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How high up your list of priorities is money?


Depends what sorta money u are talking about.... Money to pay my rent/bills every month. Thats pretty damn high of a priority.

Extra money to waste on material things, not so much. Unless its green and I am all out. Or low on Money at the time ;)


Right now, with being almost unemployed for the past few months money to pay the bills is VERY high on my priority list. Money for extra stuff like going out, or buying material things is rather low to be honest. As long as I have my bills paid, and food in my and my wifes belly then Im deffinetly good to go!

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i am all about money.
i grew up dirt poor, so i been on that end of the spectrum.
so ever since then, im all about gettin it!
i dont want to be rich or wealthy, i want to be affluent.
call me shallow, but only my family is more important to me than getting paid


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
I'd have to agree with Thekingofny and Garycares Rent/bill money is a high priority. Having some extra is never a bad thing either. Because if I'm outta green it's always nice to be able to BUY some. Money as a thing is sort of like a double-edged sword. It's an essential item but can cause so many bad things.


stoned agin ...
no money means no toys, no wheels, no roof, no food, no nuthin' ... no good.

people sometimes say that money is the root of all evil. i think the saying actually is, the *love* of money is the root of all evil.

if you have none, desperation can cause you to do "bad" things ... lots of it is power, which can be dangerous in the wrong hands.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya flubnutz, you are right. I should of phrased what I said differently. Because having alot of money can give you power, which as you said can be "bad" in the wrong hands.As the saying goes "Money can't buy you happiness"........but you sure can try:)


I would rather have good herb than $.

That said, growing for the past seven years has certainly allowed me to have more free cash flow. Simply from not spending 400 for a zip of herb. I mean 800 a month is a freakin tax. But that is about what my wife and i burn each month

i am all about socialism. help anybody you can anytime you can.

we have absolutely no business with health care in private hands. People making bank of others sickness is WRONG. Socialized medicine needs to happen here.



Registered Med User
"TRUUee, money cant buy u love, but it can buy u dubs and buy out the bar in the club."
-sumthin terrible-

They say money cant buy happiness, but Im miserable when Im broke. Feels so much better bein able to get what you want when you want it. I think people like britney spears and all these fools with rediculous amounts of money are trippin, if I had it like that Id never be sad about a damn thing, but Id also be givin a lot of it away. Id be travelin the world like strain hunters and doin all types of exotic shit and woman.


I want enough to be comfortable, I suppose people have different definitions of comfortable though...bills paid, rent, gas, internet, food (that's weird I thought of food after those other ones :S should be 1st) as long as I aint beggin :D
Myself, I'm not a greedy person. Enough to get by is all I want. I'm happier that way. Instead of all the bling, I prefer a nice fatty sittin' on a mountain somewhere with a pristine view and coffee on the campfire. I like simplicity, and strive for it in my life. In the end, you can't take it with you. It divides families when one with considerable money dies. I've seen it far too many times. Money is truly the root of all evil IMHO.

I just want a cabin in the mountains and a few animals and a garden.

Life doesn't truly get any more majestic than that.



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Definatley very high on my list of priorities. The more the better. I would love to have enough money to be considered powerful. Money in the wrong hands can do terrible things. But think of all the good you can do..

Some say money is the root of all evil..make your money and prove them wrong! I'm all about fighting fire with fire..


I like money!
I've been in the position of not knowing if the next thing I buy will overdraw my account, scrounging quarters and dimes for gas money, etc., and I didn't like it one bit!
Busted ass at my job, started making some decent money, completely changed how I treated money, and now I'm starting to watch my savings account grow pretty quick, my checking account grows too, and i'm still able to pay all my bills and have money to go out and spend on "extras".
Took a lot of determination and hard work, but its paying off and I'm determined to keep working hard to reach complete financial freedom. Money is very important to me.


"cash money rules everything around me"

its a tricky battle.

the main focus:

get money :nanana:
get land:chin:

live free and remote

oh and ofcourse


Active member
not very high...
i traveled up and down north america for years on nearly nothing. maybe 3-10 dollars a day (generally speaking, not every single day...i would work for a week or two at a time) ... i did this for about 10 years.. i did more with no money than i do now with money... and saw a whole lot more...
now that ive settled down for the most part... i need money because i own things like a house, land, pets, dogs, etc. and that must be taken care of, but as far as wanting to be a filthy rich piece of shit willing to screw anyone and anything over for a dime.... nope that ain't me.
i just want enough to take care of myself and my family. that's it. so i can retire young, move further in the woods, and be left the hell alone by people. :joint: