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anyway I can get weed through an airport??


Active member
What's a vacation without finding some shady looking dude, buying drugs in back alleys and biker dens....??? Meet the locals, smoke their weed.

Indeed Lola indeed.....ads a little excitement to your vacation trying to hook up in a Biker Bar.....but it can be done FO SHO!
Better than getting busted at the airport.


I'm sure one could get through 9 times out of 10.... I'd just hate to be the 10th one...lol


Active member
Yeah that would just be my luck also.....I trust the Bikers more. Actually lots of cool Bikers in Florida are college educated professionals.

They have a bar named Kahuna's where cool bikers hang out on the Redneck Riviera which is on the Gandy here....te he so appropriate for granny.

On Mondays they serve free nachos. mmmmmm Bikers and Nacho's,,,,what a treat.

h^2 O

I got stripped searched at Dubai International lmao

my mom lives there and the guy said i looked like a rocker (scene hair style?) and since i had a bright RED passport with SWISS CONFEDERATION written on it, and 2 months earlier we voted on decrim, he made me go with him in a room n searched me. I later discovered that if you result positive at a drug test (which they are entitle to perform) you may end up just as if you had drugs on you.
well there goes a shitload of middle eastern girls who'll never get to taste my caulk.


In the early 60's I drove a Key from Mex to Cal taped around my waist. Had sat on it for several 1000 miles so it was pretty flat. No problem.

I was young and reckless I guess, because I would not consider doing that again.

I do like the mail, however.


Depends on how much your talking about.....a small amount as in 1 or 2 grams of bud is easy, up to 5 of hash no worries just stick it in your pocket, down your undies up your butt if your game but any more then that is too risky IMO. I personally have only done it twice and both times I was so nervous I nearly shit my pants......

like everyone else said, your sure to be able to find some wherever your going anyway.


conceal it well and keep your fingers crossed is the best way. i wouldn't fuck with it though, because if you get caught, that's your ass.


New member
alrite ive decided that I want to bring an eighth to michigan with me... good idea????

Im gonna put it in my suit case but first im going to make sure there is no way it can be found.

Im thinkin that im gonna put it in a hollowed out speaker or something so nobody can see it in plain view. Plus, if I do that then the weed wont get crushed since its in a hard cover. But before I put it in the speaker ill put my weed baggy in a some clogone soaked paper towels.

You think I can pull this off?


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Again if you dont have the brains or the balls you shouldn't be putting yourself at greater risk.

I really hate this thread. If you have to ask can it be done and how, don't do it.


so asking for advice is not allowed? I thought thats what this forum is all about brah???
Don't put it in your luggage. Just take a couple grams, wrap tightly in plastic, tape it to your taint and walk through. Probably better to leave it home though. Mis dos centavos.

Amstel Light

i have done it going to belize and costa rica...my method
1)grind it well less air meens more weed
2)place in Sandwich baggie
3)roll with saran wrap like a cigar many times but keep it as long and skinny as possible
4) squeeze it into a shampoo or better conditioner bottle
5) place bottle (i guees only works if your married ooh and dont tell wife they usually blow it) with other toiletrys.

5)almost forgot wipe everything down with alcohol before placing it and your hands on toiletry bag

one time they started swabbing my shit :yoinks: it was for bomb detection???guess they thought i was IRA??:nanana:

Amstel Light

so asking for advice is not allowed? I thought thats what this forum is all about brah???


quote"If you have to ask can it be done and how, don't do it."
if we went by this we would all be smoking mexican wtf??

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