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How to Garden By The Moon



Great thread, Lola! I'm not into astrology&stuff, but would do anything for my babies... This helps a lot! thanks
Keep up the green work!

Moon Gardening not really connected to astrology at all! Other than the fact that humans named the various signs the Moon travels in and out!

No fortune telling here at all! I plant seeds when Moon is right and they all GROW! I cut clones when the Moon is right and even first time They GREW ROOTS!

Moon Gardening just harnesses the energy of the Moon to work WITH your grow! Makes it all better!

Come back soon!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
farmers have been planting according to moon cycles for 100's of years in Wales (and other places I'm sure :smile:) its not an urban myth or hokus pokus or anything like that :smile:

edit - if I had to have a guess at why this might be so successful it would be something along the lines of water tables in the earth/plants/people any body of water really and tidal effects on them by the moons pull


gardening by the moon is something i'd like to try after reading this thread. i've always been up for new things, and if this will somehow help improve germination rates and plants' health, why not? doesn't hurt to try! i think i'll look for that book either at a bookstore or buy it used online..

thanks lola!

Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book published yearly...been using it for 25 years!

It's a cheap paperback! Only $8.99 NEW.

ISBN 978-0-7387-0720-4

I always keep the old copies around, because they never publish same articles twice! They used to list hemp dates, but don't anymore, so now I'm glad that I have old books with hemp info listed!


More Roots on My Third Quarter Clones!

The 3rd Quarter is beneficial to rooting, and I like to start plants and clones in this phase!

White Rhino clones & Cali Oranges getting lots of little rooties! Yippee!

Dang Widows are stretching all they can with Shop Lite still on top of them! Oh well, got enough to kick the losers to the curb!

:dance:Thanks for Stopping By Y'all:dance:


Garden Nymph
When will the third quarter come again? i don't know when my mandala #1 seeds get here, but if and when they do, i'd like to know when to plant them so they all get a chance. i think this moon gardening, from the sounds of it, is powerful stuff!


When will the third quarter come again? i don't know when my mandala #1 seeds get here, but if and when they do, i'd like to know when to plant them so they all get a chance. i think this moon gardening, from the sounds of it, is powerful stuff!

NEXT SUPER ROOTING PLANTING DAYS: I like the 3rd quarter/Fruitful Sign for rooting seedlings and clones.... March 13th, Friday, Moon enters Scorpio at 8:22 PM EST and stays there through 14th, 15th. Moon exits Scorpio Monday 16th at 05:21 AM......

Hippie Lettuce: It does work GREAT! Sure most people will get OK results from dropping seeds in ground at any time, BUT, every time I see a post like "Myseeds didn't pop" I look it up, and sure enough they had planted in a BARREN Moon sign!

There are lots of good planting days in 1st & 2nd quarters too, but I like 3rd quarter/Fruitful Sign for extra Rooting Power! Works like a charm....


LOLA, Hey girlie, Hows it going today? Just thought I would stop by for a second before fixin some supper. How is the PH problem coming? I'll be back around a little later on...Chat with you then...


what would March 1st thru March 7th be good for if anything.

I am doing my own reading and research to learn more about this, but you are the quick and easy way to get the info right now.

Thanks a ton



Lola is STILL having problems posting pix so I'm gonna try to post some for her...

WR and CO Mom's WR & CO babies 8 days old WR mom

just click on any one of the thumbnails and it will take you to the album so you can see all of the pix...Hope this helps...


what would March 1st thru March 7th be good for if anything.

I am doing my own reading and research to learn more about this, but you are the quick and easy way to get the info right now.

Thanks a ton


March 1st and 2nd: Moon is in Taurus, Semi-Fruitful Sign, 1st Quarter.. Things started in Taurus tend to be Stubborn and Long Lasting.... OK planting day.

March 3rd and 4th: Moon in Gemini, Barren....Good for killing pests and diseases.

