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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
preperations is starting as the season is closing in

ive got all the seeds ready

ive also now gotten most the equipment i need

going to borrow a van from a friend cause theres no way i can put out 1200 2 liter square pots into the fields in my own car without it all being driving and less time to work

ive traded in seeds for grow gear and also been doing some ebay shopaholic and i now have most the stuff i need for an optimal grow
this includes
meters for both soil and hydro
EC, light, ph moisture etc

a shit load of square pots

lamps and bulbs in most sizes and spectrums

i was hoping i had monet for a small insulated polycarbonat greenhouse or time to make one myself with multilayer insulation of reinforced and bubble plastic but it hasnt been so

but i have a raised area 1,2 x 2,4 meters that i plan to fill button and sides with foam insulation board and cover it with reinforced plastic and get the first ones started very soon
if there should be some small periods still with frost at night ill put in a small electric heater but the plastic and the foam board insulation should be able to with stand some mild frost
germination will start very soon indoors in seed trays i bought at ebay and some smaller mini greenhouses from last year

ill post some pictures soon of the gear once i get it sorted and in one location for counting and photo session

8 fields are still my planned maximum but i have more strains and then that i wanna try out this year so i plan for at least 2 of the fields being multiple strain fields where im only using males from one strain to pollinate the others
outcome is then pure seeds from the selected strains and a cross between that strain and the others in the field

ill update with more info and pictures very soon as im working on the project most of the day to day


Active member
God luck gunnar , if you can't build a greenhouse , maybe you could biuld a little plexiglass roof for your plants??


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ICMag Donor
tnx all for the positive comments
it helps on the way to the goal :)

been outside working with preparations to both my indoor grow room and the corn grow later
just ordered seed trays for all the plants for the corn
ill be starting sprouting seeds in a few days

the plants from my mother room was put outside for some sun as the temperature here is getting higher with 13 degrees Celsius in the shade and warmer in the sun

i used my new light meter and measured just above 100 000 lux in direct sun and around 960 x 10 foot candles


I am doing some tests in corn this summer... maybe 25-50 plants i think everything will work out, Cant wait to see how it goes!!!


you are inspiring gunnar. i have about 100 tanskas's nepal and 100 typhoon seeds for the 2009 season. I am a bit further north then you do. The corn here is usually harvested around end october tho.. after reading this thead i've decided to scrap my old plans, and go for gurilla corn. unsure if the typhoon will finish here tho.

best wishes for 2009!


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ICMag Donor
you are inspiring gunnar. i have about 100 tanskas's nepal and 100 typhoon seeds for the 2009 season. I am a bit further north then you do. The corn here is usually harvested around end october tho.. after reading this thead i've decided to scrap my old plans, and go for gurilla corn. unsure if the typhoon will finish here tho.

best wishes for 2009!

im happy to serve as inspiration
one good way of fighting the unjust cannabis laws is to, grow, grow and grow and show thew governments that their laws suckz and no body takes them seriously
also its a good way to fight terror as much of the profit from hash goes to support roadside bombs in Afghanistan and other places and to arm gangs that terrorize out cities

corn is a brilliant way to hide the plants and its also perfect with regards to soil, sunlight and less chance of animals eating them than most other places
lost a few plants last years to animals but the chance is much lesser than in unfenced wooden areas

Nepal ( Oldfarmer Nepal) and Thyphhon both finishes here at 56 nl at mid to end september so should also finish before end october in your area depending on where your at

yes safety is definitely a concern for me
i only visit places like this using proxies
i use special email addies only for forums like this
i dont use them for any thing else
i use many safety measures but thats a long story

when i plant the cannabis out and when i inspect and care for them in the start of the season i only work at night in the corn cause the corn is low by then
if i see car lights in the horizon i go belly down until they have went by etc


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ICMag Donor
a secret place in the little kingdom of Denmark one guy is preparing for yet another battle in the war on marijuana
his fighting on the side of the good guys of course

preparation for this years out door season and the new grow room has been on going for some time but now its getting closer

ive been working my ass of recently to be able to turn the power on as soon as possible
still some work to do until i turn on the switch but its getting much closer now
this room is both going to be my indoor Garden Of Eden, but also ill germinate and pregrow plants going outside later there, and also i plan to finish plants there that have problems finishing the last few weeks in our harsh climate
and of course i plan to collect a lot of pollen from my outdoor ladies later this season and use them in winter time in this room to dust some more exotic ladies in order to get some cool crosses ready for 2010 outdoor season



at full flower i expect to have 4 x 400 watt hps together with some flourous, cfl and mh for vegetative room
if i crammed it really ahrd and went full capacity i guess i could do 6-8 x 400 watt in the flowering room and do 12 m2 instead of the planned 6-8 m2 but i dont want to cause suspicion from the power company about the sudden arise in power use



