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Rage Against Mankind!


Well-known member
It is frustrating, and I'm sure many have experienced this....2 lane hwy, driver in front is doing 5-10 mph UNDER the limit for the last 10 miles, you follow at a respectful distance, keeping your angry/rage in complete control, waiting for that passing lane which you know is just ahead, Ok, finally it's time to pass this driver, uh, no it's not, because they have accelerated to 20 mph OVER the posted limit as soon as they hit the passing lanes.....oh man....makes me crazy! Fortunately, i've taken a precausion against this by hitting the glass twice before leaving the house.....Now I'm able to accept this reality, I'm relaxed and mellow......Rage is checked.......


Lammen Gorthaur
Screw that. Jump out of your car. Shake your fist. Grab your crotch and flip out the ol' Hawaiian Good Luck Sign - the universal symbol of communicative love!



Lammen Gorthaur
....But my new hubs don't like me dating....We are hopelessly manogamous! but nor is he jealous if I have male stoner friends. He is a great and cool guy.

We would have a HOOT!

How long have you been living outside the Compound and are you a regular watcher of Big Love...?

We haven't even gotten to hairstyles and dresses. I'd guess you are lying about being from Texas and are actually an Appalachian-American from somewhere further East...

Is it magnanimous being monogamous?


Active member
How long have you been living outside the Compound and are you a regular watcher of Big Love...?

We haven't even gotten to hairstyles and dresses. I'd guess you are lying about being from Texas and are actually an Appalachian-American from somewhere further East...

Is it magnanimous being monogamous?

NAH...my hubs is from somewhere further east ...Baltimore.

He said that is the South...... and I said nahhhhh!

But yes I was born in Sulphur Springs, Texas on a cotton farm....the 1st generation not being a farmer is mwa! So I should have a green thumb when I start growin' weed. My people farmed the same farm since 1845. Some of it is still in the family even today.

My mom died when I was 3 and I was handed over to an orphanage in Quinlan, Texas. Audie Murphy's siblings were raised in that same orphanage.
Before I was there though.

Audie used to contribute to us orphans in his lifetime after he became famous.

Audy was the most decorated soldier in WWII...I was proud to grow up where his siblings did.

But it was a Church of Christ orphanage and is there still to this day.
"Boles Home"
But the guvment regulates it now and they can no longer have "belt lines" like in my days. I went in there in 1951 and stayed until my sister who was there also graduated from high school and took me to Dallas with her to live...

But it was preachin' 24/7 and anything pleasurable was a sin!

pontificate...pontificate...pontificate...like water drops on the forehead....LOL!

As far as hairstyles and clothing....we were only allowed to wear dresses...I never wore jeans until I left Boles Home....and then it was a long time before I would wear a dress again....it is very hard to climb trees and play basketball in a dress ya know!

We were not allowed to dance as it is against their religion....boys and girls could not swim in the swimming pool at the same time as "It is a sin" seriously...

Yes I did watch Big Love for a while...but have not lately.

But I did follow the LDS kids taken into custody and happy those pervert old men are payin' the price for fuckin' up those young girls mind. BURN IN HELL OLD MAN PERVERT JEFFERS! Who was convicted BTW!

I contribute to the lady trying to save "the lost boys" of the LDS compound who are kicked out to fend for themselves. So they won't compete with the old pervs for the young girls. Stepford girls!

It is safer being monogamous as STD's are not good and HPV Is on the rise in the elderly and you can't get the vaccine after the age of 27 years old. Plus I am with the most cool old man in the world. He is so cerebral...

He treats me so great. True Love at 60....whud of thunk! LOL!

But I am telling the truth.....who the fuck would make that up????

I ain't that good of a bullshitter ya know???

Brainwashed as a very young child and CURED AT LAST! te he ....FUCK Brother Oler the preacher at Boles....may he rot in hell also for WTF he did to those children in those days! .. Him and his scarecrow wife Mary are dead and gone to their hell if there is one.

