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Any gym rats or bodybuilders in the house?


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The blood work was about 1.5 weeks post cycle, so I know that has something to do with it. My HDL was like 235, LDL around 190. Blood pressure was like 130/90 I think. I can't remember the exact number. I had fasting blood work done and I'm still waiting on the results. I'm going to get a copy of that report so I have something to go off of while adjusting my diet. My stress levels have been pretty high, so that has a lot to do with it too.
For future reference, never go for blood work that soon post cycle, the fasting is going to be off too most likely.

Wow, that is a high cholesterol reading, especially the HDL, steroids usually push that way down, I had a reading of 20 one time on HDL, and I know guys who have had near zero, but that is one of those things that rebounds once your off, and also responds well to cleaning up your diet.

Go back again in several months before you start your next cycle, it should be much better.

2g multi compound is actually very conservative, most people will lie about the amounts they take, a lot of guys I know feel that the real "magic" doesn't start until you have at least 2g per week of test alone.

The reason I used multiple compounds was this

First 4 weeks I would take a fast acting test(prop, suspension) or oral(A50, Dbol) so I could front load and start getting results sooner then I would if I just started the slow acting single ester test by itself(enanthate, cypionate)
Once the single ester test levels are up good in your system(30-40 days) you drop the fast acting stuff.
Near the end of the cycle(last 2 weeks) I would run some hardening compounds(fina, tren, primo) and then continue them for another 4 weeks after stopping the Test, that way the water retention would clear out but I wouldn't lose size or strength and would end up getting a very hard, defined look at the end of the cycle instead of a big bloated moonface look.
Oh, and there was always a lean tissue builder running alongside the test(EQ, Deca)
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Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Hey Bobble, good stuff.
Sorry for the rip on your squat, that's a respectable lift, most people don't even do them, you know you can walk into the gym and see every bench press full and every squat rack empty except for one, with some assclown doing curls in it, lol.

Stay Classy!


Active member
True story about squats. It's such a joke when I see guys who can bench 315 or more, but they don't squat, and if they do, they're scared to do more than 225... lol

Lol, very true.
You know if your balanced that you should be about to throw your max bench weight on the squat bar and do it for full(deep) reps no problem, about 10 of them.
But like you said, there are many guys who if they tried to full squat their max bench would get squashed flat, not even a rep.

I like the half squat guys, put 405lbs on the bar and squat down about 3 inches, and they think their doing something, lol.
I've told them before, you take that weight all the down and no way in hell your getting back up.

Squats a rough lift though, kicks most peoples ass, mine included, but people don't realise it's probably the single most important compound movement there is.
They just want to bench and curl, but if you think about it, what do people ask you? How much can you bench? Show me your muscle(they want to see you flex your biceps)
The average person never asks what you can squat, or for you to give them a quad shot(flex)

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Squats a rough lift though, kicks most peoples ass, mine included, but people don't realise it's probably the single most important compound movement there is.
They just want to bench and curl, but if you think about it, what do people ask you? How much can you bench? Show me your muscle(they want to see you flex your biceps)
The average person never asks what you can squat, or for you to give them a quad shot(flex)

Oh yeah, the "club" muscles. Tsk.

You guys ever see that SNL skit with Emilio Estevez, David Spade,Adam Sandler,Jay Mohr, Chris Farley-HOW MUCH YA BENCH? And the guys were in those chairs with the fake little legs stickin out, swingin them around and shit talkin about beatin up Richard Greico and Brad Pitt...

Caller 1: steroid user # 2,Yeah, could you tell me why are your legs so thin?
Chris Farley:That's because I generally dont like to kick guys like you into a coma, I like to hear your bones snap under my fists!!!

Too freakin' funny!

Stay Classy!


Not even throwing my hat into the ring here as you guys & gals seem to be reading all the Forums about BB and posting it in here. Look Im Big and i been training for years and yeah i got the girl too. Not here to boast about how to do this or that. I used to be a big fat guy but i got busy and i got knowledge and now huge and rich thanks.


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lol... you guys are out of control! I can't wait till I can start smoking again.

I didn't intentionally go in for the blood work, I had to go to a new physician to get anxiety meds, so she wanted to run tests... I got an EKG and blood work out of it. The EKG was good, but the blood work was messed up. I'm just happy she didn't check my test levels... ha ha...

As for taking info from the BB forums and posting it hear... yeah, I guess we are, but the BB forums don't get nearly as much traffic as icmag. And I like to know that there's other people out there that like to toss some weights around AND grow. If I can help a few people out that otherwise wouldn't see the BB info, then good for me. :)
I hit the gym hard. And grow hard too.

Squats are my favorite I can load up 315lb for reps, freeweight. Gotta build my upper body more though...


Active member
Welcome aboard! 315lbs for reps is good. Everyone starts somewhere. Legs have always been my strong point.


I hate the gym. I feel really insecure working out in front of other people. I don't know why. It's weird, because I'm not a socially insecure guy on the whole. I just can't push myself when I'm around other people.

I think I'm going to cancel my membership and try to slowly build a home gym for compounds at least.


Active member
I hate the gym. I feel really insecure working out in front of other people. I don't know why. It's weird, because I'm not a socially insecure guy on the whole. I just can't push myself when I'm around other people.

I think I'm going to cancel my membership and try to slowly build a home gym for compounds at least.

NO! You're in the wrong frame of mind. Look, everyone starts somewhere. Everyone at the gym is there to better themselves. When I started, I could barely bench 115lbs! Now I rep 225lbs. It didn't happen overnight. It's like growing, it takes patience, proper nutrients, a solid dark period (sleep), and persistence. If I gave up on growing when I was only getting a couple ounces with my 400w, I would never have pulled lbs with a 1kw.

Weight training isn't about the amount of weight you can lift, it's about training your muscles, and making them better. Get yourself a good training routine, a good diet, and get lots of rest. Talk to the other guys at the gym, they're going to tell you the same thing. Ask to jump in with them, and learn how to work out properly. I home gym will never compare a complete gym. That is unless your Hulk Hogan... and can afford to build a complete gym. Hogan still goes to the gym with his buddies, for the atmosphere. Same goes for the pros. My old roommate sees Jay Cutler at Gold's Gym in Vegas all the time.

If you want to get bigger, you have to hang with the big dogs. I used to be intimidated too, now I just walk up to guys who are bigger than me and ask them what they're doing, why, what they eat... And I've made a lot of new friends doing it.


I cough up honey oil
Here you go ddrew! Hahahaha I'm a fucking smurf!! Diets always been a problem... obviously! LOL


My buddies all call me DINKY! LOL