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'Cannabis alters DNA' - new study


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor


'Cannabis alters DNA' - new study

Research at University of Leicester highlights cancer risk from cannabis smoke

Issued on 16 June 2009

A new study published by University of Leicester researchers has found "convincing evidence" that cannabis smoke damages DNA in ways that could potentially increase the risk of cancer development in humans.

Using a newly developed highly sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method, the University of Leicester scientists found clear indication that cannabis smoke damages DNA, under laboratory conditions.

They have now published the findings in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology (1) .
The research was carried out by Rajinder Singh, Jatinderpal Sandhu, Balvinder Kaur, Tina Juren, William P. Steward, Dan Segerback and Peter B. Farmer from the Cancer Biomarkers and Prevention Group, Department of Cancer Studies and Molecular Medicine and Karolinska Institute, Sweden.

Raj Singh said: “Parts of the plant Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana, ganja, and various street names, are commonly smoked as a recreational drug, although its use for such purposes is illegal in many countries.

“There have been many studies on the toxicity of tobacco smoke. It is known that tobacco smoke contains 4000 chemicals of which 60 are classed as carcinogens. Cannabis in contrast has not been so well studied. It is less combustible than tobacco and is often mixed with tobacco in use. Cannabis smoke contains 400 compounds including 60 cannabinoids. However, because of its lower combustibility it contains 50% more carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including naphthalene, benzanthracene, and benzopyrene, than tobacco smoke.”

Writing in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, the scientists describe the development of a mass spectrometry method that provides a clear indication that cannabis smoke damages DNA, under laboratory conditions.
The authors added: “It is well known that toxic substances in tobacco smoke can damage DNA and increase the risk of lung and other cancers. Scientists were unsure though whether cannabis smoke would have the same effect. Our research has focused on the toxicity of acetaldehyde, which is present in both tobacco and cannabis.”
The researchers add that the ability of cannabis smoke to damage DNA has significant human health implications especially as users tend to inhale more deeply than cigarette smokers, which increases respiratory burden. "The smoking of 3-4 cannabis cigarettes a day is associated with the same degree of damage to bronchial mucus membranes as 20 or more tobacco cigarettes a day," the team adds.
"These results provide evidence for the DNA damaging potential of cannabis smoke," the researchers conclude, "implying that the consumption of cannabis cigarettes may be detrimental to human health with the possibility to initiate cancer development."
The study was funded by the European Union Network of Excellence ECNIS, the Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK.

  1. Rajinder Singh, Jatinderpal Sandhu, Balvinder Kaur, Tina Juren, William P. Steward, Dan Segerback and Peter B. Farmer (2009) Evaluation of the DNA Damaging Potential of Cannabis Cigarette Smoke by the Determination of Acetaldehyde Derived N2-Ethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine Adducts. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 22, 1181-1188."

Now how can smoke "alter" your DNA?

I think I'm turning into part cannabis part human, perhaps I'll start producing trichomes.


New member
:) Good point! :dueling:
They forgot to mention that the cigarettes most countries sell contain over 1000 added chemicals like rocket fuel, formaldehyde and cyanide.
Peace :joint:


Cannabis is often smoked in so small quantities in comparison to tobacco that the cancer IMO is not that relevant. I would still like to have a Volcano, only if I had the money..


"Our research has focused on the toxicity of acetaldehyde, which is present in both tobacco and cannabis.”

I liked how they didnt even use cannabis in this study...just one chemical found in both cannabis and tobacco.


Active member
You only live once, i know people who smoke everyday all day since they were youngins, i guess it all depends on the person but if i could get a federal grant to research marijuana, i would see how many joints one person can smoke before getting cancer.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
but if i could get a federal grant to research marijuana, i would see how many joints one person can smoke before getting cancer.

I would be glad to sign up for that study, it sounds like free weed for life :joint:

Storm Crow

Active member
You want to hear what a CHEMIST says about it?

You want to hear what a CHEMIST says about it?

Over at CannabisNews, there is a member who just happens to be a chemist- I trust his view.


Again, the carcinogen(s) referred to are........polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's), which are associated with ANY material/substance that is combustible....the most notorious source of PAH's is a back yard grill.......PAH's as carcinogens are relatively harmless when compared to the other carcinogen associated with burned tobacco and ONLY with tobacco, and those are radio-active isotopes of uranium-238...eveytime I see the "marijuana smoke has x carcinogens" or "marijuana has x time the carcinogens of tobacco smoke", I love pointing out this FACT....PAH's and radiation or just PAH's? Do the math......End of line

Tobacco/tobacco smoke contains radio-active isotopes of U-238, cannabis/cannabis smoke does not. I attached a link to ATSDR/CDC site regarding PAH's, it is an accurate site for dealing with organic molecules/contaminants...Happy Father's Day to all of the dads on CNews........End of line

* http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts69.html

Ever notice that there are signs by the front doors of most grocery stores about them selling stuff that may be carcinogenic? Doesn't seem to slow down sales any.