But what don't kill ya makes you stronger.:yoinks:
INDEED my man....we are out here trying to keep the moral police in check.

Stop the hypocrisy now....glad to meet ya....St. Pete here or "the Burg" as locals call it...

I live in the most densly populated county in Florida,,,

I live in Havana North....a/k/a Miami...go dolphins (lol)


Active member
My son in Law is Cubano and lives here in Tampa Bay....He had to move out of Miami so he could learn english faster. I just luv my token Cubano son in law who has been here 10 years and now is an American citizen.

His name is Ricardo and he talks just like Desi Arnaz on "I love Lucy".....

Is Ricky Martin of the Dolphins still a toker? I don't even know if he is still with the dolphins even.

But Havana North is right....Death to the Castro bastards in Cuba! Viva La Freedom for the people! BTW did any of you know that The new leader Castro is gay? True. But that is not why I hate him....he is a COMMIE!

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
The confusion created when
ones mind overrides the bodies
basic desire to slap the living shit
outta some asshole who deserves it




Bodhisattva of the Earth
You are a trip "maud." I can listen to you all day........the gift of gab, with a twist of lime.......where's my bloody mary?

The 'moral majority' is part why we all are here on ICMAG and my rage is like a shark under the surface. After my carotid endarterectomy two weeks ago, the nurse says that stress is highly recognized as being very destructive to overall health...........mental state.

Going mental is a drag........I'm with what Trouble posted before he dropped his ice cream on the floor:D..........I'm '57. My little rage last week was partly coming off pain killers.:nanana:


Active member
You are a trip "maud." I can listen to you all day........the gift of gab, with a twist of lime.......where's my bloody mary?

The 'moral majority' is part why we all are here on ICMAG and my rage is like a shark under the surface. After my carotid endarterectomy two weeks ago, the nurse says that stress is highly recognized as being very destructive to overall health...........mental state.

Going mental is a drag........I'm with what Trouble posted before he dropped his ice cream on the floor:D..........I'm '57. My little rage last week was partly coming off pain killers.:nanana:

I know "I am a trip" to my children's pride AND HORROR! And they try to keep me under control by placing me in a condo in a seniors community with 90 year old farts .....unenlightened neighbors who don't speak much english...,,,Eastern europeans are fllooding to FL..shuffleboard court and afternoon water aerobics are the most exciting thing here...

That is till I moved in....granny is popular with the old men and the old bats ain't happy....

I am goin' to post my first grow of 2 plants as they are now harvested SOOOOO maybe the "growers" won't get mad if I post here to learn and support the cause...

When my hubs totally retires we will be spending time in other places I hope to grow my own ...

Damn I grew some damn good weed which I am currently toking...2 plants and am trying to post them currently...

But a carotid endorectomy is a dangerous procedure and you could have had a CVA from some plaque being released to neuro. Roto Rooter of the carotid artery is scary INDEED! I have seen it happen several times where patients stroke out from the procedure..
Wait till they roto rooter your prostate in the future as most men eventually have to have done....OUCH!!!!!
But darlin' stress is certainly bad for us old geezers as our bodies can't take the stress it once did. I myself am 60 and have paroxymal A Fib which is HIGHLY dangerous. I live each day to the fullest as the end is drawin' near I know.

I can't do stress anymo! So if anybody gives me a hard time here I will blow it off AS I WANT TO LIVE...LOL!

I don't let light weights get to me these days ....not worth it!

But I do enjoy talking to you older stoners who agree about tht Moral Majority.....

But us Texas women USUALLY have the gift of gab and are HIGHLY opinionated and I am the worst case scenario....lol

But I am what I am and have learned to love myself anyway.

BLODDY MARY used to be my favorite drink. Now I like Bloody Bulls which has beef boullion in it also and LOTS of Tabasco as I am a Texan and we like it spicy.....BUT the Cuban Mojito's here are addictive and when in North Havana....do as the Cubano's do.
Nice to meet you I love you guys also....Hope the ladies come around....LUV Mrs Babba....but MOST women find me an enemy somehow! on these weed sites! Pity!

