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How to Garden By The Moon


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I've got a buddy who starts small but established clones this late in the season... he's been planting the last 2 weeks when he finds time. He has to keep them under about 2' so they stay camouflaged by natural scrub. It works out pretty well, and they do look a lot like 12/12-from-seed plants.



Pleasantly dissociated
cool strain brain
i started a plant a few years back from seed around august first, small and awesome, no probs ever, easy trim too, i wish i had 20 of those, snip snip hang


The big tornado mess is cleaned up. Tree got chopped down.

What a big mess it was.

Good news! I think my car will be okay with a new coat of paint and a new roof!

It's always something happening around here.

Got some big fat buds in bloom and the kiddies are ready to go into bloom as well.

It sure looks lonesome around here without any trees.


ICMag Donor
Finally got around to dropping by this thread. Getting closer to outdoor season here, so might need your good moon vibes soon Lola. Glad to hear the car is fixable, although I have to say Shaun's idea ain't half bad, j/k-hehehe. And what a lil ripper of a find on ya valuable toy. Should we keep an eye out for you on 'Antiques Roadshow'?LOL.
And 16 weeks-that should be in the guiness book of records...


Still ain't got no buds on the bitch! DAMN SSH!!!!

The joke is on Shaun! It's a convertible already! lol...

Ooops! Forgot to water my plants for 3 days! They is all wilted! OH NO!

I feel like harvesting some buds this morning! I have some Ice Cool that is on week 16 that I seeded. Let's see if there are any beans in there!

Wish the internet would fix itself! So slow! Damn dialup! I'd throw up some pics, but too slow to load em!

Cali Orange Clones- Almost ready to harvest.
White Rhino Clones- Almost done.
WhiteBerry/PP - It's HUGE!
GH SSH- Still farting around, a few bud sites, but no real buds yet...
Northern Lights/Haze - Budding along, not gonna be a big producer
Karma's SSSDH/Jack - They are big rascals, close to 3 footers, all all fine, no sex yet.
GrapeVine's SourBubble - They are a little stunted, all 4 still alive, biggest is about 2 feet tall. Maybe all gals?

I got the po-po in the air this morning....damn LEO. Always trying to steal my Outdoor crops!


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
sorry i didn't know it was already a convertible well that makes it hard then

Are you still trying with that SSH

I'm sure ya plants will bounce back with some love from Lola
Happy harvesting


SHOCK! Harvest time done snuck up on me! Super Cool!

Went to water the gals a little while ago and noticed they had some dank lookin buds, pistils turning, so I figure it's just water deprivation signs... but when I looked, my trichs are cloudy!

:biglaugh: I been thinking some of these plants were one thing! Surprise.... A severly LSTd plant I thought was a WhiteberryPowerPlant was mislabelled clone and turns out to be a giant White Rhino... If she don't get a pound dried I will be shocked! I smelled her and said... You are a Rhino! I know that smell.

Anyways, looks like time to harvest up! The Cali O's are done as well.

I am gonna clean the bloom room this weekend and prepare for the Karma and Grapevine plants to go into bloom.

Time to start looking for a good pair of scissors... hahaha I will put up some pics, soon!

Thanks for dropping by Ya'll!


Hey Ya'll!

I'm bored tonite! Thought I'd give up an update.

Lots of rain throughout the OD season, things should be going pretty good.

Indoor I am about to switch my Karma and Grapevine Grow to Bloom. I been putting it off, lots of stuff happening.

I been picking some buds and drying them out to replenish the supplies. I think my buddies smoke more than I do! LOL.

I had some seed buds I left on my Ice Cool, but I don't think they took. I guess my pollen was not collected properly before freezing.

The buds were bottom popcorn and leaving them and extra 2 months let them get dank, hard as rocks and delicious.

Put up a few quarts of Cali Orange (my fave) and some White Rhino too. I was toking on that rhino and wow! It puts me to sleep pretty quick.

I was hoping to sex my Veg, but I still have no definite signs yet.

Anybody ever use those giant peat pucks? I got some on sale, and wet them down! My goodness they are HUGE! About 5 inches tall! I was gonna use em to do some clones.

I have messed around and almost lost my Cali Orange.

FINALLY got some NEEM oil concentrate. Gonna spray down everything in sight!

Anybody use this? I have read mixing with Pyrethrins is good for spider mites. Any opinions? Thanks :dance:



hows that SSH doing??

btw,im bored to.so i'l be cyber stalking you on IC for the next hour...
thanks for your cooperation.


The SSH from GH has itty bitty buds on it. And spider mites.

I will probably kill them in the morning and move the Karma / grapevine gear into bloom.

I am wanting to pop some Apophis beans and some Grape Krush beans to put into veg.

oh, by the way, stalk away! sounds like fun... lol


I got my plants in veg down a while ago and gave a head to toe spray down with Neem oil and a little dishwashing detergent/water.

Now it looks like flea beatles are on the plants! Dadgumit! they don't seem to be phased by the Neem oil spray either.

How long after spraying with Neem oil will it take to kill off the bugs on the plants?


It's time to put the Veg into big pots and put them into bloom! Hafta get my Moon sign book out and consult it.



HELP! Please advise!

The plants look droopy leafed, but the main stem is fine! Must be that Neem oil/soap/water. I put 1/4 teaspoon in a quart of water and sprayed every bit.

The Karm a gear did not mind, but the Grapevine looks all droopy leafed?? I am sure that it is the Neem or the Joy Lemon dishwashing soap maybe? Anybody know what I did wrong?

My first try at the Neem oil. I used the Green Light Brand, 2 tablespoons per gallon it said, so wouldn't that be like one teaspoon a quart? I only used 1/4 teaspoon.

Maybe it's the Lemon Joy?

I went to wally world and bought the vinyl material to make my first set of bubble hash bags from. I will post pics of my experiments in bubble bag making when I get it all done.

I have some lovely red, turquoise, navy and gray bags to make.

My tie dyed T shirts turned out rather well, and I still have a batch to finish up. I got some plastic ketchup bottles today, 16 in all, what dye color combos will I be able to make now? Woohoo! I have 22 total now, so that's a lot of choices. I bet my work in tie dying improves!

Broke my broken bong again today. durn. Gonna hafta glue it back together again, at least it is only the base of it, no biggie, but it is ugly... It's the rasta one that all the color came off of.. lol.

Just chillin and hopin somebody will tell me it will be OK with neem oil! :)


hmmm, i think your measurements could be off.
there is 3 tspn in 1 tbsp.
so, they call for 6 tspn per gal.
thats about 1.5 tspn per quart.

even at 1/2 strength, looks like shoulda been 3/4 tspn per qt.

also, some detergents can harm, i dont know the parameters.

they may just gotten droopy from all that 'rain'