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Most definately agree Lyoto should of got a shot sooner, i think he will beat Evans but saying that i have said Evans would lose in the past and looked whats happend lol

I also think DW can choose his words a bit better, and obviously he cant go out and get every fighter we as fans want, but and its a big but.... Everyone in the world wants Fedor in the UFC (except M1 global) to see if he can dominate like it has been doing for yrs in Pride, etc so i think DW should sign him and let him fight in russia etc Its all good for UFC if they have the champion of this or that in their ranks (more publicity). I personally thought the whole point of DW buying out pride was so we as fans can have our super fights and there would be 1 reconised champion of the world in each weight class, if im wrong plz correct me...


I have just seen on the UFC site that TUF 9 will be on sun 5th April at 11pm on Virgin1 for all UK fans that dont have setanta, so if u have sky u will now be able to watch this.....:woohoo:


New member
DW and pals have learned their lesson when it comes to cross promotion. Bringing Chuck over to Pride seemed like a great idea until Rampage smashes him with relative ease, and then what? Chuck and the UFC LHW div. look like second rate clowns compared to Prides guys.

If the investment was made to secure Fedor, I cant imagine Zuffa would risk devaluing him or sharing him for that matter. The conditions set by M1 that Im aware of are ridiculous, and although I strongly dislike DW, I dont blame him (professionally speaking) for Fedor not fighting in the UFC.

Pride was purchased for the good of Zuffa. They acquired the Pride Brand name, the DVD library, and some of the fighters contracts. In doing so they eliminated their #1 competitor, even though theyd have probably dissolved soon any way. I dont think for one second the deal was done to further or better the sport, only to acquire assets and corner the market.

Jamrockjay we will probably be on opposing side come TUF 9, cuz I just cant see my boy Hendo losing to a fighter like Bisping.:biglaugh:


Hey Foukemonster...... U better believe we are on opposing sides when it comes to TUF 9, no bitchin tho plz as i aint like that (unless im out of weed) lol

I have so much respect for Hendo, what he has done for MMA is outstanding his work in Pride wont be beaten in my book (champ in 2 weight divisions same time). I know he hasnt had the easiest of rides in the UFC i think he's got he randy syndrome (likes to beat up the bigger man) but if Hendo sticks to middle weight i see some good fights on the horizon. I cant wait for his fight with Bisping, i do think Hendo will win as he has more tools however if Bisping wins i wouldnt see it as a major shock, this fight we get to find out if our boy can cut it at the highest level

Dont rate our boys off either, we have got some gr8 training camps over here in the UK, i can tell u one thing about TUF 9, there are some amazing fights in the pre lims (the best yet on TUF) according to sources... Only time will tell and we not got much time left to wait.

I personally feel that if the likes of Randy, Hendo, BJ and a few other just stuck to their natural weight division (L/Heavy, Middle and Light) and didnt fight the bigger men they would of dominated their divisions, all those fights randy had with the bigger men in the heavyweight division surely cost him when he went back down to light heavy, i call this the 'randy syndrome'


New member
I hope Hendo wins, but hes really hot n cold lately, his ego seems to get into his head. He needs to get focused because I see Bisping coming hungry.

UK vs US should be entertaining, more marketing magic from the Zuffa boys. Theyll make a killing off of kids willing to destroy themselves for next to nothing, and then just sit back and pick out the desirable fighters as they wish.

Wanderlei is probably the most chronic case ever of the 'handy syndrome'


Ive changed my mind... Bisping to win......There was somethin in what he said and the way he said it on TV last night that has now changed my mind...U could see the confidence oozing out, not over confidence either or lack of respect to Hendo (that would be deadly). It should be a cracker of a fight,,,, by the way D Maia has aparantly called out Bisping, but it wont happen if Bisping wins as he virtually said its title shot time for him. Maia is dangerous especially at submissions but what else? Dont get me wrong i like Maia im just sayin he is a bit of a 1 trick pony whereas Bisping is a more well rounded fighter.


plant pimp
Fedor OVER RATED? you must be high on some beasters saying somthing like that...

fedor will not lose. nature boy randy savage knows this.

fedor is overrated for sure. He was getting his ass whipped by Andrei Arlovoski until Andre made one mistake. Someone with good hands can beat Fedor. He is NOT unbeatable. It kills me how all you ppl are so into Fedor. He is good yes,but to many ppl on his dick. Randy Couture would own Fedor all day. So would GSP or Anderson Silva. Shit,and Brock Lesnar beating Mir....hahahahaha Never gonna happen. Lesnar lost a point but that did not cost him the match,he got tapped,plain and simple. Lesnar is overrated as well and has no chance with Mir. Who has stopped Nog like that? NOT even Fedor did. Mir owned him and badly...we`ll just have to see what happens!!
hemp, i believe you are correct when you say that no one but Mir has stopped Nog before. On the other hand though, when Brock steps into the cage vs Mir again, it wont be the same Brock that tapped to a hail mary leglock. Ive gone over that fight many times and to this day im still puzzled as to why the fight was stood up. In many past bouts there has been a point deduction with NO CHANGE in position. Granted, Mir got the W there....but did you see his face post fight? Mir was getting beat up in that fight and the only thing that saved his ass was a "green" fighter not knowing how to defend a leglock. Theres a phrase that has been the mantra of "striking style" fighters for quite a while, and while it doesnt always hold true....it makes a shitload of sense. "Its hard to do Jiu-Jitsu when you're gettimg punched in the face."

