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I've always wanted a lung brush.


Ive found the greatest expectorant to be water. i had a terrible cough for almost two months. now mind u i smoke cancer sticks and weed. i do smoke cigs everyday but around five. anyway i couldnt get rid of this horrible cough but i wanted to do it aruvedically. steam is something i read on the net to loosen phlem. this was good but having to do it 7-8 times a day is not very convienent. then i realized i needed to drinnk more water. 64 ounces is what is recommended. i upped my water intake and in about a week my cough was gone. now i drinnk about 72 ounces of water a day. this keeps plem coming up constantly. when i dont drink my 72 ounces on a regular basis my cough comes back. water is your body's best friend.


What about garlic pill supplements, can I get the same effect by using them instead of eating whole garlic? I already take a multivitamin and a fish oil supplement daily. Probably couldn't hurt I suppose. I drink tons of tea, so maybe thats why I get so much phlem.
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Weird, this morning I took an entire bulb of garlic and mixed it in a food processor. My body was craving it and I've been eating on it all day. Its SOOOOO good I absolutely love... raw garlic... YUMMMY


I made some GOP today in a food processor, Garlic, Onion, Parsley to mix with my steak tonight. I also ate a single clove and it did burn a bit but with some water it went down. I hear you can bake the garlic and mix it with a little sea salt and it goes down better, gonna try that next.


Active member
if you bake garlic, or take garlic extract, you will not get the effect of raw garlic.
the active stuff in the garlic will be ruined.
you cannot beat raw garlic for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, detoxifiing properties.


So what exactly is the recommended way to eat the garlic? I have some cloves but eating the whole clove raw would be hard if I had to do it for more then one at a time or everyday. I maybe could choke one or two down a day but don't think I'd like it.


Active member
this is what i do;
crush 3 raw cloves,
put in mouth,
down the garlic, with some water

i do this twice a day, when i need to clean my lungs.


garlic??? your crazy.

tea is the simplest next to essential oils.

go find an apothecary and make a blend of expectorant herbs drink like two cups a day and your golden in a week.
I use this to cure my bronchitis when it kicks up.

pluerisy root
st johns wort
and a little lavender

add a little organic local honey
thats the taste right there.


Active member
just saying what i've had experience with,

your tea sounds like a good idea,
coltsfoot should be on the list of teas i reckon, i've had good experience with that.


I been eating three cloves a day since I last posted, one in the mornin, two in the evening. At first I ate them plain, then I started cutting them up and eating them with food, raw but mixed in with cooked food. Also the other day I mixed it with some Fruity Pebbles, that was kinda nasty lol. Seems to be helping a bit, not sure if my lungs are cleaner but I feel better...Might stick it out for a week or so and see if it helps. On another note sometimes the garlic gives me gas...LOL most of the time it just causes me to burp but sometime it goes the other way LOL. I did get some stomach cramps the other night, I think it was cause I ate them right before I tried to lay down.
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Active member
crushed garlic is the one, crushing releases the oils! cut garlic doesn't work so well, and gives more gas.
also, never put crushed garlic into an empty stomach, word of experience.
if you haven't got a crusher, just cut them in half, lay the cut side down and squash/crush with the flat side of a knife, then chop it up.

MaryJanes Juice

New member
Wow this is an awesome thread.

I really think essential oils are one key to supreme health.

I'm personally experimenting with them. I get essential oils at the natural food store nearby. I have this one from AuraCacia called Chill Pill.

I want to get a nebulizer. Also I want to stop smoking. I may even have to make my own essential oil from weed to vaporize, so that hopefully I can get the sedative molecules. Maybe I'll also try vaporizing weed leaves. Or get a nebulizer. How dope would that be? Who even has that? Imagine a bunch of friends passing around a nebulizer...or just having a few and friends come over and you just watch a movie with a nebulizer on your face. I have no idea what they look like but thought that was funny.

I want to try lemon oil also. I may just buy some and then put it in some hot water with a towel over my face and breath for awhile...

To me it seems silly to smoke. But at the same time its so easy. But maybe we could do ourselves more favors if we could find a way to really get the full benefit of weed without so much tar. Maybe oils are the answer?