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pack a bowl

na its a pipe also.

and i forgot to say, thanks roorhead for pointing out how much that tube in the middle of that pic went for.. i'm always curious to heady piece prices since they all vary so much.


Active member
yeah... thats a nice slinger... love the disc w/ fat mag marble... and dichro cane :eek:

heres there current Toro lineup...


Though really... we may just end up getting a Darby inline tube and hops inline or this headie inline at my local shop... it looks like a deppe inline, but it's not... I just forget the artists name... its soo clean!

pack a bowl

i really don't understand how this one works to be honest. lol.



yeah the pregnant toros have always confused me. alright well i finally got a new spot for my grow :)!!! which im stoked on cuz i finally got a brain taking care of my environment so i cant wait to see results! This meanss im pretty much done buying glass till at lest i harvest or sumthin. i havnt been posting pics of shit, but ill try to get pics of the whole collection up since its changed so much. Got the 13-17 toro, 7-13 worked toro, mike fro roor, sov gridline, sov king bub, and bowls by hefe, cac, salt, freek, fro, and roor. Pretty much completely satisfied with the lineup now. Heres some pics of some of the stuff i havnt posted.











Slides. I need help finding retailers!

Can anyone list some good sites? because at the moment I'm visiting Showmeglass, Bitfreakglass, and Shivadas waiting for something I like. The wait is killing me :(

I'm gonna grab a hakko when I next break the bank as well, hope its good!


New member
awesome thread! i love glass, and wish i could afford more and higher end glass than i have...

i picked this tube up at lala land in venice a little while back. my first glass on glass, and first perc.



the ashcatcher works pretty well and it hits a lot smoother than my old late 80s graffix (which still gets fairly regular use). :joint:

RooR HeaD

Nice toob!

theirs some real nice glass being posted in hear right now GREAT TO SEE THIS THREAD BACK THE WAY IT WAS B4 ANOTHER ROOR ARGUMENT STARTED IT ALL BACK UP LOL!

But yea Tony how do u post the actual picture instead of linkin it so people can actually see what im linkin from glass pipes cause im sure only half of u guys looks at those links. yea tony im thinkin of pickin up that slinger bub if its still their when i buy my claw instead of one big pieace ill buy a medium claw and that slinger!

swish r those the toros u were talking about that u listed the prices off? and i said they were mad over priced? if so im not just sayin this i MEAN IT YOUR CAN GET WAY BETTER WORKED TOROS AT H2H FOR UNDER A 1000 DOLLORS! im truely in shock that those r the prices for toros in that shop that dude is pretty much up sellling every toro meaning hes doubleing the prices makeing 100% profit! scary is the word im looking for!

i understand now headie monster! yea i was a lil confused at first but thanks for filling me in!

yea pack sommers is who i mean his shit is getting better and better i stick to what i said 1 year from now u wont b able to tell who is who. shit i should show sommers my favorite jason lee pieace and have him make me it and save 300 bucks! its crazy u stick the name j lee on a pipe and it would sell no matter how hot it is to younger kids!

as of that toro pack 2500 for the one in the middle u think that a fair price? i did

and that your clear bub in that vid?

RooR HeaD

And i do have to say this sum of those toros r just a lil to bulky and obnoxius know i spelled that wrong lol! hes getting out of hand with soem of his new shit i think. its getting ot the point were u say how much can u truely do to a bong at that point! for me i like those banjo toros alot but all i need is a worked toro like toobs and im happy!

RooR HeaD

Hey guys wondering what u guys think! honestly i never use my any of my roor slides now adays either my jason lee or my mnp now thats about it and i use my worked roor bowl i bought in the roor shop in adam with my 45 and 55. so my question is what do u guys think i should do with my ziggy slide. their were only 66 made in the world u cant get them any were unless u buy the actual ziggy tube which is 700 bucks! so should i keep it for the meanin of it that only 66 were made or sell it and put more money towards my bearclaw purchase!

hears a few pics and the only time i truely use it is on my bday and 420!







Packabowl that bubbler looks like it hits nice and firm, love the way the smoke rises real slow

RooRHeaD - there is an edit button if you want to add to your previous post.
I say sell the rasta bowl and put it towards new glass, the other stuff you posted is way classier plus you already said you don't use it. I guess it's just that colour scheme really grates as it's hard to get away from with weed, lol

RooR HeaD

Thanks ryu for the kind comment on my glass and yea i dont know man i lvoe the ziggy slide but i hate useing the glass roor nails it 1 eats weed and 2 EATS WEED 3 just a pain in the ass. but at the same time u will never b able to buy that ziggy slide without spending 700 bucks to buy the ziggy toob! but it would b could make my bearclaw purchase intense i have a idea of what i want to spend and i add a lil more money it could rally help me!

and then the problem comes how much do i sell it for? ya know its pretty much new i could easily say ive used it less then 10 times! and ive owned it for 2 and a half years. and i keep all my glass in tip top form as in clean so its pretty much brand spanking new! and to think of what i paid then with the shipping form europe id have to take about 50 bucks off so i dont even know lol.

pack a bowl

2500 sounds pretty fair after going through a shop

sell it for 50.. maybe more if you can get away with it, lol.

yea that is the bub i made... felt like giving a better perspective on the size. the milk was kinda cool and slow, but a few times i've hit it and half of the bubble stays smokeless but the smoke gets a bumpy look to it that shifts around... kinda hard to explain but looks cool as fuck. not sure why or how it happens, i think it might have to do with the water levels pushing the smoke up in certain spots as it bubbles...
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