Let me touch on Fedor for a moment. Manny MMA fans see him as the end all-be all of fighters. Thats not my personal standpoint. There are peole who want him to come into the UFC and still compete in sambo competitions. There are reasons why this cant happen. What are they? Im not gonna get into all of them right now, but i will give you the most important one. When he entered the most recent sambo competition.....he LOST! Suppose for a minuite he was the UFC champ at the time. What implications would that have? Sure, the belt would not have changed hands, but his opponent would instantly be regarded as the next big thing in MMA. In general it would cause havoc in the MMA world.

Onto Lyoto for a minuite. It took some time for me to understand exactly what he is trying to do in the cage. Sure, he was billed as an evasive and accurate striker, but it took some time for me to realize how much of a Karate purist he actually is. Its been so long since we saw a style like his we all forgot how effective it could be. Its my personal belief that the UFC didnt immediately give him a title shot because they wanted the masses to realize exactly that. Most people i interact with have gone from "Machida sucks, all he does is back away" to "Man, he throws from some crazy angles...and lands shots!" As it stands, id like to see how he does against someone like Wand. Someone who wont give him the room to evade and counter.


Hey guys i dont know if this is old news but i heard on ultimate talk last night that Lyoto drinks his own dialuted urine, apparantly his father passed it down to him (no pun intended) its got something to do with a karate tradition or something. Has anyone heard about this? what are ur comments?


plant pimp
hemp, i believe you are correct when you say that no one but Mir has stopped Nog before. On the other hand though, when Brock steps into the cage vs Mir again, it wont be the same Brock that tapped to a hail mary leglock. Ive gone over that fight many times and to this day im still puzzled as to why the fight was stood up. In many past bouts there has been a point deduction with NO CHANGE in position. Granted, Mir got the W there....but did you see his face post fight? Mir was getting beat up in that fight and the only thing that saved his ass was a "green" fighter not knowing how to defend a leglock. Theres a phrase that has been the mantra of "striking style" fighters for quite a while, and while it doesnt always hold true....it makes a shitload of sense. "Its hard to do Jiu-Jitsu when you're gettimg punched in the face."

Let me touch on Fedor for a moment. Manny MMA fans see him as the end all-be all of fighters. Thats not my personal standpoint. There are peole who want him to come into the UFC and still compete in sambo competitions. There are reasons why this cant happen. What are they? Im not gonna get into all of them right now, but i will give you the most important one. When he entered the most recent sambo competition.....he LOST! Suppose for a minuite he was the UFC champ at the time. What implications would that have? Sure, the belt would not have changed hands, but his opponent would instantly be regarded as the next big thing in MMA. In general it would cause havoc in the MMA world.

Onto Lyoto for a minuite. It took some time for me to understand exactly what he is trying to do in the cage. Sure, he was billed as an evasive and accurate striker, but it took some time for me to realize how much of a Karate purist he actually is. Its been so long since we saw a style like his we all forgot how effective it could be. Its my personal belief that the UFC didnt immediately give him a title shot because they wanted the masses to realize exactly that. Most people i interact with have gone from "Machida sucks, all he does is back away" to "Man, he throws from some crazy angles...and lands shots!" As it stands, id like to see how he does against someone like Wand. Someone who wont give him the room to evade and counter.

Ya,I knew Fedor lost that fight. That was right before him and Andre fought. I do think that Lyoto is better than most ppl think. He is very elusive,he gets in then gets out fast. He strikes with precision too. I think he is going to murder Rashad Evans. Machida is very underrated(he was)and now is his time to dominate for a bit. Wand is getting to the point he needs to retire. He cannot keep getting shut off like this. That last ko at the hands of Rampage was str8


Well after watchin the qualifiers for team UK for TUF9, i think there some interesting fights to come. On sunday we get to see team USA in action and after seeing a spoiler for it i dont think us brits have alot to worry about. Only time will tell..


well nice one

I cant believe i missed this thread for so long
I been a UFC fan since the start and been a writer for a few years now also. I was die hard for Pride and I am still a fan of all the major MMA promotions. (dream - strikeforce - ufc - wec- wvr etc.)

