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Wow dude...i totally feel for ya. I had a very similar encounter but fortunately.....Karma/God kicks ass!

About 3 years ago my best friend of 23 years split up with his wife, who i had also known for 14 years (I had vacationed with HER family many times). She had turned into a raging alcoholic and after months of him and her battling it out and cops coming over....she figured the best way to get at him was to turn me in (she told him she did this). I had never done anything to her, them or anyone. My best friend is adopted and has no other family...so we are like brothers.

What she didn't know was that i quit growing 6 months prior when i broke up with my ex. So for about 2 weeks i have all this strange shit happening...weird power outages, cops knocking on my door asking if i had let someone borrow my truck, just really odd stuff.

Now here's the Karma's a bitch part....

She turned me in...but her mom is the first person to make me their caregiver and allow me to grow legally!

She's been living in her parents basement while going through recovery and has to see me sell her mom pot legally after almost fucking my shit up for life!

I'm sure that doesn't make you feel any better...but i do know how if feels to be turned in your exact situation. I truly wish you the best of luck and hope Karma/God is as good to you from here on out as it's been to me.


I have seen first hand what happens to people that do these things....What goes around comes around and when it comes back around it is always ten times harder than the original insult. It might not be this year or next....but she has it coming and oh is it going to be a doozzzyyyy! You won't even have to do anything...just sit back and watch the show. I predict only three months for you, get it over with and don't carry the probation thorn around with you if you can help it....Think of it as a vacation to read up on all the things that you ever wanted to do. Stay positive and focused. You are alive and no bad vibe is chasing you down! You have a lot of good people here to back you up. Cheers!

Lord Doobie

Switzerland? You definitely don't wanna live there...It's so dark and grey in the winter, the streetlights stay on during the day...
They are #1, however, in suicides


stone fool
There is more than one duck in this thread. What made you decide to sign up here, was it just to tell us this? Multiple duck crossing.


New member
I'll simply offer that keeping it small and growing just enough for your own requires minimal eqip/power usage, and keeps one under the radar. Things can go wrong even if you grow a single plant, but minimizing ones operation and keeping a hatch on the flow of info near you is certainly possible.
Best of luck, it's always a terrible thing to hear, hopefully the U.S. is actually going to move in the right direction soon.


all i can say is good luck to you!!! i'm fighting something similar but on a much smaller scale!!!! man i am sending you the strongest good vibes i can muster up!!! good luck and peace djxx
Some of you might hate me for saying this, but any grower or smoker who has guns in there car or house no matter if you have papers for it is a complete and utter moron. You drive around with a glock and hash, have hundreds of plants, to many lights, sounds like you aint the sharpest tool in the shed. Just by the way you describe yourself sounds shady but none the less good luck on your case, hope it all works out for you in the end.


New member
i hope that every thing goes well for you i have been their to many more times then i want but this time i was right i have my medical card you see i live in Michigan and we just got the law here in December 4 i have been in the news for some time front page because am the first one that got busted with my pappier work on hand and my state card i go to court in june am on bond 50,000


Switzerland? You definitely don't wanna live there...It's so dark and grey in the winter, the streetlights stay on during the day...
They are #1, however, in suicides

Dude one year I was in Switzerland from January until March and there was less snow and more sunlight than here in Colorado.


i hope that every thing goes well for you i have been their to many more times then i want but this time i was right i have my medical card you see i live in Michigan and we just got the law here in December 4 i have been in the news for some time front page because am the first one that got busted with my pappier work on hand and my state card i go to court in june am on bond 50,000

Hey, welcome to ICMAG, bobredden!

I hope you can tell your story here, in another thread. Looking forward to hearing how various jurisdictions are handling this new Medical Cannabis program.

And good luck to you, HydroChris.
Sorry to read...hope everything goes well for you. Stories like this always keep me from starting my first grow, even after getting all excited and asking how to questions.

I am sooooo going to move to a medical MJ state soon.

To everyone advising him to run---you all did catch the part where he has a son, right? Years on the run versus what his attorney could possibly work out for him? I'm sure as a Dad this is the reason he's around.


Goodluck brother. I know it can be hard to enjoy even the simplest of pleasures when you are facing hard time. You'll make it through just stay strong. Peace.

Lord Doobie

Dude one year I was in Switzerland from January until March and there was less snow and more sunlight than here in Colorado.

Dood, I lived there for 2 years...not 2 months. It was so gray, people walked around looking for the sun. Streetlights stayed on...lots of snow, central Switzerland, Luzern...awful...couldn't wait to leave this self-imposed exile and head back to sunny Colorado.

If he's in Switzerland, perhaps he deserves it. :joint:


Active member
I haven't finished reading through everything here, but you were trying to figure out who would have turned you in.

Here's a thought - as harsh as it may be - DON'T GROW 410 FUCKING PLANTS AND RUN 6K OF LIGHTS WHEN YOU LIVE ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POLICE CHIEF. Probably right where you can trace that warrant to. May have had a dog at his house one day during lunch, could have caught a whiff of your shit (even if you don't smell it, someone can) and started investigating his neighbor's power bills, etc... Could have even been a thermal cam he was playing with after work one day just playing around.

Sorry bro - darwinism bit you hard. I wish you the best of luck, I really do, but dummy up a bit next time.
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