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Critique my SOG plans.



sorry to hear that flat, what were they growing in?

It was a DWC ScrOG in a 5 gallon bucket. I vegged it for 2 months. It was going to be my big finale before i moved on to SOG. I used one of those 36" flexible airstones. Little did i know they clog very easily. I didn't check the res for a few days and by the time i did all the roots had suffocated and died.

I took a wild chance and hacked all the dead roots of and let it do it's thing. It developed a few new roots, but not enough to sustain life. I let it grow as long as i could, but by week 7 it was apparent nothing was gonna happen. so i salvaged what i could and said goodbye to buckets and hello to Aero.

I see no reason to look back now. Aero is the shit.



Thanks for the quick reply, Next week you will be a happy person after that chop! From what i can see it looks DANK! As for aero cant wait to flower with it! I need to grow up a couple big mothers!


hey guys these look like aquamist systems.

How much did it take you guys to build 1?

Where do i order that White plastic?

I want to build one too!!

Thanks in advance.


hey guys these look like aquamist systems.

They're quite similar

How much did it take you guys to build 1?

How much what?
Time? i had plenty of time, i built 2 units over 2 months.
Money? The tubs were the most expensive part of my project...but that's because i was looking for those specific tubs. You could get a 24"x36" tub at Lowes for $13. Total cost for me to build both units with Tubs, Pumps, Nets and Collars, PVC and Sprayers, was some where in the area of $400-500. But there was a LOT of trial and error. I could do it all again for about $200-$300, with parts left over to spare.

Where do i order that White plastic?

Check your local area for Plastics manufacturers and distributors. Or USPlastics.com. But that's expensive.

I want to build one too!!

Have you seen Pirate's Thread? It's where i got all my info...so i would suggest starting there. http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=113425

Thanks. Good Luck!



flat when r u chopping sat sun?

Sometime this weekend. The Trichs tell all!

Thanks for all your replies flat.

How much do you yield per 50 plants in that system?

Hey man. I see you are somewhat new to the forum. I'm gonna give you a touch of advice cuz other members can get kinda frustrated when newbies ask questions. One thing you gotta do is READ READ READ...then ask questions. If you read through the beginning of this thread, you'd know this is my first run with the system and I don't yet know what I'm gonna yield. The few questions you asked before were clearly discussed in the last couple pages of this thread. No big thing, we're all here to help each other out. But definitely SEARCH and READ before you ask, cuz 11 times out of 10, the questions have already been asked and other members aren't always nice about it.

Thanks guys. I will have some numbers for you by Monday.



Sorry for the long delay. It's been a fuckin busy week.

Chopped Unit 1 down at day 47. That is seriously early and wish i had the time to let them go at least another week.

But I didn't have time and i can't do anything about it now.

Dry weight is 7.5 oz.

Unit 2 is rockin away. Lookin pretty beastly for 4 weeks. I'm diggin PistolWhipt's pruning method.

Thanks to everyone who ventured along with me on this first run. I wish it had more exciting results. Oh well. I really love these aero systems and there's nowhere to go from here but up.

I have pics but not on me. I'll post them later.



half P is pretty good for first run and playing it safe! Im glad to hear that your other tray is looking good. Are both the trays same strain?(sorry u might have posted it) are you using flora nova or GH flora bloom and flora grow? Cool i will be around to check the pics when u post them up.. Let me know how that new herb smokes thanks fifth


Fifth. Love that you implemented Pirate's system. I'm thinking of using the Lowe's tub like you. Any advice or better yet, how were your results on this table?
This is more like what I'd like to do. I like the efficency of space. I'm wanting to have a spot for every week with shared resivoirs depending on what stage its in. like the first week is transistion formula (i use GH feeding schedule with only diamond nectar and koolbloom), the next would be a lot attached to a bloom, maybe 2 blooms (one for ripening) and then a final flush res. I am tired of using 5 gal buckets, they are klunky and messy and dirty. Dont tell them i said that tho, they've been good to me.

check it out (i think ii need to put this in my sig)



Fifth. Love that you implemented Pirate's system. I'm thinking of using the Lowe's tub like you. Any advice or better yet, how were your results on this table?

Haha. Hey guys. Thanks for reviving this thread!

i gotta run to a family party so this will be quick.

Thanks for the kind words about the setup. I have found some cool shit since i built the system that i wish i found before building this one.

check this out for a sweet ass "aeromist" wannabe, $11 at HD, $15 at Lowes.:

it's roughly 20" x 30" x 14" with an amazing non-leaking lid (3 weeks into testing...no leaks so far). It's like this thing was made for flexible aero setups!

The great thing about this is the 14" height. You have TONS of room for the roots to grow and you could run 3 or 4 of these off of 1 res if you had a strong enough pump. You could also run each tub as it's own res (ala aquamist) and have a compact little aero unit for cloning, veg, flower...whatever...I have one in veg right now and it's amazingly simple and perfect size, construction. I love it.

Divenosa, i've only had one good run on this thing, one side yielded 8oz. It could have been much bigger if i had topped and cropped. Came home from a 2 week vacation and some things went wrong on the second run and lost most of it. What currently is flowering in there looks amazing and i can't wait to see what comes out of it.

ok more pics and shit later.



