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Safe addy--How?

Fuck em

Fuck em

Well I wouldn't worry about it unless you are planning on growing BIG and need that extra safety.

Most people just have the beans sent to their home.

However there are a few more ways. You can drive to Canada and right through the border without trouble just about every time.

You can use a safe addy of someone you might know from another state, then have them re-package and send or you pick-up.

You could pick a college town and rent a room from somhttp://www.icmag.com/ic/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=2021417eone. These deals usually require the least credentials along with shitty hotels. Many will take any photo ID you can provide, if even that is required.

In areas where people come and go a lot, like apartment buildings the postman will not know if the apartment is vacant or if it's a fake name unlike a house which can be pretty obvious.

There are also huge tent cities in some areas of the nation right now that must have some type of mail reception system. Trailer parks are cheap and can be gotten monthly without ID's (how do you think immigrants live there).
RV parks and some camping sites may have very low security mail systems without cameras or anything.

Certainly anyone can find a cheap hotel rent it out for a couple that doesn't require ID and have a package sent there. Especially during the holidays, that is withing the bounds of normalcy.

But, back to reality, where you're not wanted by the FBI or under investigation and you sending seeds to your home will go unnoticed.

The next most realistic for the paranoid is picking them up in Canada or CA yourself, CA perhaps the easiest I'm sure dispensaries can help.

You can also send some out to homes that perhaps are used for vacationing only such as many near the beach, simple observation can tell you, but chances are the postman will deliver. Chose one with any easy to access mailbox and try it out with a single small order and if it works order everything you'll need for the next year or ten.

If you use your imagination it's not impossible to avoid using your own home, it just takes a little commitment and motivation such as finding a suitable vacation home. For all the postman knows, it's being rented out this year.

A room at a lodge may also work well as they could be a bit more laid back. If you want to BUY you own safe addy, look for places with the most depressed economies for people who don't care if you have an ID. Trailer parks as I said or certain geographies in the area, the wrong sides of the rail road tracks.


New member
Ajunta Pall said:
Hey dude, if you don't have anything growing in your house at the present, then this is what you do. First, take all grow related items and store them off your property after you have sent in your order. This way you can't be nailed for conspiracy.

Second, make a decent sized order of course in a fictious name, say Jean Luc Piccard for instance and have it delivered to your home address. Your clean home address.

Third once package is delivered don't open it for a week or so. If the police have your house in their radar they'll raid it w/in a couple of days, and if the package isn't opened then they can't charge you w/anything. You can write not at this address on the letter and tell the pigs you haven't gotten around to giving it back to the postman yet. Leave it in a pile of junk mail too, just for show. Might make a difference if you recieve uninvited guests.

Odds are you'll just get a green taped letter if discovered the first time. And if you are successful then you won't have to be worrying about having a safe addresss for quite some time.

Um..yeah, that idea about not opening the package. That won't work. If they are waiting for you to open it they'll use a transmitter. They'll wait as long as it takes. Writing "Return to Sender" or "Not at this address" won't do anything either. They got wise to that many years ago.

USPS requires the correct name on the package that's on the P.O. Box.

UPS Store just requires the correct address. You can put any name that you like.

What I would suggest is to go to a poorer part of town and open a mailbox at one those Mom & Pop type places. You'll have to go around to a bunch of them and scope it out. They all require ID, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways around it.

I mean you can make this as secure as you want. It's all about how much you're willing to pay. Virtual Mailboxes, mail forwarding places, bounce it around. Cops will get tired of it. If you're going to use mail forwarding places, use like 3 of them before it gets to the final destination.

Oh and one more thing. You can use an initial for the first name and a short last name. They don't like it if there is no last name, makes they suspicious.



Some of these suggestions are good, but not all can apply to me. That's fine by me though, I'm sure it's helpful information to someone else. Due to medical reasons, I cannot drive. This makes it very difficult to go about it the way some of you are suggesting, I can't go around and scope around for a mailbox, as I would have to get a ride or taxi every time I wanted to check it, which I would like to check everyday after the beans were shipped. Other than I.D., that is pretty much what made me decide against even trying a P.O. box.

I used my home addy months ago and the beans never showed up, so I have been extra paranoid about that. I get all paranoid about this and think of a hundred scenarios of what could of happened or that I am being watched or they're alerted to check my mail or something. I'm a nervous wreck about the whole thing.

Ajunta Pall

Sojourner, if your beans were confiscated by Homeland Security then you would've recieved a green tape envelope. For whatever reason your past order did not come through, the government wasn't involved. Months ago I recieved such a letter, much to my dismay. You probably got scammed or something.

The reason you use a fake name is so you can deny any knowledge of the beans. First off by opening someone else's mail, even if it has your address is a federal crime. Though it is a hard one to enforce most of the time. Second and most important by opening the envelope the seeds are in gives the pigs grounds to arrest you. Because opening the envelope proves that you knew what was in it. By not opening the package you can deny any advance knowledge of what was inside, unless you tell on yourself.

