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99.99999 Pure dry Sift



damn bubble man, that is some nice looking stuff....
im in cali and i will tell u they rape people at the clubs. grow your own. to tell the truth i would only go for the shiva crystals. if i knew how to make them i wouldn't even bother to go because a lot of the time the herb is not even that great.....


For all the secret crybabies my friend gets sift very close to this by freezing his sift and runs through the screens again and again, the trick is to find what size micro will catch the heads and let the stalks fall through... Goodluck

Lovely photos Bubbleman I also enjoyed the new Cannabis Culture #73 article you did talking about the stalks left behind as waste product cuz that's what gave my buddy the thought to refine his sift more, I'll try and get pics next time cuz it was amazing stuff, not sure if it was exactly like what you have here but DAMN close...

Couldn't of said it better myself. When it comes to herb, there really is no rocket science, just refining the process through the labor of love.

Freeze it, sift, it, sift it again. (Fuk) revise process, smoke some more, try your new revelation, walla.
Eventually, you should be able to get it down.


ouldn't of said it better myself. When it comes to herb, there really is no rocket science, just refining the process through the labor of love.

Freeze it, sift, it, sift it again. (Fuk) revise process, smoke some more, try your new revelation, walla.
Eventually, you should be able to get it down.

yeah, yeah, yeah......do all that then check it out with a magnifying glass .....then you will realize just how much more contaminated your triple sifted hash is compared to the hash in Bubbleman's pics


Use a steel screen (of the appropriate micron size of course) for nice clean breaks of the stalks from the heads. Tape a vibrating toothbrush (or similar) to this rig and put it in the freezer during the process. You're done when the product on top looks like the pics Bman is posting. Voila! Too easy, get back to me with your results. :D


Colina .......I know your hash contains alot more contaminant than you think...but if you used a magnifying glass to check it out, then you would know that too

do this if you want to improve it..card that single screen hash over a 60 micron mesh and you will see 3/4 of your "hash" pass through the mesh and guess what? it will be contaminant....keep carding that kif and monitor your progress with a magnifying glass and you will greatly improve the purity.

Happy Hashering


Chamba, I was describing the final separation process. Like I said, it is done when the hash (heads) on top of the screen look like the pics in this thread. I don't think we'll get there with cards and silk but thanks, lol. It should be done in the freezer (perhaps just above freezing) for a nice clean break. I am not sure you've comprehended what I've described at all considering the advice you've offered me?


Pull my finger
I just need to add one thing to this discussion.

SWAMPDANK SAID " Remember this is a cannabis community and we are all in this together. It makes my stomach turn to know that somebody is gearing up to profit off of folks who use this medicine daily.

im WONDERING , IF you realize thats what all the banners are about on these websites, as well as all the cannabis based companies, and dont get me started on the clubs in cali...
I hear person after person talking about how 'WE'RE all in th is together, and that we gotta stick together, and that it can't all be about profit.
But you mention club after club after club in cali. Please don't tell me you think those people are just to help med patients.
Eights for 60us? grams for 20 to 40 to 50 for hash?

Just my two cents.....

Bubble man

I understand that. But you dont see me paying for any banners do you?? All I was saying was I think you choose your words porrly (which we all do from time to time). It seemed that you were trying to purvey that you knew the recipe and werent sharing.

And dont think that all of the med clubs and seed "breeders" get a pass. The same goes for them. But then you look and see folks like DJ "giving" to the community. And everybody sharing cuts among friends. I cant see any reason not to share an extraction method. Instead selling it?? WOW! Greed is a powerful drug isnt it?

BTW you wont catch me in a med club. Rather hittin up my peeps in cali for a sack. All that shit is "for profit" It is sickening because it is the "phrama syndrome"

A lot of work goes in to selection and testing when making seeds. this is different. I am not saying folks shouldnt make a living. But showing up with the "secret method" stinks of marketing ploy.

Way to create a buzz. Some of the people, some of the time. But never all of the people all of the time.

If I am wrong and you were just soo stoked to show us pictures of your stash, then I apologize. But I can smell bullshit long before the ranch appears.


Active member
Sorry if you feel this is a marketing ploy.
I personaly do not know this secret method so im not sure what it is im marketing.
I personaly had never ever seen any photos anything like these ones, so i figured i had posted them over at my site a few months back, maybe now i can post them over on icmag, and see what people think.
Well holy shit its been one opinion after another, about Sam, and what he should or shouldnt do.
this is a secret method, i mentioned it because its the first thing someone would have asked me after seeing the photos, HOW WAS IT MADE.
i figured getting it out of the way right away was a safe bet.
I guess i was wrong...

Either way im not sorry i posted these pics, i am sorry it seems to have caused so much disagreance with everyone.

Bubble man
I never saw Bubbleman as holding it in front of our faces, and teasing us with it. Like others have said, I think a lot of people need to not just look at the pictures, but actually read what people are actually saying, before jumping to conclusions.

Bubbleman was simply posting a picture, and stated in his first post, that it was made using Sam's secret method. He didn't say "I made it using Sam's secret method, but I can't tell you what it is".

And even then, it's a fair answer, since I doubt Sam would want Bubbleman giving out his secret.

I have faith that in the future Sam will create and patent a machine that does this for you. In the mean time, Sam has given many hints at how it's done, and how he does it.