5th, great link, that shit looks perfect. Funny, I was at the Lowes this morning and saw this after thinking the mortar tub was too flimsy. I'm gonna fire up a few of these and post pics. Now just need to track down some ABS plastic...


Alright! i'm back from the family gathering. Did some work in the garden and snapped a few pics.

First I'll get you up to speed on what has been happening in flower.

I threw about 40 plants into flower after a week of veg. A handful of White Rhino, a handful of Northern Skunk, and a handful of what we have been calling "Green". you can see week 1, 2, and 6 (current). They've exploded and i am happy.

You can see i did a bunch of pinching and bending in the green and northern skunk sections to get some light to the lower buds. The rhino has a few bends but for the most part, it grows tall enough where it isn't really shading the lower stuff. I'm really excited to smoke some rhino. it's been a WHILE.

This is Green's last run. A member named Scooty has a big LST Green that he is currently flowering. But we all decided it's good smoke, but it's terrible to grow. Always seems stressed, always super leafy, not very heavy. Just seems like so-so genetics. Although i did clip a 6 week bud and vaped it today before the family party. I got super high and had to collect myself before getting out of the car.

Flowering week 1:

Flowering week 2:

Flowering week 6:

White Rhino, Week 6 of 12:

Northern Skunk, Week 6 of 8:

"Green", Week 6 of 8:

And here is my aero veg tub like i was talking about earlier. 6 Spray heads and a 450gph pump. GH lucas formula with a shot of grow for my personal veg satisfaction. PH 5.4

I'm not gonna get too into it, you can see it's simple. Divenosa, There's no need for ABS tops, the top this comes with is perfect...just might need to spray it black to block light. But it seriously has no leaks and has plenty of room for a good number of plants. I love these tubs. if you have questions about this tub and it's construction i'll be glad to answer them.

When i started this aero kick, i was heavy into the SOG thing. I saw the success Pirate had, and I wanted to do it. It works great. The only problem i have is my veg fell far behind and i haven't been able to keep up with the 25 clones every 4 weeks. So i'm opting for a ScrOG solution. I'll keep the exact same setup in flower, but i'll only be using 4-5 plants per AeroUnit. I will veg them as you see in the pictures, Veg for 4 weeks, ScrOGGin the whole time, then move those plants and the screen into flower and let the 4-5 plants fill the canopy the same way 25 plants did in SOG. Much easier on the mothers and veg end of things.

Aero Veg, day 3 of veg:

Aero Sprayers:

Soon to be ScrOG:

2 Serious Seeds Chronic, Both Female, vegging to be moms:

Random Veg:

OK. This post is kinda just thrown together. It's 4:30 am and i'm beat. Ask questions and i'll answer them. Otherwise i'll look this thread over tomorrow and edit as i see fit.



5th - wow, quick update, much appreciated. Interesting to hear about your veg. time being a factor for the clones going into flower. That leads me to think that I'll need to use one of my 400W CMH lamps in veg to kick out the clones. Then maybe run 3-4 of these on a 1200gph pump in a remote rez for flower.

Any advice/experience with inline pumps versus the subersible variety? Is there a brand I should look at over another? I've got a few weak (450gph) in-rez pumps but am worried about the heat they put out.

For the money, these tubs with Pirate's and your methods seem like a killer DIY on the cheap without any negatives. Good call on painting the lids black. I'll probably do one coat black then one white. Love it!


BAH! I wrote a long reply and forgot to submit it. Here goes a quick second attempt...

5th - wow, quick update, much appreciated. Interesting to hear about your veg. time being a factor for the clones going into flower. That leads me to think that I'll need to use one of my 400W CMH lamps in veg to kick out the clones. Then maybe run 3-4 of these on a 1200gph pump in a remote rez for flower.

Time wasn't the enemy in my veg. Heat, Thrips, poor environment, vacation/neglect...those are the things that really set me back. I lost a lot of important mothers and clones. I spent these last couple weeks thoroughly cleaning my room and sorting out which plants could survive. I'm happy with the results of my labor and once i get back in full swing i may very well go back to SOG. But for now i'll scrog with some low plant numbers.

Watch your heat using 400w in veg with a 1200gph pump. I see some warm res temps in your future.

Any advice/experience with inline pumps versus the submersible variety? Is there a brand I should look at over another? I've got a few weak (450gph) in-rez pumps but am worried about the heat they put out.

I have a GH 1250gph inline pump. It was donated by a friend and i've never used it. I suppose i should check it out because the 800gph ActiveAqua submersible pump i use now is making my res too warm. Does anyone know if inline pumps keep the water cooler? I don't have room for a chiller at the moment, but really need to cool my water down.

I've got a 450gph pump in that Aero Veg Tub we've been discussing. It runs it fine and doesn't put out that much heat (so far...). I don't know the brand off hand, but i bought it at lowes.

Check out TheBigTomato.com for good deals on ActiveAqua pumps.

For the money, these tubs with Pirate's and your methods seem like a killer DIY on the cheap without any negatives. Good call on painting the lids black. I'll probably do one coat black then one white. Love it!

Hah. Thanks man, I'm a cheapskate so i'm always on the lookout for cheap, viable solutions. I really think these totes are a valuable tool for us aero growers.

I sent a message to Pirate to see if I could get his input on these tubs. Hopefully he comes by.

thanks man. I wish I had saved my first reply...
