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This subject is something of serious interest to me recently, as ive been driving to and from the patch so much I cant fuckin stand it anymore!

For me, its come down to, biting off more than I can chew. meaning that physicaly I am having a hard time keeping up with the demands ive put on myself. Numbers, timelines, strains, etc,, all HAVE to be 100% on point.

What am I to do when I need to take 20 treys to the Mtn that night but my truck only holds 16, and I can only hike 12 up the hillside before total physical collapse.

I am forced to come back to the plot the next day an finnish up the work that didnt get done.


I have a tendency to "hyperfocus" on my work, so 48hrs straight would be waaaay too much for me. A coupple days ago I did 18hrs straight, and almost fell asleep at the wheel a coupple times on the way home. Was too tired to eat, and needed a full 24Hrs to recover..

Having a plan, the propper gear,good timing and some physical endurance seems to be what gets me through till the last plug is in and the work is done.

Little things make a big difference..Example:

A bulb planter(auger) attached to a long shovel handle saves me from having to bend over 400+ times in one day.

or, if not using a bulb auger,,

Knee pads can extend the time one is able to be comfortably down on the ground transplanting.

..Combine little things like these, and one can stay in the field and get loads of work done!


Matenance, testing of supplys, having back up's, all aid in making ones opp more efficient....Keep those augers in good shape, bring extra oil, gas, tools, whatever, because having to pack up and roll out at 1:30 pm and head back to town all because youre shovel broke or your pump doesent work, is extreemly inefficient.
Like a wise man once told me..

"Dont be shortsighted"....

I keep a second set of EVERYTHING. I mean everything, down to plant labels. And I cant even begin to explain how this practice has saved my ass in countless situations.

Having what you need "on hand" as the wise man puts it..


I dealt with this issue this past week.. Got the majority of my holes dug and was plugging in clones.. Realized I had about 10 cuttings left, and needed to dig a couple more holes.. started in on the first hole, and my shovel broke.. Had to hike back down the hill, and come back the next day with a new shovel ot put in the remaining clones!
B prepared for whatever!


Active member
I dealt with this issue this past week.. Got the majority of my holes dug and was plugging in clones.. Realized I had about 10 cuttings left, and needed to dig a couple more holes.. started in on the first hole, and my shovel broke.. Had to hike back down the hill, and come back the next day with a new shovel ot put in the remaining clones!
B prepared for whatever!
Damn me too...
Bought this nice-looking trifold shovel.
Stealthy alright - can also move some dirt if you put in some work but damn it was too cheap - plastic POS handle broke today and I still have more locations to go to.

Next year I might just buy a couple of regular shovels and hide one in each general area... Definitely not buying a cheap folding shovel again unless it's used army surplus.

This thing only managed to dig 2 holes of 4m2 each before giving up...
Damn me too...
Bought this nice-looking trifold shovel.
Stealthy alright - can also move some dirt if you put in some work but damn it was too cheap - plastic POS handle broke today and I still have more locations to go to.

Next year I might just buy a couple of regular shovels and hide one in each general area... Definitely not buying a cheap folding shovel again unless it's used army surplus.

This thing only managed to dig 2 holes of 4m2 each before giving up...

Apart from my trusty T-Handled shovel, I also use a German Folding Shovel.. Theyre real slick and fold down to a compacted size.. I also have a sheath for it, so that I can wear it on my belt, and my hands are free to carry soil, nutes, flats, whatever.. Very nice to have. I think I bartered the price on mine down to about $12.. Great buy! U can find them at any army surplus!


Hey Julian I have read your whole thread and gained a great deal of wisdom. I put about 20 out at the beginning of May. I'm pretty close to where you are. But after thinking about the best and most efficient approach I decided to do all mini's like you have planned. Have several different big mom's Hashberry, Grape Kush, Mazar I sharrif, Strawberry Cough, Pink Indica X Blue Widow. Bigger plants require more prep, bigger holes, bigger plants and mean more risk the more time you spend in your spot. You have talked about with smaller minis you will do them anywhere from middle July to first week of August. You can do up to 1 per min with a hand shovel in your back pocket and bringing in some nicer soil than your native and nutes is not hard to do with such small prep'd holes just need a couple grocery bags. Sure it takes a bunch of clones but I can easily take 200-300 clones from my mom's and have them rooted in pellets in two wks ready to go. I feel safer taking clones in my home than out digging bigger holes and hauling bales of materials for bigger more obvious plants. I used the water crystals you mentioned using on the twenty I put out and am loving them. Haven't had to water or feed my plants a single time. Unfortunately I didn't cage and lost most of what I did but I'm glad I learned before I put a bunch more than 20 out. This spot also became very shaded now that growth really picked up around it and trees have tons of leaves now. It's on an eastern hillside. Do you put plants under trees? If so what direction would you put them? I know you talked about using treelines to help camo the plants but a lot of my spots are urban and the only place woods really clear out is right next to the interstate. I have seen several spots for railroad access I will be using for mini's before August. Do you only do your mini's in fields or clearings and on railroad tracks?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
bushmasta said:
Hey Julian I have read your whole thread and gained a great deal of wisdom.
Thank you....glad to be of service, and one can't imagine how much I have gained myself in the process..........about many things......
I put about 20 out at the beginning of May. I'm pretty close to where you are. But after thinking about the best and most efficient approach I decided to do all mini's like you have planned. Have several different big mom's Hashberry, Grape Kush, Mazar I sharrif, Strawberry Cough, Pink Indica X Blue Widow. Bigger plants require more prep, bigger holes, bigger plants and mean more risk the more time you spend in your spot. You have talked about with smaller minis you will do them anywhere from middle July to first week of August.
Little earlier is better for me personally depending on overall approach and method....

