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Cardboard Box Grow


Well, there's your answer, Grow. You can take the suggestions of those of us who've only tried to keep you safe. Or, those of someone who thinks your life is a meaningless joke with no punchline.

Enough said. Keep on keepin on with your cardboard box, I wash my hands of this shit.



The heat from most cfl's configurations I find hard to believe would be sufficient to ignite a cardboard box. More likely for sloppy and rushed wiring and electrics producing a flame but thats always a concern.

I always think that cardboard always gets a bum rap. They are easy to find, easy to work with ( simple tools ) and easy to breakdown and store. Just work clean.

good growing everyone!!


Whatever works for you man, I think we were just trying to express that you could build something much safer and more secure as to eliminate your risk of fire. The chances are that you'll be fine, but in my opinion, I'd rather be 100% sure that I won't start a fire, not 80%. I hope your parents homeowners insurance covers your grow op, because if the house burns down and your grow was the cause of it, I'm not sure that insurance would cover it.

Anyway, good luck with your cardboard box man.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
So others won't make the disastrously stupid mistake you have. If I were a mod, this thread would be binned.
wooooo there

wooooo there


fine could a mod delete this. im obviously not wanted here.

Don't listen to them. I was going to stay outta this whole box thing but I don't want to see a grower leave because people can't drop the issue. I don't know about other people but when I see a thread that I want to read, if I haven't checked it out before then I would normally read it from the beginning right. So since I was reading from the beginning I would prob see the multiple people saying this set up isn't the safest. but here's what really matters (correct me if seem to be wrong) your attempting to grow some bueatiful ladies and join the emense community of weed smokers and growers alike. So stay and grow. In my eyes it is unsafe and I would not rec using this idea but that doesn't mean I am going to bring this guy down because of how I feel. I might (don't have to) express my opinion about it and that would be the end of it.

O and just to throw it out there I am a noob at this growing thing and I respect all the others who have way more experience then I do and heed their advice all the time. It's good to here it and I'd say u just gotta roll with the punches. Some people will like it and some wont.:dueling:

Wow sorry for a rant I was just spinnin on the subject. I think ur girl looks great (do u have more then one) I believe so I just can't remember right this second, mine are about the same if not a little younger. come check it out. :joint:


Peace for now


It's not that you're not wanted, it's that you are probably growing in your parents house as you haven't said that you aren't. Also, you don't seem to care at all about the safety of the matter. Who else would be impacted if something did happen? Your parents could lose their house, you could burn down your apartment, etc. It's good that you are putting forth the effort, but we are all trying to give you really cheap advice on how to make this safer and you won't accept any of it, that's all. It seems like you are young, and it seems like you aren't thinking through the ramifications. I could be wrong here, but that is the impression you are giving me at least.

I Grow My Smoke

New member
ok like ive said i appreciate the advice. its not that i didnt "accept" what your saying, i already admitted thats its not the best setup, its that i know the risks. im taking them. ive already tried to stop talking about the dangers but people want to keep bringing them up. like i said if i want to change my setup, i know what to do.

sorry i ever posted here.


sorry i ever posted here.

I said I wasn't coming back. But after this shitstorm I stirred up, I'd like to say a couple of things to I Grow My Smoke.

Don't stop posting, and def. dont stop growing over this man.

I know it might have seemed harsh to hear all that criticism, but the truth hurts. We were as gentle as possible until you rejected sound advice from multiple experienced growers. We were just lookin out for you though, no hard feelings.

But I don't want to keep rehashing old shit. If you want to grow so bad that you'll use cardboard (not because you don't want to cut & nail some ply wood, or mod a cab) then fine, do so at your own risk (and probably your parents).

Best of luck. Hope to see you around.

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Active member
Edited, ^^^^^^^^^
To what white said also, I agree.

Yes, IGMS, you baby is looking fine...
It's NOT that your "not-wanted" here...
YES, WE LOVE to have you on-board...
Just remember, theres alot of us, "old-Farts" here, that don't wish for you to get into a spot O' Trouble with your set-up.... WE KNOW from our own experiences, Friends, news accounts, word-of-mouth, and Likely a couple Hundred years of Micro-growers experience Combined,, all under one Nice Tidy Lil forum here... Whats "good" and "bad" and of course, the "Ugly"....

