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Man sent to jail for yawning


A man received a six-month jail sentence for yawning "boisterously" in court.
Clifton Williams, 33, was attending the Will County Courthouse in Illinois to hear the sentencing of his cousin, who had pleaded guilty to a drugs charge.
As Judge Daniel Rozak delivered his verdict of two years' probation, Williams let out a yawn.
The judge responded by giving Williams a six-month prison sentence, the maximum penalty for criminal contempt without a trial by jury... DAMN!



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
No sympathy from me. Scream "FUCK YOU" at a judge in his own court, what do you expect?


ICMag Donor
Members of the public gallery can usually do and say as they wish, up to the point the Judge gives them a warning for contempt of court. After-which the person is usually evicted from the court room by the guards.

Is Illinois a fascist state?


Clackamas Coot

Active member
There are times where the proverbial truth that 'sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut vs. confirming that you're a complete and total idiot'

Kinda like pissing of an I.R.S. agent during an audit.




Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I know, lets walk through Central Park at 4 am with $100 bills falling out our pockets calling, "Free crack and blow jobs!" That would never lead to trouble.
This guy may be a idiot but six months for yawning thats not only crazy its a obvious abuse of power which these judges and scum bag prosecutors seem to get away with daily.
I wonder if it a racial thing ..

i.e. the judge was white and person who yawned was black ...
the judge was black and person who yawned was white ....

or the judge had dealt with the cousin on another matter ... and held a grudge or similar ..

and yes you are suppose to be warned ...

h^2 O

hahahaha. That judge is a scumbag, probably only way to get back at people because outside the courtroom he's a joke and gets wedgies


I'm glad to hear that the Illinois government apparently isn't suffering from the depression, and can afford to imprison these dangerous people for 6 months.

Imagine if this person was allowed to walk the streets? Freely yawning 'boisterously' in pubic?! We'd soon have an epidemic, as yawning is contagious.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Some judges shoudn't be judges, plain and simple. Regardless of whether he was disrespecting the judge or disrupting the proceedings, justice is meant to be FAIR. Just cause the judge was having a shitty day doesn't give him cause to abuse the power the elected folk bestowed him with. Either way, six months for contempt in overcrowded county jails is silly.


Active member
SIX! 6! 123456! months prison just for yawning? Even if he farted this would only justify 100 $ punitive damages and the order to leaf the court.

This is ridiculous. And what about "in his court", it is just a working place.



the motherfucker probably had dogbreath, id have given him a year!



Outrageous abuse of power. Another example of how fucked up the world is. Secondly bill oreilly is a douche.


Brings to mind several things:

"Don't hate the player, hate the game"
"Stupiity is supposed to be painful"

Seriously, how much does it cost to process and house someone in a jail?
That is the thing that I thought of when I read the story. No wonder government cant balance the books...
I also wish I knew what the drug charges were for...

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