1. Temps are usually the worst, so minimal veg before out avoids complications....(note: If one is able, they could simply germ in trays outside....10" x 20" tray gets you close to 100 per.....note: I do about the same or often more with clones as I go 2 per plug.....)

2. A little earlier, with minimal veg will also guarantee a slightly larger plant, of course, so....example: Thinking of a specific round and may very well just do 0-10 days veg, then use bulb planter (2") say......July 20th or so....

A week veg is quite a bit in "the whole scheme of things....lie: as compared to 3-6 day seedlings Aug 5th, etc, 10th, etc.....

And, you know.......as earlier.....that is the "art" of mini's........(as with any and every style of growing).....Different approaches, strategies.....little tweak here, little tweak there, and it all means something and affects the outcome of the plants later on.....

Note: Another alternative (me, personally, talking out loud to illustrate), would be to veg more in (2 weeks) in 3" ers, then throw out Aug 1st or so....

But, yet again.....when I go later into season, I try to minimize indoors, because out is brutal...(but, once again flipside is the smaller they are, the more vulnerable they are........)

Of course one must then couple that with size of containers and transport...(I have been scratching my head for a couple days thinking about a specific op, and, how I am going to get 1800 in there (5 large trays....)

Still actually, but have some ideas :smoke: (hit and run, 20-30 seconds to unload trays, then 60 more to get them under cover and be moved further, etc........
You can do up to 1 per min with a hand shovel in your back pocket and bringing in some nicer soil than your native and nutes is not hard to do with such small prep'd holes just need a couple grocery bags.
My best (end of season...so, months of planting already...I was "loose" was, as earlier...100 in less than one hour...60 minutes...(great soil, rain, soft, etc)...

Have an op that think I am going to punch in all holes to be used, then do wide and heavy top feed of good stuff, then leave for several weeks........(of course one should always remember dietary issues in relation to size......ie: Smaller plant eats less......I think the above going to work well (top feed entire area after holes and let it sit for several weeks....then just get them planted........100 an hour is without holes already done, so.....if predone...and ready...think me and another can get maybe a little more (2 people, 250 an hour, pellets straight into prepped smaller holes...might have to adjust because would rather not be there for more than 4-5 hours...(1250-1500 max)......
Sure it takes a bunch of clones but I can easily take 200-300 clones from my mom's and have them rooted in pellets in two wks ready to go. I feel safer taking clones in my home than out digging bigger holes and hauling bales of materials for bigger more obvious plants. I used the water crystals you mentioned using on the twenty I put out and am loving them. Haven't had to water or feed my plants a single time. Unfortunately I didn't cage and lost most of what I did but I'm glad I learned before I put a bunch more than 20 out. This spot also became very shaded now that growth really picked up around it and trees have tons of leaves now. It's on an eastern hillside. Do you put plants under trees? If so what direction would you put them? I know you talked about using treelines to help camo the plants but a lot of my spots are urban and the only place woods really clear out is right next to the interstate. I have seen several spots for railroad access I will be using for mini's before August. Do you only do your mini's in fields or clearings and on railroad tracks?
Sorry you lost due to caging....I've been there....we always tried but sometimes run short, sometimes some missed, etc.......numbers starts to get a little confusing sometimes what was done where.....(another reason why I like smaller ones...tighter....you start at one end and work your way backwards, etc, and get everything, everytime, etc......)

I was just talking to someone I know yesterday about sun and exposure and placement..........

Where do I do them?.....:smoke:

Wherever I can :smoke:...

"Less than perfect" spots will still deliver, just less, but then again many times that's "extra", so........

