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Easiest way to make hash! Quick Wash ISO!


I deoxicarbolate by cooking the oil after butane or hexane extraction in alcohol to cook off the solvents and to deoxicarbolate. That is also a handy time to isomerize as well, if you wish.

If you don't mind can you explain exactly how you do that? Do your normal butane or hexane extraction then after it purges re-dissolve in alcohol and heat that mixture? How you do that and to what temperature ect would be great to know if you don't mind sharing.

Are you extracting CBD's in oil that can be converted into THC? I didn't realize this was possible, any info you could share would be appreciated. Thanks

Edit: Also, isomerize is a term I'm not familiar with, if you could share what it is and how you do it as well that would be great.


I've made ethanol extract a few times:

- 1 to 1.5 ounces of decent bud
- 750ml of booze (151 proof Bacardi is all I can get here)
- cooked / simmered in sealed bottle, to maintain the original volume

With this mixture I can take 4-8 droppers full (about 1 ml droppers in medicine bottle) for a nice effect. Once I figure out the batch's strength, it's pretty easy to dose accurately. For example, my latest bottle is a little weak: 9 droppers for a mild effect, 12 and I'm done for the night. That 9 to 12 dropper window seems pretty tight to me. Then again, I am a lightweight...

I would worry if it's more concentrated how to dose accurately.

Oh, when I use it it's just a few droppers squirted into my coffee, tea, beer, whatever. Carried around in a small 30ml glass medicine bottle with a dropper built into the cap.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
If you don't mind can you explain exactly how you do that? Do your normal butane or hexane extraction then after it purges re-dissolve in alcohol and heat that mixture? How you do that and to what temperature ect would be great to know if you don't mind sharing.

Are you extracting CBD's in oil that can be converted into THC? I didn't realize this was possible, any info you could share would be appreciated. Thanks

Edit: Also, isomerize is a term I'm not familiar with, if you could share what it is and how you do it as well that would be great.

After using relatively conventional butane or hexane extraction methods, I add just enough Everclear to the Pyrex dish to allow me to re-dissolve the extracted oil, using my finger in a rubber glove to scrub every square inch of the plate. I pour that off and do it a second time to get as much as possible.

I put that wash in a ½ pint canning jar, which I place on a stack of lids in a lid ring, in an electric fondue pot full of canola oil at 230F. I cook the mixture down to what ever consistency I desire at that point.

If I want to end up with tincture, I leave a little alcohol in, and if I want to end up with oil, I add a few drops of water to the mixture and swirl the jar in the oil until all bubbling ceases.

Isomerizing means to change something into an isomer of itself. In this case THC is an isomer of CBD.

The oils that the above processes extract are a combination of CBD, THC, and CBN, amongst other cannabinoids. CBD is actually the plant’s precursor to THC and CBN is oxidized (dehydrogenated) THC. Depending on the strain, when it was harvested, etc, the ratios of those three vary.

Any strain with a high couch lock index is high in CBD and they may be isomerized into THC in alcohol by adding 2 ml of 1 normal HCL (hydrochloric) or H2S04 (sulfuric) acid per 200 ml of solvent and reflux boiling it for an hour. You then add enough baking soda return the Ph to neutralize (~7), filter, and reduce down as before.

If you initially made the extraction from plant material using alcohol, some petroleum wash steps are required to get rid of the waxes, etc, but if you extracted with petroleum first, they are not necessary.

There are several good books out on the techniques. For instance, Marijuana Chemistry by Starks, Dr Atomics by Todd, Cannabis Alchemy by Hoyle, and Cannabis Alchemy by Gold. Amazon.com has most if not all of them.

Gray Wolf

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
A lot of that greenish goo is wax, so it will leave a lot of residue regardless of how you use it.

I had reasonably good luck mixing raw alcohol extracted oil with ground bud and smoking it like hash on a screen. The waxes will of course rapidly wipe out the screen, so you will need frequently cleaning or replacement.

I clean screens by just holding them in the flame of a propane torch for a moment or so, and everything is reduced to white ash.

I found that about a kitchen match sized piece was about a body dose, which was noticeable in about 30 to 45 minutes. It was just a general sense of relaxation and pain free well being, with no apparent high.

Hard to get down because it stuck to everything including my teeth.

Bye the bye, if your oil is not protected from UV in its present location, I recommend that you do so.


I mentioned that I made an oil from 1.5 onces or so of schawg, pressed weed.

I put the weed in a blender with some Everclear (90% grain alcohol). I spun the blender a bit to break up the pressed weed so that the Everclear could reach and release the THC. I then strained that mixture through some kiff screens and then a coffee filter. I then boiled that liquid in a pyrex meauring cup in a pan of water until it quit boiling. I put it then into a ceramic dish and let it set for about a week.

This mixture was a dark, alcohol smelling, substance, that evaporated leaving dark greenish/black rings in the ceramic dish. After about a week it is now a dark brownish substance that can be easily scooped and scraped with a razor blade with the consistancy pudding. I have no way of weighing it, so I cannot tell you what it weighs.