Women have ALWAYS been hard on each other....WHY no ERA once!
We can't possibly organize....hopefully the weed movement will go better.


Active member
You are a trip "maud." I can listen to you all day........the gift of gab, with a twist of lime.......where's my bloody mary?

The 'moral majority' is part why we all are here on ICMAG and my rage is like a shark under the surface. After my carotid endarterectomy two weeks ago, the nurse says that stress is highly recognized as being very destructive to overall health...........mental state.

Going mental is a drag........I'm with what Trouble posted before he dropped his ice cream on the floor:D..........I'm '57. My little rage last week was partly coming off pain killers.:nanana:

Desiderata I did not address coming off of pain killers with you I see. That is a bitch and I have detoxed many off opiates including myself once. I have to have a knee replace soon and the last year I worked I was taking hydrocodone 10 mg to deal with the pain. I now just take aleve which with the weed makes it more tolerable. But opiates are good post operatively eg. for the surgical procedure you recently had. Opiates are for short term pain control and end stage near death possibly. When I quit taking the hydrocodone daily I went into withdrawal symptoms myself and it was miserable and it did help me understand my detoxing patients better.

More people are dying these days from accidental opiate overdose than auto accidents even.

But it is a slippery slope doing opiates too long even if pain is real and chronic.

Not meaning to pontificate here but it is a serious problem in healthcare these days. Oxycontin is reaching epidemics in its abuse. Be careful with these drugs and be safe. Weed won't kill you. Or cause severe withdrawal signs and symptoms.

Luv you guys and just wanna help if I can.


Active member
ONCE A NURSE always a nurse.....it is a codependant sickness we learned in nursing school.....Walking victims who marry dysfunctional men then try to fix them....LOL TRUE FACT sadly....

I myself don't drink much these days dear....resident stoner I guess as it does it for me....

I was on Darvocet 2 PO Q4-6 hours for knee pain once and the Tylenol in the Darvocet caused my liver to go into shock once....BE CAREFUL WITH TYLENOL guys second leading cause for liver transplant. And alcohol is not liver friendly and I love my liver.

I never did much coke myself because I knew I would be in over my head AND I WAS determined to Live and raise my babies once. But I did lose my oldest son to crack and he is dead now....hardest thing that ever happened to me personally. He had an MI while he was incarcerated in Texas penal system for armed robbery supporting his crack habit...

He was once a nurse also but he lost his credentials naturally...
And my other 4 children are quite successful and one is quite wealthy even SO 4 outta 5 ain't bad I guess as they say.....but I will never get over my sons loss...CRACK REALLY IS WHACK......smoke weed and drink alcohol moderately nurse madre says...

one reason I am here is to help as I can. Can't grow much YET.

ATLANTA!!!!!!!!! I get a Pavlovian Response when I hear Atlanta....my only surviving sibling is a wealthy
business man there and lives in a huge 5400 square ft house in Roswell now! He came a long way from the cotton farm we were born on mid century in Texas... Made me wanna burn this dinky condo......

I got lost in that house when I recently visited him and his wife who is a retired Georgia Peach schoolteacher there in Atlanta....She was born in Stone Mountain and worked many years in the ASD ////Classy lady and only wears Lily Pulitzer Or Talbots......classy lady she is and typical Georgia Peach.....I don't know why she married that avaricious asshole brother of mine......But I do love him cause' he is my brother after all.....FORGIVENESS is a good thing!

But in my nursing journals I still get because I am still credentialed at BPR and on the damn nursing mailing list out there somewhere...
But Atlanta in particular is having problems with teens and oxycontin and accidental overdose. Time released drug when chewed can kill you. DUH!!!!


But we will have to hook up next time I am in Roswell ....with me and my hubs "Fireman Freddie" as Budsy call him ...LOL...

