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Thanks for checking out my 1st grow. Please feel free to comment on anything you may find helpfull. Ill start by saying this has been a long journey: but I have enjoyed the ride. You may remember your 1st grow trying to figure out the best way for you to begin. Now im not sure if this is the best way for me to begin.....but here I go.

This is in a 4x8 grow tent with one 600 watt cool tube. Until I add the next one.

9 Grand Daddy Purples. White Widow will be added next.

I plan on vegging for about 2 weeks. Then I will throw up the screen.

In case you are wondering what kind of system I am using, I decided to go with the ebb and flood. You'll see 9, 3" pots on top of a CoCo Tek Organic mat. In the pots are Atami BCUZZ Hydromix HP.

The Nutrients that I plan on using (as of now) are Canna Aqua Flores.
(Are theses nutes ok for the soil im using)?

I also have some Bud Blood, and some purple Maxx from Humboldt.

If anyone knows anything about Phat Bloom Advanced Floriculture...its in a yellow bottle. Please let me know how you feel about it. I have heard its good shit.

Anyways thanks for reading. Enjoy! :joint:





That^^^ is my White Widow mother and some clones.


I love my life

Posting pix was super frustrating for me too. First I made albums in My IC and uploaded all my pix.

Next while posting always use Advanced mode. Now on the right where you see the crazy emoticons there is an insert "My Photos" link. Clicking this link will bring up all your photos. Clicking on a photo will make a thumbnail of it. People can then click on this thumbnail for full size.

Now if I want to put the full size photo in I have to click the "Forum Albums" silver button above the "Title (subject)" line. When I click it it opens my albums. I then need to click on an album and select a photo. When the full size photo comes up in a separate window, there are two codes at the bottom of the photo (Picture URL, and BB Code). I copy and paste the BB Code (like so).


And in theory you should see a full photo of my tall friend Becky :D

Hope this helped, :joint:

PS I like this method much better than the way the your photos work in this post.


Weed Robot
up and going finally nice bro ladies looking good.i just started to harvest first room today have to work some more tomorrow.i will take pics and post it my other room is 7 weeks into flowering.im so tired right now i was only able to trim 9 plants today have another 25 plants to go,damn!lots of work but i'll keep you posted bro
Well about 8 days in now...

Hydrosun- Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

Dominican my main man, im glad your busy. The return will be worth while...keep rolling on. Stay safe.






Weed Robot
beautiful laddies looking realy healthy are you gonna up the size on pots? i'm about to do some bi-hydro or coco soil have 60 shinning silver haze clones already in soil gonna order
advance nutts ima give it a try since i keep getting salt build up with general hydroponics 3 part nutts i did the math 1800 for all the shit i need. oh man the smell and high of the shinning silver haze is amazing,fruity hazey and full of cristals


Budz look amazing man! I bet your proud!

Im not going to size up the pots because the roots can grow through the coco mat...in my mind it makes sense but I could be wrong! Question for you; how do you know when you have salt build up? Also I was reading this book today and it mentioned you should not flush....heres why;

The Big Flush

"Some grows recommend "flushing". Which is an attempt to remove chemical fertilizers from the plant, during the flowering stage. Flushing is said to increase the taste and health of the plant, to improve quality and reduce toxicity. This is simply wrong. By removing fertilizers or starving your plant during the critical flowering stage, your plant willl be in extreme stress. As the plant attempts to compensate its growth, to stay alive, flower production or THC production may stop. If the plant is not strong enough it will die. Flushing shoud never be done."

by James Bong's Ultimate SpyGuide to Marijuana

If you or anyone else have any mixed experiences on flushing I would like to hear.

Later dominican


Active member
Stop THC production??

lol no. I flushed for 3 weeks+ on my 10 week flower cycle and they got amazing growth during that stage.

Also, if you starve a plant (STRESS IT) before you chop, it will force the THC outward as it puts the plant in protection mode, so that kinda contradicts the last quote.

just my .02


Weed Robot
Stop THC production??

lol no. I flushed for 3 weeks+ on my 10 week flower cycle and they got amazing growth during that stage.

Also, if you starve a plant (STRESS IT) before you chop, it will force the THC outward as it puts the plant in protection mode, so that kinda contradicts the last quote.

just my .02

i agree
even before harvest the plant can be flushed.all the nutts we use has plenty salt after plants use what they needs in fert and salt is left behind. if salt is left to keep being stored in your medium what happens is even the smallest amount of fert will be to much as medium has all that backed up salt in it. causeing ppm to read way high after acumilation which cause toxicty burnt leaves from nutrient lock ph issues.by flushing it lossing the salts that are pressent in medium kind of like a bath right after doing so you can replace nutts by adding them back in .one way to do so flush with a mild solusion and let it go through your medium so it comes out the bottom making sure water is always ph. or do so with plain ph water and then add nutts right after doing so.see no stressing plants even with a flush the plant store enough nutts in them to keep eating for days


Active member
Or just learn your strains how they feed etc. dialing your grow in will give you more than you could have dreamed .If you have the genes, great temps, great overall plant health and the lumens you will harvest great stupid dank buds.
Finally got my Co2 stuff today, im going to hook up everything tommorow. I ended up taking 2 GDP out and putting 2 white widows in. Plants are filling the screen nicely. Ill throw some pics up tom.
Ive got my Co2 set up and running, its the black tube running around the plants.

They are in day 7 of flowering.

My temps are at 78-80 and humidity around 60%

* Is the humidity to high?





Active member
live: i try to keep my humidity at 60.. then drop it down to 50 on week 4 to avoid any mold issues. you should be good with 60 as long as you circulate enough air.


live: i try to keep my humidity at 60.. then drop it down to 50 on week 4 to avoid any mold issues. you should be good with 60 as long as you circulate enough air.

Well shit I just checked the humidity again and its around 71% now...the reason why its higher than before is because the tent has no incoming air because I had to seal the light so it draws from outside the tent. (because I added co2 today)

***Can anyone recommend anything? Should I go buy a dehumidifyer?
Well shit I just checked the humidity again and its around 71% now...the reason why its higher than before is because the tent has no incoming air because I had to seal the light so it draws from outside the tent. (because I added co2 today)

***Can anyone recommend anything? Should I go buy a dehumidifyer?

Mine has hit the mid to upper 70% range as well. Do you have a fan inside to keep the air movin? Unless you pick up a cold air dehumidifier I would not worry about it too much. Most run off of a compressor which will add more heat to the room you are trying to keep temps down in, and the digital ones are a few bucks. Mine does anyway, but that's what I get for livin on the coast.

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