Contemplating a spot right now.....best exposure not more secure....opposite of where I would like them is the most secure and safe spot, so....the alternative is don't use the spot (not secure.......can't, period), or use another part of location which will do less yield, but should be fine,m and they should make it through, so........

What you can, when you can, where you can, how you can, ya know? :smoke:

Where"......everywhere....from residential lots to tracks to commercial sites and everywhere else which it is possible :smoke:.....

Yeah...one has to work over scheduling about starting, veg (if any, dictates final size), timing (late July/early Aug, dictates final size), size of containers (transport issues), and of course weather.....as always want rains coming in...some overcast, ground watered enough to carry them through till they grab, etc........)

Thinking about doing 10 day veg than out 2-3rd week of July on one....(for a little extra size to em...10 days in pellets than straight in prepped ground/plot)...thinking about doing first week august for another (minimal veg)....thinking about doing another, more veg (14 days maybe), out maybe 2nd week July......(ie: start one batch June.....15th.....July 10th out....start more rounds....July 20th out...start July 20th...Aug 1st out, etc.... etc, etc....and, as always, strain will dictate quite a bit, so.....you know.....your always trying to adjust for specifics, etc.....

Was just talking to someone about starts, timing, etc....and looked for old pics in pellets...(all pics should be 10 days from seed or less...)

This one, and this one, and this one, and this one....

I believe those are all 10 days or less from seed (might be a caption/description)...little growth.....if out later less additional, a little sooner and a little more additional before flower, etc, so......all about space and timing and strain and such, etc.....

Downside which I am starting to see with my new desires are space for producing the volume.......

If I want to do this...going to need a new veg center :biglaugh: (right now looking like between June 15 or so and July 31st or so going to have to do maybe more than 10,000.....have no idea.....still trying to figure out schedules for everything....when to start, when they go in, and so on......My turnaround as above is about 10 days from seed, so....June 20 start to Aug 1st gives me 4 rounds.....(10 days each, 4 rounds, 40 days......)

Already have more than 4 ops needing 2,000+ each, so ..........(but, again...on a clone year would have already been working since Jan 1st (6 months already) and on a seed year wouldave started April (already 2 months working...), so......entering June, and I'm sitting back still doing numbers, scheduling, etc.....

Also less supplies (a lot), less expenses ( a lot), less trips (a lot, time and expenses, food, fuel, equipment, etc), so......we'll see.....if I can pull what I need to pull, then I am happy..(and think I can.....new sources for product since last year for a little more than usual.....less people involved than usual....less expenses as above, so....we will see, but, just with less work and more time I am liking it already :smoke:......

I've always done around 3k more or less per......have a pair of new sources since last season for 4,500 for one, 6,000 for the other, so.....if I wanted to do that (still haven't decided......just rubs me the wrong way, but they're happy to pay it because they need it yr round....), so, more cost reduces what I need.....a little more relaxed about what I need, etc, so...If could only work 45 days (preping and planting), then a week or 2 (cutting)...well, let's just say would be happier with a lot less for reduced workload (June 15th-Oct 1st, little over 90 days....(I know, 105 days....but 90 is close enough and sounds better, makes me feel better :smoke:....)
Last edited:


Maybe some rackable/stackable bakery trays might let you get more than one tray in a time.

8,000, 100 days, 500, 1.5, 30 day exposure, less than a solid fifth of an acre total. I like your approach :) A little more than lunch money. Must be great having that kind of stock on hand.

Still may be time for some to throw something together last minute...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well the trays I use actually are, (they have 2 sided folding lids, but, larger, maybe 8" os so high, and heavy when loaded (because when I take them out they get about 1" water deep on top of all wet medium, etc, so...not easy to carry....2 at a time max...3 if walking easy, but,...usually just 1 at a time......

I think it is good approach (well, for me), and, actually, on getting now different spots, starting to see them adding up (space wise), so....a 20' x 40' here, a 30' x 30' there, etc,.....seeing it starting to add up and fairly positive....

Lunch money :smoke: :biglaugh:, nah, don't forget the overview.....(expenses,splits, bonus's, etc....nah, I usually pocket.....eh, different amounts, but usually no more than half/50% in the end..(if I am lucky, some years has been less....this year :smoke:, ahhh, this year, new approach?, well :smoke:...I actually might end up getting a little more...(already thinking the 20' x 40' I might have to do myself....(aside from watcher).......and, you know, that's fine.......no problem.....(was thinking today, 4 trips....1 for holes (small, maybe even bulb digger...soft perfect soil....1 for planting (pellets....right in holes ready......one before all to top feed area...and last to cut, so......) I already like it more :biglaugh: (regardless, I know I can always count on myself :smoke:

(Yeah, I'm all over the place.....lot of thinking, planning, etc, so....sure will gel a little over next couple weeks or so:smoke:)

On a different note....was lecturing someone yesterday on why so important people deliver...

