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Fisher's Farm


classy grass
Alright, time for a quick picture update. Things seem to be just loving this heat. The chems that were popping three leafs now are throwing fives and vegging away. I drove two counties over the other day to pick up a Duratarp silver for the light dep. Gotta be DARK in there for plants to flower and this thing lets no light in. I'm running out of meds so these can't finish soon enough! Let's see...


classy grass
Well I thought I knew how to post pictures...unbelievable...

Anyone who wants to see them can check out the new pics in my album.


looks good to me




classy grass
Thanks slips :)

Can't wait to smoke the Chem3, such a beautiful plant. That one in the hoophouse got kinda photofucked, hope she comes out ok. And that coral reef in the smart pot is almost too big. Needs soaked twice daily, really keeping my attention...hope she's worth it.


Damn Fish.... I cant wait to see those in a few more weeks. They've already exploded since the pics I saw last time I was here. The ladies are deff loving that sun..


classy grass
Thanks hooka, babba :)

They're really starting to suck up some water...I said earlier it took a half hour to saturate a planter but that was dead wrong- it's at least two hours. I got a bunch of T tape and 1/2" tubing, fittings the other day, need to set it up asap.

Supposed to be over 100 today and tomorrow, I'm seeing some awesome growth, inches per day on many. Love it!!


Things are coming NICELY Fisher!! Well done buddy....finally some serious sun and higher temps are doing a garden good....I'm already a bit worried about roof height in my program....:1help:

Have fun man, love your updates...


Did you make your containers w/ hog wire, and what did you wrap them with?? Me likey!! I'm in aWWWWWWWWW!! A girls gotta learn from the big dogs!


classy grass
Rdub- thanks bro :) And roof height problems...hear that...had to bury the big one in my hoophouse. You might have to mcguyver something up, raise the roof!!

What's up Kell, thanks for makin me feel like a big dog though I only aspire ;)

Yes, the planters were made from field fence, cut to make it 2'x5 and covered in landscape fabric from HD. Soil holds the fabric on but I zip tied em anyway. You should get some nice plants in those SP's...I'll be checkin ya out for sure>>peace


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
how many cubic feet of soil do you have in those? security obviously is not an issue for you. i wish i could have my own pot farm out in the open. one can only dream right?


classy grass
Hi smokey :)

Security is most def a concern. Just not really from Johnny law...believe me I got this place lookin like fort knox though...;)

My planters, filled to the top would be about 40cf. Most are filled 3 or 4 inches from the top so...there's just short of a yard and a half in there. Just thinking about all that shoveling makes my back hurt...no pain no gain though, right???
Thanks hooka, babba :)

They're really starting to suck up some water...I said earlier it took a half hour to saturate a planter but that was dead wrong- it's at least two hours. I got a bunch of T tape and 1/2" tubing, fittings the other day, need to set it up asap.

Supposed to be over 100 today and tomorrow, I'm seeing some awesome growth, inches per day on many. Love it!!

I love your grow. Very, very nice looking.
We think alike, plenty of grow room and deep watering. I also use the same fencing. However, we wait longer to put ours on. We started using the tubing last season. That way we can deep water them all at once. We leave the water on for at least three hours. Only twelve plants here but still too much to water w/o a system.



classy grass
Heyy grams! Thanks for stoping by, and I'm glad you approve :)

Re: the cages, yes I do feel a lot of them are a little small (diameter). I've thought about putting another, larger diameter cage on em but my 5' planters are kind of limiting. Attaching them to the ground would be a big pain, but maybe possible on a few...we'll see


Hey Fisher

Thats a very nice grow you have going on! The only other person I saw grow in those big crazy containers was Tom Hill. I'd love to be able to do that, but I have total shit for luck.

I hope everything goes according to plan and it all works out. Cool hound dogs ya got there.

- Jenn


Active member
Hey man... nice operation. We're doing similar things in similar proximity to Santa Rosa. Ain't it grand? I'm sure I could learn a lot from you, so I'll be keeping my eye on this thread and pumping you for info when I need it. One of these days we're going to have to talk nute regimes...

You've inspired me to go out and take pictures and start my journal. I've got 30 minutes till I pull tarp... and the light is decent for photos...


classy grass
Jenn- thanks for stopping by the farm! You're always welcome...and if you have the desire and means to grow big I say do it. Luck never hurt anyone, but knowledge is key, and you're in the right place for that. :)

Nomaad- thanks man...I'd be glad to discuss things with you, I'm no veteran but have picked up a thing or two. You've already helped me get my light dep shit set up proper, thanks for telling me what's up.

Another scorcher here, though maybe not quite the 106 it was over the weekend. I'm using a 12'x3' pool for storing water from the well. Got a hose constantly siphoning that runs down to a manifold in the garden. Trying to get it nice and full so I can go take a dip :)


fisher, I just wanted to leave some good word with you instead of just lurking - nothing but best wishes and continued good luck to you, my friend.

It's a shame that you have to worry about rippers - I saw some crazy ass "documentary" called "Marijuana Inc." the other night, and it detailed some of the crime that has hit Mendocino County due to the large grow ops there. Unfortunately, there's always someone looking to reap what others have sown, even though the rippers would be much better off joining this board and learning to grow themselves instead of being lazy, worthless pieces of shit with guns. I would imagine though that if they scouted your farm, seeing those mastiffs would take their foot off the brake and apply it to the gas!

Be good out there, my friend!


Active member
LOL, i just put in a 10' wide by 3' deep pool from wally world. cost me 60 bucks. the idea was to have something to dunk my kids (and my own sweaty ass) in when its 103. I also have i have a 2000 gallon tank at the top of my property too... its a bit of a pain in the ass, cuz I had to do some renovations on the PVC system that feeds the house and we cut off the feed to the big ass tank. Its about 20 feet higher than anything else on the property, so it would be pressurized if the pump goes out or the well runs dry... all I have to do now is dig up the feed line to it and connect it to the new main line coming from the pump house.

How are you going to keep your water/pool from going green? i guess you could constantly adjust the ph to make algae growth impossible? I have never had a pool before so I don't know how it works exactly. I am using the garbage filter that came with the pool and it requires you to add chemmy pellets so that the kids don't get sick from swimming in their own pee and farts. could i RO this water and use it on my plants?

My friends out in covelo have cane corso mastiffs too. They do not fuck around. Their older male is very well behaved (even removes his own slobber before trying to get human love, but the puppy kinda wants to eat people. She is getting better, but cannot be trusted around kids. Nipped me in the ass once. How can something be so beautiful and so terrifying at once? I guess my chocolate lab isn't going to do much against rippers... unless he can distract them from stealing my crop by enticing them to play fetch.

Serriously, that MJ Inc doc.. that was the CNBC one? A lot of that was over-dramatized... like all TV "news". Where I live, we're a lot more worried about high school kids than gang bangers from oakland. My security system will be cheap motion sensors in the garden wired to green spotlights and an old radio in my bedroom, whose window overlooks the garden. My paintball gun (with night vision scope and laser sight) will be right next to the window. I am trying to find paintballs filled with pepper spray like the robocops (riot puercos) have.

I am not a violent person, or some kind of tough guy, but I will also NOT be letting anybody jack my crop.


I eat rippers. Try me.