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First time DWC grow


Active member
Hey HHM, I was lurking over on arctic sun's thread, and clicked on your link on one of your posts there. Then as I was reading through, well, I was really just looking at the pics of big ass dwc plants, when I noticed that you were feeling lonely. Noone giving you any love. :violin: :pointlaug
I guess the guys here in the indoor hydro forums just don't socialize much or something. I never come here, cept like now when i get led by sig links.

nice looking plants. DWC rocks.


hehe oh i have seen threads with less visitors then this one :D

i guess when the bud pics start coming thats when the big crowd rolls in hehe.

id just like to say what wonderfully healthy looking plants hehateme19, friggin awesome job there. well done! K+ if i can :D THAT is going to be hardhitting stuff!
Whats up everyone.........

Hehe thanks for the love Hazy, I've got all the love I need round these parts nowadays (I guess I was lonely that day...lol) but thank you for dropping by either way.....the more the merrier. Im really enjoying the dwc deal, these are the fastest growing, biggest, healthiest plants I have ever grown (and Ive been growing this same strain for a while now, in dirt though) I plan on never going back to dirt. I used to have spider mites and nothing I did ever got rid of them I always sprayed with neem but they always came back (in force) When I started dwc I also started cloning in the EZ cloner I sprayed the clones down and transplanted the first two and kept using the neem every couple of days (that was a couple of months ago now I guess) and now I havent seen a spider mite since then. So thats been a huge plus for me. I hated those buggers.

So for anyone out there with a spider mite problem go hydro and spray with some neem and you should be good. Take it from me

Yo Deft much love to you for the sig (its all his doing) and much love for keeping an eye out on my threads for me.

What up Arctic, as always happy growing to you as well. Its snowing here again so looks like its going to be some good skiing.


nice mate, im out of the dirt business aswell. i totally love the hydro atm, i rigged 6 DWC buckets. they are only 10 Liters tho.

i find that the constant water supply given by the hydro helps immencely in the trichome production compared to soil, especially with manual feeding. and if i wanna keep the buckets wet at all times i get the bug problems. and lets not talk about all the work with manual feeding :badday: :fsu: :cuss:

sofar i am much enjoying the hydro. i need some flavor strenghtener i have just noticed, i am not getting the flavor i used to from the soil grows. ive also discovered that too high ph totally prohibits trichome production, im much more ph focused now then ever.

its snowing here too, had very little snow at the start of the winter, even had some rain. but its been snowing for about a week straight now. prolly gonna last atleast a week more, damn january storms. its just not cozy outside atm hehe, windy and dark and heavy snowfalls.

once it settles abit ill go skiing aswell i guess. i could now also, but im quite comfy infront of the fireplace with my pipe atm lol. been stressing so much with the cutting, we have no ski-lifts for a while so i gotta walk up the mountains also hehe. but this mountain right behind my house is just a perfect ski mountain. ill take a pic of it for you some day its awesome. its called the peak of shame. and the fjord is called the coldfjord hehe. its a damn cold fjord lol. we even had some sea-ice in the fjords lately.

some love for ya mate :D

What up arctic my snow bound friend. Nice to hear from you, I've been keeping a close eye on the discussion on your thread and I also have now been checking the ph all the time. I havent harvested any hydro ever but I def dont want to lose the taste.......Hadn't really thought about that though, so vee shall see.

Anyways Ive really been trying to get these pics better, actually I have my lady reading the cd rom that came with the camera (the owners manual tells you nothing) so Ive got her taking the pics (I told her it could be HER hobby, since I already have one) so hopefully soon I'll be posting some good shit. Ya know

Here are some pics of 2 of the DWC plants that I have in bloom.... As you can see I am tyring different locations for the pics.



Get two birds stoned at once
I see some white fuzzy stuff on a leaf in the second to last pic, I hope its not mites!

If you notice, using the flash makes all the trics gliten. I love that effect!
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thanks for the nice pics my man :D dont think thats mildew, hehe yea i discovered the flash effect aswell. pretty cool aye.

hey i have a tip for you, i spent about 14 days reading the manual of my camera, and i didnt understand jack shit of it. then i went on youtube, and i found a gazillion technical reviews and demonstration vids of my camera. srsly i learned more in 30 mins on youtube then i will ever from the manuals.

its still snowing mate, its snowing haaaard. dude ill show you what i mean. its been snowing since christmas eve, and we are getting about a foot a day. ATLEAST!

i got pics gimme a moment ill upload. u'll be amazed :D

btw i have said before: nice looking plants, they look healthy i can see the nice shine on the leaves, and no deformities or any obvious defects

edit: some snow shots for ya :D

the mighty fjord. this is where some amazing eagles lives, its too bad weather to see them atm, hopefully i can get some shots of them for you sometime. they are absolutely stunning. atlantic sea eagles, 7 foot wingspan!

here is one night worth of snowfall, my car looks like this every morning.

hope there is someone complaining about the cold weather in tokers den, if there is ill go own them. hehe is this all you got you pityful god? BRING IT!
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Get two birds stoned at once
Damn a foot a day? That's crazy!

Were about to get another ice storm maybe, ice storms suck ass.