Let me down?...:biglaugh:

What about other partners?....what about trimmers?....what about wholesalers?.....what about their people?..

What about every single person who benefits?.....(on bigger years, people to haul stuff, random tasks, everything.....)

Especially right now....lot of people are hurting....(I am myself a little......last year really created an income void....so.....really will be happy to see a sizable extra infusion :smoke:))...one persons fuck up hurts 20 others....

They all come through.............

They all do their jobs......you rely on them doing their jobs....


Stock on hand.......
Well....I know for certain all was quality......just a little unsure of stability, soooo......but, might as well use it...not going to throw it into the fire...(pink lemon, PPP's, BOG SB's etc....not sure which might be which.....what dumped and what did not.........ie: I know males were missed....okay...fine...all hardcore stock, so....but in the process, I am not certain was all strictly M/F's....ie: How do I know if stock is stable if I am not certain portion of stock from hermies, since they weren't gotten to in the first place?..:smoke:

But I have an excess......not going to use it for making stock (because unsure)...not going to use it for moms....so...fuck it, will use it..and, again.....all parents were extremely nice stuff, so......worse things than having a BOG SB and Pink lemon cross :smoke:..and, eh....a little PPP thrown in not a bad thing if so......so, whatever :smoke:

Minute over, minute last round out...going to dedicate whatever veg center to making fem AF and fem runs (I came across small stash of original BOG BS's and pink lemon.....not enough.....but enough if some veg and femmed to produce a nice stash of stock for next years runs...(in addition to whatever AF stock I make), so, then next May, hopefully will have larger spot, and can get in an early run....

We'll see....new decision.....still working out all specifics..people are in, people are out, locations are in, locations are out on a daily basis right now, so......I have about 20 days more or less to iron out everything (which for the most part should be enough I suppose....)

Frankly, I'm tired of people......so....if I can end up doing a couple plots and pulling down 100 myself, (300k), I would actually be extremely happy.....(if the case, might have minor help here and there......maybe someone doing holes, and, of course, trimming....but, aside from that.....little ones I can plant serious numbers per day myself...and I'm a sick fuck with working when on a mission (regular occurrence for me to put in 24hrs straight....), so....

Also missed any serious vacation and traveling last year...so.....I'm overdue on a month abroad :smoke:.....every little extra bit of motivation helps :smoke:......(I don't even know what my per hour work comes out to....but it's always been pretty high :smoke:....5k an hour?.....who knows, but, yeah, we'll see....I already see myself edging people out when there is anyway that I can..(and, believe me.....I have tried....but, as before ......getting a little tired of me making people make themselves money, so...

Very tired......


Just wanted to say "Thanks!" to you Julian, for inspiration in many ways.
This goes for the other big boys on this and other forums too, big thanks to you all!


Hi Julian, good to hear your season is rolling. Best of luck to you all.

My "holiday op" in Poland got postponed to a more favorable point in time (currently no funds, no time and no fem stock).
But on the home front all is looking good so far.
I was a bit to eager to start and had plants ready to go a bit too early. A bunch of clones flowered and revegged due to short day (and partly late cut from mother) but they are in spots now and looking good - very bushy, I'll probably thin them out a bit some time soon.
Fem project delayed due to me wanting to have some sensi first (had to sell my ps to raise some badly needed money) but will be spraying a Blueberry clone with STS as soon as I'm done posting and repotting. I want to make a few nice indoor hybrids and see how this STS stuff works. I scraped the idea of trying CS and GA3 as well since no mind or space for such play.
Outdoor fem stock I decided to do outdoors as this is where I have my outdoor strains and more space allowing some decent volume. I will take clones for reversal from outdoor in the next couple of weeks. Older plantings all have shown sex already and I want to choose just a couple of the nicest ones for the reversal, just waiting for the later planted to show. I'm a little hesitant to sacrifice spot or two for seed, but it should be worth it and if no major disasters I should have enough product from the sensi spots.
Having last years experience in vivid memory I've already planted and will plant a lot more than last time. Some nice spots but all fairly urban. I was "gifted" one that is brilliant. Full sun, great soil, best security (access and ground), only issue with this one is that there is a shit ton of air traffic due to it being close to an airstrip...
Last week I've put out little ones like in you picks, in pellets. Want to see how they fare. Risk free transport, saves veg/transport space etc. Only down side is that the plucks are a bit expensive if big losses. I forgot to take the slug poison this time :bashhead: but we shall see how it turns out.
What else... about half way through planting. Would be nice to find one more spot. And I have one "dessert spot" for the very last round. Very urban, very cheeky, but I'm itching to try it with real minis. Willing to sacrifice two nights and some seed just for the idea of doing them there he he. It's so cheeky that I see a big chance that it will work :D
Still need to procure some preparation for mold spraying. Last point on equipment/supply list still missing.
I had a gorgeous april and now a long spell of hot, dry and sunny weather that prevented me from doing a spot where I have no access to water, but today (finally) we had a full day of rain, tomorrow overcast, so I'm just waiting for dusk :dueling:
I love the ninja action :D

