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Thank you dongle, ima go get the StressZyme from wal-mart, post up exactly how you do your test and ill do it the same, the person from the other site never got back to me about the pics.

You think i would wrong for posting someone elses pics of A article on how to test cannas enzymes?

I'm gonna do a test of actual root material, unlike the Canna test.
I have some mother plants in Waterfarms that will sacrifice some root for the experiment.
I'll grab a good little chunk and weigh it.
I'll probably put it in a 1 gallon mix and see what happens.
I also have some Multi Enzym from House and Garden and some Cannazym from Canna.
If I get a chance, I'll put the same root weight in each and see how they compare.


i tried organic digester (cheap pond concentrate) in dwc and it was working killer
untill my res temps went off the charts

im gonna try again in nft, but they guy from that company made me a handmade special batch
for plants.

it was 70 for a gallon with shipping
but thats enough for 10 gardens for a year easy
ill chime in when i get it going again

Clackamas Coot

Active member



How To Make Activated EM-1

Besides the written directions, there is a link to a 'how to' video for making your own EM-1 from the bottle that you linked to.

So 1 liter can create 22 liters. Now the original product that you linked to (EMAmerica.com is a manufacturer (under license) as well. There only 2 companies in the USA licensed to produce this product. Long story.

22 liters for less than $20.00 USD? That's about $.91 per liter. The rate of usage for plants is 1:500 as a foliar spray and 1:250 as a soil drench. I'll let someone else do the math on how much this would make.

One thing to consider and that is the product that you receive has a shelf-life of 1 year. When you make up your own batch the shelf-life is 30 days. According to the manufacturer. I only know what they publish.

There's also a link at the top of their site I linked to which has information for hydroponic growers which is possibly closest to coir processes? I don't actually know, i.e. I'm just speculating.

We take this product (the food grade version) each week along with fulvic acid and it's also given our livestock and our family pets. It's used on our compost piles, worm bins (worm populations explode when this product is applied since worms feed on bacteria), chicken coops (really kills bad odors), the stalls in the barn, septic tank treatment.

Check out EM Info for more data.




I'm gonna do a test of actual root material, unlike the Canna test.
I have some mother plants in Waterfarms that will sacrifice some root for the experiment.
I'll grab a good little chunk and weigh it.
I'll probably put it in a 1 gallon mix and see what happens.
I also have some Multi Enzym from House and Garden and some Cannazym from Canna.
If I get a chance, I'll put the same root weight in each and see how they compare.

I tryed a test myself a days ago, tested pond-zyme, Home-made Bokashi, Cannazym.

After 24hrs, it looks like Pond-zyme is in the lead fallowed by Bokashi, then cannazym taken the rear...






Will be back with updated pics tomorrow
Ok, so no stresszyme at my wal mart. Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't worry about it. I visited my local Walmart, saw the Stresszyme, and was wayyy disappointed. The bottle only holds eight ounces and, according to the dosing instructions, will only treat about 80 gallons. Stresszyme is weaker than the overpriced hydro store brands! You'd be better off going to a pond store or order online and buy some real pond enzyme.


Great thread guys and thanks to everyone who contributed.
Has anyone tried using these pond enzymes during grow and what was the result?
My biggest concern with pond cleaners is it might contain enzymes that could effect the nutrient balance. I'll be getting some for sure to sterilize my recycle coco.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I wonder if this would work with other live enzymes?

VERY good information there.

I'm going to find out in the next couple of weeks - I'll explain later.

After reading this thread last week, I looked at a product called 'Microbe-Lift PL' and it comes from Ecological Laboratories which carries a wide range of products that include pond filtration, composting activators, livestock products using microbe agents, et al.

The specific product I looked at comes in either a liquid form or a dry form. The difference according to the manufacturer is that the dry product does not contain the 'photosynthetic bacteria' that the liquid product does. They say that they continue to find a way to do that (as are other manufacturers).

For horticultural and agriculture applications, they have licensed their 'core technology' to Applied Experimental Microbiology which has a line of products, one of which is called Inoculaid

From their website:
Applied & Experimental Microbiology™ is the sole producer of Inoculaid®, a microbial product designed especially for the treatment and growth enhancement of all types of plants – including trees, lawns, shrubs, ornamentals and flowers

Inoculaid® is a specially formulated blend of highly active microorganisms, nutrients, micronutrients and special enzyme systems designed to synergistically support and accelerate a plant’s growth processes. Regular use restores nature’s microorganisms to the soil allowing the plant to absorb the nutrients it needs to reach its full growth potential. The results are evident in the form of more bountiful blooms, larger fruits and vegetables, well established root systems, thicker stalks and even greener leaves.

Inoculaid® is 100% safe to humans, animals and plant life. It contains only natural, organic substances, so it is both nontoxic and nonpathogenic.

I purchased a bottle of the liquid Microbe-Lift PL at the farm store and plan to make a batch of bokashi inoculant. If after 10-14 days I hit a PH of 3.4 in the wheat bran, then I'll know that the bacteria & yeast in the 'pond' product, at least this specific one, works the same up to that point in the bokashi process.

