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Federal Prosecutor Drops Medical Marijuana Charges


Active member
Ummm what what??? Is this for real?!!! Seriously guys the war on Cannabis is almost over!!!

http://stopthedrugwar.org/in_the_trenches/2009/aug/05/medical_marijuana_accepted_to_di?print said:
Medical Marijuana accepted to dismiss Federal Court Cases in New Mexico

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Posted in In the Trenches by Scott Morgan on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 10:49pm PRESS RELEASE – AUGUST 2, 2009 – FROM JOHN MCCALL, ATTORNEY
On June 30, 2009 in the Federal District Court of New Mexico, Assistant US Attorney John Anderson agreed, on the record, to Honor the Medical Marijuana Recommendation of Charles Smith of Shasta Lake, California. Federal District Court Magistrate Judge Lorenzo Garcia further agreed to accept the State’s proposed recommendation of a Conditional Discharge upon provision of Mr. Smith’s Medical Marijuana Recommendation to the US Attorney’s office. This historic moment occurred during the federal Government’s prosecution of cases related to the Annual Rainbow Gathering that occurs in different states around the country and involves a large Federal Law Enforcement presence. The cases were prosecuted as civil collateral forfeitures and the records have been transferred to the Central Violations Bureau for the Federal Government. Five Medical marijuana recommendations were honored including those from Wyoming, California, Hawaii and Washington State. This is the first time in modern history, in which it is known that the US Attorney and the Federal District Court agreed to accept medical marijuana recommendations and licenses in order to dismiss marijuana possession charges.
This historic series of events followed the filing of a law suit by Bryan Krumm of New Mexicans for Compassionate Use in New Mexico Federal District Court in 2008. During those proceedings members of New Mexicans for Compassionate Use were able to speak to Justice Department representatives about the statements in March of 2009 by Eric Holder, US Attorney General, that medical marijuana would no longer be prosecuted. After this conversation in May of 2009, Attorney General Holder came to New Mexico in June of 2009 and again gave a public presentation on the matter stating that legally established medical marijuana distribution operations and legally sanctioned medical marijuana users (all under state laws), would not be prosecuted by the Federal Government. During the proceedings it was revealed that the AUSA’s prosecuting the cases in New Mexico told Defendants that they were not returning the medicine and that they would be prosecuted if they were caught with Marijuana in the National Forest again. During discussions with the US Attorney and his Assistants at the Court, long time Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Judy Rosenstein discovered that the US Attorney for New Mexico, Gregory J. Fouratt, was not involved in that decision to impose conditions on the Defendants.
Contact Attorney John McCall for more information on this case. Charles Smith has given permission for this information to be released to the public and is available, somewhere in the woods around Shasta Lake, if you want to find him and talk to him about his experience.
You can go to Youtube Lisa Law for video of the Rainbow Gathering and Law Enforcement activities.
John McCall
Attorney at Law
Law Works L.L.C.
823 Gold SW
Albuquerque NM 87102
(505) 256-1998
Cell (505) 480-7764

See motherfuckers Obama did change MMJ policy. So now is the time for states to fight for the most liberal laws possible, and for California to resist the meddling in the best medical marijuana laws which give the most freedom to patients and the plant.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I believe that would be what the lawyer types call a precedent. If it's true, it's going to be a whole lot harder for the feds to prosecute legitimate mmj users in the future.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^This is great news. To me this kind of news feels like, finally cracking an impossible pecan, after trying for an hour, and you haven't eaten in two days.

These rulings will influence other judges to make similar rulings because they will have seen it worked out ok for the other judges. :) this is the perfect time to step up the pressure on the federal government to decriminalize.


A step toward a clear policy that everyone might be able to understand and follow.

Better .. not done yet.

So the feds determine if the defendant violated state law. If they decide that you broke state law, how do you appeal that decision? How is the trial conducted to determine guilt or innocence of the state law? Is the defendant able to face his/her accusers? Is the defendant able to cross examine any witness?

No to all the above .. A trial is conducted behind closed doors. And the defendant isn't allowed to watch their own trial. They don't even know if or when the trial has taken place.

To be clear: This "trial" is where feds determine if state laws have been broken.

A very clear violation of due process. The defendant is completely unable to present a state law defense case in the process.

To determine true guilt or innocence of breaking a state law requires that a trial has been conducted, IN STATE COURT. A proper trial. Not some secrete, behind closed doors, tribunal.

It's nice that this administration has decided to do these jack in a box trials .. What country is this?


Someone at the white house sent me a e-mail asking me to support the health care bills.

This is what I responded:

I estimate that about half of our nations healthcare costs could be eliminated by making marijuana available as medicine.

The president has laughed this concept off. In spite of marijuana being more popular than the president himself. Even at the presidents most popular time, marijuana still got more votes than he did anywhere people could vote for it.

So continue laughing.

Frankly I see this entire health care stuff as a method to give doctors and drug companies a massive bonus at the cost of the taxpayer. They make more money as long as marijuana remains against federal law.

Who signs your paycheck?

I'll click on "send" now. I fully expect that it will hit a dead letter account and no human will ever see it.

This administration has been steadily shifting it's full support to big money. At the cost of quality of life and healthcare for everyone.

Notice that I didn't mention the human costs?

Why bother .. it's all about the big money now.

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