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GrowLab 145L, Environmentally controlled, LST/ScrOG!

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Wow Mash I hope new nutes handles the problem for ya. I just cant help but conjecture that the nutes in your system may not be changing over often enough in each bucket which added to the fertilizer issues = a mess. I know you said you bought the system stock but maybe time for some mods to improve on their design? Or you could say fuck it and build one of Pirate's Battleships!


I totally got to get me one of these!


New member
Your good with the PPM, your plants looked good a few pages ago.A good root protection additive to use is some SM-90. If you fill that Dutch master is a clean nut, then go for it. Years of engineering went into that system by a experienced plant guy .That system is changing over more then 500GPA . I think that is plenty.


Well-known member
Whats up mash. Here it is nova grow, nova bloom, koolbloom (liquid & dry), floralicius plus and aqushield. Its simple just like your chart says just not so much. I would never go above 200 ppm with either koolbloom. The aqushield is a must in any dwc it keeps them roots healthy as shit. If you use it you cant use sm-90. Sm-90 will kill all bacteria good or bad.
This is what floranova and additives will do for ya.

This is 1 week before harvest she got me over 8 ounces

This is 2 weeks befor harvest. This was my favorite she was little but got me 4 ounces.
They were grown under a 600
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Well-known member
Hope ya dont mind mash.
Afghani them little shits get bigger than pop cans plus there bullet proof.


Well-known member
Heres how I use them nutes. Floranova grow at start 400 ppm then I get it up to about 700 ppm right before the flip. Use aqushield the entire grow at 5ml per gallon. I add it about every 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. Then I start adding nova bloom to the nova grow for about a week in transition( keeping ppms around 700). Do a flush after the stretch. Then go nova bloom at about 500- 550 ppm, liquid koolbloom at 150-200 ppm. The same time I add floralicius plus 1 tsp per 5 gallons maybe a little less if your running a shit load of water. I dont add back any floralicius plus till about week 4 or 5. Week 5 Stop using liquid koolbloom and start adding the dry shit at 150-200 ppm along with the floralicius and of course the nova bloom at about 550-600 ppm for a total of 750-800 ppm. Run it like that until you want to flush or not. You know every plants different but there a baseline to follow.
Good luck. Them bitch still look good I would'nt scrap em



That's what I was thinkin'. I stayed up until the wee hours playing with the nutrient calculator on their website and fell in love. Do you recommend using any of their additives or just go straight A&B and see where it puts me? Root safety has become a serious concern for me, what do you recommend?


The entire system is overkill. It's really unlike anything else out there in its sheer brute force and performance. Like masterkush said, close to 500GPH move beneath the roots. Each bucket is at a rolling boil with that commercial pump doing its thing. So I'm taking blame for whatever it is that happened and hope to have learned a thing or two about which type of nutrients work with this system.


I do feel that Dutchmaster makes 'clean' nutes. Do you disagree? I looked into Dyna-Gro and they're definitely affordable. Can you clue me in please with what additives you use in addition to their 1-part?


I don't mind at all. I am thrilled to see so many responses so fast trying to offer advice. You're all great people in my eyes.

Thanks for the Flora Nova and additives advice. I'm probably going to pass on it though after hearing what masterkush had to say about the nutes. What he explained about roots, particles and build-up makes good sense.

Here's an idea of how the water moves in the system:

I'll take in some more advice and do my research before making up my mind with what to go with. Don't be surprised if I go off on a tangent and you see 6 G13 cooking in Dutchmaster sauce.

Thank you all.


mashup what kind of a system is that. How well do you get on the results. I am really looking to change from the single bucket to a full recirculating system.



To my knowledge that's the successor to the system I am using now. I don't know how it differs though, other than color.

The system I am using now I talked about on page 1: Crack Cocaine

Hey mashup, sorry to hear about all the troubles you're having. Hopefully you can get things dialed in before you have to stop and restart. It sounds like the people on here have some great advice on the nutes, so hopefully things will turn around soon (I'd give you my own advice but I don't run a similar set up at the moment so I don't feel educated enough at the moment).

Hey BigGreen where is that Afghani from? I just ran/am running some Afghani and I agree, they are practically indestructible. Lookin very nice.

Good work and goodluck,




No worries dude. I'm unlike most and treat it as it is, a plant. I don't profit from this hobby and can easily scrap it if need be.

I'll give them a chance to recover with different nutrients so I don't feel like it was a complete waste of energy.

Afghani is a really hearty strain no doubt. I finished off my reserve of it the other day, great pain med. Having said that, Afgooey (Any relation?) is a real knock out, simply drenched in trichomes.

I'm open to anyone's feedback. I want to know all of my options before making a decision.

