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anyway I can get weed through an airport??


why would you risk it? no matter were you go you can always find bud besides isnt that one of the fun parts of traveling? smoking the local ganj


Active member
Of course it's possible...the real question is whether or not you can do you the time if you get caught doing the crime...


cant stop wont stop
why would you risk it? no matter were you go you can always find bud besides isnt that one of the fun parts of traveling? smoking the local ganj


but also man, if you're worried about carrying it on your person, UPS and FedeX is also another viable option.

Where theres a will theres a way.


its possible but depnding on how much you want to bring it could be risky...if you just want to bring a 1/4 of dank then its no problem

last summer when i flew i ground up a quarter of good bud and compressed it into the corner of a baggie until in was about a 2 inch square and 1/2 inch thick and wrapped it in a few layers of surran wrap to stop odor...then i strapped it to my very very upper leg and wrapped it with athletic tape...worked like a charm, they would of had to make me strip naked to find it


cant stop wont stop
I wouldn't recommend those options, risky.

not if you're smart about man. ive done it several times.. its no more risky than flying with it on you.

if its absolutely necessary then yeah take the risk, but i agree with skarecrow- find it while you out and about.. hell maybe call someone you know from the area.. connects everywhere. you're bound to get it
regardless of how you accomplish the task - All carry a risk.
Not that im advocating it, but i've flown atleast a dozen times with a qtr oz strapped to my ballsack. no problems whatsoever.


Well here is a method.

Get yourself a couple large candles with lids.
Remove all the wax, melt down and pour in 1-1.5 inches of the liquid candle.
Let it set up, put your weed in a ziplock bag. Wrap it in tinfoil and wrap it well. Drop it in the bottom and fill the rest of it back up with the rest of the candle.
Wrap a ribbon around it and accompany it with a card to seal the deal.

Mom LOVES salt city candles :bis:
Stick that shit in your checked luggage.

Also, you can go down to your local adult store and pick up the BIGGEST NASTIEST non-see thru dildo.
Get a vacuum sealer and seal up your shit.
Take the dildo apart and slide your shit in it.

HERE'S the key. :jerkit:
Get some of your love juices and smear it all over it. Toss on a few pubic hairs and let it dry.

Coming from a *former TSA screener :angrymod:, when checking through people luggage. You avoid touching personal stimulation products, even more so when they are NOT clean, been used and not in any case/sock and laying loose in the bottom of the bag.

Just an idea...

*You are trained and instructed to look for shit like mace, bear spray and explosives etc..
You do always have a captain saveahoe and will alert a LEO when they find any drug.
Those fuckers were a blast to fuck with, some of the "chiller" screener's would take the training swabs and contaminant their work areas. They get a hit and they have to do a full bag check instead a simple handle, zipper etc..


weed fiend
I saw this episode on 60 Min where human mules stuff dope in surgical glove fingers and swallow them. The good thing about doing it yourself means you get to go fishing w/o a big ugly dude with a stick standing there in the stall with you. :D


alway shady.... an amigo flew back with euro with almost hp disbursed amongst his luggage.... it can be done

just look clean cut, wear a suit or look dapper like your on a bus trip and they wont fuck with you....... look like me after being in the woods for a few weeks full beard backpack, etc.... and guarantee you will get messed with...... same goes with driving.... wear a suit look professional...... your fine

I dont like to do it..... but if i do, it goes in checked baggage.....


Domestic, no problem, but my experiences have only been with very small quantities. I usually just stick a bag in my pocket. It is not metal and hopefully not to smelly. Pre-rolled joints are good too. I have been rethinking bringing bud with me lately though. I have walked by dogs fine, but this last time was a rush for very little reward.

Story time about last time I was flying. It was Easter time and my friend and I drove to the airpot which is about an 1.5hr drive. We bring a half 1/8 for the drive. We don't finish it all so I left some with the driver and rolled trio joints for myself. I was pretty high and thought, why not put it under my sweater sleeve with a hair tie. I go through sercuity where they take you id, had my shoes, belt off book bag in the screener. I was walking through the metal detector when the TSA officer asked me to take of my sweater since I had a t shirt underneath. I was dumbfounded and shitting bricks. I had no choice but to take off my hoodie. Remember I have three joints attached to my arm that will now by exposed to the TSA agent. I take my sweater half way up, pause and during the time pulled my right hand down, and shoved it up the other sleeve. Grabbed the three joints and ripped the sweater off. I then shoved the three joints in my pants pocket were they should have been in the first spot. I then stumbled through security.

Smoked the three joints a day later and then went to a family BBQ. Talk about excitment

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