notice the box full of used bulbs
they came free of charge with the Phillips greenhouse lamps i bought cheap on a sale ( 50 euros for 10 lamps and spare bulbs)
ive bought new bulbs for the first grow
i just keep these just an case an emergency is occurring


a grow shop owner gave me these 3 bags of Advanced Nutrients products as free testers
its powder/salt which gets dissolved in water
they all have different NPK levels for different purposes and im sure they will come in handy



the the left its the Phillip greenhouse lamps ( they will only be used at first. i ordered an Adjust A Wing batwing refelctor and an AAW replica. then im going to make DIY batwings reflectors for the rest of the grow inspired from the original and this thread
to the right its my main 130 mm ventilation unit
not sure of the specs but its effective but also a little noisy so ill have to put it in a wooden box and also make a silencer for it
im going to get a smaller 120 mm ventilation unit for the room also
for both fans i have some homemade carbon filters
saved a lot of money on building these myself
just have to drive out and pick it up but atm i have my hands full


to finish outside work im using a 400 watt hps but inside a 125 watt cfl is enough to keep a proper light for working


a spare 250 watt mh kit im going to use later for vegetative growth in the smaller vegetative room
also a spare 600 watt ballast i bought on ebay
have no bulbs for it yet but it was a good deal so i just had to have it ;)
new grow room needs new bulbs so heres the Osram MH and the GE lucalox HO hps bulbs i got for this grow


PH and EC meter for hydro
just had to have this for future purposes
also a light meter which ive already had good use of
all 3 items i bought on ebay for between 20 and 25 pounds with shipping from Hong Kong
delivered within 4-6 working days!

sorry i cant show any pix from construction of the room but its due to security reasons
pix from grow room will only be showing white and mylar covered walls with plants and lamps so it cant be identified, compared and used as evidence if i should get so unlucky of getting busted of the crime of supplying some of my countrymen with some non taliban cannabis and the world with seeds
sorry but blame our screwed governments and their fucked up laws that keeps the growers and breeders working underground like we where some kind of dangerous and criminal persons


of course all the gear above would be useless if we havent got some of these


worlds oldest flag Dannebrog,fall down from the skyes , 15. june 1219 while we had a battle :dueling:

Looking goood GG soon your indoor will boost away...Keep up fighting


Active member
good luck man:) I see most of last years corn fields have been plowed now - I wonder if the seeds have been sown. It's gonna be interesting to see if they grow corn in the same fields again - last year I didn't notice much crop rotation though so they probably will.
Parasitic Behavior

Parasitic Behavior

This is a long thread, and I haven't attempted to read it all, but from what I've seen, there is considerable effort being expended, with high expectations for the future, but little or no mention of the farmer whose land is being used. ( much less the time, effort, and money he's put into his land, equipment, and crops )

Does Gunnarguchi plan to invest his profits to purchase land of his own? Will he buy a home, garage, or other place to grow? Those possibilities appear very doubtful. The grower evidently believes that he's entitled to a free ride.

Having embarked on several similar hair-brained adventures in my youth, I can relate to the impulse to grow, and grow big, but advancing years have tempered our outlook.

Planting in someone else's corn field is parasitic behavior, pure and simple.

"Getting away with" growing your own guerrilla weed is one thing, planning to make a financial windfall using other peoples property is quite another.

Back in the day, we would Pay farmers to let us plant in their fields. ( or fields they rented ) Gunnarguchi might at least try this approach. It could be good for all concerned.


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ICMag Donor
read and think before you write

read and think before you write

Kalle, stoned and blackone:
tnx for the positive vibes
änd very exited about this season
they have gotten bigger for each year
this is the maximum grow i can do alone
but if i manage to get a reliable partner for next season it will be even bigger then this one
of course also seed grows
i love growing and i just cant stop :)

This is a long thread, and I haven't attempted to read it all, but from what I've seen, there is considerable effort being expended, with high expectations for the future, but little or no mention of the farmer whose land is being used. ( much less the time, effort, and money he's put into his land, equipment, and crops )

Does Gunnarguchi plan to invest his profits to purchase land of his own? Will he buy a home, garage, or other place to grow? Those possibilities appear very doubtful. The grower evidently believes that he's entitled to a free ride.

Having embarked on several similar hair-brained adventures in my youth, I can relate to the impulse to grow, and grow big, but advancing years have tempered our outlook.

Planting in someone else's corn field is parasitic behavior, pure and simple.

"Getting away with" growing your own guerrilla weed is one thing, planning to make a financial windfall using other peoples property is quite another.

