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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing


Active member
Putting up some pics real quick. I'll come back later and say howdy to everyone.
my internet connection's really slow right now, i'll put up more pics later.

sd chop

ssh macro


Active member
MintMan~ :joint: I've been slimming down that PK one bowl after another.

Jack~ Hang on a sec while i spark this bowl of PK.
The son brought that pipe back from Iraq ; )
Been good. I feel pretty good about having some nice producing plants going on, in spite of my troubles. I did kill my green crack though, and i don't think those cuts are going to root. Maybe i need your cut.
Oh, and next time I'll post a pic of the PK that I just flipped the other day. It's going to be even better than the last one.

Sup easy, hey you can't keep em all, right? Even though it'd be nice. Think of it. A big reasearch facility with moms of all the dank strains. Wait a minute, that's Tonatiuh's place.

Sir~ I have a glass with 3 clones in it so far. I tried rooting in coco, and all i did was to lose a bunch of vegging growth. Might as well have just trimmed the plants and thrown the scraps in the compost.
If I try it again, I'll water the coco, then squeeze it out like a sponge, and then use that in my little cups, with no added water after inserting the clone.

Cali~ I forgot to write the flip date on the pot, so I don't know how long it went. I'm guessing 60-65. I have a small one at 62 or 63 right now. It could probably go 70 to get more amber trichs, but it's plenty stony at 60-65. In fact, it's good at 55, i just wanted to see more purps. Good to have you drop in once in a while bud, things are going good. With young seedlings and some new strains to grow into moms, I've been busy.
Getting my per plant yield up too! All is sweet including some sweet skush seedlings. nice bud makers. See ya around.

It's as good as it looks, Tex. It makes the densest buds of anything I have. Another even more awesome one's going too.

NS~ ; )

NK~ The Pk tastes as good as it looks. It smells kinda like grape...candy?? It's not overpowering in smell, but I had a nug in my pocket. I was on my way outside to load it into a bowl. Stopped for a minute and smelled sweet dankness. Oops. Time to move on away from people. Thick smoke, tasty exhale. Makes you cough a little. It has my eyelids drooping a bit right now.

I chopped this Sour Diesel. Very nice plant. Well, for me. It gave me over 1/2 oz.


I chopped that SSH that I've been bragging about the last few posts. I got over an oz from it. I stuck it in a bag just to see what it'd look like. (it's back in it's jar now) It filled it up all the way. The way a sack should look.

These were both grown in hempy buckets. Someone asked about them. Just a bucket with a hole in the side. If it's a 5 gallon bucket make it 2" up. Fill it with perlite/vermiculite. I use P/V/coco. Water till some comes out of the hole. Daily.

A little purple showing in the desert.
My cholla(pronounced choya for my eastern friends), doing the chain fruit thing. And it's not even a chain fruit cholla.

Here's a chain fruit cholla. Not my pic.

Nice ripe fruit

Mesquite beans

Repotted some seedlings. it's good to see nice roots for a change.


look at all that sour D man! You lucky dog! All I get to smoke on now a days is sour dubble....Oh wait that's still pretty good! I just cut a Purple Kush at day 60 of flower, she was lookin daaaank! I can't wait to see how she smokes, the PK is almost too dense for me as I hate breaking up bowls to smoke them I just like cracking little bowl sized nugs off of a bigger bud and not touching them, just smoke them. But with the PK I must break apart bowls to open them up so they burn nicely. I mean I've got a great flush on her usually, but she is just so dense! Can't wait to see how some new beans turn out for ya, I have the GG lineage posted somewhere so I'll post it up in my thread when I update next. PEACE BROTHA!


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey Hazy :wave:

Sorry If I missed it bro, but how many days did you let the ssh x ww go ?

Everything looking top-notch man :yes:


Gro :joint:


looking all nice in the desert
gona make peeps think , az? not so bad a place but you cant take a pic of the heat, cuz it was 110 yesterday. lol
I know you must of said before, but which sour d do u have,
the one i use to have was from rez and if you have any issues it would herm up like nobodys business


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey hazy
great buds!
that is strange cause if i dont keep mine really wet they die. i get em wet everyother day at least. well after they are soaked i just put water in tray and let em wick it up through bottom holes. out of 21 i took 2 are dieing for some unknown reasons my PC top off my clone and a Gunk clone are limp and gonna die rest r fine. i all most lost 1 DPD yesterday cause coco got to dry really fast.
Nice Cholla!


