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Anyone else avoid Indicas?


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Hey all :D

If you've read many of my posts you've probably gotten the impression that I'm a sativa fan. I'm looking for others that experience the 'fog' that comes with indica usage 24/7.

My pain is also mainly neurological and I seem to get greater pain relief from sativas as well.

I'm also autistic.

Who has a sensitivity to Indicas and what can you tell us about yourself? :D

Thanks for dropping in!

Jeff Lebowski

I have a terribly sensitivity to sativas. After about thirty seconds after sharing someone's herb, I can immediately tell whether or not it was a mistake. Most smokers have no clue there are different types with different effects until you break it down for them. A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus. The worst part is finding this out after you've taken a hit, you can't go back.

I think with your neurological pain, you can find some great indicas. Perhaps you are only experiencing some more narcotic strains. I know most indicas will calm physical pain and regulate mental activity, but perhaps you are hitting the super hard strains. Strawberry kush from Rez is an indica that will wake you up, literally! But while I am at this, not all sativas affect me like that, only the ones bred with insane amounts of thc.


Active member
Yes I too avoid indicas. Kind of dismays me the way people are so down on sativas across the board, even in a thread dedicated to sativas lol. My least favourite sentences end with '...for a sativa'. Ah well.

Anyway yes indicas tend to make me feel pretty bad as I like to be doing stuff and keeping my mind and body active, sativas facilitate this. Inidcas tend to give me a lot of the symptoms Jeff describes sativas giving him above lol It's different for everyone I guess, generalisations aren't too useful here. Most people will get on very well with sativas just like most folks get on well with indicas so scaring people off either is counter productive especially since being able to use both gives you a lot of flexibility with your medicating.

I have Crohn's disease and find pure sativas and sativa doms give me as much or more physical releif as any indica ever has it just depends on the strength in my opinion and sativas stay strong for longer than indicas due to the tolerance factor. Motivational effects really helps deal with the disease too, I'd rather do some gardening than have a nap durng the day personally.


I know exactly what you mean about the indica "fog". I haven't been formally diagnosed yet, but I'm expecting to be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome (or some form of autism similar) in the not too distant future. I find that indicas, rather than slowing my thoughts down and calming me down, kind of haze my thoughts into an incoherent mess and numb my head for a day or two. This is usually if I go to sleep stoned, or stray from my midnight toker routine and smoke in the daytime as well as the night. Indica also makes me deeply introspective, which is neither a good or bad thing. This has since been massively reduced by using a vaporizer, but it's still evident.

Sativa strains help me socially. I've been smoking UK Cheese and UK Cheese x Rock Bud recently, and I find that neither of these strains present a problem at all for me. For example, I can look strangers in the eye when in conversation much easier, I can go into shops without worry, and talk to people I don't know without any trouble whatsoever. The indica strains make me more reserved and reclusive.


Active member
I have a terribly sensitivity to sativas. After about thirty seconds after sharing someone's herb, I can immediately tell whether or not it was a mistake. Most smokers have no clue there are different types with different effects until you break it down for them. A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus. The worst part is finding this out after you've taken a hit, you can't go back.
Sorry to hear you have such a severe reaction. I'll take the confusion that sets in around day 3 anytime over what you've just described.
You've experienced this with a known sativa grown cleanly without any additives, chemicals or pesticides?

I think with your neurological pain, you can find some great indicas. Perhaps you are only experiencing some more narcotic strains. I know most indicas will calm physical pain and regulate mental activity, but perhaps you are hitting the super hard strains.
Nope. There's something about my brain chemistry that just doesn't jive with indicas. I've gone through quite a few different strains from dispensaries and the results are varied but the same in the end.

I'm a 24/7 medical user so I run into a lot of things that most 'tokers' wouldn't. A sack that seems fine to most everyone will leave me with headaches and a sore throat by day 3 or 4. If you want to smoke only the best out of a selection, let me pick it for ya. :)

Strawberry kush from Rez is an indica that will wake you up, literally! But while I am at this, not all sativas affect me like that, only the ones bred with insane amounts of thc.
Ok, this sounds interesting. I'd have to pick some up for a couple weeks to see. Thanks for bringing it up.


Active member
For example, I can look strangers in the eye when in conversation much easier, I can go into shops without worry, and talk to people I don't know without any trouble whatsoever. The indica strains make me more reserved and reclusive.

Hmm, this is spookily similar for me.
I think that fine tuning our bodies and knowing the reactions to certain strains is real important for us medical users. I avoid indicas as much as possible during the day, I really enjoy the pain relief, but really prefer to be able to function relatively normal also like I am able to do with the sativas.

Night time for insomnia is definitely indica time for me, the heavier the better!!



Hmm, this is spookily similar for me. Been thinking about the autism thing for a while too.

Remember, I haven't been formally diagnosed yet. But with the recent discovery of the genetic side of autism, the fact that my brother has such severe autism that he's in full time care, and a number of other symptoms that sound very much like autism that I display, I'm fairly sure that it's what my problem is. But I cannot be 100% sure.