Back in the day, we would Pay farmers to let us plant in their fields. ( or fields they rented ) Gunnarguchi might at least try this approach. It could be good for all concerned.

why the bad karma comments if you havent even attempted to read it all?
actually its already explained but since that is you attitude you will have to read it all yourself cause i dont feel like wasting time going back and do quotes etc when your talking like you red it all but also admits that you havent?

i consider envy bad karma and just free ride criticism without even reading what is criticized, some kind of a parasitic behavior hows is that?

and to your bullshit about me getting my own grow space?
d**khead, look a few post above
you will see ive invested considerable time and money into a new grow room
if you where to check some of the links of my signature you would know that this isnt my first indoor growroom but ive been having a break until i could have one that was surely my own
also about my own growing space outdoor
check the links in my signature again
you will see outdoor grows from 07 and 08
some of them even 1 pounders and in my own garden
im surprised how much bullshit that comes through your fingers without even opening your eyes just a little bit! :yeahthats

of course when announcing a grow like this i expect a few trolls but i also expect them to back their words with just a little worthy criticism, and that they at least have read the things they criticize :wallbash:

i did a similar but smaller grow last year and there has already been seeds given away at the 4/20 auction
more to come later and also a steady supply on regular seedbay later
btw whats your contribution(s) to you fellow growers?

not that many that works a whole year and most of it night time work to deliver early genetics like that and at those prices but i guess your up for doing it even cheaper and more "ethic correct"?
and regarding the use of the farmers land
go read before you talk

this is not back in the day
if there was reliable farmers here i would gladly rent the land i needed but its not the case up here
would have saved me a lot of time and money, and also the fact that i could start them directly out in the fields instead of having to pre grow them for a month at home and wait for the pesticides to go away, and then transporting them all out in the fields at night
but i guess they hadnt even invented pesticides back in the days?

i work mostly at night at least early in the season
this is not cause im the least bit a shamed of my work
in fact this is the best and most honest job ive ever had
but because the government laws force me to unless i wanna go to jail
so this is how i have to work in order to get some of my countrymen some good non terror hash and seeds for the rest of the world via places like seedbay and others

regarding farmers losses
if you had cared reading most of the plants will be grown between rows, except for a few smaller strains that cant comped with the corn in size
and again if you cared reading on the subject before spilling your bad karma, you would see that i bring fertilizers into the fields
so even if i have to remove a few plants to make light for the smaller strains and crosses, the surrounding plants will get 20-30% bigger due to the added fertilizer

but hey
go read
its not that hard and even though im not native English speaking/writing i think im able to express myself in a way most ppl understand ( if the care read it of course)

og hvis du forstår dansk så knep dig selv tudefjæs og let røven og kom selv ud på lidt nattearbejde og få lidt jord under neglende istedet for bare at sidde og flæbe, lukke lort ud og drømme om de gamle dage som vist for dit vedkomne er ved at være en saga blot :moon:
Karma? hahahahaha!

Karma? hahahahaha!

You have the brazen gall to talk about Karma while deliberately tearing up someone else's crops? If you knew anything about the concept, you would put yourself in the place of that farmer.

He expends effort, and you claim some absurd "right" to ruin a portion of it. If, by any chance, the farmer is charged with planting pot in his field, are You going to stand up and take the hit?

That's when Karma turns around and bites you on the butt.

Get this straight, young man, ripping up crops is a good way to get shot.

En teenager holdning ikke fremmer din indsats. Making fornærmende kommentarer om anal sex kun rejser spørgsmål om din egen personlige præferencer. Var udstationering fotos af, at store bunke af ubrugte udstyr formodes at imponere os? Tro om igen. Hvis du venter lutter ros for din indsats, skal du lave en aftale om at se en psykiater.


Active member
ICMag Donor
and you obviously keeps pulling bullshit from your wheelchair and clearly stating that you have not read any thing about the subject your keep spilling vomit about a thread that you clearly havent read
have a Kleenex and write some grease of your glasses and come back with comments when you have read the thread
i might not be a grumpy old man that envies those that still have the ability and balls for this kind of labor, but im not that young either although i might be young seen from the greasy glasses of your little dreamworld from "back then".
wake up, your not the only one who started growing before any internet was invented
im not to blame that you havent got the balls and ability to grow in this scale any more

get over it and move on

your danish translation and reply is very funny
dont get to anal fixated though, or was it Google ;)

and yet another thing
i take your envy as a good sign
keep watching this thread the season out and i guarantee you that it will do a lot better for your circuit than any pills the doc might prescribe you

im still waiting on your reply on what you do for your fellow growers and the community besides spilling your sour vomit?
Enjoying your tantrum? ...

Enjoying your tantrum? ...

Only the truly insecure accuse others of envy.

Growing before the Internet was invented?


I've been growing since before you were born.

Have a nice tantrum.

I'm out of here.


Gunnar, Keep rockin and kickin ass!

your hard work will all pay off. there are those that do it and those that talk about doing it.
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