If the pigs decide that raiding you is worth their time (then you should consider yourself the most unluckiest man on earth), they'll confirm the delivery of the suspect envelope to your house. Then after whatever amount of time the pigs wish to wait (a couple days tops) has expired they will then apply for a search warrant, and then raid your house. If your house is clean and you didn't open the suspect enevelope, then the only thing they have are some seeds and your address. Which isn't enough to charge you with a crime . And by clean I mean no weed or weed related stuff.

Lord Doobie

Ajunta Pall said:
Because opening the envelope proves that you knew what was in it.
Mine came without any return address...totally blank...I honestly didn't know what it was, myself.

Sojourner, you simply got ripped off. Try a reputable house the next time.


I always just use my last name and a differnt first name works like a charm everytime.. i also only put one letter of the first name like a. johnson. u could also use a random letter for your first name and spell your name similar or change a letter or two for its not 100%..


Just remember taking mail from someone elses mail box is a felony. Either ship to a close friend or family member, or ship it to your house. Also setting up a mail box at a mom and pops place is a good idea if you can get one without an id, Remember money talks.

Since the US can go after these seed shippers in other countries (marc emery) They are more concerned with building cases against them then poping some small fish.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I feel the more important thing is not telling anyone about it. I really have no friends so it's easy for me but I would say your 99% safer if your the only one who knows

I like sending them to your parents place, that is if you live next to them. but remember nazi times, where there were those that kept the jews safe, and the ones who turned in the people hiding them, your the only one that can judge if your "safe address" is really that safe


family member that doesnt grow and wont open when it comes, and if green tape then deny everything never heard of them stupid junk mail get the idea. send a few test mails before the big one :)
Not safe, just safer

Not safe, just safer

I have a PO box, but it did require ID. Safer than my house, but not safe. Just like cigarettes, some ways to smoke are safer, but none are totally safe.

I checked my PO Box the other day, and got mail (just a magazine) addressed to the box next to me put in my Box by mistake. The mail was to somebody who used to work for homeland security (and was high up in the military) and now has a consulting business that was in the mailing address! I googled the name and business and it seems like may be legit unless somebody else is using it for a cover.

So if his mail could go in my box, my mail could get in his box (same first name, different last names, but adjacent PO boxes). I haven't ordered anything sketchy for some time, and I never used my real first name, but when this PO box contract expires, you know I wont be renewing it!!!!! Another example of things that could go wrong ....


Active member
Amateurs all of you.

This is what you do:

Order your seeds and have them shipped to a local hotel under "guest (your name)". When you think they should be there, call the hotel and pick them up. If they should ever ask you when you are/were a guest tell them you stayed there a month ago and that the package must have gotten lost. Yes, you will have to show ID to the clerk, but who gives a f%$k about a clerk.

I let the postman know that I have a friend (fictitious) living with me. I send a couple of letters to this phony person in the days/weeks prior to ordering beans to establish that the mail will get delivered. I order beans in this phony name and have them sent to my address.
Some of you just don't get it. You're not trying to protect yourself from the stupid seed order, you're trying to protect the grow location.

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Lord Doobie

^ that's probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard...they'll most certainly check their computer...takes 5 seconds...and when they find out you were never there, hold on to your ID...and probably call the police
Proof your home addy is safe.

Back some years ago, I won a pack of WorldWideSeeds 'Pure Light' from Overgrow.

I was worried about getting them to me, and contemplated using my ex's addy. We are on great terms, and I've sent them there b4 and she just re-sent them to me in a different envelope. No biggie. But this time she was out of town, and wouldn't be back for about 2 weeks. I didn't want to chance them sitting in a mailbox that long, and took a chance.

I sent them my home addy and within a week, I got an envelope postmarked from Switzerland.

Of those 10 seeds, I found a mum that was kept in my harem nearly 5 years. Never an issue. No knocks from da cops ever.

I'm only a small 'fry', and take care of 'home security' well enough I just learned as long as I watch my 6; no growroom trash in regular trash, no noises from room, no huge electric bill, and never EVER tell anyone what you're doing, I see no need to fret it.

Years before at a different addy in a different state, I had cops show up wanting to 'have a look around'. They had received an 'anonymous' call that drugs were being sold at this address, and I pollitely told them if that was the case, they'd be there with warrants, not asking to be let in. Bye Bye now.

If they took every 'anonymous tip' seriously, they'd never have time to write tickets. They'd be too busy chasing their own tails.

In all reality, it's just a matter of knowing your local laws and using common sense.

If you're still uneasy about sending to your own addy, talk to your boss... see about using your work addy. I've done that as well with no problems. I just told 'em at work I have a package coming and in my neighborhood, I didn't trust the crackheads especially the one living next door. They had no problem with it. Package received no problems.



Grinding extra.
I get my seeds sent to a made up name with the same address to my apartment building. I then put a typed sign on the door to leave all packages for said made up name in the bodega. The postmaster knows that packages will get stolen if left in front of the door on the street in Brooklyn. So once my man at the bodega has it, I can just walk in 24 hours a day and get it.