Look, I'll be the first to "Man-up" here....
I'll throw in 4.00 bucks from My Pay-Pal account, (It's all I got), and If other's wish to "donate" to this fellows SAFETY and His Parents/Families SAFETY,(If, by all accounts were assuming He lives with His Family and still, IGMY, could you kindly fill us in?),And... IF.....were all so worried by this young Mans set-up, giving advice ad-infinitum and what-not, Why not we all, If were so "concerned", ie: Let's put our money where our mouth is,,,,,, by giving a dollar, or 2, shoot Me a PM, we'll gather a Lil collection, I'll either SHIP IGMY a Rubbermaide, or have a on-line retailer ship one to Him...

Folk's I'm a poor-azzed Mofo, on SSA/Disability, yet, I'm going to "gift" this Aspiring grower 4 dollars, and I hope with some Help, We could get this young Man something alittle safer...
I'll even throw in a some KILLER gear to start'em out....
Hows about something like,, Bubba Kush (BX1). for starters?
IF ,,,,, "I Grow My Smoke" will accept...
And getting a few other peeps to "help out"???
IGMS,, dude, were a kinda tight community here, again, We Welcome you on-board..
Were NOT raggin or dissin ya, just trying to be helpful, and thinking SAFETY & SECURITY FIRST.... YOURS IGMS and Your Family....
Don't want to see ya be another, "Stat" on a chart somewheres Brother....
What say you fellow ICer's? Put up or Shut up......(I don't mean it to sound the way it's intended).... PM Me if you wish to donate for details on "how" IF, only IF, IGMS accepts, so the ball is now in His court.....
Well Folks, if'in you don't care to help, Or IGMS doesn't accept My Kindred offer..
If not,,,,, then I too will be washing My hands of this whole, "clusterfuck"..
If that is the end result... "BIN" this thread...
Wishing you, My dear Aspiring grower, all the best..
Remember, were here just trying to Help... Sharing knowledge and experience with you for a Successful grow...
Peace & Light
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I Grow My Smoke

New member
Thanks guys.

White, Im not going to stop growing. Ever since my first grow ive been addicted! Im probably going to have this setup for another week or two. As soon as i find something new im going to change everything.

and Just to clear this up...Yes I am growing in my parents house.
I don't have a job and i usually spend the money i do get on trees.

My first grow was 1 plant i vegged for 3 months and flowered, all in a cardboard box. If i still had some of the pics from that grow you guys would freek. The setup was much worse. The lights were terribly setup, the ventilation was minimum if really anything. I ended up getting about an ounce from that plant. Not the best stuff, but it was grown by my hands and i was pretty proud of it.

The more that I check this thread and read what you guys are saying the more it scares me. Im convinced that this thing is going to explode in a fireball now. (exaggeration)

I really do appreciate that leaddraft but im sure if i looked on craigslist and around like people said i could find something nice (and free! :rasta: ) to grow in.

But if you dont mind, ill take you up on that gear offer. I never get seeds. I dont really know anyone who sells bad weed either. I pretty much had to steal the seed that is now my plant.

And like i said before, could a mod delete this thread? Its gone too far.
(I will make a new one)


Active member
IGMS: Im not going to stop growing.
Great, the Last thing We all wanna do is Discourage you...
IGMS:If i still had some of the pics from that grow you guys would freek. The setup was much worse. The lights were terribly setup, the ventilation was minimum if really anything. AND another quote:... The more that I check this thread and read what you guys are saying the more it scares me.
Your very Lucky..... Yes, it should scare you, or at the very least,, concerned..
AT LEAST, your now sounding Like your heeding, or taking our advice some..
For that, I'm thankfull, My prayers have been heard..

Well, you need to shoot Me a PM, ahh I see you don't have 50 posts yet...
Get busy...
so We can exchange "details"...
YES, IGMS, that offer remains OPEN...
Again ICer's, what say ya'll, Lets Help this fellow out..
Peace & Light LD
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Well, after this turn of events, maybe we shouldn't trash this. But that's an admins call, not mine.

I Grow My Smoke, it's really cool to hear what you said. And before I go further, I think leaddraft's idea is a great one. I would gladly participate in helping I Grow My Smoke get a new box/cab setup. I can't ship you any wood (you can find that anywhere) but if you need any fans, fertilizers, materials, whatever... I'd be happy to pitch in and help you in any way.

Serious man, just ask and I'll do whatever I can. Hopefully others could too.

That's why I say keep this up. It stands as a testimony of the goodwill and caring that is the highlight of this community at IC Mag. We've all been in I Grow My Smoke's position before in one way or another. And it takes a lot to heed others advice when we've already made up our minds.

You've always seemed like a great guy I Grow My Smoke. And I'm glad to hear that you have a love for growing. Never lose that. Continue to read, learn and listen and you'll become a great grower man.


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