The next step will be to compost some old fruits & vegetables using bokashi inoculant from the pond product to begin the fermentation process. If it starts to smell rotten rather than like apple cider vinegar after a couple of days then I'll know that it's lacking something found in the EM-1 product.

My money says that it's exactly the same. No difference whatsoever.



Active member
My 16 oz bottle of care free pond and fountian protector has a cap that is exactly 4 ml I am confused now on dose .Am i a moron is a capfull a unit of measurement ?2 capfulls would be 8 ml per hundred gallons not 30ml .Directions say not to over dose or low o2 can result in foaming .Low o2 in root zone is bad berries unless someone can clear this up I wouldnt use 30 ml per 100 gallons till you talk to carefree.I am going to call them tommorow to clear this up .Dongle they gave you a dose for hydroponics of 2 capfuls per 100 gallons can you please tell me how you came up with the ml amounts you stated ?


My 16 oz bottle of care free pond and fountian protector has a cap that is exactly 4 ml I am confused now on dose .Am i a moron is a capfull a unit of measurement ?2 capfulls would be 8 ml per hundred gallons not 30ml .Directions say not to over dose or low o2 can result in foaming .Low o2 in root zone is bad berries unless someone can clear this up I wouldnt use 30 ml per 100 gallons till you talk to carefree.I am going to call them tommorow to clear this up .Dongle they gave you a dose for hydroponics of 2 capfuls per 100 gallons can you please tell me how you came up with the ml amounts you stated ?

They told me on the phone:

EDITED: The application rate for hydroponics is .5 oz (15ml) per 100 gallons.
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Active member
I am just being careful .I took cap off filled it with water and sucked it out with 5 ml dropper ,it was 4 ml.Bottle says to use cap also so I am going to call them to clear this up for my own peice of mind .
I belive thats what they told ya. Wonder if the 32 oz bottle has a bigger cap?


Active member
I just got off phone with them great customer service from the horses mouth
Start with 2 capfuls per 100 gallons and monitor your plants .He knew plants I could tell, we spoke about how the enzyme would increase N uptake .
He said If plants liked it you could bump it up to 3 capfuls .He stated max dose was about .5oz and 5 capfully was roughly 1 oz

Belive what you all want but I suggest you call them before you use 30 lm per 100 as the rep belived you would have trouble @that dose (shock cause by sudden flux in nitrogen uptake.He said nurtient uptake should increase as plants become addicted to the enzymes ability to assist uptake

I also asked him about mycorziral fungus also he said pond and fountian cleaner will kill -eat them.He didnt hesitate when I asked he answered like he knew what i meant
That causes me pause I grow in coco mycor is my friend .Or is it
Wonder if the Enzymes are better @ breaking down nutrients, better than mycorzirals? Do I want the sterile type enviroment enzymes create or a fungal collony ? More to think about

He said there are 27 different enzymes in there pond and fountian cleaner .He said the local rose nursery uses it as a foliar to fight off powdery mildew (sounds like another great use )
He spent 15 mins talking about there product very helpfull and knowledgable .I drilled him on the doses made him repeat it so I was sure
He stated the best use in hydroponic-coco was as a root cleaner,slime remover and these 2 actions result in better nutrient uptake.

Not lookin fer an argument about recomended dose USE @ YOUR OWN RISK

Forgot to ask about ph reactions .Good question if anyone wants to call to double check dose again.

Dongle it was the same guy you spoke to


Dongle it was the same guy you spoke to

Weird. Thanks for inspiring clarity.
OK, so I called him back....poor guy.
Not talking in capfuls, but in ounces, I nailed it down with him.

.5 oz (15 ml) per 100 gallons.

So now it is 60x times less expensive to use than Hygrozyme!
I just got my bottle so I'll start setting up the tests...


Active member
nah weird wouldas been saying the rep said you had balls not tits but glad you cleared this up for everyone


Active member
Here we go again
Rep told me use cap ..start with 2 watch plants move up to 3 caps
He said 5 caps were roughly 1 oz ROUGHLY ...
Cant belive you think anything is Weird besides how off yer post about what they said first time was ! 30 ml was double max reccomended dose.And all you have to say is how weird mentioning it was same person to be clear it was in fact the same company rep is? How bout sorry i made a mistake?You dont come off as sry at all you posted bad info
Being clear about things is very important atleast it is to me .Being unclear leads to confussion ,confussion leads to mistakes.Recon i am rambling but yer first info was bad and I think this is a good idea had to say something so people got the RIGHT information !

Some math for anyone who cares to get it right
.5 US fl oz=14.78 ml
If we go with that being max dose and recomended starting dose is 2/3 max dose.
14.78/3=4.92 so 4.92x2= 9.84 <----- that is a 2/3 dose and the place Care Free told me to start.
That is per 100 gallons so 9.84/100=.00984 ml per gallon
Sorry if the math is boring anyone just making the point how little is used to make a small batch .Little less than a 1/10 of a ml per 10 gallons

I am editing this to say my math sucks Sorry I even tried .Wrong answers make shit confusing .Please do your own math
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Well the guy did tell me 1 oz (30 ml) per 100 gallons the first time I called, so it wasn't my mistake.
That is why I said "weird."