I am currently in a program where I can be drug tested (punishment for a DUI a year and a half ago), so I have to put off using it for about another week.

I still have it open to the atmosphere, so further evaporation is possible, and I worry that if I wait too long it may not be manageable. I am not sure what to do with it, and I may add alcohol back to it so that I can manage it. Suggestion are welcome.

What I am also wondering, although I have smoked BHO in the past, is what is a dose of this stuff? Is it a small drop on a cigarette?

Eating it. Would eating it in a drink or something the way it is without cooking it further okay?

I do not want to just eat a bit of this stuff and find that I am on my ass the rest of the day.

Thanks in advance.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Interesting stuff Gray Wolf... if you have time I'm sure many here would like to read a write up of your extraction techniques and background knowledge on this.

Hey randude, an easy way to deal with the oil is just to leave it in a jar, when you want to smoke a hit just get a glob on the end of a poker or paperclip, the glob can be dripped into a bowl by heating the poker with a lighter. I smoke my oil with a ceramic element soldering iron, works great.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thank you!

I will share more when I have been on line long enough to do so without hijacking someone else’s thread. As a newbie, I think I first have to make 60 righteous posts on someone else’s threads without violating TOS to start one of my own.


Interesting stuff Gray Wolf... if you have time I'm sure many here would like to read a write up of your extraction techniques and background knowledge on this.


Thanks Gray thats exactly what I wanted to know. Don't worry at least were still on the topic of oil. And Amazon here I come, thanks again.

BTW Bumble is right you should make a tut when you get the chance. I know playing with sulfuric acid is a little much for some but those who can do it may enjoy making oil with a higher percent of THC

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Made another batch, used 38g of cured buds:

Ground that up to a uniform consistency and put it back in the quart jar and poured in a 16 oz. bottle of 99% ISO, shook it at a moderate pace for most of 4 minutes and strained it with a french press coffee maker and then drip through a paper coffee filter, evaporated the ISO in a extra large (18") glass pan over a pot of boiling water with a fan blowing at it. I left the water on a hard boil, usually turn it down to a low simmer, the bottom of the pan was too hot to handle after taking it off. This batch came out perfect so I'm happy with those perameters, the last batch I made with 91% ISO and shook vigorously for 8 minutes wasn't so good, it was kinda nasty actually...

Scraped it up with a razor blade, got 3.8g so extracted exactly 1/10 the weight.

I scraped it off the razor on to the edge of this cup, it seemed to sort of separate out a bit, some clumpy bits on the rim, ooze in the middle and liquidy stuff on the bottom, was really warm in the room at the time. I find ISO hash oil will change viscosity drastically depending on room temperature:

Swirled it up a tiny bit and it homogenized mostly and stayed that way...

This oil tastes so good, just what I was hoping for, got all the flavor of the bud, amazing sour bubblegummy herbal :yummy: really like it a lot. Vaping with ceramic element soldering iron:


Well-known member
Hey Bumble Buddy,
recently I’ve made and posted a number of experiments on ethanol 96% extractions using microscope and camera it may be useful in your exploring.

You may get the same amount of oil extract in two parts of two grades – a bigger part of very best amber and smaller part of satisfactory oil.

Divide your extraction timing into two or more runs.
First run will give you glass-amber-stoned resin quality that is good looking and very comfort to keep and to use,
immediately after first the second run will give oil or gooey if duration is over timed.
You may also make a third run up to a week or month like tincture lovers do.

The main parameter is timing of extraction runs but the manner of buds preparing is also significant. Common sense dictates to crumble a material to open more surface, but in case when trich glands are out of a plant body and nothing useful is inside the crumbing opens only a bad surfaces which give bad substances into extract. We just have to open to solvent a spots of dense contact of clusters to improve the process but have not to crumble.

Imo the winner technique on buds is jelly hash. Accurately disassemble buds into clasters, dry sift them and keep a kief to mix with resin later. Make a first run with accurate gentle wash, on second run shake intensively. Filter, evaporate and collect 1-st and 2-d separately to compare for knowledge and to decide which one is to mix with kiff that brings the best aroma.


Well-known member
…, took the alcohol soaked shake and put it in a jar with water, shook it, then pressed out the moisture and evaporated it. The resulting product was GROSS!!! it had an extremely cloying sweet odor of prunes and gave me a headache... that is the flavor I can taste a little bit in this oil, kinda nasty..

I did this too. The result was also GROSS and non-smokeable. I redissolved it and got a small (appr.1/8) piece of resin. A bigger part (appr.7/8) was not alco-soluble at all but later was water soluble very easy when I washed a bowl.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Hey Bumble Buddy,
recently I’ve made and posted a number of experiments on ethanol 96% extractions using microscope and camera it may be useful in your exploring.

Yeah, using a microscope/magnifier after doing the wash can be informative, that is why I started doing longer washes, the sub-minute washes left lots of trichome heads intact...

You may get the same amount of oil extract in two parts of two grades – a bigger part of very best amber and smaller part of satisfactory oil.

