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After six years, it begins again... My second grow


To begin my progress report a couple of changes have taken place: The plant is now on a 12/12 lighting schedule and I'm using a Super HPS from Hortilux. I also picked up some of the PBP Soil nutes. Should I try adding this in the next watering or wait until I see something wrong before supplementing? I'd, of course, dial it down to a 1/4 dose of PBP and Liquid Karma.

I'll start off with the only thing that could be construed as bad news.

It looks like potassium deficiency based on what I've read, but also worthy of note, this occurred shortly after the soil drying out. I'm seeing this happen to the leaves on the two petioles at this level. I'm not too worried about it because the branch one node below has not shown any leaf yellowing or sores.

Now, on to the fun stuff...

Here we see the view from underneath the canopy.

What do we have here? A couple cute little preflowers.

This next one captures a moment I'm happy I was there to see

...a pistil unfurling.

A couple profile shots.

The last one I have to show is a nice comparison between the area covered by the reflector and how the plant has tried to fill that space as much as possible.



The soil is getting dry and I'll have to water this evening. Any input on my idea of supplementing with some nutes? I noticed a minor sore on a leaf a couple petioles up from the affected set that I showed in my last post. So it could be spreading or... I have no idea what else it could be. lol Thanks for coming through and checking out my grow. :)


I've started posting on Grasscity and someone there offered the suggestion that this brown sore issue could be a magnesium deficiency. I'd neglected to read that description in the Cervantes Bible because the picture looked very different from the problem I'm seeing with my plant. After having reviewed the mag section, I'm confident this is the source of the decay. With that in mind, I'll be rounding out my collection of Botanicare products; PBP Grow, PBP Soil, Liquid Karma and as of tomorrow Cal Mag Plus. lol The first thing I've actually needed and it's the last thing I purchase, what a hoot!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Could be a mag, really early to tell, i would have guessed maybe a cal, but cal mag would fix that

You should be using that from the beginning. I use it with every feeding


Could be a mag, really early to tell, i would have guessed maybe a cal, but cal mag would fix that

You should be using that from the beginning. I use it with every feeding

Right on, I'll be adding some tonight just to get a little into the soil.


I watered again tonight with 1/5 strength of everything, PBP Grow and Soil, Liquid Karma and Cal Mag Plus. The solution was balanced at pH 6.8 and the runoff measured 6.2-6.3, it should be interesting to see what happens over the next couple days. :headbange


New member
Greetings, cyclepipe

I've been happy to follow your grow and use it as a reference for my own (first) grow, which started just a few days before yours. I've been hesitant to make my own thread with pictures of my current grow, due to marijuana laws here, but I'm also anxious to share my experience with this dedicated community of home growers.

It's great to see the switch to 12/12, I just flipped mine yesterday. Hopefully in 9-10 weeks we'll see the results of our labor, time, and dedication. Good luck; I'll hopefully be sharing some pictures in my own thread later today.


The leaves on the lowest petiole are not drying out as they were but now I'm seeing the serrated edges turning yellow along with sores. Sounds like a Potassium deficiency but I truly have no idea. Btw, the new growth is significantly lighter than the old growth but looks more like the characteristic green of cannabis instead of the olive green I had seen previously. I might have got a little overzealous and decided to feed her again tonight. Approximately half strength on everything. Let me know what ya think of the progress. 1 week into flowering, isn't this kind of slow going?

The yellow on the leaf in this last pic is most visible at the tip but is present in between all of the veins.


I think this picture makes it obvious that I overfed her though not too badly. No neon colors but definitely not the dark green of the undergrowth. Comments?


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Active member
It doesn't look like you hit her with too much food, or at least no that bad. By far the worst case of overfeeding I have seen was when my moms bf got it in his head that twice as much fert. equals twice the speed of growth. Needless to say, they didn't even survive the first dose of that(mind you they were outside in planters, which the sun doesn't help at all with nute burn). Overall, the extra food you gave them shouldn't really affect them a lot, as long as you either go light on the fert for a couple feedings, then just bump it up a little once she starts to show that she needs something. The other route(a little more drastic) is to flush the soil, but it doesn't look like they are getting burnt at all, so you should have to do that(I always would hold that option until it had to be done, ie like the time i was stoned and put grow in instead of bloom)


Active member
It doesn't look like you hit her with too much food, or at least no that bad. By far the worst case of overfeeding I have seen was when my moms bf got it in his head that twice as much fert. equals twice the speed of growth. Needless to say, they didn't even survive the first dose of that(mind you they were outside in planters, which the sun doesn't help at all with nute burn). Overall, the extra food you gave them shouldn't really affect them a lot, as long as you either go light on the fert for a couple feedings, then just bump it up a little once she starts to show that she needs something. The other route(a little more drastic) is to flush the soil, but it doesn't look like they are getting burnt at all, so you should have to do that(I always would hold that option until it had to be done, ie like the time i was stoned and put grow in instead of bloom)

I bet your plants cringed at all that N :(


Active member
Actually, it wasn't all that bad, as I noticed what I had done as I was putting everything away, so they only had around 20 minutes to soak it up before I gave them a flush, but my actual garden got a good feeding(all my run off/now res change water goes to the garden now)


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
you will be fine... especially with a plant that size and 1/5 strength... by now if it was me i would be atleast 1/2 strength and prob more every other water, are you in soil? sorry i didnt notice. either way its pretty damn hard to burn your plant with the nutes you are using..... and the cal mag, run at 5ml a gal all the time, unless you use tap that is over 300ppm then use near 2.5-3ml a gal to avoid those def.... better to keep em at bay rather than wait for them to occur....


I think I'm seeing, at the very least, a phosphorous deficiency at the moment. Please tell me what these pics say to you? It's time to water tonight anyway so I was going to give her a 15ml dose of PBP Soil along with Karma and Cal-Mag but I'd love to hear some feedback.


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Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I think you are spot on , it looks like a Phos deficit to me too. Just a thought, have you changed to a Phos based PH down from a Nitrogen based veg growth down now you are in bloom, it will help give you that extra Phos you need.


In my estimation, it looks pretty close to this pic from the Cervantes' Bible.


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Btw, she has assuredly entered early flowering as of today. I can't wait to see the trichome production pick up. Hopefully that dose of nutes will set flower growth off like a gunshot. :)