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Whiskeytango's Area 51


Active member
Mr. WT, and Mrs. WT,
I cant say anything more than what has already been said...but keep up the good fight, and you will come out on top! My prayers and thoughts to you all..
Be safe,


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
We REALLY appreciate the love you guys are showing. And for those that have GRACIOUSLY offered to help re-build my seed collection and get things going...I am truly indebted to you. Please PM me with any details....
Love you guys!

Area 51 lives on!................:headbange



Active member
ICMag Donor
sad about loosing genetics, i know all about that currently, but the main thing is that the Mr and Mrs is safe
best of luck for a low penalty and a speedy recovery of the genepool


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
sad about loosing genetics, i know all about that currently, but the main thing is that the Mr and Mrs is safe
best of luck for a low penalty and a speedy recovery of the genepool
Thanks gunnar! The support off of her has been tremendous! We love all you guys...lol
good vibes


Thanks again everyone.. GOOD VIBES

A lot of this doesn't make scene on why the fuckers had to come here. I'm glad the fuckers didn't mess with Baby Tango. It really pisses me off that they made us feel like we are bad parent because she is the house.
I don't do drugs. Pot is medicine. Why can't they get the people doing crack in front of here kids? Or all the Oxycontin dealers killing people with the governments version of heroin? But I guess my hubby and I are MUCH worse villains lol.

peace love and smoke pot!

The best to your family. I have a baby myself and if ever somebody would tell me I am a bad father because I grow and smoke weed... Hypocrites
My wife doesn't smoke she eats a brownie maybe 4 times a year
. She has nothing against my smoking and growing as she knows which of the two she prefers, me on alcohol and pills or me smoking weed.
In the eyes of society we are criminals,
It's completly OK for society to get drunk or be on pres pills but to grow a plant, help people who need reliable meds is criminal?
This suicide call is definitely bullshit

Lots of love from south east asia.

Area 51 lives on


The best to your family. I have a baby myself and if ever somebody would tell me I am a bad father because I grow and smoke weed... Hypocrites
My wife doesn't smoke she eats a brownie maybe 4 times a year
. She has nothing against my smoking and growing as she knows which of the two she prefers, me on alcohol and pills or me smoking weed.
In the eyes of society we are criminals,
It's completly OK for society to get drunk or be on pres pills but to grow a plant, help people who need reliable meds is criminal?
This suicide call is definitely bullshit

Lots of love from south east asia.

Area 51 lives on

4 sure m8 just the same whit me wife, but if i get busted peeps deffenly stamp her as a bad parent and she aint puffin either .me son will get a stamp to cuz peeps talk children listen "isent that the drug dealers son" i can almost hear em now..when i grow in my back yard or in my house i dont have to go down to a pusher and spend lots of money i provide me self and do no harm and the money i safe on growing home instet of buying of a pusher me son will get the benefit so ina way im infackt a great parent LOOOOOL

mr n mrs t stay safe n high great news about area 51 :woohoo:

Now i go eat a Pig


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
4 sure m8 just the same whit me wife, but if i get busted peeps deffenly stamp her as a bad parent and she aint puffin either .me son will get a stamp to cuz peeps talk children listen "isent that the drug dealers son" i can almost hear em now..when i grow in my back yard or in my house i dont have to go down to a pusher and spend lots of money i provide me self and do no harm and the money i safe on growing home instet of buying of a pusher me son will get the benefit so ina way im infackt a great parent LOOOOOL

mr n mrs t stay safe n high great news about area 51 :woohoo:

Now i go eat a Pig
:yeahthats thanks man! I agree, instead fo dealing with dealers and shit, I am not harming a soul, just have a few lil med plants ....
shitty gov we have....
But the state will deal oxys instead huh? But me growing my own meds would be taking money OUT of the gvts hands...we cant have that can we.

good vibes


4 sure m8 just the same whit me wife, but if i get busted peeps deffenly stamp her as a bad parent and she aint puffin either .me son will get a stamp to cuz peeps talk children listen "isent that the drug dealers son" i can almost hear em now..when i grow in my back yard or in my house i dont have to go down to a pusher and spend lots of money i provide me self and do no harm and the money i safe on growing home instet of buying of a pusher me son will get the benefit so ina way im infackt a great parent LOOOOOL

mr n mrs t stay safe n high great news about area 51 :woohoo:

Now i go eat a Pig

I prefer my pigs roasted!



Well said, Kallen!
(Never thought I'd say that about Kallen's english...) ;) :friends:

Sending good vibes to the Tango Clan! :ying:

It's times like these that remind me of what Grandpa Peat said after landing in Roswell, NM...


Hank Hemp

Active member
I've been thinking (oh no)

I've been thinking (oh no)

Right down the road here, just a few months ago the police showed up saying that someone had called them. They said the caller told them that a dead body was at the house and will the rest is history. Sound a little like our Whiskeytango huh. :joint:

3rd I

Damn Mr. and Mrs. Tango so sorry to hear...sending some positive energy your way...it's always the intangibles huh...keep your heads up guys you'll get through it and come out even stronger

peace and be safe
3rd I

Ioni Botani

Today is a new day and everything is looking good. A51 is a great team. We will get though this no matter what.