And here's a little tip from a site discussing cancer-


"Carcinogenic foods -- There are certain foods that contain carcinogens. Foods that should be limited include salted, pickled, and smoked foods, such as pickles or smoked fish, and meats treated with nitrites. Foods that should be eliminated from the diet include meats that have been charred over a grill, as the charred area is carcinogenic. Taking Vitamin C, either through the diet or by supplementation, may protect against the cancer-causing effects of carcinogenic foods. "

So, if vitamin C may protect against the cancers caused by the larger amount of PAHs in BBQ meats, it would stand to reason that the smaller dose of PAHs that you'd get from smoking cannabis would likewise be canceled out by taking some vitamin C.

Granny's advice-get some 500 mg chewables- they are GREAT for your cottonmouth and it won't hurt you to get a little extra vitamin C in your diet. Check your local health food store for some without artificial colors and flavors (also suspected carcinogens). But even the "el cheapo" store brands would be better than not taking any vitamin C. Just remember that too much vitamin C may give some folks diarrhea, so keep it down to a tablet or three a day. :yoinks:

Or just eat more fruit- a perfectly ripe peach or strawberry is absolutely heavenly when you have the munchies! :2cents:

I also note that on the drugs.com site, they have Dronabinol/Marinol, a synthetic THC, as the first drug they mention as a treatment for chemotherapy nausea- Cannabinoids are becoming mainstream medicine! :woohoo: (And it's about time!)

Granny :joint:


Fuck, now you tell us. I was wondering what was wrong with my DNA.


Overkill is under-rated.
yeah, not tested on weed, and i wonder how (or if) different nutes affect this, or how indoor vs outdoor weed fares. Hmmmm


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm 56 and I remember well the government launched propaganda campaign of the 60s and 70s against marijuana. I thought Obama would be an asset once he got into office but what I see is a newly government launched propaganda campaign against the most miraculous plant we have on earth.. Government run news agencies like CNN and MSNBC with their biased coverage of all the violence and environmental horror stories and never how much it helps people or the economy and no focus on the great potential it has in so many aspects for our planet.. Its not to the advantage of industry. Sad Sad Sad


ICMag Donor
You only live once, i know people who smoke everyday all day since they were youngins, i guess it all depends on the person but if i could get a federal grant to research marijuana, i would see how many joints one person can smoke before getting cancer.

HAHAHAH....sign me up for that study!!!



aromatic hydrocarbons make up the terpinoids and the cannabinoids

they used to say that weed had more cancerous compounds than tobacco 15 or 20 years ago

the fact is that it kills cancer

numerous studies have been done to try to prove it caused cancer and found the opposite

subsequent studies were later done and cannabis has been found to kill cancerous cells

is it a miracle cure? no
but cannabinoids are the reason why you dont get cancer from smoking cannabis in the first place (that and the lack of nicotine)

The keyword is "convincing", until they find conclusive evidence i'll continue to smoke my ganja

you can convince a retard that a dollar is ten, but that still doesnt make it true
researchers love playing those word games


"Because of its lower combustion rate it produces 50% more Blah blah blah"

Well cigarette smokers smoke a pack a day and i smoke .5-2 grams a day.

Do the math.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
FYI: Sunlight....or more specifically ultraviolet radiation can damage the structure of DNA...
that's why people get skin cancer and wrinkles......

Here's the scoop: ANYTHING can pose potential health risks when people overexpose or overutilize.

When the first tests were done on saccharin.....they fed the rats NOTHING but this artificial sweetner....in MASSIVE doses. When they got cancer from it....it shouldn't have been that surprising.

If you take Vitamin A in high enough doses (which isn't actually that hard to do)...it's considered physically dangerous, and potentially life threatening....

So it doesn't phase me when someone suggests that smoking of ANY KIND can induce some sort of lung damage....
Our lungs evolved primarily to interact with the atmosphere....so it stands to reason if you plow anything other than what they evolved to deal with...that there may be some issues.

Other than that: life is too short not to enjoy some weed now and again. :friends:

None of the yellow-journalistic peer-reviewed research is going to scare me off of the sweetleaf.


did they reconcile the many clinical trials that report that cannabis users are no more likely to get cancer?

it's a given that products of combustion especially free radicals and some of the more common carbonatious residues are carcinogens. that's not news. what's news is that some people 'pot heads' that consume these materials regularly have been proven, by several blinded clinical studies, to be no more likely to get, most notably, lung cancer.

ergo, there is some component of the cannabis smoke that is generating a protective effect. what did this study have with regard vaporized THC and it's effect?

what about other methods of ingestion?

just curious......