I worked for the UFC Street Team for a few years before they got on SpikeTV and I used to write for MMAWeekly and Sherdog. Then for MMA-Fighter and eventually made my own site FutureofFighting.com where I basically link to all the mainstream MMA news and info etc.

now I write for Treating Yourself Magazine about my other passion... the herb

glad to see some UFC and MMA fans in here! Dream and Strikeforce and Bellator are on TV this weekend boys and girls. ENJOY THE FIGHTS!
fedor is overrated for sure. He was getting his ass whipped by Andrei Arlovoski until Andre made one mistake. Someone with good hands can beat Fedor. He is NOT unbeatable. It kills me how all you ppl are so into Fedor. He is good yes,but to many ppl on his dick. Randy Couture would own Fedor all day. So would GSP or Anderson Silva. Shit,and Brock Lesnar beating Mir....hahahahaha Never gonna happen. Lesnar lost a point but that did not cost him the match,he got tapped,plain and simple. Lesnar is overrated as well and has no chance with Mir. Who has stopped Nog like that? NOT even Fedor did. Mir owned him and badly...we`ll just have to see what happens!!

hemp (as well as others who question fedor's supremacy), if you have some time, you should check out the fedor-nogueira fights.

fight 1:


it will automatically play to parts 2 and 3, dont need to click anything

fight 3 (fight 2 was ruled no contest due to accidental head butt):

part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSUyXnAAhZ8 (fight starts about 7 minutes in)
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN0BqtxWoLI&NR=1
part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZ9QfsyUDo
part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw9PYO1j0OY

he didnt knock nogueira out, but he dominated both fights from start to finish.

imho, equally if not more impressive is fedor's comebacks in these two fights:

v. fujita: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McbsedIhZ2s
v. randleman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q34KGpiuB8

and getting his ass whooped by arlovski? i will have to disagree

v. arlovksi: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7759749098907932279


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lookin forward to seein the USA guys fight to get in the show tonight.

be interestin to see what us brits are up against
went back and watched mir v. nogueira again. mir really did look great, but i have to say, nogueira just doesn't look the same. the announcers mentioned several times the amount of punishment he's taken over the years and whether it's going to catch up with him. it seems like it has already.

here's a link for anyone who wants to re-watch: http://www.video.onru.ru/video/view/?id=v79203240cb


Yeah defo Nordle, should be interesting...

I was impressed with our brit fighters last week, there were some good fights considering how nervous some of the guys were.

Has anone seen the fights annouced for UFC100? Mir v Lesnar, GSP v Thiago Alves, Henderson v Bisping? All 3 have the potential to go either way however im going for Lesnar, Alves and Bisping. My reasons for this are, I think lesnar is alot more wiser now than when he had his 1st encounter with Mir and i see him winning by ground n pound in either the 1st or 2nd round. I see Mir's only chance being by tapout. GSP likes to bully his opponents into submission but i dont see him bullying Alves, Alves needs his head right for this one and if he has i see him knocking out GSP. Being a Brit i gotta go with my man against Hendo, i think Bisping is more hungrier, younger, stronger and can out punch Hendo, however if it goes to the ground Hendo has a clear advantage, so with that in mind i dont think Bisping will take it down to the ground and i think Hendo will have difficulty taking Bisping down. Bisping to win by unaminous points in what i think will be a very close fight.

For anyone interested for £200 u can go to germany for UFC 99 and be part of Dan Hardys travelling army onboard the party hardy tour bus. U get ur ticket for the event (right behind ufc's vip area and right next to fighter entrance/exit), rtn coach from london to germany, exclusive t-shirt and the after show party, this is all being done with the backing of Dan's management team and because of their involvement all tickets have been upgraded.... I dont know about anyone else but i think this is gr8 value for money and i am seriously considering going. Anyone else interested?


The brits are coming......

Well i dont wanna sound to optimistic but did anyone see the team usa try outs? I didnt see one serious threat from any of the usa fighters. The Brit fighters look ready and look like they been in training for months for their chance of a UFC contract, the same cant be said for the americans. I mean come on, fighters not making weight and herpes i was pissing myself this was probably their biggest chance in life and they blew it. Oh and what is the 'big suprise'? junie brownings little bro.... I hope he has more talent than his brother (wouldnt be hard), junie talks a good fight and acts the big man but unfortunatly he cant back it up where it matters, in the octogon.

well my g'f has said if we have enough money leftover after our holiday we can go to see UFC99 and be part of dan hardys travelling fans :woohoo: If anyone else is considering going drop me a pm, it should be a really good trip.

UFC97 is nearly upon us so here are my predictions for the 2 main events.

Silva v Leites.... I cant see anything other than a silva win, by either knockout or tapout but im going for a tapout against his fellow brazilian
Liddell v Rua... I think this could go either way, but im tipping chuck to win in 2nd round by KO
Im going to be intersted in how David Loiseau gets on in his return to the UFC as at one time i thought he had great potential but he didnt live up to it. The kongo v Hardonk fight im gonna be following closely as i have a feeling it could be a slug fest...
Anyone else have any predictions for this weekends event?
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