Here's the one that hit not long ago and put out electricity to 1,000,000 buildings


aye ice storms sucks ass i experienced one in indiana when i lived there. we dont get them here, thank god, they are much worse then snowfall.

edit: btw i really hope you dont get one, i know what it means when you do.

a foot a day, or i could really say a foot in a night. if you see the pics of my car, thats a foot. in about 8 hours. a foot a day in average, up to 3 feet in one day :D


Get two birds stoned at once
We get a foot at a time sometimes but storms come in varying frequency and not often more than one a week. One tonight might bring ice but maybe snow, that's the way ice storms go!

We escaped the last ice storm but only by a few towns, my friend 2 towns over had a tree fall on her car (covered by insurance).


ouch, sounds like no fun.

really hope it doesnt hit with undercooling and ice. some snow isnt the worst altho it slows things down abit. depends alot on the winds tho.

we didnt get the heavy winds this year, we always get the january storms. this year it was only heavy snowfall and not much wind at all. so im quite pleased with that. leaves for great skiing contitions in the mountains once it all settles. high avalanche risk atm tho.

lol let me just tell you, i just realized i have become my father. i only talk about the weather, fishing and politics and yesterday i actually bought a 3 dollar pair of slippers because i thougth they looked warm to trot around the house in. and by god dont i love them, so nice and warm! lol i am feeling old man proud of myself for doing such a nice buy, yet strangely ashamed for being such a simple soul.


this is what happends when you hit thirty and move to the countryside to start over .. i love it! :joint: :D

hehateme19 sry for high-jacking, ill be back with some stash shots to make ammence :D


Get two birds stoned at once
:hijacked: :hijacked: :hijacked:

Yea I am into all those things too so maybe we should just keep it to ourselves and out of the hydro section lol.

One hijack I gotta add though, I have a few pairs of felt/leather slippers that I wear even outside if I just need to make a hotdog on the grill.


hahaha you're the man deft. gotta spread rep around. :D

slippers ftw
Hey Im over here working on posting better pics for everyone and this is the response I get? Slippers and snow? Damn you guys..........

The snow stopped here (we usually only get it for short periods) and now its gonna be like sunny and 40 on the mountain which will be nice. Got some nice days ahead.

Yeah I dont have any kind of slippers, mostly just rely on smartwool socks for the colder days in the house. But Im sure when I get to be aged like you old farts I might need something to soothe my corns as well ya know! Still VERY early in my 30's. So I have a least a couple more months until then.

Also to your "comments" about the pics, Im trying to get some nice flash photography going on, its a bitch, I think Im gonna youtube it like my man arctic said. We shall see whats up.

Yo deft: I put those seeds we were talking about in the rockwool earlier....on the heat mat under the 2 small cfls....I will post some pics soon.........JUST CUZ



hehateme19 said:
Hey Im over here working on posting better pics for everyone and this is the response I get? Slippers and snow? Damn you guys..........

The snow stopped here (we usually only get it for short periods) and now its gonna be like sunny and 40 on the mountain which will be nice. Got some nice days ahead.

Yeah I dont have any kind of slippers, mostly just rely on smartwool socks for the colder days in the house. But Im sure when I get to be aged like you old farts I might need something to soothe my corns as well ya know! Still VERY early in my 30's. So I have a least a couple more months until then.

Also to your "comments" about the pics, Im trying to get some nice flash photography going on, its a bitch, I think Im gonna youtube it like my man arctic said. We shall see whats up.

Yo deft: I put those seeds we were talking about in the rockwool earlier....on the heat mat under the 2 small cfls....I will post some pics soon.........JUST CUZ


hahaha, my man one can never put a price on a pair of 3 dollar slippers.

3dollar slipper blueberry, this one seems to be coming around since i put it in the newly upgraded room. fingers crossed, my only blueberry ever. plsplspls

my moms, there might have slipped a slipper inside this pic aswell :D

i swear these are some of the sneakyest slippers ever, sneakysneaky in the pics.


sneeeaky slippers, snuck up to smoke some sweeetness

(yeah yeah, dont tell me, i need to get out more.. 'ts cold tho hehehe)

:listen2: :crazy:
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lol i know at this point i am trolling haha

lol i know at this point i am trolling haha

as i said mate, you need to get yourself some slippers. you have no idea how handy these are around the house.

like i discovered this predator in my bedroom

just gave a holler @ supahslippah

case closed!

lol total viking thread high-jacking! :muahaha: :sasmokin: :biglaugh:



Get two birds stoned at once
Someones got cabin fever!

Hehateme: I think those seeds will be fine with all the research you did. It may take a couple days to see anything but I'd be totally surprised if you didn't get at least one to make it. I wear nothing but wool socks all year round, I get cold feat easy and i love how smartwool and other wool socks don't wick up water, very handy when you track snow inside!

Heres a real spider for ya, taken this summer out in the woods. Its abdomen alone is about and inch across. A good thick strand of silk feels like sewing thread!
Ya'll are trippin.......I love the squirrell in that pic........totally awesome.........

Yo deft thanks for the good mojo.....We shall see how they do. I have 2 left in case the other 5 dont do anything (or in case they do that way I can keep them a while ya know) So it hasent officially even been 24 hrs on them yet, I checked the moisture level today (still very wet rock wool cubes) so I think Im ok.

Also deft that looks like a baaddd spider to me. I dont think I would be crushing that dude on my slipper shoe.............

Keep it up