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What do you all watch on TV?


Haha, yeah. I've watched the series over a couple times now. I like how they tie fictional characters to some major historical events. Like you say, it's very well written. They were considering a movie based on the series, I heard.


18 and Doh!
At least we know how to spell......another thing you don't git from TV....

that was a typo but let's assume i didn't spell correctly... you have to show off and insult someone for not being able to spell as good as you.

prooves my point that your a pretentious snob genkis. anyway what would I know, i'm just a brainwashed sheep that is being distracted while the corponazis rape the earth for profit.
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It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
my vote still goes for lost. i've made this bet like a million times, so i'll extend the offer on here, haha

sit down and smoke a joint while watching the pilot episode of Lost. Seriously watch it, dont just put it on as background noise. If you honestly dont like ONE part of that show, or you have ZERO inclination to watch the second episode, i'll give you...

...ten bucks.



You know. I have kept myself from watching even a second of Lost. Despite all the people that tell me that my soul will wither away if I do not experience it's mind-fucking plot.

But a joint sounds nice, maybe I'll give it a shot.


hey randy the pilot (double episode) of lost was superb.really was.bit weird now though,seems to have lost direction in series 2(or 3 cant remember).deffo D/L the pilot.
i watch the old roadrunner cartoons,beavis and butthead,ren and stimpy,futurama,simpsons,the wire,generation kill,those worlds biggest programes,the world at war,rising damp,open all hours,porridge,father ted,blackadder,bbc nature programmes and last but definetly not least The league of gentlemen.
i mostly watch repeats.;D
i totally forgot about band of brothers!superb show!,mighty boosh as well man they funny;)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
abc.com has all the lost. seriously do the joint/pilot thing, and you wont look back. some say the series lost direction in the middle seasons, i personally loved almost every episode. i'm a huge fan of the dharma initiative and the stations and pretty much all of the mythology of the series. it is that good!



sorry just read my own comment and i didn't want it to come off that way. I meant it more as a joke but my humor if fucked up some times.


all praises are due to the Most High
tv is a great invention, too bad they use it to broadcast shit 95% of the time.
if they showed good stuff all the time, I would probably watch that shit all day.
but nah, even if they showed good stuff all day on tv, there are other things to do around here besides just watch tv... what would I do during the World Cup without tv? that would be insane! that is the best use to have been given to tv imo. next movies.


Active member
i like anything about fishing so my tv basicly stays on VS's tv and i like nat geo. ghost hunters and the military channel and probably heros,hmmmm ill get back if i remember anythin else


Family Guy , CSI , Dr. G Medical Examinier , Crazy shit on CNN

I also find it hard to get off ICMAG.com Lots to learn!!



no better stoner tele than discovery channel lol

survivorman, time warp, mythbusters lol

also I like weeds, entourage, the wire, sons of anarachy, its always sunny in philidelphia (there MUST be massive amounts of pot smoked while writing that lol)


Spaced, Black Books, Mighty Boosh, Planet Earth, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Football, UFC, Boxing .... I watch lots of other stuff which is not worth mentioning :)


Active member
no better stoner tele than discovery channel lol

survivorman, time warp, mythbusters lol

also I like weeds, entourage, the wire, sons of anarachy, its always sunny in philidelphia (there MUST be massive amounts of pot smoked while writing that lol)

I started watching this show late last night. This is some seriously fucked up shit! Hilarious!! The three guys in the show remind me of a modern day intellectual 3 Stooges. Now back to the show...

~Abbie :joint:


one time when i was much younger my friend and I ate some magic mushrooms. :abduct: and ended up watching startrec for like 4 hours. It what the funniest thing i had ever seen and neither me nor my friend even liked the show but something about it that night was funny as hell. Only eaten mush once after that. the trip was so BAD i will never do it again.


Active member
theres alot i watch randomly

but mostly the only things ill watch is

adult swim
gang land
twilight zone,outer limits etc.

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