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99.99999 Pure dry Sift



The only person here presuming to claim that I have clean dry-sieve is you, lol. I do have kilos of raw tumbled material but never bothered to clean it up, it's not really my thing as of yet. I was merely brainstorming on how it may be accomplished, that's OK with you right?
You seem to understand that top quality requires gentle action and yet you're dismissing what I've suggested after using too strong a vibrator, probably on silk, and probably not in the freezer. That about right?


Two words:

Static Electricity

it's funny you said that as i was thinking some form of static charge being used as well
(robotic yet subtle agitation + static charge both at once - static charge would have to be so so perfectly tuned there's no doubt some of the good stuff would be lost along with the plant matter but a re-run using the same method would over come this), i think it has to be something along these lines to get a 100% pure product like that,
i guess there's only gonna be 2 ways were gonna find out:

either wait till Sam's is on the market when he'll also reveal how it's done


the ones with the knowledge, time + vision start experimenting with different methods and see what comes of it:joint:



Chamba, The only person here presuming to claim that I have clean dry-sieve is you, lol.
you wrote in an earlier post "You're done when the product on top looks like the pics Bman is posting." I thought that statement meant you were making dry sift that is as good as the dry sift in those pics in post # 1?...so either I'm not the only one here in this thread that has reading comprehension problems ...or ...?

I do have kilos of raw tumbled material but never bothered to clean it up, it's not really my thing as of yet. I was merely brainstorming on how it may be accomplished, that's OK with you right?
You seem to understand that top quality requires gentle action and yet you're dismissing what I've suggested after using too strong a vibrator, probably on silk, and probably not in the freezer. That about right?

to prevent this thread from being side-tracked, do this ...have a read through my previous posts in this Hashish Forum, it's all there, in depth...or start another thread!

Bubble man.....please get your hands on some good quality dry sift being sold at these Cali medical cannabis clubs. I'd love to see some of it up close and personal in macros! (I'm betting it's excellent and very clean tasting hash, probably blond in color if unpressed, has a great soaring high and I'm also betting there will be more stalks, hairs and broken up plant matter in there than actual resin heads at the price they are selling it at.)


Pull my finger
Wow, great way to encourage discussion, moderator.

What does Nam myoho renge kyo !! Mugi wasshin mean, anyway? "Be insulting to strangers you meet?"

I think Babba was talking to me. And no we are NOT strangers. And NO I am not insulted. Matter of fact, Babba is one of the only mods that will get a pass to slide in little smart ass remarks to get a chuckle. Maybe if you hang around a bit, you can get to know everbody.

Sometimes on this site, bickering happens. Sometimes folks get too wrapped up in it. But most of the more mature folks can dish it out, plus take it.

We come across debates and everybody has their views. Shake it off that was soo Wednesday.

I think this thread should go ahead and die. Too much difference in opinion. It seems that there is only bickering going on. It happens to some threads, regardless of the topic.


Lammen Gorthaur
I think the secret is in the quality of the photographic picture taken. I've got some full melt like that that has some interesting properties too, but I lack the photographic equipment (and demonstrable talent in using it that bubblehead has taken such great pains to produce) to bring it out.

Looks like we are going to have to do something about sam. If you have an addy for sam, let me know. Me and the boys will drop by and waterboard his ass until we can ascertain the facts of the matter. Torture is an ugly word so we'll say we're conducting a feasibility study.:bat:

Gotta' love that little bat fucker...


Active member
so he got the resin heads to fall off (freezing water and shaking it somehow) and he sifted em through leaving only the heads?


Sam, look at this thread and all the fighting, THEN decide whether or not you want THESE people to know YOUR hard earned secret.

i say, smoke your AMAZING dry-sift and be the only one.
anyone who can't appreciate a man keeping a great secret has a thing or two to learn about life.

the info will come out in one way or another, until then, who cares.
smoke cannabis and love everything about it.


honey oil addict
if you see people fighting and the simple easy way to stop it is to share, then whats wrong with that? :) both sides of the coin can be argued from your initial statement, and imo this side is the more realistic one.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Wow, great way to encourage discussion, moderator.

What does Nam myoho renge kyo !! Mugi wasshin mean, anyway? "Be insulting to strangers you meet?"

Yea it certainly seemed like if the first sentence was actually READ a lot of this would have been avoided.
Since when does being a mod mean i dont get an opinion?

Want to know what Nam myoho renge kyo means ... perhaps drop in and read the thread. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=3819


Active member
beautiful pix, bubbleman!!

i think its hilarious to watch a bunch of stoners cry about quality of someones' dry sift (extremely high quality), then go and drink swill like Bud or Coors light!


LOL, Kids crying for a lollipop!!!

As a parent, let me tell you how this works:
If my kid start crying and shouting to get something, specially in a public place, it's 100% sure thing, he's not gonna get it!

PS. that "hash" looks really nice!
We should take it as a challenge...

Molly Kuehl

amazing looking

Kinda shitty though, why not share methods we can use for our most beloved herb. Kinda takes the love out of it....yanno.



If you really thinka bout it ..... theres only so many things you can do to get this pure resin heads..


Pull my finger
An ammendment...

An ammendment...

I am forced to retract my previous statement of all the bubble being bland. I just smoked a few very delicious samples of 73u bubble that is currently blowing my mind. I have never smoked anything so delicious in my life.

If this is how the bubble tastes, I am now hooked. I might donate 25% of my total harvest to the bubble thing now. I really love the taste of that first hit.

You know who you are.....Thank you for showing me the light. I just smoked the finest bowl in my life. Chem4 topped with F13 bubble. WOWee!
Sorry if you feel this is a marketing ploy.
I personaly do not know this secret method so im not sure what it is im marketing.
I personaly had never ever seen any photos anything like these ones, so i figured i had posted them over at my site a few months back, maybe now i can post them over on icmag, and see what people think.
Well holy shit its been one opinion after another, about Sam, and what he should or shouldnt do.
this is a secret method, i mentioned it because its the first thing someone would have asked me after seeing the photos, HOW WAS IT MADE.
i figured getting it out of the way right away was a safe bet.
I guess i was wrong...

Either way im not sorry i posted these pics, i am sorry it seems to have caused so much disagreance with everyone.

Bubble man

Hey man, as a person who usually just lurks I had to post something here. I wouldn't pay these people any mind. I've witnessed your generousity with sharing in your photography skills. I absolutely love the pictures you post. Keep up the good work!!