You were talking your "spiritual mumbo jumbo"... A lot of things just clicking right in my life, some remarkable coincidences, so I tend to agree with what you say man :joint:
be patient, pay attention, learn what "the universe wants you to learn" and I would add "be good".
Started contemplating the "destiny" concept as well :smoke:

Cheers everyone and may all have a safe and worthwhile season.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
TLoft13 said:
Just wanted to say "Thanks!" to you Julian, for inspiration in many ways.
This goes for the other big boys on this and other forums too, big thanks to you all!
Glad to assist in any way.......my reward is someone doing better, being safer....achieving something they might not have.....understanding something better, etc......

I myself live day to day that if something learned? (especially something I can use today).....then was a good day....:smoke:

As always, and, I am sure with anyone......if something make a difference to one?....was worth it....

vod said:
Hi Julian, good to hear your season is rolling. Best of luck to you all.
Sup brother.........Thanks, and likewise......
My "holiday op" in Poland got postponed to a more favorable point in time (currently no funds, no time and no fem stock).
But on the home front all is looking good so far.
Don't confuse postponed with canceled forever......always move forward......always be planning......always be observing....

I was a bit to eager to start and had plants ready to go a bit too early. A bunch of clones flowered and revegged due to short day (and partly late cut from mother) but they are in spots now and looking good - very bushy, I'll probably thin them out a bit some time soon.
Fem project delayed due to me wanting to have some sensi first (had to sell my ps to raise some badly needed money) but will be spraying a Blueberry clone with STS as soon as I'm done posting and repotting. I want to make a few nice indoor hybrids and see how this STS stuff works. I scraped the idea of trying CS and GA3 as well since no mind or space for such play.
Outdoor fem stock I decided to do outdoors as this is where I have my outdoor strains and more space allowing some decent volume. I will take clones for reversal from outdoor in the next couple of weeks. Older plantings all have shown sex already and I want to choose just a couple of the nicest ones for the reversal, just waiting for the later planted to show. I'm a little hesitant to sacrifice spot or two for seed, but it should be worth it and if no major disasters I should have enough product from the sensi spots.

Having last years experience in vivid memory I've already planted and will plant a lot more than last time. Some nice spots but all fairly urban. I was "gifted" one that is brilliant. Full sun, great soil, best security (access and ground), only issue with this one is that there is a shit ton of air traffic due to it being close to an airstrip...
Sounds like a lot of changes..........don't give it a second thought.....this time of year I am re adjusting and changing everything on a daily basis.....working it back down.....

Had a spot myself which was on, then off, than on again, etc, and, is right in flight path of smaller airport :smoke:......I've done them before, and, frankly, think of value...(one should try and research where their state and local law enforcement flies out of.....probably readily available.......referring to others...know your non US......)

(I had someone scouting it and they came back frantic.......air traffic....took me about 45 second to research it to make sure okay.......)
Last week I've put out little ones like in you picks, in pellets. Want to see how they fare. Risk free transport, saves veg/transport space etc. Only down side is that the plucks are a bit expensive if big losses. I forgot to take the slug poison this time :bashhead: but we shall see how it turns out.
I myself can get them pretty far along...pics above......

I do think and acknowledge that larger the container the better, but, as you see, transport issues......so.....

Was discussing with a friend approach and going to do spots a little different from now on (mini's)...slug stuff (iron phosphate), DE, completely fencing perimeter and utilizing more animal repellents around perimeter fencing....etc.....(and of course scheduling for each....ie: Hit spots/holes/nutes maybe 3 weeks before......everything else at planting, and so on and so on.....assembly line approach for efficiency, etc.......
What else... about half way through planting. Would be nice to find one more spot. And I have one "dessert spot" for the very last round. Very urban, very cheeky, but I'm itching to try it with real minis. Willing to sacrifice two nights and some seed just for the idea of doing them there he he. It's so cheeky that I see a big chance that it will work :D
Cheeky :biglaugh:.......

Have been talking quite a bit lately with people about such things.......

Many such things are done in life...by various people, with various things......

As earlier.....they obsess on why it can't work.....why it won't work, etc....(as I explain it has, many times...).....

