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Southern Cannabis Alliance (SCA manifesto)


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Soulfly.... I did recieve a quick turn around from FEMA, I was pleasantly surprised when the check showed up! I have since bought a new ride and I'm in the process of finding another place now....living in an RV kinda sucks. (no grow)

Yall keep it green... :joint:

Congratulations bud! Glad to hear it was a speedy process, good luck finding a new place to live!

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
high all
I'm new to this site and have been reading alot forums trying to find one that seem to fit me.When i read SOURTHERN CANNIBIS ALLIANCE i just new i was close . I looked at F.U.C.K.E.M. But being born and bread in the south the CSA just seemscloser to home ,well just wanted to say high .

stayhigh stayhappy

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
thanks wishbone i love nothing more than to sit back and chill, With some nice Kind Freinds,etc........

stayhigh stayhappy


Active member
Looks nice wishbone... those are some looong pistils!

I thought that you were growing fms skunk special!? I guess that your just hoping that it turns into a superskunk!!! lol!



Looks nice wishbone... those are some looong pistils!

I thought that you were growing fms skunk special!? I guess that your just hoping that it turns into a superskunk!!! lol!


yea thats it. :bashhead:


whats up people. did some cup lengthing. cut the bottoms of the 32 add about 15 more to cup size. so growth has been lacking till roots get fired up again. but had nice rootballs. next room im going tad bit bigger. i say i need 2os a month. peaccccceeeeee


Active member
^^^ Right on...Looking good wishbone!

I'm really glad to see that a few of them made it... They seem to be happy and healthy.

They should put off some good smoke for ya... :joint:


don't let the pic's fool ya. they are having problems. think its cuz i didn't add any lime. the soil is peat and them white little ball things. "first smoke of the day" . on top of all that my tap's ph keeps changing on me. so im going to get serious bout this "our passion". and first get another cab. have my eye on one at work. next its ether ro water system or something i can do to produce almost ro water. most like the 2nd one. ie money be tight as hells asshole these days. i need to find local lime. just afew words on what crackin over this way. sorry not much is. its going to take alot more work to become self sufficient. peace


:rant: I was reading thru the legalization/acivisim category about how the MJ community had some nice results with Mi, Ma, Hi, Ca & Ar all passing some form of positive mj/mmj type of legislation. The south wasn't representd there...

Is any1 in this thread a member of a pro-mj oranization in your state that organizes grass roots local initiatives to help get smaller bills passed so the big ones can make it thru or just to help open peoples eyes to the injustice of it all? Think about it....if all you see is negative propaganda...then that is what you will believe, rite? Does the common non-smoker ever really hear about the POSITIVE effects of mj? Out of the hundereds of southerners on this site...how many have actually sent letters to their reps about legalization, etc, etc? I'm curious about these things cuz I was checking NORML's site & this line caught my attention....here it is:
[I]"NORML celebrates both victories and recognizes that neither would have been possible without the grassroots efforts of Michigan and Massachusetts state activists — who laid the groundwork for both campaigns by successfully passing a series of similar, municipal initiatives over the past several years.[/I] Now substitute Michigan & Mass with your own state...can you really imagine that feeling if it did pass? As of December 4th, 2008.....it will no longer be illegal to grow mj in your state!!!! You could really come "out of the closet" or crawl out from that basement!!! We just gotta make it happen...."if it's to be, then it's up to me"!!

It all starts with us!!! We can help to effect change too! Just think if each one of us showed 10 friends/family members how to send a simple form letter thru NORML's website to our local state reps....what if 5 of those people actually really did send one letter....& showed 10 of there friends & so on & so on! If a local rep goes from getting a handful of mmj/mj reform requests every month, to recieveing hundreds every month....they will have to take notice!!!

I think a major reason mj is not more widely accepted, IMO, is due to the lack of unity & cohesiveness within the several fragmented pro-mj organizations.

If one Southern state falls...the rest will follow!!
It's gotta start somewhere, so why not with ME? I'm going make a flyer with some facts on it & web links & pass on to friends, so they can do the same to there friends. Most smokers just don't know about Norml, MPP, LEAp, etc, etc. They don't know about federal bills up for vote, how to email state reps about MJ laws, etc, etc...I vow to get the word out & open the eyes of those that are receptive...so they can "pay it forward". A small ripple creates a wave & it's time....

If anyone here would like to be accountable to another & do some things in their area....hit me up on PM...we can bounce ideas/results off each other & the beauty is....we never have to know each others real identities or even meet face to face. :rant:

Yeah, I'm high rite now...but I'm ssssoooo serious about this...LoL. Thanks for taking the time to read my post...
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Well got 26 more days of this program then I'm done.

Been getting so pretty good stuff.
Ice bud
and now got
Trainwreck x Hashplant


Active member
Good to see ya TheOneWill....

I managed to find some Kush last week and some Sour Diesel a few days ago...

Problem is.... the stuff is WAAAAAY to pricey.

It's killer....but I have a problem paying that much for herb.

In fact....this was the first time that I've bought weed in over 2 years.

That sour diesel is some funky ass bud with a side order of stank....but the kush wins out in the taste department.



Some trainwreck came by.
20 more days.
All this medical bud and no smoking. FTL


the Revenant
randude101 said:
I get Brick. Reminds me of Thai, but still a nasty smoke.

Yeah thats a mainstay in the south and southern "KB" is always beasters. But the thing is southerners are broke and wont buy 65 dollar 8ths of herb thats actaully worth it.