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How do you view cops?


Active member
i view cops high with a beer and a bong every weekday from noon till 1 on the local fox station; aside from that i prefer to view them from a distance a very far and safe one... it you gotta play play nice though; my dad always said it's much easier to be the man than to fear the man and the man's too dumb to know the difference... so it's gosh golly gee officer i'm sorry sir whenever i get pulled over


WTF your all a bunch of ignorant fucktards say that when your neighbor goes crazy an kills his wife with an ak 47 an first cop to arrive at the scene gets his head blown off TRYING to keep the public safe you ungreatful selfish dumb fuckin idiots sure your friends been in shit for growing but thats just there job to bust you for BREAKING the law don't hold it against them
The law is the law period no matter how ridiculous it is and if your let go from being prosecuted it IS cool they're nice enough to let you go off with a warning.

I see the bacon is chiming in, thanks for defending your brothers in blue. With this kind of mentality it's no wonder they get off running 16 y/o's in to the station for having a joint in their hatbrim.

Here let me say it so you can understand: "Oink oink oink, oink oink oink oink."

There, hope you understand now, piglet.


Active member
To quote "blinx420", our local fuzzball...
"The law is the law no matter how rediculous (read unjust) it is"

Bullshit. Tell that to Hitler, ya goddamn brownshirt!

Laws are supposed to be based on truth and justice. Many laws are based more on politics (ie. lies) and greed these days, just to get more and more control of every aspect of our lives - and that is tyranny.

You can get all the fear you want thru the muzzle of your gun, and your jet black Deathsquad getup while busting a closet grower with 10 steroid-bulked buddies - but true respect is something you'll never see...

You, Mr. fuzzball are definitely a part of the problem, not the solution...

BTW, nice civilized post there... Goes to show who the "fucktards" really are, eh. Do they really give a gun to ppl with a temper like you? Now that's dangerous...

Just read the black & white folks, no further proof is required. Ah, da heck with it, I hate em at heart too. There is only 1 truth - and only when they actually start telling it for a change then I'll like em.



Active member
I believe that most are honest.
But the very nature of the job attracts a large amount of people who are very unsuited for that occupation.


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Fuck the police...

Fuck the police...

Egotistical alcoholic assholes. I have more than a few in the family, and they're all pricks.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


cant stop wont stop
Egotistical alcoholic assholes. I have more than a few in the family, and they're all pricks.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

bout 5 years back i saw a cop drinkin a beer in his cruiser.
but then again i was drinkin and drivin so what the fuck was i to do?? lol

fuckin pigs livin above the law like i do, only difference is i go to jail.


Active member
It's a means to an end.

Cops need money. It's their job. Some are overboard but generally speaking they're decent people. Most cops profile me but I don't hold it against em, i'd do the same if I were them.


I've met both dickhead and polite cops. I once locked myself out of my car and got a cop at a nearby movie-theatre to come bring his slimjim and help me out. He ranted about how he and his wife drive camaro's blah blah blah, then said he couldn't wait to go home and get stoned. I felt comfortable with this kind of officer. :)


I've had more good experieces with cops than bad.All in all if I don't bother them, they don't bother me.i've been arrested too and the cops treated me alright considering I whacked a 19yr old burglar with an oar.My uncle is a cop near Boston and he's a real dick but he keeps it in the family and my old man was in and out of jail for the last 10yrs of his life...He hated cops but he was a belligerant drunk, oftentimes armed.I'm just lucky I guess.When I lived in Mass I had the cops pull into my driveway more times than I could count, my nieghbors kids were always in trouble and stealing from my vehicles and yard at night all year 'round, the cops were way more helpfull than you'd think and never snooped around into my life...:joint::joint::joint:


Active member


Most cops don't arrest or cite cops, or even family of cops.

Is it a dirty secret that unless a cop commits a crime that a lot of civilians see, that cop is protected. They carry ID and put stickers on their car that tell other cops they are a cop (or the wife of a cop).

A cop in New Orleans will not arrest or even cite a cop from Houston or Seattle. It is a brotherhood.


In these necks of the wood the cops have a lower risk of job related accidents than just about anyone. There is nobody carrying AK's or foocking bazookas, but you'd never know that by the way they behave. At least once a year they find somebody with like an axe and an unbalanced personality, and have themselves a great turkey shoot. But they're also a bunch of rapists, and hardly a month passes without one or two of them gets busted for some sexual crime. And with all the cover up, I reckon there is a lot of them getting off with no probs.

This is like the most peaceful country in the world, no thanks to them pigs. If you're a girl you can be raped by cops for smoking a joint, happened to a friend of mine, or just taken to the woods and beaten. They have some bloody deals with the rent-a-cops that they will never be investigated no matter what these do, and many a teen or even pre-teen has been sexually and physically scarred in their dark cellars.

Ps, the cop that raped my friend was located at a party, really drunk and acting nasty. He spent some five hours tied to an ant's nest, and from what I've heard he's been nice and respectful ever since. But if somebody had done that a long time ago, maybe many people would have better lifes today... Fuck da police!!! If you join the nazis, then YOU will have to prove that you're a good one, no benefits of any doubt. God damn it I hate those bastards!!


We got to have cops. Good or bad, they're needed. My bro-in-law is one, a real cops cop. I must admit I can't stand him, he once pulled my father over for going 4 over and laughted as he said, I can give you a ticket for this!!!!! I was onced stopped for expired tags, the cop said it was an honest mistake, and I had told him I was on unemployment already, still gave me an $140.00 ticket and said have a nice day as he left. I called out, "it was a nice day until you came along asshole". He spun around saying, what did you say? I said, going to write me another ticket?, my God I already told you I was unemployed and you said it was an honest mistake.

Anyway, we still need LAW and ORDER.........


police officers are people just like you and me, some share the same views as some of us and as you can see, we all dont share the same views.

once you get to know a cop, they are good friends.



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