If they can't readily see it....most of the time it seems they never will...(heavy sigh......)

Such spots you "keep an eye on"......(how?...any way you can.....) and, you go from there.....

In my experience....I'm about 30-1.......:smoke:....
Still need to procure some preparation for mold spraying. Last point on equipment/supply list still missing.
I had a gorgeous april and now a long spell of hot, dry and sunny weather that prevented me from doing a spot where I have no access to water, but today (finally) we had a full day of rain, tomorrow overcast, so I'm just waiting for dusk :dueling:
I love the ninja action :D
Nothing like it eh? :smoke: As above.....someone has to :smoke:.......

Of course everything we are, do, will do, have done and out experiences shapes who we are......

I have to say...:smoke:.....living a life doing things that are "impossible", and that "just can'[t be done".....well, I find it quite satisfying :smoke:...

Quite :smoke:...
You were talking your "spiritual mumbo jumbo"... A lot of things just clicking right in my life, some remarkable coincidences, so I tend to agree with what you say man :joint:
be patient, pay attention, learn what "the universe wants you to learn" and I would add "be good".
Started contemplating the "destiny" concept as well :smoke:

Cheers everyone and may all have a safe and worthwhile season.
Eh, you know......and, as always...what we learn or think we learn today will/is probably different tomorrow :smoke:....

I usually get more so on the eve of larger moves :smoke:......

My typical approach with people in life prior to anything is that I know what thoughts go through ones mind.....I have and do have them myself......

Larger things?....endless amounts of thought into them........endless concerns.....but, that's the way....you plan, review, schedule, reschedule.......until execution and commitment......and hope all planning done sufficient.....(and hopefully one knowledgeable enough to not have missed anything............)

Glad of interest......and thanks for the wishes, and the same to everyone else.......

This time of year (and for a while to come......we all need all the luck we can get :smoke:......)

randude101 said:
Hola Julian.

Never read Lots of your stuff before, but I have read some. Inner thoughts of intimacy and spirituality are not things I have read you share before. I just assumed you were some guy that lives in hotels and stays moving. Not that I can help, but it is nice to know you are a human and not just some machine spewing data.

I believe I always have.......as I believe an essential part of ones actions and achievements....and also that such dictates ones limitations......(how can one go certain places psychologically and physically they have never been before, and handle it unless they know themselves first...........)

How can one strive to reach a certain point in the world tomorrow unless they understand who and what they are today first?...

This game.....especially on a higher level calls on us to display and maintain qualities many might not have......or might never even have thought about....(goes back to the above.....finding ones self in a position and not being familiar with what they are feeling, thinking in a certain situation....stress, confusion......even danger, etc......)

Or all simply being : "A mans got to know his limitations" :smoke:

(Likewise....how can a man know what are, and how and when to surpass them if not aware from the start?.....)

No.........in this game I firmly believe the first essential step to anything is knowing ones self first.

Part of my "training" in life is first determining if "someone is ready"......

Your intelligent?......Your extremely strong?.....

Doesn't mean your "ready"......

You know how to grow.....handle stress well...

Still doesn't mean one is "ready"......

I've offended quite a few in life many times, turned down quite a few, with the determination that someone is simply "just not ready".....

Of course, people always overlook honesty............self awareness.....

I have had many times in life where I looked back upon something I wanted to do, or achieve, and, said to myself "Well, thank god I didn't, because I just wasn't ready".....

Of course, at the time I thought I was......(or did I....because if so, maybe I would have gotten it, or, spiritually, maybe not because not only did I not proceed in a certain way, but maybe "the universe" had a part.........)

I believe, in the end, without a doubt, the absolutely greatest, and most significant component in any significant endeavor is ones self.....

Dictates everything to follow........dictates the planning, execution, success, etc.....

Dictates everything.......

Hmm.......the hotels is interesting :smoke:....wondering how that conclusion came to light......very interesting :smoke:....

Very interesting...:smoke:......(Cause god knows I love my pools and room service at the pool......:smoke:....)

Forgot.....not sure if was for me...
randude101 said:
I am not sure if you are a Heavy smoker, but it brings me down and makes me more tired. Depends on the weed of course.
I never smoke when work to do, so, when busy smoke less...

2. I prefer up high myself, and, whenever I get something too heavy, usually ust give it away until something else that I like better.....

Lately a serious problem with people who smoke too much......I'm a smoker, long time, so.....but, I fail to see how anyone can claim to be at their physical and mental best when smoking from sun up till sun down......pisses me off.....

Light day I might smoke more...but if I have something to do, I don't, and, I do not like it when people I work with smoking when something to do...(that's the bonus of completing tasks...."the reward"....ie: "relaxing" is the "bonus" one gets when all work done...

