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Micro Hydro Virgin needs a guide...



Hey fully blazed,

I'm coming late to this show, but i just wanted to say it looks good.

I like the screen you made. I attempted a similar thing myself. Check it out!




fully baked

Welcome to everyone stopping by. I've been overwhelmed with reality and have been negligent in taking pics. For that I apologize and will get some up later tonight...

Thanks for stopping by JB always good to see a friendly face around. Good luck with those new ladies :woohoo:

5th - Very nice looking screen, I'm digging the round stand. Probably gives some nice support. Hopefully that lady will fill it up all the way and then some !! In case ya haven't noticed there's seats all over the place, so make yourself comfy and lets grow some ganja... I'm wondering how those long fluorescents are treating ya?? Veg/Bloom the whole works...

Hopefully I'll squeeze an update in tonight,
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fully baked

Finally got around to it :woohoo: Here's a little picture update. There was a bit of a stress on the girls with a recent move, but they've bounced back and the last have been repotted. The SWC is going and I've even added another HG to the tub. Here's some shots.

SWC with the two HG ladies . I think you're long gone at this point deft... It'll have to be a back to back type deal. Just hope mine end up as nice as yours is now...

HG 5

BB Lady


HG Male

HG 3 and BB

I figured I'd give a planter with two plants a go. For space reasons... Either way they both get more root room than they had in their other pots...

Comments, Helpful hints are always welcome...

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fully baked

So my drunk ass decided to take ph readings in the SWC yesterday after getting home and it just so happened I forgot to stick the new addition to the tub back inside. My poor HG clone promptly dried up and was given proper rights. It has now been replaced with a DSD...

DSD on the left. HG on the right... That's peat from the peat pucks on the roots of the DSD for anyone who was wondering...

And here's a quick shot of the flower cab. Remounted the lights to get a little extra height out of it. Day 5 of budding I believe...


5th - Very nice looking screen, I'm digging the round stand. Probably gives some nice support. Hopefully that lady will fill it up all the way and then some !! In case ya haven't noticed there's seats all over the place, so make yourself comfy and lets grow some ganja... I'm wondering how those long fluorescents are treating ya?? Veg/Bloom the whole works...

Thanks for the reply FB.

I only use the fluoros for veg. I have 2 400w HPS for flower. The fluoros are OK...but i would like to upgrade to T5s or a couple 250w MH.

The cool thing about the stand is that it's kinda customizable. The screen you see in the picture is 26"x30". That's too wide for my space so i just took the screen off and made a new one that's 18"x30" and use the same supports.

I'm still new to ScrOG (2nd attempt) and i don't quite have the hang of vegging it right to get crazy branches. I just end up vegging the top 5 or 6 shoots as far out as I can then 12/12. Worked pretty well last time (see my albums) but i'd like to carry through with the screen this time.


fully baked

Pics when I can upload. Ladies are looking alright. Getting some rooted clones. Nice and peachy...

Icmag 2.0 is still getting debuggggggged.

fully baked

Shrinking pics down before hand seems to work for uploading now....


The SWC is looking good. Tried a little abuse on the HG lady. Didn't feel like LSTing her, so i just supercropped a bit. DSD has adjusted to the tub and is putting out new roots real nicely. Slight flux in the pH with ppm climbing just a little.



HG 3 and BB Combo planter

HG 5

Happy Trails,
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fully baked

Day 17 with Buds....

The SWC, at least doubled in size. Shes off to the races


HG 5

HG 3 and BB double potted



fully baked

Quick update

Day 23 of buds...

From left to right
HG 3 / BB Combo planter - HG 3 is a runt under the BB and others in the cab. Glad I kept #5 instead to keep working with...
DSD - Shiniest with the most 'combs... Beautiful
HG 5 - Lanky girl with some space to fill out. Shootin' hairs like no ones business though. Should be real nice, smells glorious
BB - Smelly, crispy leaves starting a little bit. Identical to the last BB in smell and bud structure so far.

New addition to the flower cab along with some root porn. She was the HG in the SWC up there ^^^^
Made a nice little 1 gallon bubbler for her too... :woohoo:

HG 5

Also started some of Sam the Skunkman's Original Haze x Skunk #1. Germed and popped in party cups today.


fully baked

thanks for the kind words fred....

Think I finally got the hydro deal figured out :woohoo: Lets hope I can keep them that way now...

fully baked

Day 30 of buds... Update coming later tonight...

Half way through now... Had some fun mishaps too. Nothing fatal, but power outages, spills and falls, and lights falling... These are some tough ladies let me tell ya.

fully baked

Here we go...

So, we have had a few occurrences in the past few days.

Lost power for a few hours at least. Still not sure. Determined it was caused by a bad power strip which has since been removed. So a funky light cycle and no air pumps to the flower room (only 1 HG lady)

At the same time, a light bulb fell on the DSD girl in the SWC. Busted her stem up but a little tape and she's nice and healthy with a lot of side shoots now.

Dropped the HG girl in the DWC thats starting to flower... She didn't like that, but a simple refill and she was good to go.

Missed a day of watering yesterday and ended up with some angry girls. The bigger ones (DSD and HG 5) couldn't handle it and shriveled a bit. Hopefully they perk up now that they have some drink.

And now onto pics. Day 30 of buds... No more nasty nanners anywhere...

DSD in the SWC




HG 5

HG 3 and BB

HG 3 (Buds should be up and going in 2 or 3 days, almost done with the transition)

Hope you enjoy the pics. We're starting to get rolling now..


fully baked

Thanks for stoppin by deft...

New hydro HG 3 day 2 buds... For the record...


DSD in the SWC (still veg) is overtaking everything and I have no room for her in the flower cab. I would like to move her in and get her going.

Anyone think I can move the runt of the first litter in my veg box and they will still finish out??? They are around day 35 of buds (Not counting transition into veg, probably something along the lines of 45 days...)

I'd be moving the double potted ladies, the combo BB and HG 3. HG 3 is scrawny with little to show as of buds. She is too short and the CFL's don't penetrate well enough. The BB looks nice, but I already have a bigger nicer lady in the back of the cab in her own pot...

Any advice???? I wanna get this DSD in there without having to schlep it in and out of the veg box so it gets 12/12, otherwise its just gonna grow into an unmanageable monster...



fully baked

Day 38 here....




Day 7 of buds for this lady

Just threw another DSD into flower... No pics of her yet...

And the veg room, with some moms (DSD, HG, and BB now) and some new little ones. Also some Original Haze x Skunk #1 seeders...

The BB/HG combo planter ended up popping a few nanners and was moved. She's drying up and getting ready for her cut... Damn those nanners.... And I can't remember which BB I took a cut off to make into a mom. Hope it wasn't the one popping the balls...


fully baked

Day 42. Start of week 7. Flush begins!! :woohoo:
Kinda sneaks up on me sometimes...



Still the HG, this top grew into the light and rebounded quite nicely.


And we have a HG at Day 11 of buds

And the DSD, still in transition

Rock on,