hours of scrubbing to clean it all up. I was wearing two air freshners around my head so they hung right below my nose, that was the only way to stop myself from gagging.
Another time I brought this girl home from the bar and she pissed in my bed in the middle of the night.... she didn't get any breakfast or a ride...


Staying at the Wilshire Grand Downtown LA. Out the night before partying all night, drunk off my ass. The day of the "incident", I had zero food and spent the day at Film Roman (the cats that make The Simpsons)
I felt a shit brewing all day long, finally make it back to my hotel to release my troubles.....get her done, full explosion just a total abortion in the toilet. As I was standing up, my WEDDING RING slides off my finger and into the toilet---and buries itself in my stool. I assessed the situation for about two seconds before taking a deep breath and sticking my hand into my own shit to get my wedding ring back. Scrubbed her real good.

Then did bong hits and went down to the McDonalds down the street to refuel.

One week later the person I was staying with did the same thing with their cell phone.

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