March 5th: Moon enters Cancer, most Fruitful Sign, at 11:05 PM EST. 2nd Quarter.
March 6th: Moon in Cancer...PLANT NOW!
March 7th: Moon exits Cancer at 11:43 PM EST, and enters LEO

Planting good that week Friday and Saturday Morning and Afternoon. All Times given EST, Eastern Standard Time. Adjust times for YOUR local time zones!

Thanks for stopping by!


D4 Is a Sweetie! Thank You

D4 Is a Sweetie! Thank You

Lola is STILL having problems posting pix so I'm gonna try to post some for her...

WR and CO Mom's WR & CO babies 8 days old WR mom

just click on any one of the thumbnails and it will take you to the album so you can see all of the pix...Hope this helps...

Thanks! I'm gonna have to order the CD of the Safari fix for my Apple! I appreciate the help, so boring here with no pics! Good job!:respect:


LOL! Good one D4! I think I'm just gonna start typing it all in a week at a time! Then I can just copy it!...heehee.


Killer on Loose! &... Cora The California Orange Bud

Killer on Loose! &... Cora The California Orange Bud

that would be really great, Lola! until, of course, i get to buying that book..

Well, once you get a Moon Sign book, then you'll have to come back and let me know how things are going of course... First I suck you into the Moon Cult with free posts, then next thing you know......:abduct:

I like having new posts to read! It's a lot of fun! I'm not big on TV, and being a rich Doris Dukes type gets boring all day long...LOL

I think I may have killed again tonight!!!!

Knocked over a White Widow by accident and sent her crashing to her death?.. Picked her up and put her in new pot. I doubt my nursing skills can save her life!

PH ISSUES: Tonight was Cora the Calif. Orange's turn to be watered. Last runoff pH from 4 days ago 4.9!!! I decided to bite the bullet and water with pH adjusted water of 8.9. Had also added hydrated lime. Soil runoff pH tonite was 6.0

Greg Green's Grow Bible recipe for soil pH adjustment sounds harsh, but decided to try it as per above. I hope Cora survives. She looks pretty good when you look back at the pic of her 4 weeks ago when she was a stick. I hope all this low pH soil will not affect her, as I hope adjustment will not either.

Big Ups to My Friend Indeed!!


Garden Nymph
i've always wanted to try california orange bud, looked pretty good on pics that are here on icmag. though i have to say, i don't know a thing about its lineage. was it really developed in California?

Also, in my opinion, I don't think that you killed the White Widow, unless, of course, something broke, like the main stem. Perhaps the roots needed some air?


Supposedly, if I remember correctly, was started in California and clones smuggled to Amsterdam, where they femmed it etc., and sold me the seeds...lol.

It's a 50/50 with supposedly orange citrus smells and orange cream flavors. This is my first run at it! Reputation of easy cloner is well deserved. Now that I have Cora's clones, looks like Cora has 66 days to live....that's how long she's supposed to finish in....lol

The Widow was totally out of the dirt, lying alone....don't think she'll make it...oops! My beans are Nirvana strains, still have 7 more beans of Cali to see if I get an orangier smelling one. Cross your fingers ya'll :dance:


Garden Nymph
whenever i see this :dance: i get real happy!

good luck with the rest of your grow, Lola. let's say some prayers for the poor White Widow.

I'd like to say some for my boyfriend's White Rhino, too. She came down today, and, from the sounds of it, mighty gloriously. Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it. That'll be some real great smoke until his Satori comes down too. Some relief for back pain and anxiety. But that girl (Satori) doesn't seem to want to come down lol. Her hairs are still really white, and she's only got 2 weeks left. should we take her down as planned?

let the show grow on!


Hippie: Go to RadioShack and get one of those pocket microscopes for $12. Then you can see your trichomes and decide when to harvest... If it coincides with the Moon, great, but I'd go with the trichomes to see when to harvest!

The little Radio Shack microscope is great, has a light and magnifies 60-100 times! Good toy!

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