Hey man, I'm with you on that, I grow all for personal/friends, and since I have a decent surplus now, I am also willing to kill those that aren't giving me best results. Plus, it's only been 3 weeks, and in the whole scheme of things, that's really not that long. (3/12 = 25% of the life, not much)

I also use the Afghani as a pain/sleep strain, it definitely packs a punch. I have not heard of Afgooey, but I imagine it has some relation and sounds delicious.

I run Hempy Buckets and I use the FoxFarms line up. So far the only issue has been a Calcium def (I assumed there was some in my tap, but apparently not). Other than that they are organic and work quite well. The only bad thing I think would be that the Big Bloom has a tendency to settle as a silt if it's not not kept mixed about, so I am not sure it would work in a reservoir situation.

Anyways, I'll be watching, hopefully things work out.




I appreciate the feedback. No doubt things will work out. I knew for fact that there was going to be hiccups on the first run while I figured things out. Happens every time I take on a new project.

Healthy clones are at the ready and I imagine given proper growing conditions they'll be thriving within a week of being dropped in. I've only got 6+ of G13 (Washington cut), which is not my first choice, but for sanity's sake I may do it.


Ya mash I would run the zone for sure I use the max but under the advice from anoter grower on here I use ANs barricade for silica check out the DM gold thread on here a lot of good info
Ijust read your whole thread after I posted really liked it seeing how I'm a gear hore my self but Ive had nothing but problems out of them constant ph & TDS meters and I got them duel lumitic 600 ballest with super sun 2s and they really rock been doing this a while and what I've found is 2 600s on a mover have been better to me than 2 1000s not on a mover or 3 600s
Just keep in mind all the auto stuff is great and works great in theory but when you add in murrphy's law it can get ugly real fast but it's great on some things like co2 but the best investment I ever made was in a high temp shut down on the lights & co2 burner but when the air kicks off it can save your ass


New member
Hey Mash, dutch master sounds good.GH 3 part, Nova, Pureblend pro and sugerpeak has been used with that system with good out put. SM-90 well kill bacteria.The whole idea is to have dead water with no life. Roots use minerals and bacteria assists that proses and also attack pathogens. You can go that way with florashield and nutes, it also works, but is less forgiving if you mess up. With no good or bad bacteria in the water with some hard core hydro nutes like Dyna-gro, you will have less chance of having root problems. Dyna-gro offers a few things that is all needed for plant health. They have KLN which is there root producer, Pro-tekt for silicon. We all know what potassium dose to cells on the plant. Mag-Pro is the blossom booster. Back in the days people used to use Mag-Pro with the GH flora system for bigger and tastier fruit. Remember when using multiple nuts keep it under 500ppm. You can bump it up a little when they are hungry monsters. You can use just the grow and bloom with good out put. By the way I like the old school pics of the the bayda system.



Hey bro I was wondering if I buy the Sunstream One-Tray Econo-System - W/RES. What kind of pots will I need for the Sunstream One-Tray Econo-System - W/RES? I know its a stupid question, but I want to order everything together or is it a good idea?


New member
Mashup, when the first time the system was made it was white, at the time that was the only color available and people didn't like it for algie growth. As time went on the blue with black leads were used with danner air pumps. The old pumps had allot of dB noise. The new system also has 2" PVC. At first people were complaining about plants getting to big and unmanegable so the XL was made.



Glad I garnered your attention for a bit. Appreciate the advice on nutes and equipment as well. The MDT-1 has a remote temp sensor with user settable high temp shutoff built in.


I took your advice about Dyna-Gro and went with it. I just picked up the Grow formula and another product called Guardian Angel for root disease prevention. Going to keep it bonehead simple and ultimately find out if it's the nutes or myself.


Why does the feed chart say "Never use an oxygen pump in the nutrient container or on the growth table."

This is an error on the feed chart. We have tested House & Garden extensivly in aeroponic, deep water culture, and ebb & flow hydroponic systems with great success. We have done side-by-side test runs with two ebb & flow tables, where the only difference was the addition of air pumps in the reservoir. There were no differences in the results.

Finally, we have tested Roots Excelurator in aeroponic cloners such as the EZ Cloner and Power Cloner with wonderful results. So go ahead and use an air pump if you wish.

I did a little extra shopping while I was out of course... 2 Magnum XXXL 8" reflectors, 2 Lumatek 1000w, 2 EYE Hortilux bulbs, 8" Max Fan.

Input from an outside source says the issue is a case of pythium or fusarium most likely. Plan of action is to toss the plants, disinfect the system with physan 20 and start off fresh using Dyna-Gro. More in the coming days.




This is ultimately up to you, how many plants, of what size, etc. I go the same way BigGreen does in ebb and flow. Square pots, coco liner and hydroton.

I have a 2' x 4' ebb and flow setup getting ready for the veg room so those clones have some room to grow.
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