We are toker friendly peeps......Later guys as I am off to hear the Blues in the Park today. The weather here in Florida is cooler today than usual.....
You guys are sooo cool here.


Lammen Gorthaur
...Yeah, here in Ga., this place is S U C H a conservative, moral majority, republican, right wing state, it's an oxymoron for me to live here all these years...

It's even better once you cross the border my friend and enter the promised land...

The Republic of Texas

If we could cauterize Austin it would be just about complete, but if you went to heaven tonight, you'd have to put up with Hitler and Stalin bitching about Franklin Roosevelt's lousy cocktail parties, so it goes to show...

Texas may not be heaven on earth, but it's damn close son. We love football, kids, God, American Pie and everything else that only true freedom and the unquenchable spirit of independence, self-reliance and personal accountability can provide. Texas is the home of the right-wing conspiracy.

It's a hard life sometimes, but we're an exclusive club. Membership applications are on the table out in the hall next the statute of our beneficiary.


Active member
It's even better once you cross the border my friend and enter the promised land...

The Republic of Texas

If we could cauterize Austin it would be just about complete, but if you went to heaven tonight, you'd have to put up with Hitler and Stalin bitching about Franklin Roosevelt's lousy cocktail parties, so it goes to show...

Texas may not be heaven on earth, but it's damn close son. We love football, kids, God, American Pie and everything else that only true freedom and the unquenchable spirit of independence, self-reliance and personal accountability can provide. Texas is the home of the right-wing conspiracy.

It's a hard life sometimes, but we're an exclusive club. Membership applications are on the table out in the hall next the statute of our beneficiary.

Texas is a whole nother country darlin'....

ya know mpd you have the cutting edge humor of my old buddy Major Buds from Marihemp fame. We used to drive ol' del... the god mod there nuts daily.

Madre was whacked out at my recent losses and Major Buds used to make me laugh till I would almost pee my pants.

But we used to have a good time and he saved my life with his antics. We never really knew each other in person ....just online....but I just loved him even though he drove me CRAZY! We were both TOO crazy to hook up. So I married a sane man....LOL... Two crazy people don't work so one of them has to be sane...
But I still miss Budsy.

Amazing our online friendships.....

But Why do you wanna cauterize Austin? It was the epicenter of the Texas Hippie movement in the 60's and Threadgill's is an institution there. The first time I saw a girl kiss another girl was behind Threadgill's in Austin and it was the great JJ.... Some of the best BBQ in Austin and University of Texas is like Harvard to us. Texas A&M in Bryan is our Princeton....LOL
Speaking of Austin I used to skinny dip in lake Travis back in the day.
Used to raft the Guadelupe in the hill country. Those were the days my friend....we thought they would never end...but they did. And a freakin' Australian is goin' to play Janis in the new movie comin' out....can't they get a Texan....Janis was Texan and the FIRST female rocker...

Lots of good music comes out of Austin...

But SOME people in Texas are just TOO DAMN CONSERVATIVE and need to get off their high horse and loosen up a little.

Moral Majority runs Texas. But Texas is heaven on earth to me and I do miss it. But I do go back now and then. My relatives are all over the state now ....a couple even in prison and some are politicians and hard to tell which are the crooks.

But we got to Texas before it was even a state.....my people that is as I AIN'T THAT OLD!

And Texans are proud of their state and are braggarts about it. INDEED!


Lammen Gorthaur
Austin is the sphincter of the college world liberal order.

there's not such thing as a REAL Texan that's too conservative.

Besides, if I didn't say all this shit how much fun would your online experience really be?

Yes, they are incessant braggarts of the worst kind. It's the only thing that makes me want to hurl about living here. It's so bad that I grit my teeth almost when I hear some stupid fucking redneck do the gaaaaaleee, ain't you just thannnnnnkin' yoooo' lucky staaaars, you in Teeeexas, boy? A dog's ass of a situation to be sure...


Lammen Gorthaur
then, there's that...

Do you know my wife? You might not want to believe this, but she says the same thing all the time, she just says it while she's firing...