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the Hand Watering coco thread


european ganja growers
tell me about it bro, the less nutes to mix the better especially when i have to hand water (another 25 just gone into flower) 60 fucking plants :crazy::pointlaug...who the hell says growing aint hard work:crazy:

suppose if anything hand watering can only be a good thing,,=spend more time with my ladys= you can get right on top if something goes tits up= you get to know them abit better (getting ya grow dialed in faster) well thats my :2cents:...

keep it green,keep it coco,keep it coco nutes, :laughing::wink:


do i even need to add CalMag+ if im using CNS17 for coco? if its been tweaked for coco then it shouldnt need anything... anybody know about this?




ok, bone, i trust you. the h3ad/lucas is really doing nicely in my garden, but i think ill give your recommendation a try after i run out of my gh gear. a+b rhizotonic and pk is all ill need, no?

when i went to the grow store today (had to get mas canna coco) i grabbed a liter of the rhizotonic while i was there. from all ive hear from you and others, its a real asset for the roots. this chick working the counter (~blazed out of her mind~) started raving about the rhizo. said it was her hands-down favorite product in the store (i bet she says that to all the guys, huh?). anyhow, i searched icmag and found your thread on the rhizo, but was a little confused with your application. initially you mentioned using it as a foliar (with a bit in your nute mix as well) but then your last post mentioned you DONT use it to spray unless a plant is in dire need.

so, primo, what is bone's application for the rhizotonic? ill probably follow cannas guidelines until somebody talks some sense to me. peace, yall.


cannas guide lines are the same as i stated.

rhizotonic IS for plants that need extra energy, for example after a transplant etc.

rhizotonic helps the roots grow, but if using too much rhizotonic the PH of the medium will tend to rise a lot.

misting with rhizotonic (cannas guidelines!) works very well to help plants with root problems that in normal cases would not absorb the rhizo by the roots.

on ALL canna feeding schedules, rhizo is mainly used during rooting and VEG in flowering canna doesnt recomend to use bigger doses. max 5ml/10liters of feeding mix.

in veg i think any dose above 20 ml/10liters is too much, the ec and ph will not like it.

rhizotonic is as i see it a complementary product that is really voluntary to use. it is NOT necesary for getting a good crop with the canna coco.



i am on my first grow right now and i am using botanicare moisture coco mix.

the nutes i use are http://www.cuttingedgesolutions.org/

i follow their schedule and its great!

and i have never had a problem with nutrients other than overnuting once because i didnt measure, i eyeballed.

i have left coco unwatered for 4 days and have watered every day with these nutes and no problems.

coco rules! i cant believe i was thinking about perlite.

my next grow will also be using the coco. but i will be going for an automated drip watering system.

also going to get the botanicare readygrow with more perlite this time .


hm - all in all 6 bottles necesary to grow in coco?

hope all that mixing will be worth it.

good luck!

im looking closer and these same nutes seem to work for almsot any medium... so this is not COCO specific nutes as i see it.

the interesting part is if it will work in the COCO natural PH of 6 or so.

show us some plants grown with this :D



i use these nutes only the 3 main bottles (grow micro bloom) and a calmag botanicare.

i can upload some pics of said plants when they finish!


i saw on the nutrient chart of the manufacturer, these nutes do aparently work with ph 6..

is the calmag because you use RO water?

with tap water with ec 0.4 to 0.6 works well in coco and cal mag is not necesary to ad. it might work with those nutes also..



what would that .6 ec reading mean in tds ppm?

i use r/o and the calmag sparingly.

yeah the man at the store recommended the nutrient to me and he also recommended coco.

one question about hand watering once daily... Can coco yield more? or do people just automate for convenience?


i think ive got a little bit too much N, they are about week 7 in veg and looking dark green, tip of leaves are curling downward almost like claws.