Pull my finger
Sorry if you feel this is a marketing ploy.
I personaly do not know this secret method so im not sure what it is im marketing.
I personaly had never ever seen any photos anything like these ones, so i figured i had posted them over at my site a few months back, maybe now i can post them over on icmag, and see what people think.
Well holy shit its been one opinion after another, about Sam, and what he should or shouldnt do.
this is a secret method, i mentioned it because its the first thing someone would have asked me after seeing the photos, HOW WAS IT MADE.
i figured getting it out of the way right away was a safe bet.
I guess i was wrong...

Either way im not sorry i posted these pics, i am sorry it seems to have caused so much disagreance with everyone.

Bubble man

I completely understand your stance bubbleman. I am not accusing you. You just have to see it from the perspective of a normal stoner.

You are in the business of making these type of gadgets. It would be totally different coming from anybody but you or Mila or similar.

See, we know that you design extraction kits. That is a market you are in. So it does seem kinda like you might have other motives in that post. (I am totally not saying you do). But take a step back and look from outside the box bro. Regardless of your intentions (which most likely were just 'check it out'). It looks different coming from a man in the biz so to speak.

I dont wish to get in to a pissing match with ya bro. I respect you and what you have accomplished. I think it is really cool. I am just trying to give you a different perspective. I dont buy things like that so it doesnt really matter to me.

basically I think I might have over analyzed your post. I just saw a man who markets extraction bags post pics that look nice made with a secret method.

See how that looks? If it had been anybody but somebody in the biz, I prolly would have missed it totally.

So, here I stand, as a man, formally apologizing for assuming prematurely. I wish you the best and hope you have a wonderful evening.

I am off to smoke mere F13 nuggets and a little scissor hash that I been saving.

Sorry if you feel this is a marketing ploy.
I personaly do not know this secret method so im not sure what it is im marketing.
I personaly had never ever seen any photos anything like these ones, so i figured i had posted them over at my site a few months back, maybe now i can post them over on icmag, and see what people think.
Well holy shit its been one opinion after another, about Sam, and what he should or shouldnt do.
this is a secret method, i mentioned it because its the first thing someone would have asked me after seeing the photos, HOW WAS IT MADE.
i figured getting it out of the way right away was a safe bet.
I guess i was wrong...

Either way im not sorry i posted these pics, i am sorry it seems to have caused so much disagreance with everyone.

Bubble man

I love the pIcs and am ecstatic to see them............finally. Thank You bubbleman for bringin knowledge.

I am sorry, for all of us that care, that your educational and exhilarating shots couldn't have been viewed with more... reverence shall we say.

i was gonna keep this short but...u know. :wallbash:

lets take this to the the street. to something even the most simple person in the weed world can understand. Ninety percent of the people we all deal with are looking for the best weed. Bubbleman showed us the most potent weed product possibly ever created.
Can we atleast respect that for its simple and pure beauty?
The quote makes me sad.

Yea I can understand if you didnt READ the thread and just look at the pictures ^^^. Reading doesnt come till the later grades I guess.

Wow, great way to encourage discussion, moderator.

What does Nam myoho renge kyo !! Mugi wasshin mean, anyway? "Be insulting to strangers you meet?"


that looks perfect .

perfect ratio of amber to clear
perfect perfect perfect

strictly the balls of the trichomes thats how you know its truly full melt. great


Registered Cannabis User
like...it will pull the impurties out? kinda like it pulls your hair straight up? hmmmmm.......better go get some balloons.


Wow, great way to encourage discussion, moderator.

I call it a great way to discourage those who are trying to dumb down this great site...btw when are the school holidays over?

"Chamba, I was describing the final separation process. Like I said, it is done when the hash (heads) on top of the screen look like the pics in this thread. I don't think we'll get there with cards and silk but thanks, lol. It should be done in the freezer (perhaps just above freezing) for a nice clean break....."

Please tell us, have you used a 30X or 40X magnifying glass on that clean dry sift of yours and saw 100% resin heads, not a single hair, stalk or even a single spec of dust?

For anyone who says their dry sift is even in the same ball park in terms of purity as Sam's dry sift in Bubbleman's pics, please post macros photos.

I don't think we'll get there with cards and silk but thanks, lol.

I've never used a vibrating toothbrush, only a large size electric massager with dual speeds...but I found the trouble with using vibration only with finer meshes (used to make the contaminants pass through the mesh, but with holes small enough so the resin heads remain above this fine mesh) is that the kif pools and dances on the mesh, some does fall through, but def not all*...but with a combination of vibration and carding the material to and fro across the mesh will remove a great deal more of the crap.....will it be any where near the purity of Sam's dry sift?..miles away!

* if making absolute pure dry sift was simply a matter of using a freezer, a stack of meshes and vibration then we would of seen alot more photos of 99.999% pure dry sift


it's easy to make very melty dry sift....all you do is gently agitate a small amount of resin encrusted material at a time for about 20 seconds over a mesh that is slightly larger than the resin heads on the material, then card this blond resin over a mesh that is slightly finer than the resin heads until it's reasonably cleaned up

but the hard part is getting that other 80% or 90% of the resin that's still on the material removed and to near the same purity as the first run's resin.

if any one is interested in learning more about dry sifting...do a search through my previous posts..as I often post on threads on this subject and you will read lots of good info from lots of experienced and helpful dry sifters!

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