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can I write off a busted grow?



I hear you man, Us canadians would not put up with be ocupied... well maybe as long as the weed and beer and hockey kept going hahaha


New member
Im Canadian, and I would have to side with the American perspective (if you want to call it that) on this one without a doubt.

Life is about survival, and protecting what is yours.... Im sure you could pretend we all live on lollipop island and the "bad people" dont exist, or dont threaten you.

Some of us are more realistic, if someone is entering your home.. what is their intention? Home invasions are not always robberies... Sometimes they are murders, sometimes rape, kidnapping...

Hate to say it, but fuck that, if you are breaking into and entering MY home, I will use whatever force required to stop you from doing so, if that force happens to be the barrel of a rifle, so be it.

Most people are defending children, wives, husbands, etc.. I think thats where the misconception begins, if you have what I would call a pussycat approach, you are convinced someone breaking and entering is only after material. If that was the case, would they not stake you out? Enter when you are on vacation? If you are home, wouldnt it be fair to assume they have assumed that and are armed?

Where I live a man broke into a home, subdued the husband and raped the wife. stole whatever he could carry on exit (small items) and was never caught.

put yourself in his shoes... and keep dreaming... IT HAPPENS. some of us are prepared, and some arent. Unless you plan on breaking into houses why are you concerned with peoples means to self preservation/defence.

If you are Canadian, the PAL license is fairly simple to pass if you have no criminal history/mental health concerns. With the massive influxes of immigrants coming from countries with far different approaches to conflict and far less moral standards and respect for life canada is no walk in the park....

give it some time, youll come around.. I hope you dont, hehe, but lets stop painting this picture of canadians as peacemaking leftists.


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ICMag Donor
If someone wants to occupy you and your country, you won't have anything to say about it. Nothing to say that matters anyway. You will simply be at the mercy of those who want to gain control over you, and other pacifist, America hating assholes like you.
You will do what they say, when they say to do it, or else.
Cry all you want...and ask for some constructive dialogue with your occupiers maybe... it will do no good, because you are weak and without protection.
Mouth off too much and find your hockey stick run up your lilly white ass by your occupiers.
You will be exposed for what you are...simply minded puppets, with very little exposure to the real world.
I know just exactly where you and your puppet friends would be crawling to for help.

But then, simple minds don't have the capacity to see that such things can occur in today's world. They are too busy swilling nasty beer, consuming third rate weed, and bitching about how Americans are all cowboys.
And why do they do this? Because they are jealous fucks that have probably never been out of their little woods.
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You know what I'm not even gonna bother reading your post, just shut the fu*k up. Go hump your sister and have a nice day :wave:


trippytroll said:
Im Canadian, and I would have to side with the American perspective (if you want to call it that) on this one without a doubt.

Life is about survival, and protecting what is yours.... Im sure you could pretend we all live on lollipop island and the "bad people" dont exist, or dont threaten you.

Some of us are more realistic, if someone is entering your home.. what is their intention? Home invasions are not always robberies... Sometimes they are murders, sometimes rape, kidnapping...

Hate to say it, but fuck that, if you are breaking into and entering MY home, I will use whatever force required to stop you from doing so, if that force happens to be the barrel of a rifle, so be it.

Most people are defending children, wives, husbands, etc.. I think thats where the misconception begins, if you have what I would call a pussycat approach, you are convinced someone breaking and entering is only after material. If that was the case, would they not stake you out? Enter when you are on vacation? If you are home, wouldnt it be fair to assume they have assumed that and are armed?

Where I live a man broke into a home, subdued the husband and raped the wife. stole whatever he could carry on exit (small items) and was never caught.

put yourself in his shoes... and keep dreaming... IT HAPPENS. some of us are prepared, and some arent. Unless you plan on breaking into houses why are you concerned with peoples means to self preservation/defence.

If you are Canadian, the PAL license is fairly simple to pass if you have no criminal history/mental health concerns. With the massive influxes of immigrants coming from countries with far different approaches to conflict and far less moral standards and respect for life canada is no walk in the park....

give it some time, youll come around.. I hope you dont, hehe, but lets stop painting this picture of canadians as peacemaking leftists.