Im recycling 100% of my runoff, is this a bad idea, i thought it was good to use run off? should i just trash the run off and only use fresh water with fresh nutes?

running coco a+b, ppm is reads ~800 (for fresh water+nutes about 400ppm for runoff), PH about 5.8 or there abouts

this pic looks similiar to what im experiencing

maybe i should completely flush with plain water and not feed them for a few days?
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i dont personally think runoff is bad.
this is coming from a guy who has ebb n flowed in coco for a good while...
though fresh is better you can recirculate as long as the ph at time of redelivery is within prope range.
just my 2 cents...


thats from my mom. 15ml cns17 + 5ml calmag+ + 5ml hygrozyme and some other stuff under a 400w mh.
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downtime - looks like too much N has accumulated. drop nutes for a while untill they recuperate :D

seanpferguson - looks healthy but it looks like you are on the edge of feeding too much N. i would lower the nute dose here also a little bit. actually clones root quicker if they are not loaded with N so it is a good idea to give a lighter nute schedule to moms. every now and then stronger doses to boost growth - but in general i prefeer not to feed too much to moms.



I don't mean to be an asshole but what makes nutes "coco specific"? What do they have that one cannot duplicate with chem nutes and maybe some humic/fulvic? More specifically what do they have that FloraNova lacks, one cannot get a whole lot more simple than one bottle?


hehe no problem :D ill try to answer it to my best knowledge :D just gonna finish this spliff while at it.

1 - main difference seems to be the need to use Cal/Mag. using coco specific nutes in the rigth ph range with normal hard (0.4 E) tapwater no other mineral aditives are necesary.

2 - the main reason i ALLWAYS recomend coco-nutes is that coco is NOT a normal hydroponic medium and to AVOID any trouble what so ever, the ph should be kept at the coco's natural ph. more about coco later in the post...


just to not EVER recomend something that could lead to trouble i prefeer to go for the safe and well-proven. i know there is a lot of knowledgeable people out there that can use coco with different nutes with great results but usually using many products.

if floranova gives good results with no "lock out"'s etc in the best ph range for coco - at 5.8 to 6.0 i will recomend it too, but still in the first place i will allways recomend the different coco specific nutes that are around.

i have had good results using HESI coco, but i think the canna products are easier to use.

some thoughts;
even if i preach simplicity i do myself do a lot of experimenting to find new ways to fatter nugs, but i allways keep to canna nutes now-adays because thats what im most used to. but i definetly recomend any confident grower to experiment with methods, products and brands etc. but for a new coco grower - wich is really the ones i had in mind with the info in this thread - will allways have better results with simple methods.

i think the simplest methods, when they get tuned in - they are the most efficient.

using coco nutes, its simple and gives outstanding results.

chem nutes might also give rougher flavour, since really chem nutes are mineral salts disolved, and some of the compounsd mind bind with what ever there is left in the coco.

coco is far from an inert dead material like rockwool or clay pellets, most coco have some minerals added to it in one way or an other in the buffering or preparing process. i believe some of these get locked in coco and might cause the most common troubles.

most importantly - coco binds calcium extremelly well (coco fiber is used in parts of common RO filters!) and this has its specific problems.

but in other words . i dont think its NOT possible to grow good nugs in coco using NON-SPECIFIC nutes, but the road to success will be a harder walk maybe. hehe :D

hope you understand what i try to say :D



Fair enough, thank you for the response BC. I do understand one can get in trouble in a hurry if ones coco binds calcium preferentially over magnesium and how hard it is to get that turned around. Guess if that happens to me I might just be regretting my FN decision :wallbash:


downtime - looks like too much N has accumulated. drop nutes for a while untill they recuperate :D

seanpferguson - looks healthy but it looks like you are on the edge of feeding too much N. i would lower the nute dose here also a little bit. actually clones root quicker if they are not loaded with N so it is a good idea to give a lighter nute schedule to moms. every now and then stronger doses to boost growth - but in general i prefeer not to feed too much to moms.

agree completely w/ everything you said. i gave it fossil fuel and forgot to drop it down to 10ml. i spray the branches/leaves with just plain water a couple days before cutting. things are smooth for once... on another note... ben and jerry's ONE cheesecake brownie is so good.


bonecarver - inspirational thread, thanks for the homework done well, nice 39 page term paper/doctoral thesis - i'm gonna use it to cheat from


Active member
This thread inspired me to go coco.I started out using all canna but switched to GH nutes and am loving it.My only problem I have is keeping my pots wet.I need to do something like set up drippers to my pots.Maybe I'll get the supplies and start a containers with drippers thread.I love coco!

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