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Obama ‘Open For Questions’ About The Economy Ask Him To Support Taxing And Regulati

I'm logical enough not to expect it to happen overnight. I've dealt with these laws for thirty years. I'll look at the Pres ordering the DEA to stay out of medical issues and allowing states to make their own determinations as a step forward.

Good. Now how about taking a step forward and admitting the huge implications federal legalization would have.

There's people here who probably take you seriously on different issues based on the fact that you are a good grower.... As amusing as that sounds, it's true.

So whenever you're ready to retract the ridiculous and absurd statement that federal legalization won't have an impact at the state level, I will be ready to retract my name calling.
lol any president has to be against drugs... that's what gets him all those votes from people who are religious... if he were pro marijuana it would go against "our" belief system... and he would outrage many that voted for him... fuck obama, worst puppet yet!

It is not only the "religious" people's votes that Obama needed. More important than them, Obama needed the endorsements and gobs of campaign cash from the government employee unions that rely on this war on people that like cannabis to get their $90,000/year government pensions. Police unions, prison guard unions, SEIU, AFSCME, state prosecutors, trial lawyers, and on and on.

The religious right gets more of the blame for prohibition, but it is the labor left that has a lot more control over keeping prohibition our policy.


To be honest I kinda find it funny that people would be more concerned about pot than about human lives and families losing their homes and being in the streets.

Doesn't say a whole lot about people's priorities now does it? I'm as much for legalization as the next person, but I don't find it more important than bringing the soldiers home to their families and coming up with a plan so people can keep their homes and keep their families safe.

Maybe I'm fucked up....

The reason we are more concerned about pot is because it would bring in a ton of money to the government through taxes and would create many, many jobs with all of the marijuana bars/lounges and farms that would open as a result. In effect, we could then bring our troops home and start using them and other out of work people to help install solar panels, wind farms, build roads, make buildings and homes more energy and water efficient, etc. with all of the added tax revenue. And now that those people have jobs...they can now pay for their mortgages and keep their homes. :D

I mean why did we go to Iraq anyways? Oh that's right, because we were running out of oil and didn't want to pay high prices. So we figured we would overthrow the government and put in a pro-American government that will give us oil all day long on the cheap. Sounds like a cause that was worth killing over 4,000 Americans for! :D If we spent even half of the money on building a green infrastructure as we have on the war in Iraq, we would be WELL on our way to being self sufficient and the other half of the money could have been used for roads, schools, buildings, etc. and would have cost how many lives???? Maybe 10-20 for construction related deaths, I can live with that more than I can 4,000+.....at least they died doing something that would help America.

So yeah, I guess if you can't see how legalizing and taxing a plant that isn't going away, EVER, would help the economy immensely, then yes, you are fucked up....


ICMag Donor
Good. Now how about taking a step forward and admitting the huge implications federal legalization would have.

There's people here who probably take you seriously on different issues based on the fact that you are a good grower.... As amusing as that sounds, it's true.

So whenever you're ready to retract the ridiculous and absurd statement that federal legalization won't have an impact at the state level, I will be ready to retract my name calling.

Do you always put words in people's mouths? I never said it wouldn't have a positive implication.

I can still be prosecuted by the State regardless of what Obama does. Seeings I stay under the 99 limit and I don't transport across state lines, to be honest I'm not real concerned with the Feds busting me... Do a little research and tell us if there are more people in Federal or State prisons for marijuana offenses.


Active member
To be honest I kinda find it funny that people would be more concerned about pot than about human lives and families losing their homes and being in the streets.

Don't forget that people in prison on pot related felonies do have lives and families. So yes, it is an important issue. Families with a kid in Iraq want the war to end to have their kid home. Families with a kid in jail on pot charges want the war on drugs to end to have their kid home.


ICMag Donor
Don't forget that people in prison on pot related felonies do have lives and families. So yes, it is an important issue. Families with a kid in Iraq want the war to end to have their kid home. Families with a kid in jail on pot charges want the war on drugs to end to have their kid home.

Thank you for making that point. And I agree.

Maybe this will help me get my point across. If they were arrested on a State charge, Obama legalizing marijuana would do them no good. We need to get both Federal and State law changed.

As an example. California legalized medical marijuana use, yet the Feds busted them anyways under Federal Law. The State can do the same thing.


Active member
Obama Says "No" To Legalization

Obama Says "No" To Legalization

Today, in response to an enormous number of questions about the legalization of cannabis, O'Bama, the hypocrite, said "no" in no uncertain terms.
From an article in the N.Y. Post:

" Talk about taking a political pot-shot at the president.

During an Internet town hall meeting today, President Obama had some fun with a question he was asked - saying he doesn't think legalizing marijuana is a good strategy "to grow" the bad economy.

Obama told the audience gathered at the White House - and across the Web - that one of the most popular questions was whether legalization of the illicit drug would help pull the country out of the recession.

"I don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy," he said.

Over 90,000 people submitted more than 104,000 questions and cast 3.6 million votes on which questions to ask Obama.

The top-rated question under the category of "fiscal stability" was about pot.

The question read, "Would you support the bill currently going through the California legislation to legalize and tax marijuana, boosting the economy and reducing drug cartel related violence?"

The top question in the budget category was similar.

"With over one out of 30 Americans controlled by the penal system, why not legalize, control, and tax marijuana to change the failed war on drugs into a money making, money saving boost to the economy?" the question read.

Obama was blunt in his response.