I think it's worth getting checked out professionally. It's been on my mind for years, and in those years I've slowly started to understand how my mind works, which has offered some relief, but also a hindrance as I can't be totally sure whether I do indeed have autism, so I'm not totally sure how to deal with my problems. But I think getting a formal diagnoses can really be beneficial to a person.

By the way, sorry to go off topic Hydro-Soil.

Jeff Lebowski

As far as indicas go, anything bred with a kush will not drop me like a rhino, as that landrace heritage with higher CBD levels is great for anxiety/depression. Even growing my own sativas, organic only, the effects are still way too much for me and like you, I'm a 24/7 med user as well. It sets in about thirty seconds, to a minute. I get this intense head rush and my mouth turns to diarrhea for the next few hours. However, when I set an indica in there, I can focus, put my thoughts in a coherent fashion and craft some lyrical research beauty.

As for the "fog" people speak of, I know what you are talking about. It's something that is overcome with indica tolerance, takes a while though. Occasionally, an indica will be too much and will actually fuck my entire medicine regimen up so I have to watch out for certain types.

But, my experience with tropical sativas has always been pleasant and really energizing. The problem is, most people do not grow these types and thus are hard to find in pharmacies. I could give up indicas if I had a constant supply of Maui wowi :)


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
While I wouldn't say that I avoid indicas like the plague I'll always reach for the sativa or sativa dominant variety first. I don't like to grow indicas either, but in order to make most sativas commercially viable they've been crossbred with at least a slight amount of indica. For instance, I grow Blue Dream and I really prefer crosses with more sativa in them (or at least a different cbn & cbd to thc ratio). Most people who grow Dream mention how much of an up effect it has on them, but that's just because the market is currently skewed towards indicas. Whatever Haze was crossed with whatever blueberry to produce Blue Dream should be crossed back in, imvho.
Nonetheless I smoke it daily and as long as I don't mix in too much hash at night I don't experience much fog the next day. I have experimented with alternating in different strains and if I compare a day of smoking a more pure Sativa to a day of smoking a cross like Blue Dream there is a noticeable effect from the indica influence.

SSH is still my favorite cross, with Super Jack close behind. Oddly I've never had any impressive Kali Mist, but i'll leave that on the growers for being lazy indica slaves....


As a grower, I like 50/50 hybrids the most, but the smoker in me has it for sativas. I'd really love to be growing Thunks year round, but I just can't afford that. :abduct:


I have a terribly sensitivity to sativas. After about thirty seconds after sharing someone's herb, I can immediately tell whether or not it was a mistake. Most smokers have no clue there are different types with different effects until you break it down for them. A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus. The worst part is finding this out after you've taken a hit, you can't go back.

I have very similar experiences but not necessarily all sativas
and the anxiety only lasts for the day..
I'd say it really depends on the strain, certain strains can really give me horrible anxiety, praying the high will go away.

Then again certain strains also help my anxiety.. =)

Also do you really think higher CBD levels are great for anxiety/depression? I wonder if thats why i loved Hashberry so much.

I noticed this with acid reflux too, certain strains can actually help, some make it worse. Wish we had more info to go off.


Active member
Wow.... It's amazing all the different reaction people get to the different varieties of cannabis. :D

Definitely going to be interesting when hardcore studies get underway. :D


Wow.... It's amazing all the different reaction people get to the different varieties of cannabis. :D

Definitely going to be interesting when hardcore studies get underway. :D

Hopefully someday soon, this war will end, and better research will surface.



I have a terribly sensitivity to sativas. After about thirty seconds after sharing someone's herb, I can immediately tell whether or not it was a mistake. Most smokers have no clue there are different types with different effects until you break it down for them. A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus. The worst part is finding this out after you've taken a hit, you can't go back.

Are you sure it's sativa' your smoking?? I have a couple of buddies who will drop by with a bowl here and there.... 9 times out of ten their herb gives me the noids bad... just as you describe... I think it's an attribute you'll find with most commercial herb, imho it comes from harvesting early... and not a proper flush... someone else mentioned pesticides too, very probable...

I can smoke properly grown/cured sativas without getting this way, and it seems to me that for a commercial grower to be growing sativas in the US would be highly counter-productive... not sure where you live at, but unless you're getting brick I bet you're smoking predominately indica....

Just my two:2cents:


ohh man I tend to gravitate towards indicas. For me I get a chest thumping or case of the noids when i puff sativa's or sativa dominate crosses. Like the Hindu kush x Skunk # 1 would give me the worst paranoia and anxiety ever! I guess everybody's body is different and therefor reacts differently. But for me personally its all indica I can't do the sativa or ill just end up quitting smoking.

Jeff Lebowski

Anything with haze attached is asking to fuck me up and not pleasantly either.


Active member
I don't like indicas unless I want to kill pain or want to get some sleep. I am sleepy enough without that.

My son is austic too. Not too high functioning, but I love him like no other.
My son is autistic as well. Awesome kid, just awesome.
Not quite as high functioning as I am but wow, I couldn't ask for a better or more intelligent and caring son.


For example, I can look strangers in the eye when in conversation much easier, I can go into shops without worry, and talk to people I don't know without any trouble whatsoever. The indica strains make me more reserved and reclusive.

same with me...

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