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1 swamp + 32gallon trashcan x 20 = ?

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Great use of your surroundings, your hard work should pay off come harvest - you'll have earned it:joint:, really well done still2big.
EXCELLENT job STB I just read all35 pages of this .AllI can say is you are truley gonna master this shit for sure !!!!!!Hope your harvest is VERY PLENTIFUL FOR YOU AND YOUR GAL!!!!!!!


Active member
Ill have some pics for you guys tomorrow! Been a crazy couple days getting everything set up out there. Moved everything around a bit to get more sun so we got some new pics coming!

I put all but 2 of the smaller ones into trash cans with no holes. I still have to find away to keep the water out when it rains. Gonna go to lowes in a bit to see what kinda black plastic shit i can get. Ive got about a foot before the water level hits the top of the bottom bucket. If that happens i will have to drag them closer to the edge of the swamp. Thats gonna be an all fcking day affair but im hoping the damn rain stops for a bit...

anyway fellas you will have some pics for the weekend....


Active member
Something that dawned on me about your grow. Isn't there high humidity there? Mold loves that, I hope you have preventative measures goin' Peace!Bad...
plants are lookin AWESOME man!!! Are you fimming them or topping at all to get them bushy like the last pic on page 32? Keep up the good work, I wouldnt worry about the yellow leaves to much, Ive seen lots of swamp grow pics where the leaves turn yellow. Good job.


Active member
thanks man! Yeah i topped a few of em. That one you are talking about is more bushy than the rest though. The clone of it i have inside is getting fat as hell so im gonna pull some cuts off it.


all praises are due to the Most High
still2big aka crazy alligator man, what up man? :D

one question: do the alligators and others big things out there have a season of the year up there where they may get more hungry/aggressive due to mating or lack of food etc... ?

keep on kicking ass man



Active member
whats up bro! Yeah right now is mating season then after that its egg season. Ive gotten pretty use to it out there. Ive got some 5gallon buckets floating around out there now so if anything is swimming up under the water i should be able to get out of the way...


And here I am shitting myself out here if I run into a bear in the forest with cubs, you are knee deep on waters that have alligators. Respect my man. Atleast they'll keep the pigs off your plants. :)


Active member
Checking in again, S2B... can't wait to see a photo update. I don't understand what you mean by having 5gal buckets floating out there as an early warning system. How exactly does it work?

oh... i am getting you one of these for xmas...to carry your balls around in. must be tough.


Active member
Well boys we are taking some fckin losses! Guess it was too little to late for some of these. Only down a couple buckets though. Roots just sat in water too long. Some are still going strong though and the pots are getting dry! They all got a good dose of ferts so that should clear up some of the yellowing leaves. Tomorrow im gonna go tape the top and bottom pots together so no rain will get down in there. Not real happy with the plants but ive learned so much shit the past few months who really cares. The gators better get use to seeing my ass out there. Sorry about the crappy pics too. Ill get some better shots.


Just look at this poor bastard....im sorry girl


you can see the yellowing leaves and a ph problem too. Next time its no holes in the trashcans so i can control everything better.


Active member
Checking in again, S2B... can't wait to see a photo update. I don't understand what you mean by having 5gal buckets floating out there as an early warning system. How exactly does it work?

oh... i am getting you one of these for xmas...to carry your balls around in. must be tough.

LMFAO!! Thats pretty good man! Ill take some pics of the buckets. Didnt have alot of time today cause the rain was coming. The buckets are filled with water but they still float a bit. If a gator was coming thru the deeper part underwater its back would hit the buckets and i could tell something was coming. Thats what my ass is hoping anyway...haha


Active member
ok... that's kinda what I figured with your gator-bucket system. Sounds logical.

the one in the middle doesn't look too bad. will you be able to feed as much as you'd like to with no holes in the buckets for runoff?