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i hate alcohol



Truly sad...

But booze generates $$$, and as long as it generates $$$ (for makers AND taxers) then it will continue to kill.

Like cigs - they kill, but really good lawyers can get you outta anything...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Drinking pickles your organs and brain, kills thousands of people weekly and makes people like Cindy McCain rich. The people who make alcohol want to keep Cannabis illegal, Boycott alcohol today, it's just not worth it, did I mention it makes it's users depressed?
I can attest first hand, I am much healthier and happier since I quit..


cant stop wont stop
hates a pretty strong word.
its a shame ppl abuse it, as with any other drug but that doesnt mean it should be condemned or viewed as evil.


Alcohol is definitely NOT my drug of choice, unfortunately my drug of choice is non-toxic, relatively safe and still quite illegal. :(

There were a few years in college when I drank almost every weekend, I guess that was enough for me. Now if I drink one beer or one glass of wine I get a half-day hangover the next day. No thanks.


Active member
I bet that victims of moronic DUI killers would have preferred that the perpetrator had smoked a joint instead of getting intoxicated to the point of killing somebody on alcohol. They'd probably still be alive if that were the case but in this country the killer is legal and the green plant is illegal.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Hates is acceptable for certain people, because it may have ruined their lives, and addiction is a disease, not necessarily a voluntary abuse..

I understand him, it's a drug that is too easily marketed as good and sold anywhere...I dislike it, but I also love me a great microbrew..


Well-known member
Premium user
Drinking pickles your organs and brain, kills thousands of people weekly and makes people like Cindy McCain rich. The people who make alcohol want to keep Cannabis illegal, Boycott alcohol today, it's just not worth it, did I mention it makes it's users depressed?
I can attest first hand, I am much healthier and happier since I quit..

You are very right I myself am fighting this bad and yet totally legal addiction. MJ has helped me stay away from the booze but its still an uphill battle. I hope that one day i wont need booze!


Lammen Gorthaur
I love alcohol but can't have it because I'm a lush. So I don't drink. I still use it... For extractions!


Active member
i hate alchohol.

the culture, the effects, the taste, and drunk people.
oh yeah, my dad was a pretty shitty alcoholic.

if your drunk stay away from me.


speaking of extracting. i wanted to give some green dragon a try. i was planning on one gram of ground weed and 2 shots of vodka. putting 'em in a bottle and throwing it in the freezer for about a month. any ideas on whether that would be a success?


Lammen Gorthaur
I don't think it will work out bro, but hey, it's your weed, go for it!

I would suggest a quick wash using Ever Clear, not vodka and make sure it's the 190 proof Ever Clear. Put the weed in a big plastic Zip lock bag, add some Ever Clear and gently kneed it and shake it around for 10 minutes. Strain it through a coffee filter (I do it three times) and then either let it evaporate or use one of the methods I describe in the tutorial article posted on this site. Out friggin' standing hard candy and gooey oil that will make yo' cherry ass crawl all over the floor while your eyes pop out of your expanding skull and roll around on the floor chasing yo' sorry ass.

Hey, it could happen...


Active member
I drink to the point where I get buzzed...then just maintain that. I've gotten drunk many times in my life and eh... its fun till the puking begins and I can't pass out because the spinning won't let me close my eyes.


I was married to an alcoholic. It made him mean. I still can't stand to be around a drunk person because it brings back bad memories. He was great when he smoked weed. He just preferred the alcohol over the weed. Too Bad!