This is not what I was saying, I know we don't live in lollypop land... But seriously I can goto the bar and call some guy a faggot if a want and not have to worry about getting shot... yah sure I'll get beat down.. maybe even hospitalized.. maybe I'll even die. But I'm not going to get shot, guns are a big part of the problem, any pussy ( like hoosierdaddy ) can pull a trigger on a gun.. if they wern't around killen would be a hell of a lot harder and people might actually think about their doing.

But i do see your point on the immigrants no having the same values.. those are pretty much the types I don't deal with, we have a few Asian gangs here that you might get shot if you mess with... things are getting worse I'll give you that.
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Ajunta Pall

statictattoo said:
guns are a big part of the problem, any pussy ( like hoosierdaddy ) can pull a trigger on a gun.. if they wern't around killen would be a hell of a lot harder and people might actually think about their doing

I like how guns are the problem. Guns are naught but a tool. By taking away the gun, do really believe you would take away the urge to kill? The crossbow was hated as much during its day as the gun is today by "peace loving people". The English enacted laws against them during the 1500s the reason being that any old peasant can pick one up and kill knights with it. This weapon was used for hundreds of years. Only to be replaced by the gun.

I'm not a big fan of guns myself, but if everyone else around me is armed, then why should i be the only asshole on my block w/out a gun?


gets some
Ajunta Pall said:
I like how guns are the problem. Guns are naught but a tool. By taking away the gun, do really believe you would take away the urge to kill? The crossbow was hated as much during its day as the gun is today by "peace loving people". The English enacted laws against them during the 1500s the reason being that any old peasant can pick one up and kill knights with it. This weapon was used for hundreds of years. Only to be replaced by the gun.

I'm not a big fan of guns myself, but if everyone else around me is armed, then why should i be the only asshole on my block w/out a gun?

Good point. Gun-free England is working on "knife control" laws now. People are going to harm each other no matter what tool they use. Sure, a gun is an easier and more efficient tool but the principle of people harming each other is still there and can't be legislated away.

Now when it comes to business, if you need to be carrying heat then you are probably dealing with the wrong people.


New member
statictattoo said:
This is not what I was saying, I know we don't live in lollypop land... But seriously I can goto the bar and call some guy a faggot if a want and not have to worry about getting shot... yah sure I'll get beat down.. maybe even hospitalized.. maybe I'll even die. But I'm not going to get shot, guns are a big part of the problem, any pussy ( like hoosierdaddy ) can pull a trigger on a gun.. if they wern't around killen would be a hell of a lot harder and people might actually think about their doing.

I completely agree with you. Im not defending carrying guns, nor would I ever consider it, Im defending having guns in your home.

If you called me a faggot at a bar, Id hit you in the face, if you ended up knocking me out, I would never consider going to get a gun or anything like that, Id probably take a few more boxing lessons and see if I could find you again!! lol :)

your problem is with gangbanging pieces of shit, so is mine!!! Only difference is my willingness to shoot one pending they enter my home.

I think a gun is a completely justifiable method of self defense, in moderation.... (in your home). its just a matter of eliminating the middleman, you can call the police, wait 15 minutes to 3-5 hours (pending location) sometimes even a no-show, risking your life and that of your family in the meantime. Or defend yourself.

I agree though, gun control is really lacking, but with or without appropriate laws, these problems would still exist, and any changes would just hinder the power we have as (almost) law abiding citizens.


Active member
ICMag Donor
statictattoo said:
But seriously I can goto the bar and call some guy a faggot if a want and not have to worry about getting shot...
I'm certain that at the bars you hang in, faggot is a term of endearment.


I think the issue has been twisted and muddled. There is merit to both sides of the argument, but implying that having a gun in the home to protect against armed invaders is the same as packing a gun around everywhere you go or for "business deals" is crazy. They are not even close to the same thing.

I feel that when someone invades another person's home they deserve whatever happens to them, the choice is theirs by entering the home. I find it hard to believe that people like thule would sit by and try to talk their way out of a situation where someone has invaded his home and has a gun to his wife/loved one's head. The only thing a baseball bat would do in that type of situation is get the loved one shot.

PB was not out with his gun trying to make money or be a tough guy, someone attacked him in his OWN home and he simply defended himself. If he was at a bar talking shit or just trying to protect his dope that would be one thing, but he was protecting his life... big difference.