(Harvest season of course my heaviest time of year with green and bubble......I smoke heavy for couple months......all mentioned earlier...)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, i know I am not the only one, because no one else has ever mentioned it.....

It seems there are 3 sizes of peat pellets......not 2...

the 1 1/4".......the 1 3/4"........and there is a 50mm, 3rd size.....3 3/4 inch tall and 2 inches in diameter when hydrated....

Been shopping and buying 10's of thousands of these things for years and years and have never seen the 3rd size in stock anywhere...

Needless to say I am sold and think anyone using them should use the large ones....

Note: I have found I can get them pretty far along in the 1 3/4's, so....the largest absolutely positive I can get another week or even more out of them....

Annoyed but glad I came across them in time(in time to be able to use them within the week....).....

(6,000 on the way....:smoke:)

Think with those sizes can get much more out of them.....much more......exactly what I was looking for...(a perfect compromise between 1 3/4", and the 3" pots.....which is what I was looking for actually...(similar spacing and numbers and transport to the 1 3/4"'s, but not nearly as bulky and reduces numbers per container as the 3"'s........)

(One can google "50mm peat pellets" if an interest......)

Note: As I wanted to switch over to minis all the time, but have a lot of M/F stock, what I was after is pre sexing and didn't think the 1 3/4"s could hold them that long without hurting them in any way........I think the larger size absolutely possible to do so.......and thought I'd be stuck sticking to 3" ers...which would kill my transport/spacing issues.......can almost get 4 larger pellets per 3" pot.......(I work them longer and thinner,so, close to 4 per.......for every 100 3" ers, maybe 300-400 large pellets, etc...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, I knew the 2...have always chosen larger, and worked well, but, as above...lot of M/F stock and really wanted to 12/12 from germ and then when sexed move them out last minute......but assumed would be stuck with using 3" ers, which kills my spacing and transport, so.........(actually have been pondering last couple days and was about to run an experiment on the 1 3/4"s to see if was possible and put them somewhere................sure these larger ones can take them to sexing (3 weeks)....

In the past, max I have done with smaller pellets, pics above somewhere was pushing 2 weeks, and, roots busting out, so............thought that extra week would hurt them to a degree.....

(Note: To a degree.....how I do my trays is borderline hydro.....ie: many, many per tray, at the end waterings/feedings up to 3 times a day, etc, so, helps to balance growth, roots, with container/medium size, etc, to a degree, but, that extra week was really making me think not possible, and, with these, certain possible...)

Thanks man.....same to you and everyone else......not sure yet what this season going to hold weather wise...(regular season I'd be on weather 2-3 times daily since late April....this year, really not so just starting to monitor........)

Yeah, larger pellets.....can take them an extras week and probably keep spacing to the volume I need......(unfortunately, downfall is already started arranging veg rooms :biglaugh:, so, will have to dump out the 1,000 or so I already set up :biglaugh:, and start refilling and arranging trays....(place each pellet 1 by 1, right position, then germing place each seed, 1 by 1, right position...(heavy sigh......:biglaugh:...) well, (getting spiritual :smoke:......at least I came across and switched before all rooms completely unpacked and arranged and germed, etc, and, this puts my start date back a week, and, maybe a reason for that, for the better, etc.......and, of course, this way, can do what I originally wanted to do without any unknown problems, etc.....)

Have been looking like basically planting all of July....had a concern the first rounds might begin to reveg to a degree, (since pre sexing, etc), but, even if so, will be minimal (week to settle in....then max a week, then we're getting to later July, so.....I really don't think so.......and, might change my rounds also...(had planned 40 days, 4 rounds....with pellets, maybe can adjust to 1 round if I set up another veg place..(I can only get max 4,000 at a time current veg space, so....20 days, would put me at 2 rounds, 4,000 each (8,000 current space, 20/20....Aug 1st...), and need much more for all things in the works.......might also implement outdoor location (controlled) for veg, but wait till maybe mid July, and, again, pre sex, etc.......(10' x 10' space can do 6,400.....so......have 5 different places I can get that done......)

Anyway....I'm confusing myself because right now completely changing everything right before start date :biglaugh:, which happens....and, I guess for a reason, and so on :biglaugh:....)

10' x 10' space.....6,400 :smoke:...(20 days more or less, pre sex, call it 3,200 fems....)....and so on (4,000 above.....call it 2,000 fems....2 rounds.....so....7,200 fems, pre sexed, with extra space..(and if can add another round, 10,400 fems.....)

We'll see.......I didn't expect to be reverting back to planning stage at this point :biglaugh:........shit happens I guess :biglaugh:...for the better though.......done many, many pellets.....this much larger size...I know what the difference and possibilities are, so......