Divide your extraction timing into two or more runs.
First run will give you glass-amber-stoned resin quality that is good looking and very comfort to keep and to use,
immediately after first the second run will give oil or gooey if duration is over timed.
You may also make a third run up to a week or month like tincture lovers do.

That is a great idea, I have thought about doing this (was it you that did those successive wash tests? if so good job! and interesting stuff), its fun to test these things out and I think the community has a lot to learn about all this cannabis extracton and chemistry. I do question the conventional wisdom that clear light amber oil is necessarily the best, I like smoking buds sometimes and would do so even if they didn't get me high- maybe some of these waxes, pureens, and other stuff is appealing to some smokers? There is a robustness of flavor in these longer wash oils that I don't think a shorter wash can achieve.

The main parameter is timing of extraction runs but the manner of buds preparing is also significant. Common sense dictates to crumble a material to open more surface, but in case when trich glands are out of a plant body and nothing useful is inside the crumbing opens only a bad surfaces which give bad substances into extract. We just have to open to solvent a spots of dense contact of clusters to improve the process but have not to crumble.

Yeah I've thought about this... I think that manual crumbling is better than cutting with a blade, so as to not break the vegetative cell membranes. It is my opinion though (could use more testing) that crumbling it fairly finely is best- some trichome heads may hide out in nooks and crannies, that is what it seemed like when examining the leftover washed herb with a magnifier, could use more study on this though...

I did use my hands to crumble it, not exactly optimal:redface:, probably lost at least a few .01g's on my palms. :frown: I need some sort of industrial sized grinder hehe.


Well-known member
beware goo smoking

beware goo smoking

Hey randude101,
Sticky messy goo is dangerous to smoke. It's better to use it orally. Look at the medicine quote plz.

lipid pneumonia

pulmonary condition marked by inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the lungs due to the inhalation of various oily or fatty substances, particularly liquid petrolatum, or resulting from accumulation in the lungs of endogenous lipid material, either cholesterol from obstructive pneumonitis or following fracture of a bone; phagocytes containing lipid are usually present.
Synonym(s): oil pneumonia


Bumble Buddy

Active member
jump117, I think that condition results (exogenously) from the inhalation of aerosolized lipids, like someone in a slaughterhouse near a circular saw, or someone inhaling a good quantity of spray-on suntan lotion. Not really applicable to smoking hash oil, or a similar quantity of animal fat or suntan lotion... even if your oil has lots of plant tar in it.

randude, I've been getting 1/10 the weight from buds on my hash oil runs. What are you trying to do "working" with the oil, make a sculpture with it? :bashhead: haha! Just leave it in the jar man, use a poker or paperclip when you want to smoke some. :joint:


Well-known member
...from the inhalation of aerosolized lipids,...
Bumble Buddy, I hope you're right. I've read about this disease in forum on nebulizer using as non-smoking thc delivery. I'd like to learn the difference between resin and oil smoke in terms of hygiene and medicine. For sure both are harmful.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Yeah the illegality of our pastime makes scientific medical studies difficult, more study is needed. For someone new to smoking oil and hash who has health concerns, I can point to the large numbers of people that have enjoyed these products for 10+ years with no apparent ill effects. Also, the empiric data we do have regarding the safety of solvent extracted oils, there may be small amounts of contamination from the solvent, however the concentrations present in the vapor/smoke are extremely small, far less than what is inhaled into the nostrils when opening a jar of ISO for instance.


Active member
What a great thread

What a great thread

Just want to say thx for this easy way to make oil. I tried it with 24 days old weed (had to cancel my grow ´cause of pollination :mad: ) and what i got after
the iso wash was just awesome. The smell and taste were still there... and the pure power! So for the future when something goes wrong... no that is not an option :noway:.. but for the leaves and the lower branches this is the way to go to get an impression what the strain or the phenotype has to offer.

I mean it is the best way to test smoke your strain or pheno, after smoking the oil you know if it is worth to spend time on it.

Another point is that iso alcohol is not that expensive (paid approx. 13 Dollar for 1 Litre 100 %). Didn´t know that 100 % are possible, but the woman in the pharmacy said that they are producing it on their own so it is possible...). Well, it´s okay with me :dance:

So here are some pics and for those who are unsure to do it: GO FOR IT!!


  • green soup.jpg
    green soup.jpg
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  • harz danach.jpg
    harz danach.jpg
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  • ISO 1.jpg
    ISO 1.jpg
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  • Razor Blade 2.jpg
    Razor Blade 2.jpg
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New member
hey I followed a recipe to make a tincture and used like almost 2 oz of bud and Bacardi 151.
as it has the highest alcohol content. Recipe says to let it sit for 2 weeks and shake 2-3 times a day then strain. I imagine you let some of the alcohol evaporate and there you have it a concentrate you just but a dropper or so under your tongue and good to go. But say I don't really like taking it this way If I follow through with the hot plate and let it all evaporate will I just get some really concentrated hash oil or what if so Id think it would be very tough to work with how could you dilute it slightly and perhaps purify it a bit more.


Zoom keep reading around the forums about oil and you"ll find what your looking for your on the right track. Read the first few pages of this thread over again.

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