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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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Us stoners and our conspiracies...

Anyways on topic, I am scared.

Time for a snack anyone want bacon?

I ate pig just this past sunday SO GOOD!

Did i mention this is fucking planned? This may not be the big event just a little bit of testing the waters.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

Those fuckers are trying to kill us. Don't you doubt that for one second!

Peace. thats it for me on this subject. really worried.

It has been stated that a sustainable population can not exceed five hundred million, yet we have just a bit over six billion plus beings in exsistance on this planet. It would not surprise me at all to learn many of the current day viruses and diseases are genetically modified and released by the very same people who pledge to protect us (the citizens) and follow through with the best intrests of the majority of peoples...


Active member
First Swine Flu confirmed death is a baby in Texas. Babies and the elderly are particularly at risk. Germany has reported cases there also.

Cruise ships here are suspending routes to Mexico.
Bacon and pork chops are a bargain these days.
anyone need some good pork recipes?
Granny Madre can help you out.

I wonder if Chicken prices will drop as half the hybrid virus is bird?????

Guess I won't switch to vegan after all.


Active member
Granny Madre just found out I am an economic victim of the swine flu scare.

But I should not have been kidding about pork prices as my son told me this morning that his franchise restaurant that is part of a large chain of BBQ restaurants in the Southeast. has had a huge downturn in the consumtion of baby back ribs etc,,,,,
Headquarters is in a panic doing damage control currently..

Sales are dropping like a rock due to "PORK PANIC"
and it is "dumbasses" that don't read causing more economic problems than needed.

GEEZ the reataurant business has already took a hit with a trashed economy. Nobody can afford to eat out these days....but my sons restaurant was one where it was rather economical to treat your family out to dinner. And the trickle down effect of PORK PANIC is gonna hurt restaurants whose pulled pork and baby back ribs is central to profit margins.

My son worked his ass off to get where he has gotten in life. Hard for me to watch him anguish over his current crisis which is basically from ignorant and uninformed ppl. But the trickle down effect is maybe he will have to lay off ppl and it sux jobwise in this area anyway.

So ignorance is bliss for some and we will survive as a family even if we end up poor as money ain't everything. But painful for granny to watch total stupidity of the American ppl. We are already economically hurting in this country.....Wake up America and read!!!!!!

Sorry, madrecino, but no one reads or thinks now a days. They just wait for the all knowing TV to tell them what to think or do.
The dumbing down of America is almost complete. Just need a few more of us old folks to die off and presto! chango! job done.


LoL @ boycotting pork products, don't these fuckers know it's THE FLU, so is transmitted like THE FLU!! Dumbasses.


Active member
Sorry, madrecino, but no one reads or thinks now a days. They just wait for the all knowing TV to tell them what to think or do.
The dumbing down of America is almost complete. Just need a few more of us old folks to die off and presto! chango! job done.

Vetus honey I know you are right and I do agree with you TOTALLY....

BUT I am one of the old those old folks and I AIN'T READY TO GO YET. Maybe 10 more years and I WILL GO IN PEACE....te he

But I was born on a cotton farm and never got rich...but I did do well in my life. But I really enjoyed watching my kids be successes.....and the others are nurses so I expected swine flu to maybe affect them but not the businessman. Good example of panic gone bad.

I try to educate the public a little and share what little knowledge I have. But the public is letharic....self absorbed...and apathetic.:wallbash::joint:

Damn Vetus you hit the nail on the head and get the Madre Hammer Award....

EAT PORK! "the other white meat" is safe.
I need some bacon to cheer me up.:woohoo:


Active member
LoL @ boycotting pork products, don't these fuckers know it's THE FLU, so is transmitted like THE FLU!! Dumbasses.

it is safer to kiss a pig currently than your wife. Enjoy those cheap pork chops soon to be dumped on the market and twofer BBQ pork dinners soon to come.:fsu:

Mr. Tony

Active member
Granny Madre just found out I am an economic victim of the swine flu scare.

But I should not have been kidding about pork prices as my son told me this morning that his franchise restaurant that is part of a large chain of BBQ restaurants in the Southeast. has had a huge downturn in the consumtion of baby back ribs etc,,,,,
Headquarters is in a panic doing damage control currently..

Sales are dropping like a rock due to "PORK PANIC"
and it is "dumbasses" that don't read causing more economic problems than needed.

GEEZ the reataurant business has already took a hit with a trashed economy. Nobody can afford to eat out these days....but my sons restaurant was one where it was rather economical to treat your family out to dinner. And the trickle down effect of PORK PANIC is gonna hurt restaurants whose pulled pork and baby back ribs is central to profit margins.