Also, I do not grow at this apartment. So I guess the real answer is have two spots. One clean, one uh.....

And remember, like BlindDate said you are really trying to protect the site. Who really cares about a seed order you can deny and deny and deny. Just send a M.O.

I understand your point though Sojourner. How can so many say they really, truly, never tell anyone, but "sent them to my friend's house, cause he's cool with it."?

Even then, what would they know? That you got seeds sent to you in the mail. You don't have to tell them where you live or what you are doing.


Make sure your co-workers and those who handle the mail aren't too curious before sending them to your employer's address. I did this a few times with no problems, but it was a bit harder to explain away the green-taped, U.S. Customs molested envelope that I got the last time.

... "mmm, I guess my wife isn't getting that special secret gift after all" ...


Active member
that's probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard...they'll most certainly check their computer...takes 5 seconds...and when they find out you were never there, hold on to your ID...and probably call the police

That is probably the dumbest most paranoid analysis of an idea I've ever heard. They will do nothing but hold the package for you. If not having a present or past reservation bothers you, then simply make one.


listen, no way is 100% secure.

here's the reality for the -average- grower:

- sending cash dramatically increases risk of having the envelope stolen and/or just yanked (money orders also). you can work around this by just getting a money order and mailing it with 2-3 pages of computer type on paper. looks like a letter.

- if you have to use a credit card on a seed site, understand this is another way they can get back to you easily if the site/store is raided and the owner gives up anything.

- do not ship to grow address. you can chance it, and you will probably get the beans and nothing will happen, or worst case get your shit snagged by customs, but here's what it comes down to:

even if beans are shipped to your address, under your name...and customs gets them...do you understand how much WORK they have to go through to actually prosecute you? they have to first prove YOU ordered the seeds. even if you use a credit card, they have to contact the company with a warrant to get transaction details from the company. being that they come from overseas, it's MUCH harder to get cooperation with foreign powers to have this done without a true warrant. gypsy nirvana has been dealin beans for YEARS. everyone buys from seed boutique, he's a trustworthy guy. if he gets busted ever, i doubt he will give up anything unless forced to by law (not asked, forced).

so, if you send in a money order, thats obviously untraceable as far as an originating point. so you had seeds sent to your house under your name. ANYONE can do that, nothing proves you ordered them. same concept as junk mail. anyone can mail you shit. you get everything. its not like you ONLY get what you SPECIFICALLY ask for in the mail (haha, if the world was like that...we would hate it...which is why we deal with the junk mail)....

it would be VERY hard to prosecute a case like that, a waste of money, over what? 10 or 20 beans?

and about the cases that people's grow got busted, law enforcement has to have SOME reason to search your home, to obtain a warrant. by saying "oh, marijuana seeds were sent to this address"...that's not enough for a warrant because it proves nothing. that means i can do buy 100 seeds and mail them to all my enemies, and have them all go to prison. fundamentally this isn't something to really worry about - UNLESS your security in other areas is compromised.

- someone in the grow house lets LE in the home
- reasonable suspicion (garbage found with marijuana shake or plant stems, etc.), or even a noticable odor coming from inside
- outside grows (obviously)
- complaints from neighbors ON TOP of the seeds coming in

various things can irk a judge to give police a warrant. if your grow is 100% stealth, and only the trusted know, youre pretty much fine. if you get busted, you get busted. you took the risk.

just send a money order to a trusted seedbank, and have them shipped to a friends house who is either aware of whats coming and is cool with it, and/or if the person is unaware, make something up (ie, you're having porn sent, medications, etc.)

keep in mind, the law doesn't obey the law. theoretically we all wish it would be like i mentioned above, to have a TRUE reason to get a search warrant - but what it comes down to...again...the police & government agencies don't even obey the laws themselves, so it is VERY easy to get to someone if they want to.

in certain cities and certain police departments, they have different priorities depending on the area, contact with crime, etc. some cities mite have a huge influx of shootings in a particular area over ~5 years. they may increase patrols to deter crime for ~1 year. same goes with drugs. high drug activity or -various- reports of something (such as a grow op)...they may investigate. even if cops aren't in your area too much, they CAN be. always think for the worst when it comes to the police.


guy has seeds shipped to home address, where he's growing.

cops come with warrant, raid house, he goes to prison.

lets say this 'guy' was 100% stealth other than the seeds - nobody knew, odor control, no drug activity in area/at his house, etc.

you ask how he got busted then legally? there are CORRUPT judges. if a few cops are buddy-buddy with the judges, do you have any idea how simple it probably is for them to just say "hey...i hear there's this grow op at this address. we dont got enough for reasonable suspicion, can ya help me out?".........judge: "dont mention it. here's the warrant.".....and proceed to make up some bullshit like "anonymous tips came forth", etc.

money order > trusted seedbank > friends address > keep your mouth shut and don't increase activity at your home.