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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Loving the look of the Lemon Godzilla. Anyone know if she'll be done before Nov. outdoors? Dirty Hairy looks like a yeilder too.

Ohh and you asked if I was going to do an indoor grow journel earlier in the thread. And I'm really not sure. I want to but have been having nothing but probs indoors this year. I got spider mites and can't seem to shake em. Got some really strong stuff thats supposed to knock them out completley but I can only use it on vegging plants. So another 3 weeks all the girls in the flowering room should be done or close enough to get the chop. Then I am going to spray everything for a few weeks and hope it knocks them out for good.

Then I bought a new 600 watt digi ballast light to replace a 400 that I was borrowing well I had it 3 days and the bulb blew already (I always have extra bulbs on hand but just spaced ordering another 600 bulb right away). And had no way of getting a new one for the last couple days. Luckily I have another 400 in there and I have lots of CFLs to hold them over for a few days. Glad to see everything sailing along fine for you though!


Active member
Thanks for the compliment! I'm very happy with how things are going :D

So sorry to hear about your battle with the borg, sounds like a nightmare. Glad to hear you still got other lights since that bulb blew! If you wanna throw some pics up in here, feel free!

I'm positive the LG would be done before Nov, they're a definite 7 weeker ID, just don't know how they'd do OD. Hopefully BB2 will stop by and render his opinion :D

Dude, that dirty harry... DAMN! They just keep gettin bigger and bigger! But they are for sure at least 10 weekers.

And man, those skunk chunks are startin to put it on! They also seem like they're gonna want around 9-10 weeks themselves, though. Gonna be an amazing hash maker, though, with all the sugar leaves!!! Just wish they weren't at the back of my table so I could get a better look and smell!

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sup TG just slidin thru yo,how long ya got left yo?
should be gettin close eh...


Active member
Well, T, I got the LG's hangin right now, and the SSxSK#1's the 5 strawberry cough, and 1 super skunk are gettin flushed as of tomorow :D

The DH want longer, (which is FUCKIN SICK, they're huge already :D) as well as the skunk chunk and a super skunk that went in a couple of weeks later than the rest.

All the best,


Since u got the LG's hangin right now,where is the pics?Did u start to re-veg it yet?With the DH which pheno are u talking about?


Active member
I'm gonna wait till I got em trimmed up, the light where they're hangin is shit. Yeah, all the LG's that I didn't get cuts from are now in my veg closet ;) I ain't lettin that shit go like that :D

2 DH plants, both seem sativa to me. Monster colas, I'll take a pic of one soon.

Don't worry, CD, I ain't gonna smoke it all up that fast!

The new thread's been binned already??? WTF??? As I said, very fucked up. What kind of free speech is it when the few mess things up for the many like that???

All the best,


Nice whe u post pics of the 2 DH i'll be able to tell which one is more sativa.Try to get a close up of the nodes on both.

It's never really been free speech TG it's how other people feel about something.In stead of banning those who disrupt they bin threads.


Yea i guess it's just too much trouble for them as it's always gona be some asshole troll, i think it's better with the social group as it's gona be more fun.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Either way I got to get something from Brads gear. All reports I have ever seen have been positive of his stuff and that to me says alot! Dirty Hairy also something I'll have to look into growing some time. Are those from san-e's??

I do have a few girls that are looking good I might throw a few pics up in here as soon as I go read how to do it here now. Ohh BTW I do have dial up still and it only takes about 10-15 min. for the last page to load which is not that bad for that many pictures. Before the update if I would want to see that many pics it would have takin over an hour. Say Hi to that girl.


Active member
Well, I'm glad to hear that the pages don't take too long, I hope it was worth it!

Yeah, I hear you about wanting some of BB2's gear, I've been smoking the 1st of the LG, and the woman and I are liking it. Had to quick dry it, but I was a little impatient :D

The 1st plant we tried tasted almost identical to LUI, but the 2nd has a sweeter taste that's only slightly similar to the LUI. Can't really place the flavor, though.

I think the beans of DH are F2's or F3's of beans gotten from mota, the 2 plants I have going now have distinctly different smells. One smells like lemon merange, the other kind of bland, IMO.

All the best,


Active member
Sure are purty! Although I'm starting to think the person who gave me the beans was duped as to what it is...

Smell yours, man. Mine smells awfully sweet, which sure ain't a trait of RKS. Still one beautiful plant, but I'm really starting to think it's not RKS.

Did I give you DH#3 cuts? Cause that's the best one. The bud structure is pretty much identical, but #3 is the one with the amazing smell. #1 was the unimpressive one.

All the best,