"I don't know what this says about the online audience," Obama said before he answered the questions.

In a short speech before the half-baked Q&A session, Obama said the precedent-setting online meeting was an "an important step" toward creating a broader avenue for information about his administration.

Obama said that as a candidate, he had "promised to open the White House for the American people. This is an important step toward achieving that goal."

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was later asked whether the president, who admitted in his autobiography to experimenting with drugs as a youth, was leaving some wiggle room on the issue.

"The president opposes the legalization of marijuana," Gibbs told reporters, emphasizing his seriousness. "He doesn't think that's the right plan for America."


Lots of interesting comments after the article-yyou can really see how narrow some minds are.


Lets hold a online town hall meeting so we can hear what the public wants to know. But if it's a question we don't care about we will just laugh at you and brush it aside..........

I wasn't expecting Obama to support legalization since he hasn't in the past but I was very let down by his response. Why even do the online thing if you're just going to laugh at the most popular questions like it's some sort of joke.


Active member
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_personality <<< obama has a similar complex in media

You give another man power to make law over you, to allow or prohibit, to control, what do you expect?

taxation of marijuana? no
Demand marijuana be liberated not regulated...if it's just a drug than I'm preaching to the choir. You should be allowed to smoke marijuana as freely and Anonymously as you should be able to breath clean air. That's what we should want.
Rome wasn't built in a day people. As messed up as it is that so much of our lives are controlled by one man who wins essentially a popularity contest (it's not brains, look at Bush), the popularity contest is still important. In his first 100 days, when people are already giving him so much shit, you can't expect Obama to move mountains. He can't afford to be pro pot right now; it's not politically prudent or even possible.

I can understand why people would be angry that he just brushed it off like "no" but I think all of this Obama=devil garbage has got to go. We finally have an intelligent president, and I believe he'll do the right thing if it's politically smart. So, as the constituency, we have to work to change people's minds about marijuana.

We can be weepy defeated stoners, or we can realize that we still have a good shot at this and work on it in our own ways.


JJ how can we change anything state level if its still illegal federal level. Last time I checked federal trumps state law.
Do you always put words in people's mouths? I never said it wouldn't have a positive implication.

You didn't? See exhibit A)

Before jumping the President, you need to get things taken care of on the State side.

So what if Obama did make weed legal? What good would that do? If it's not legal in your state you're still going to be prosecuted by the State you live in.

And Obama's stated that he will not get involved in the issue if the State legalizes. So what good would it really do if Obama legalized? It's a mute point.....

Here's another gem from you....

Thank you for making that point. And I agree.

Maybe this will help me get my point across. If they were arrested on a State charge, Obama legalizing marijuana would do them no good. We need to get both Federal and State law changed.

As an example. California legalized medical marijuana use, yet the Feds busted them anyways under Federal Law. The State can do the same thing.

FREEING STATE PRISONERS? DO YOU ALWAYS PUT WORDS IN PEOPLES MOUTHS?!!111 Well golly gosh JJ, states can still arrest us? Well now, why didn't I think of that? You're right after all, we don't need Obama or federal legalization because it won't mean diddly! As a matter of fact, we should just focus our efforts on secession.


Active member
You know, the possibility exists that the shadowy parts of our government funds itself with revenues from drugs so that if we legalize it their revenue source dries up. There are also a lot of people making a living fighting against MJ smokers and if you make that go away how do we pay them... how much of a negative impact could making peace with the war on drugs have?

I'm not all that sure the Fed Gov really cares about people being happy.

Funky Donkey

:laughing: You guys still don't get it, do you?

Obamalamadingdong is just a front guy for special interests. Nothing more.

Do you really think that the police unions want to reduce crime? And have tens of thousands of union workers lose their jobs?

Who do you think the invisible hand is that really controls the congressional legislative agenda? Think man, think! :wallbash:

Just follow the money. :yoinks:



ICMag Donor
I honestly have to say I haven't laughed this hard in ages. Some of you are a riot to listen to.

For those that think what happened today with Obama was a bad thing, not all was lost. The amount of people asking the same question is a moral victory in itself. It will get a lot of people thinking. I know a lot of you hate Obama, but getting angry and spouting off isn't going to accomplish a lot.


New member
I just watched "the Obama Deception". Wow Just Wow> I didn't even vote for
Obama or any politician for that matter because i think they are all scum of the
But yikes, after seeing that movie i don't think MJ will be legalized as long as the
banks and other shadow organizations control everything. I love how Anderson
Cooper of CNN tries to lay the blame on the "consumers" of cannabis. Ohhhh, you
have "blood on your hands" because you consume this illegal substance. WTF?
guy? What about the politicians who make the laws and create this
black market which enables the cartels to thrive. The average cannabis
user probably just wants to come home after a hard days work, doesnt want to consume alcohol because of the hangover and other ill effects. So they smoke a bowl, relax for a
bit watch a movie. Whatever. Ohhhh, but don't forget guys you have blood on
your hands now since you smoked that bowl! And when any debate comes
up about marijuana legalization it gets laughed at as if its some
kind of joke.... Good job with the puppet you put in their voters. Who is
the next puppet that you will elect?


ICMag Donor
JJ how can we change anything state level if its still illegal federal level. Last time I checked federal trumps state law.

That's wierd. Twenty years ago the Feds passed a law raising the speed limit to 65. Yet a lot of States still ticket people for going over 55. I wonder how they did that?