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High Grade Vintage Cannabis photography


Herbal relaxation...
quality of high???:yeahthats
did you hit the crack pip pre-post or FUCKING WHAT?!:noway:
indoor grows can pump out stuff that makes you comatose, most people pull there shit way too early. "its good enough"...
not saying that crappy looking 70's didnt get you fadded.

You know there is BIG difference between POTENCY & QUALITY of high?????

Your goal may be to produce big sticky buds that mature in 40+- days that are full of resins and will knock you on the couch giving you nice "high, as you call it" for couple days, after that it gets boring, while these crappy looking sats grown properly knock you socks off, even smoking them months on row;)

I quess you did know all that already.... I could tell you much more, but I wont bother since it´s quite clear you have made your opinion already....

Why not getting into growing poppys & extracting them, if you like that coma???

Sorry for the offtopic 4seasons:fsu: Thank you very much for posting these pics/articles, true gems I would say, should be stickied, so all of us from younger generations could get blast from the past and maybe, just maybe change their attitude!

Btw.. I did come late and would love to read the part you deleted, so if you have it saved, or could provide me an link viá PM, I would be even more grateful!

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
:yes: Beautiful pics and a great read!!! That mount of libanese resin looks...well, like, mount resin. :eek:


Herbal relaxation...
Yeah, also paid notice on that last pic 4S, I bet those mini buds packed whole lot of psychedelic punch:joint: The whole set-up is great in that pic, I would love to get the change to do some timetraveling and find myself in that pic :D

Damn I wish we could have such variety nowadays of different exotic strains that have been grown in their natural environment and sold to cannaseurs around globe, just wish thinking I know, but man has to have wishes... .D

Those are the type of varieties I try to fit couple in every grow, at least similar alike´s :chin:

EDIT: FJ, yeah that hash pile is great :yoinks: + that girl chilling on a pile of Colombian :yeahthats I think the whole article is in the sewers of ICmag and was entertaining also, pls correct if im wrong about the Colombian aspect 4S!

This, or that... This thread is great and I definitely going to save it on hd!!


Herbal relaxation...
Also.. This thread did bring some great memories from Turkey, talking about a village where I lived couple months in 90´s, between Anatolia & Alanya, cliff full of cannabis was the main crop of the whole village! Some of the most astonishing black hash I have ever experienced + some memory´s including a Turkish minibus drive on those tiny mountain roads after eating about gram of that black gold = :yoinks:

Man, I was scared & almost trippin :D Lovely memories indeed!

four seasons

For thousands of years people have consumed Cannabis.
In the Arid parts of the world where the plant was cultivated it was breed for Hashish production . In low-humidity environments Cannabis resins preserve and store longer if they are extracted from the plant material and compressed in the form of hashish.
While at the same time in the humid parts of the world where cultivation takes place, drying and curing the plant is a better was to preserve the resins. The high humidity makes the resin difficult to extract from the plant. The flowers or buds are left intact and used as a vessel for the prescious resin glands.
For many millenias People did not have refrigeration, plastic baggies or glass jars to store and preserve the delicate resins.
These people adapted curing and cobbing techniques that preserved the bouquet and in most cases increased the potency of the product.

I can just see it........Camels hauling huge bundled hemp sacks full of golden honey Cobbs from Malawi across the desert and through the great rift bound for the markets in Cairo


four seasons

Thanks Herbalistic
I have only smoked Astonian Turkish hash one time. It was very good.
Turkish and Iranian hash was widely available from the 1800s till the late sixties.


Herbal relaxation...
Yes, proper Turkish hash is a sweet treat and what a taste it packs besides the bunch :yummy:

No need to thank me about the K+, co´s you REALLY deserve it! I think we have many members here having old copy´s of mags/articles/pics, but not too many find the time to scan & share with generations of growers who havent even born yet, like myself...

I really do hope thread like this would make older growers/smokers scan their "jewels"!

Btw.. I think much of hash is still smuggled from Iran throught ancient roads viá camels :biglaugh: Your post #72 was great info, which hopefully leads more ppl growing these "amazing resin factorys" = hashplants to actually do hash from those plants, rather than smoking the bud :2cents:

There´s magic to be found in arab countries till this day, had some great time & hash while in Egypt couple years ago and will definitely do the trip again, but longer this time.. :wave:

ElRubio: You too wanna try the timemachine :D

Bubba Zanetti

Active member
What an amazing thread and the pics :woohoo:

No pics of the legendary Acapulco Gold?

Would you mind if i posted these on another site FourSeasons?

And for the peeps dissing the pics :spank:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Ganja farmers near Maroon Town.Cockpit Mountains,Jamaica :D



Active member
Lol awesome tread man {;;;
I would love to smoke an old school thai joint

Anyone remember what a Thai joint looked like?

It was the skinniest thing you ever saw! Only took two hits and you got pretty whacked. You could only make two or three real skinny joints out of a stick. But back then there was no waste, except the stick itself and the hemp string.

Thai stick was really something special. Never saw anything like it on both trips I made to Thailand in the 80s & a few years ago.

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
So cool pics Four season, very old material you have hehe, it's always a pleasure to take a look into those vintage magazines and enjoi all the info. and oldtime pics they contain.

Here some vintage pics from Laurence Cherniak published in a 70's High Times magazine.

Hope you liked them.
I don't know if I can do this, so I am asking before posting, But I recently picked up CC #4 from early 96" and could throw some pics down if you guys are interested (Printed in black and white paper, no gloss!)

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