I have to keep my hubby and baby safe for now. Till we can get out of this state.

Thanks again for all the good vibes
Peace love and smoke pot!!!!!!:joint:

I agree Mizz, hopefully PUFMM can get us legit wit medical, but until then my plans are still abroad. Sorry to hear about your losses tango's, all Ioni best blessings to ya and Whiskey.
Cant let the man getcha down!

Ioni Botani

:yeahthats thanks man! I agree, instead fo dealing with dealers and shit, I am not harming a soul, just have a few lil med plants ....
shitty gov we have....
But the state will deal oxys instead huh? But me growing my own meds would be taking money OUT of the gvts hands...we cant have that can we.

good vibes

...And yes Whiskey, they'll have my grandmother hooked on the most physically addicting substance known to man, but deny even the option of medicinal cannabis. These are topsy turvey times we live in, but I have faith in the future none the less. FLA MMJ!!
:bandit: Bless.


4 sure m8 just the same whit me wife, but if i get busted peeps deffenly stamp her as a bad parent and she aint puffin either .me son will get a stamp to cuz peeps talk children listen "isent that the drug dealers son" i can almost hear em now..when i grow in my back yard or in my house i dont have to go down to a pusher and spend lots of money i provide me self and do no harm and the money i safe on growing home instet of buying of a pusher me son will get the benefit so ina way im infackt a great parent LOOOOOL

mr n mrs t stay safe n high great news about area 51 :woohoo:

Now i go eat a Pig

Why does the government not thank us? For every plant we grow we take away money from real criminals. For very seed planted one less gun.
Every homegrown bonghit or joint takes away at least one cartel bullet.
I can fool around with my son when stoned and we have a great time.
Have you ever woken up feeling guilty because you've done something stupid while stoned?
I mean maybe you make a fool out of yourself while stoned but do you come home beat the shit out of your kids or wife/husband?
Are going to rob a liqueur store stoned?
Are you getting in to fights cause your stoned?
Every single thing the government has told us about mj apart from the La Guardia report or the Nixon report were lies. ( strange nobody listened to those reprts)
I don,t have boobs
I don't use heroin
I'm not schizo
I have a son
I'm not more lazy then before
La Guardia said in 1937 (not sure of the xact date and words google it) We cannot enforce a law that that the majority of people don't want, and that can't be enforced. How many people smoked 70 years ago? how many now?
How much money was wasted? Does the law stop anybody from smoking?
Could we not sue the government for wasting our money?
Are there not bigger problems for them to care about? :wallbash::wallbash:
Healthcare ?
Education ?
Families torn apart cause a father or mother smoked, grown sold a plant?
Homeless people ?
The Environment ?
I'l have roast pork for dinner lol


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
VERY true Mota!

Man...yall make a muh-fukka feel all mushy n shit. The amount of people offering to help me mindboggled the wife and I. I got to smoke a bowl last night:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: so it was the first lil sleep I got. Some more Area 51 gear getting chopped soon, so I will have smoke in about 2 weeks.:1help::yoinks::abduct::laughing:
I DID lose an in-valuable seed collection, which will be re-plenished from friends (those that have offered have NO idea what that meant to my wife and I ...e.ven if we dont need em, the out-reach was touching) and new projects. This happening just makes me start the serious breeding now, as opposed to one father at a time breeding. Will have to split the breeding chamber to allow 2 dads at a time, with 4-5 mother per father each chamber.
So we WILL be back....

look forward to seeing you guys!

good vibes

Big D

Hey man, sorry I hadn't been around(great friend hunh? lol), anyway I wanted to stop on thru and congratulate you on your endeavor I am seeing those Area 51 banners everywhere now but most importantly, I wanted to welcome your lovely wife to IC.... Welcome Mrs. T!
Great thread and I hope to grow out some of your gear one day soon... it sounds great!
Peace and good karma to you and yours..... D


Active member
Fuck what it costs
You're a Boss
Dipped in Sauce
You Flawse
Tycoooooooooooooooooooon. LOl

Phenominal quotage, simply phenominal.

And to them square rubic's cubes,
Who don't smoke and.......middle finger for the cops, feds, what ever you want to call them.

Positive energy for you, your novia and mini Tango.

This too shall pass




There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
thanks all...been trying to sort shit out lately, trying to figure out where to go from here. The Id10t was backed up, found a grip of my BG x querkle they missed.....so ALL is not lost...Roswell is, and Bunk...those are gone:badday: but here is to new strains to work on!
the kind words, encouragement and offers have truly touched the Mrs. and my heart.:friends::respect:

Area 51 lives on!

good vibes


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
What was the bunk a cross of?? I see there is still a pack of Bubba Kush x DC F2s up on the bay for another 10 hrs or so if thats the same thing....