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Correction...there are 8 sizes.......

(googled to try and find pic of all, above was best pic I found)

(I've always used #7, and thought the biggest....)

Hmmmmm.....6,400 in 2"ers is 13.5' x 13.5'...not 10' x 10'...(where the fuck did I get that?.......latter only 3,600........6.5k 13.5' squared.....)....

Numbers fever starting to set in :smoke: :biglaugh:....

Still trying to figure out what goes where and when and how and frankly not enough for prep......(sites overlap on schedules....going to have to redo and time staggered.....)
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Active member
dam sexing 6400 plants sounds like tree seedling thinning by the end of the day your seeing trees wherever you look like you were staring into a light bulb.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Not as difficult as it sounds.......as they show they are pulled, trays rearranged, and fems pulled out as rearranged and planted as numbers build.....

You always go through tray by tray (again, numbers can lead to confusion.......easily)....

You go through tray by tray, males come out, females rearranged going back to first trays, and so on and so on.....(ie: First tray they are pulled, fems from 2nd replace those removed in first, fems from 3rd replace those removed from 2nd, etc.....and certain points things cleared by planting, and on and on........)

(Note, that will be for later also...maybe 24/0 and then moved out late July...as they show, planted, etc....have also contemplated 24/0 then sending them straight to spots and sexing but, as earlier...larger mini plots.....don't want to have to sex (cause can't get in with tight planting and larger space, so.....something one wants to avoid, plus labor of planting and so on and so on........)

This was a late decision for me, so, trying to catch up as far as spaces and procedural issues......if I would have decided months ago...would have it all already lined up.....but, was last minute decision, so, now, playing catch up......and, of course now, more locations popping up and fucking up my original schedules......already have things overlapping and such....and don't have space to prep everything.....ie: Right now could use 10,000 July 4th, (which of course since unsexed only 5k maybe),and Aug 1st could use another 10......and so on.........)

I'm going to have to redo all procedure and secure new prep areas if I want to stick with this......right now no spots to be prepping 10,000 at a time.....especially multiple rounds.......I can only do maybe 4k max......and if I secure a spot out, then maybe 6k+....so.........we'll see.......I'm trying to readjust everything....(of course, when done, sure i will be happy...moving everything down to minimal exposure and hit and runs and such.........)

Plus, I don't want to commit too much to change, because by next May should be ready to go with AF's, and, if all is well then fems (which will again cut numbers of starts and such......)

In talks right now to secure a property or 2 :smoke:......

I'm a little confused right now...little too much on plate but should smooth out as I go along, so........(plus I have people also with locations and haven't decided what I want to do......not sure if I want to do them.....not extremely happy with certain people based on some previous performance issues and such........lot of work.....not going to be as loose as before with my labor, expenses, etc...


Active member
Those numbers make my head spin Julian :) I wonder why you're growing such massive amounts year after year - I would think a couple of good years should secure you pretty well... but I guess it doesn't work that way...
I'm definitely on a whole different level there as I believe most people posting in here are - looking at something like 100 plants going out this year (only 8 of these are sexed) so probably around 50 females if I get lucky. Might take some clones in a couple of weeks and put out an additional 30-40 late minis so all in all I'll be a happy camper pulling 5kg of buds - probably won't happen since I also need to reserve a couple of plots for seedmaking but that isn't gonna stop me from trying;p
What you said "what you can, when you can" has become a bit of a mantra for me lately as I realized it's really that simple - both indoor and outdoor. Simply look at your current situation and whenever the need to do something really cool arises (try out new strains, hydro, going vertical etc. ) then push that thought away and provide your grow what it needs right now.... perhaps some clones meant for the next grow need a repot, maybe they need water, pots need rotating or reposition etc. All of those little things that were so fun when you first started out growing but have become a routine and then something to slack on later must be addressed before floating away on a dream.

My indoor grow is already starting to look a lot better and clones for the next round of 12/12 are right on schedule to go in with perfect size and growth momentum.


Active member
going with regular male and female may be a safer approach ive been thinking because if I make fems for all my stock how am I guaranteed something stable that is not gonna herm out on me even if its only 1 out of 500, its literally impossible to find them until its to late. I imagine if your buying from a seed company like female seeds they stress test all there mother plants for stability before making there fems.


Active member
going with regular male and female may be a safer approach ive been thinking because if I make fems for all my stock how am I guaranteed something stable that is not gonna herm out on me even if its only 1 out of 500, its literally impossible to find them until its to late. I imagine if your buying from a seed company like female seeds they stress test all there mother plants for stability before making there fems.

You could just as well be getting herms from regular seeds
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