Active member
Howdy Maj. I got a lot of cactus fruit ripening up, now if I only knew how to make cactus jelly.
Oh, let me tell my cactus story:
I went to a private school out on a west Texas cattle ranch back in 76. This guy had the job of milking cows and had to get up early and go down to the milk barn to do his thing. He was late one morning and missed the ride. He took off running, hopped the fence and hauled ass down the trail. But it was dark and he missed the trail a bit and ran full speed into a big -5 feet tall 7 feet across- cholla cactus and he leveled that cactus to the ground. They pulled thorns out of every square inch of the entire front side of his body. Yeap, had em in his pecker too. poor guy. And you know how them chollas have barbs on the ends of em.

he hit one like this except it was a lot bigger:

Chopping some more canna fruits later tonight too.

caligreen said:
All I get to smoke on now a days is sour dubble....Oh wait that's still pretty good!
Yeah, something tells me that Sour Dubble might be better than Sour Diesel. I stuck a budlet of PK into a bowl without breaking it up and just ended up having to dig it out and crumble it. Imma go check out your PK.

Hey iGro. I let my ssh ww go for 65-75. 75 was i guess too long.

easy~ most folks think of 85 as a nice summer temp. That's our low. 105 - 115+ for another month+. Been so dry that I had to water my desert trees for the first time in a dozen years.
The SourD i have is the one that caligreen used to have. I can't remember if he told me where he got it. I have never seen a nanner, and I've stressed it every way I could.

Sir~ Man, everytime I go to put a clone in anything like soil or coco, they start getting stem rot before I even get them in the medium. All dead within 3 days. I should quit trying. Right now my aerocloner isn't doing worth a shit either. I've tried ro water, a mix of ro and tap, they just don't want to root. Maybe i need to clone in perlite. I saw a thread where someone got mad roots like that. But I've read threads where folks get crazy roots in 5 and a half days with EVERY kind of cloning method.
Maybe I need to go read another one.

Howdy wt :wave:

I've been getting ready for the fall season for my veggie garden. Planted a whole bunch of stuff and still need to plant more. Starting everything in trays to repot later. I'll do most of my gardening in containers to keep the roots away from the little varmints. It's a bit early to really get going for the fall season, but I have everything going under the shade of an Acacia tree. Soon there'll be pots of cherry tomatoes and lettuce under the Palo Verdes and Mesquites. In between the cacti.
I found this Burpee seed starter with a wicking mat. Add water to the res, the starter cells sit on the mat. Seems like it might keep things too wet, but I'll see.

My secret garden is doing pretty good. I have a small SSH to chop tonight at 60 days and a small PK to chop at 65 days.
I have a Sour Diesel looking fat at 68 days. Checking th trichs now...well, lots of amber, lots of cloudy, looks like chop time for it too. It's still putting out lots of new pistils, so maybe I should wait. Nah.
A Sugar Shack looking ready at 44 day, but i'll give it another 5 days. Single cola mystery?, maybe WW, gaining weight.

Another Sugar Shack at ?? forgot to write the flip date. Maybe 40 days.

I've got this C99 just getting her groove on.

And check out the upcoming PK. Not the best pic, but she's a beaut.

And a Catpiss just getting going.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
looks good hazy. all of em r nice!

about the cloning .....
are your moms perfectly healthy?
are your cutting utensils clean?
are you using cloning powder/gel/hormone, and if so is it still good?

i dont understand the rot my self. i had 1 gunk get it while the other 2 rooted in 7 days out of the cups and my pc clone got sick and died in a week while the R66 i took same time is rooted amazingly already 5 days & crazy roots out of cup. but out of 21 cuts only 2 got rot and it is contained at least in each cup vs. my entire bubbler.
i did notice that when i put the heating pad on all the clones directly over it rooted right away with mucho roots and the ones off of it are still rooting just developing much slower.

aero cloner prob not working well cause of heat. summer sucks!

all i know is that when the shit dont want to work at all i always go to blame health of moms, cause i get shit rooting in cups in a week or so when i am out of medium or bubbler room as long as moms are top notch and fed b4 cloned .

i hope you get it going cause i know how you feel and a real PITA to live with

outame 2

Active member
hey hazy,just a note to let you know I haven't forgot you,but with the school going in,the walgreens on the other corner,and I am in between,getting in to work has been a challenge,let alone getting to the post office.and I'm less than a mile to work.

