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Active member
Thanks Tony for trying to back up the facts, but it seems futile.

RoorHead, owner of Hertel is a knowledgeable guy, so I have a lot of trouble believing he told you Toros are not boro, as it's FAR from true and anybody who knows anything about glass knows that. A bit of simple research would show you that all tubes are borosillicate.

Claiming a 3mm DE is heavier than a 9mm US,, well....lol

Here's a little info on boro from good ole wikipedia:

Borosilicate glass is a type of glass with the main glass-forming constituents silica and boron oxide. Borosilicate glasses are most well known for having very low coefficient of thermal expansion (~5 × 10-6 /°C at 20°C), making them resistant to thermal shock, more so than any other common glass. Borosilicate glass was first developed by German glassmaker Otto Schott in the late 19th century[1] and sold under the brand name "Duran" in 1893. After Corning Glass Works introduced Pyrex in 1915, it became a synonym for borosilicate glass in the English-speaking world. Kimble-Kontessee[2] sells its own line of Kimax brand borosilicate glass products.

Most borosilicate glass is clear. Colored borosilicate, for the art glass trade, was first widely brought onto the market in 1986 when Paul Trautman founded Northstar Glassworks. There are now a number of small companies in the U.S. and abroad that manufacture and sell colored borosilicate glass for the art glass market.


Active member
let's keep it simple for the guy...ALL clear glass tubes w/GonG joint are borosilicate. 90% of all other tubes, even grommet, are boro unless they're soft glass.

The quality of clear boro varies a bit, but not much at all. It's when you start introducing the colors that quality really comes into play.

Mr. Tony

Active member
yes because the translucent colored tubing ( not the rod that artists using to create color work) is from china and low quality.


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True, true. Also, it's sometimes simple as certain colors not mixing well or having different properties. I'm no glass blower, but I believe certain colors need a more oxidizing flame while others do not. You can see where different working temps and properties could lead to trouble,, specially w/rod that's already of lower quality.

The old millenium moss caused lots of problems when being worked w/other colors, which is one reason older pieces w/moss are prized. Plus it looks sick. Ever seen the Opas/Roor tubes that literally just separated in the middle of the worked section? Yeah......I'd be fuckin pissed.

pack a bowl

old moss is OG moss and it was infamous for NOT cracking actually. pieces with it are prized if anything because the formula of that color has not been remade in years .


Active member
PAB..wasn't the original dark green moss prone to crack? First batch or whatever.. Wasn't thinking OG moss. Know for sure one of those millenium/iridescent colors.

Anyways, just an example of a color-boro being 'weak' not because of low quality, but whatever properties make it difficult to work with certain other colors.

RooR HeaD

Hey guys think what u want but im not gonna get my panties in a bunch about it i talk from expirence not form what i read on tokecity every argument u have slle is in the roor usa thread i take it u were banned seeing as u r a new member! but hey man think what u want but its a known fact that german roors r made with the best glass money can buy why usas r not is their anything wrong with that no but just got to b more carefull with your shit do u know how many times ive hit the notch of my des on a sink fossit 100's ive seen more then 5 usa roors break at the notch from the same thing. and ive also seen usa roor that have the headie section in the middle crack in half with in the first couple hours of my boy owning it. google roor pics ull see that someother s have had this problem as well. and in no way would i ever want a bong that had chinesee glass on it cause they crack all the time. but honestly man u can think what u want say what u want but ive actually used every bong i talk about and as with toros i have not used a 31 arm but i have used their normal ones. so im not talkin just from what i read im talkin from what ive seen and felt!

and tony did u not read my post ive used both a 3mm german had more weight to it then the 9mm usa roor i used .and bro the 3mm de is heavyer then the 31 arm toro and i wanted a to buy but after reading the post were 3 out of 10 broke b4 even getting to the shop and then the shop worker at h2h broke one so i did not want to take a chance when im spendin 700 bucks. and i wanted to buy that toro so im not sayin in no way 3mms r better just stronger!

RooR HeaD

slle lets see some glass bro u talk like u know everything i want to see what u smoke out of cause i have a felling its a usa roor!

a lil opium for you

and the beaker on the far right is the same size as the 31 arm toro i wanted! and i dont care what u say ive held both so i know for a fact that the de had a shit load more weight to it. that beaker with ice and water weighs in at 13 pounds. the toro with water didnt even weigh as much as the de dry. so ill let the actual facts speak for themselfs instead of jsut talkin out my ass.


heres a shot with water and ice ready to go.


RooR HeaD

But slee i do have to say this thread was great for once and then another hater of german roors comes along and starts the same arggumentts that have been going for months!

But like i stated man im done with this argument ive sadi the same thing over and over to so many haters that its pointless. if u r happy with your pipe or bong then im happy guys lets just start posting pics again so others dont have to suffe ill try hard myself guys. and dont let slees lies get to ya cause 50% of what he said was said hby others on tokecity in the roor usa thread another follower.


Active member
You seem very self-conscious RoorHead. No one is 'hating' on precious DE or starting arguments..simply trying to correct some of the complete fallacies that you are throwing around. You have very nice tubes, and you're obviously very happy with them which is what matters...seems you want others to think you have 'the best' money can buy, which shouldn't really be of importance to you.

Don't believe I can post pics yet, but I'll get some of my glass up when I can. And yeah, my goto tube is a US orange label beaker..which means it isn't borosilicate and it isn't really still in one piece after getting whacked around a fair bit. But all asshole sarcasm aside, mostly vape oil through bub these days though, so not much tube usage for me.

peace :joint:


Active member
i have been smoking out of the same $50 glass peice i bought in berkeley, ca for the last 3 years, no fancy roors with ice catchers or multiple percolated whatever, just your standard bowl piece with filtered water maybe an ice cube thrown in.

there it is in an old pic i managed to dig up of my old apartment.

i periodically clean it with 420 and salt water, it looks a little dirty in the pic.



Active member
haha that was actually rigth after i bought the tank, i was letting it run for a few days before adding it any fish, let the filters and other stuff establish itself. heres a pic a few days later, i know my bong is in there somewhere.

looking at some of the crazy pieces on here makes me want to grab a nice bong with an ice catcher, always wanted one of those.
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