My son worked his ass off to get where he has gotten in life. Hard for me to watch him anguish over his current crisis which is basically from ignorant and uninformed ppl. But the trickle down effect is maybe he will have to lay off ppl and it sux jobwise in this area anyway.

So ignorance is bliss for some and we will survive as a family even if we end up poor as money ain't everything. But painful for granny to watch total stupidity of the American ppl. We are already economically hurting in this country.....Wake up America and read!!!!!!


How do you think mexican restaurant owners feel about not being allowed to serve sit down customers, only take out.

I for see us bailing out mexico again.


Sorry, madrecino, but no one reads or thinks now a days. They just wait for the all knowing TV to tell them what to think or do.
The dumbing down of America is almost complete. Just need a few more of us old folks to die off and presto! chango! job done.

Some of us young ones have our wits about us.

Oh yeah and for a fourth time. This is a set up. This virus was made in a lab. It is a hybrid of 4 types of influenza each coming from a different part of the world europe asia north america and south america. Just read the media they are preparing the masses for deaths. Just yesterday AP posted an article saying 2 million dead americans is worst case scenario. 2 MILLION??? currecntly there are 100 of us with it. Talk about planned.


cant blame people without jobs for not going out to eat.

guess we have our first confirmed death in the US. it was a baby that is from mexico, visiting the US.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Some of us young ones have our wits about us.

Oh yeah and for a fourth time. This is a set up. This virus was made in a lab. It is a hybrid of 4 types of influenza each coming from a different part of the world europe asia north america and south america. Just read the media they are preparing the masses for deaths. Just yesterday AP posted an article saying 2 million dead americans is worst case scenario. 2 MILLION??? currecntly there are 100 of us with it. Talk about planned.

I've been saying that it was lab made the whole time, this is some scary shit people wake up and read!!! Don't believe the tv all the time as it's just a form of control with selective programming... I'm one of the younger generation and see through the bullshit, call me a Conspiracy Theorist all you like but the signs and symbols are all over. Micro chipped society is not too far away especially when they can be injected into you these days and a scare like this is a perfect plan to send people running for vaccination... God Bless Us All!!!! :joint:


Active member
Well population control maybe. The Chinese already kill 10,000 baby girls a year because they can only have one child and want a son. They kill them AFTER birth and not by abortion BTW! Nobody seems to care,
So this is just another world travesty among many current world travesties.

So nobody gets upset about that. Two million Americans should decrease the population. Maybe by sorta natural selection and only the strong survive.

More male babies are born year but more girls survive the birth process.
And women live longer....just look around Florida. If I live too long I will have to go lesbian FO SHO!

So I am gonna survive the flu economic as I still have things to do. I hope my family of nurses live through taking care of the flu victims, And I hope my son's business survives the economic slump and the Pork Panic!

But you guys who think this is a manufactured virus need to go back to micro and refresh on virus mutations.


But you guys who think this is a manufactured virus need to go back to micro and refresh on virus mutations.


Please have an open mind while watching this Russia Today report. Think to yourself. What does Russia have to gain from this or the man they are interviewing. NOTHING... What does the government have to gain EVERYTHING!! Mass vaccination = MASS PROFIT although honestly money is the least of worries at the moment. Death is on the table for some.


Really funny actually.
I doubt this is the "one" anymore then those other virus scares were(don't get me wrong, I think a healthy amount of paranoia is well....healthy)

Our population is mainly composed of lethargic 9-5'er wage slaves who's prime directive is getting a paycheck, paying off a mortgage, paying off a car, taking care of their kids(these people have way to many kids..only a problem cause they raise them to be stupid carbon copies of themselves-media crazed losers who "might" go to college and turn in to their parents if they work hard! haha!) To be fair I only think about 51% of America falls under this category, many of us cannot be categorized. A lot of us are also stuck in a lower class rut, these people don't count because they can barely survive and really are "slaves."

Well, all this hustle and bustle and living to do leaves very little room for analytical thought and rational actions.....especially when the mass media is doing EVERYTHING and yes I do mean everything to freak you out and brainwash you in to thinking the goverment has everything under control even with all these issues going on in the world. They lie they scare you, they tell you're children are going to catch swine flu, or get shot at a public school, or global warming, or terrorists, or etc or etc.

It all complete hogwash. Sure America is being threatened, but its not by swine flu or terrorists.

The only threat is US! We as american people are Lethargic as hell, we trust our TV's more then each other!

AND COME ON PEOPLE! it no secret that many powerful people have been working toward a one world goverment(crazy conspiracy shit I know!)


But there are so many of us, and America has rights...right?

Not a suprise that the flu is from mexico.

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