Still enjoying the fruits of your labor.Tax dollars at work.

Old Soul

Active member
Hey Hazy, things are looking real good in here. No worries on the green crack, my mom should be able to give me some cuts soon. Love the cactus shots, and what a great story. Hope all is well.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey hazy looking nice - love your cactus story

do the cactus die once they have flowered?

one suggestion for the cloning (as well as sterilising everything) is to make sure you dont feed your plants for a week before you take the cuts - excess nitrogen especially will encourage rot etc.

all the best



Active member
Thanks Sir.
I think the bad health of the moms has been a critical factor of my cloning problems. Most of my vegging plants have outgrown the trauma of being salt poisoned. Toxic salt levels cause the stem to not be able to move water very well. Cuttings from these plants are slow to root if they even do. I'm hoping that I'll be seeing a big improvement soon because everything seems to be growing vigorously now.
Also, the other day my AC froze up. The wife turned it to fan, but never turned the ac back on. It's been real hot. Got warm in the room and all the clones got mushy. So now I've got all new clones to work with, so we'll see.

~o~ When you get to it friend, no problem. Hey how are those hempys going? The Tricky one showing you how it's done yet?

OS~ I was bummed that i killed that GC, (though i have plenty other stuff going on) and that I had three cuts and not a one ever rooted. It goes back to that salt toxicity and its causing the stems to not be able to transfer water through them. And that GC only was exposed to that environment for a few days before I took the first cut, remember it was a good sized clone with branches, so I don't see how it soaked up enough toxins from sitting in the runoff? Anyway, that's behind me now as long as I keep the nute levels down and keep things clean.
I really think I'm going to use the lucas formula for coco as seen in GH's thread. new nutes soon.

~ No those cactus live forever and flower every year. Every piece that breaks off will grow into another one.

I've been smoking the shit out of this PK, I only have a bit left. I let go of most of my Sour Diesel to a friend, but kept the biggest bud, it was huge. Down to the last of that too.:noway: I still have a 1/2 of SSH, and that will be the last of that till my cut gets done revegging. It's about 10" tall with big single bladed leaves. Looks like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

I bumped a PK that was about 35 days along and it snapped like a twig right at the base. Another symptom of salt toxicity and the resulting pH imbalances and lockout.

OK, on to some pics. I chopped a Sugar Shack:



Had a little dust storm. I tried to get a good pic of the leading edge, only had time for this one before it was over me.



No Longer a Human Watering Can
Hey hazy !!!! Nice pics man ,,,that's a killer dust Storm !!!! I could help ya out anytime man GC mom is huge and i started three mini GC moms too .. Hit me up with a pm

Old Soul

Active member
Hey bro! I was in driving home when the storm hit yesterday, it was badass. Good to hear you are getting things under control. Sucks about the a/c though. As soon as I can get a cut off the GC I will let you know. Sugar Shack looks great.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Dude, awesome pics bro.....I see you've been a busy bee :laughing:

I just updated my Sterling Widow pics and they are coming along nice....Thanks for answering my question man.


Gro :joint:


Active member
thanks Jack~ Dust storms are pretty cool looking, unless it hits while you're on the road. Sometimes you can't see the hood of the car. Gets scary in traffic.

Hey hey Old Soul! Hope you didn't get in any of those dust too thick to drive predicaments.
The ac being off long enough to kill those clones was a good thing when you look at the big picture. Most of those clones were from those sick mommas and were just not rooting anyway. Starting new was what I needed to do, but didn't want to.

iGro4Me~ thanks so much. Those Sterling Widows of yours are coming along very nicely. Can't wait to see those buds swell.
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outame 2

Active member

Tricky's Deep Chunk.

Macro on old camera ...

Tangerine Surprise in the front..due for Hempy bucket today.Tricky bought me a new camera this weekend,been posting with a 3.2 Nikon,she got me a new Nikon 8.0 with macro.Sweet.Time to play.Did you ever get a ph meter to check the ph?Ph swings wildly with city water,no matter what,and well water as well.Ro water has served me well in the ph department with hydro nutes.Getting up early to go to the post office,and pay the bills.