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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Cozy Amnesia

DiscoBiscuit said:
Now that's where I want to be. 9/6? are you talking about 15 ml per gallon? I'm using the same 3 parts bloom - 2 parts micro ratio, but I'm more like 18ml per gal. Maybe I'm going too strong. Thanks for the tip Cozy.

IIRC, the lucas formula is 9mL/g micro and 18mL/g bloom? And thats for use with DWC, rock wool, etc. but I don't know if it works well with soil.

But when using coco coir you have to modify the formula because the coco exchanges ions with the fertilizer in the water. I'm not going to get into specifics, but the modified lucas formula for use with coco (or H3ad's formula) is 6mL/g micro and 9mL/g bloom plus a teaspoon of calmag or epsom salts.

Coco is awesome, but you have to treat it a little different than other hydro mediums.


weed fiend
I may be underfeeding but I've got some strange necrotic spots on a lower fan. I sent a report to Stitch to see if she knows what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for the info Cozy.



New member
I've just got 2 of the 150w econolight lights. I plan on using them to flower. However, I haven't been able to keep the temps down below 86. I have a Stanley Blower fan that I thought would take care of the heat, however, it doesn't seem to be doing the job. I had the fan pulling through lights. Should I set up a cool tube? Any recommendations?

Cozy Amnesia

hsight said:
I've just got 2 of the 150w econolight lights. I plan on using them to flower. However, I haven't been able to keep the temps down below 86. I have a Stanley Blower fan that I thought would take care of the heat, however, it doesn't seem to be doing the job. I had the fan pulling through lights. Should I set up a cool tube? Any recommendations?

A cool tube might be your answer, and then again it might not really effect the internal temp in your cab much at all. Do you have a smaller fan blowing directly on the bulb? If not, start with that first.

I could be more specific if you provided us with a little bit more information. Do you have a cab you're growing in or is it in a closet or what? Whats the ambient temperature in your room?


New member
Cozy Amnesia said:
A cool tube might be your answer, and then again it might not really effect the internal temp in your cab much at all. Do you have a smaller fan blowing directly on the bulb? If not, start with that first.

I could be more specific if you provided us with a little bit more information. Do you have a cab you're growing in or is it in a closet or what? Whats the ambient temperature in your room?
Ambient temp is around 65. I'm growing in a wardrobe of sorts. It's about 2' by 2' maybe slightly wider, and 6' tall. I don't have a smaller fan blowing on it.


weed fiend
hsight said:
I've just got 2 of the 150w econolight lights. I plan on using them to flower. However, I haven't been able to keep the temps down below 86. I have a Stanley Blower fan that I thought would take care of the heat, however, it doesn't seem to be doing the job. I had the fan pulling through lights. Should I set up a cool tube? Any recommendations?

That fan should have enough cfm to cool a couple of 150s. That's a pretty big fan, do you have enough passive intake to satisfy the exhaust? See if your exhaust air is finding its way back into the intake.

2' x 2' that's about 75 watts per sq. ft. With that much light, you won't need to have the light as close to the plants. Fans blowing on the bulbs as suggested earlier will do just fine.

Cozy Amnesia

hsight said:
Ambient temp is around 65. I'm growing in a wardrobe of sorts. It's about 2' by 2' maybe slightly wider, and 6' tall. I don't have a smaller fan blowing on it.

Ok then you should try first a PC fan blowing on the bulbs. Making the intake bigger is also a good idea.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

ambr0sia, congrats on the first harvest. I guess this means you are officially an "indoor farmer". Time to apply for tax relief and government subsidies as it seems to be the only thing that keeps most farmers afloat these days. Great pic's of beautiful buds. I'd have been proud to call them mine. Nicely Done.

'nother subject.... no way that Stanley blower can't cool 2 150's as long as you have the proper amount and placement of intake and exhaust ports. Shouldn't need any other fan working with it either. Especially in a cab that's 6 feet high! (JMHO)

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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
I germed 10 F2 LowRyder seeds some time mid Oct. 9 sprouted. 19 days later 4 grew balls. Didn't have room to veg them, so they stayed very small. Normally they'd get about 3 times this size. This is about day 45 from seed.

I had a bit of pH trouble right after I transplanted them, but most of the yellow you see is the (150w) HPS above and behind them. They're toted as 60 days from seed to harvest. I let these go nearly 3 weeks longer hopin to get a better high. Worked well! Then I water curred them for 8 days cause I didn't like the taste the first time I smoke them either. That worked well too. Very minimal taste and oder. I forgot to get a harsted and trimmed pic. 90g trim weight.

18g dry LOL Punny as it is, there's my latest grow attempt.
Stay safe everyone & keep it green :rasta:


not sure if this is the right place, but there's a couple of problems with the new look for ICMag.
1-click on last page of forum and it goes to first page
2-all pics in my gallery are gone


Nooooo, all my pictures aren't uploaded anymore! crap! Oh well, time for a fresh start I suppose.

I'm attempting to build a stealth veg cab at the moment, but cant seem to find anything the dimensions I want. Something a 24" cube would work best. It's in a closet, under my clothes so whats behind it isn't much issue. I thought a nightstand would work well but can't seem to find any that would work well.
Anyone else have some cheap ideas? I'm thinking of getting a rubbermaid that would fit those dimensions, but would rather not work with plastic.

Shady Smoka

Active member
Ultimate compliment

Ultimate compliment

I was browsing on another grow site and came across this......and I quote

***150w HPS Club *** Inspirational Resource permalink

"Have you guys seen the shit going down on icmag.com for 150w hps set ups, I think its called, 150w club and resource guide, well godamnet, who am i kidding, i obviously ripped that shit off! hahaha. But for a great, great cause.

This is the place to show your 150w hps setups, and give detailed pictures and descriptions as far as what it takes to function, (Intake and Exaust cfm, temps, strains trying, method of growing, yeilds taken in, dimenssions, Ect ect..) I want to make this as magical as the site over on icmag. "


I have to admit that I always read this thread when I am here. It's truly inspirational to see everyone here breaking all the rules and having so much fun doing it.

I would go so far as to say that the hid hut guys even added the self branded 150 electronic hps product as a direct result of this thread (maybe I'm talking out the side of my neck, lol).


well cheers to all that, 150 club is the first thread i usually visit when i hop onto IC. ...



I am a new grower (never grown before) that is interested in starting up for medical purposes and I ran accross the Sun Systems 150watt HPS lighting system for $70.00 at my local hydro store. Now as a new grower I am not sure if this is a good quality product, but it is cheaper and alot easier to do than using the security light and reqiring it as a ballast system. I would really appreciate it if anyone could give me their opinions and input on this system.. http://www.4hydroponics.com/lighting/sunSystemHPS150.asp


New member
I currently use a 150w hps + 40w cfl in my veg area....works fine for me..
I have tried flowering under 1 150w hps too , but i must say that if you want to get the most out off your girls i would use minimum 250w hps or even better 400...